Emerich Ivanka Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Emerich Ivanka von Draskocz-Jordanföld (1818-1896) Abgeordneter zum Reichsrat, Generaldirektor der ungarischen Nordbahn. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, ca.1880
Josef Wagner Hamlet Litho
Deutsch: Josef Wagner (1818-1870), österreichischer Schauspieler. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1858. Rollenbild als Hamlet.
Jolin, Johan av Falander
sv:Johan Jolin (1818-1884), Swedish actor, playwright, song writer and translator. Svenska: sv:Johan Jolin (1818-1884), svensk skådespelare, pjäs- och sångtextförfattare samt översättare.
Jacques-Philippe Rhéaume
Jacques-Philippe Rhéaume Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Giuseppe-Efisio-Taranto-sm, Italy
Joseph Toronto (born Giuseppe Taranto) (June 25, 1818 – July 6, 1883) was the first Italian convert to the Latter Day Saint movement and was one of the first missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latte... More
Sylvia Porter Sessions Lyon Clark
Photo of Sylvia Porter Sessions Lyon Clark, plural wife of Joseph Smith Jr.
牧志朝忠 - Public domain portrait print
Makishi Chōchū (1818 - 1862)日本語: 牧志朝忠の肖像画。唐名は向永功。
Francis Marcus Beresford, Vanity Fair, 1876-05-13
Statesmen No.222: Caricature of Mr Marcus Beresford MP. Caption reads: "Southwark"
Moritz Friedrich Röll Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Moritz Friedrich Röll (1818-1907), österreichischer Tieraarzt und Fachschriftsteller. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, 1860
Edward Scull (Pennsylvania Congressman)
Edward Scull (Pennsylvania Congressman) Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Adam-Charles-Gustave Desmazures
Photograph of Adam-Charles-Gustave Desmazures (1818-1891). Public domain photograph of Catholic Church priest, clergy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
StateLibQld 1 101316, Queensland, Australia
Alfred William Compigne (1818–1909) was a Queensland squatter and member of the first Queensland Legislative Council[1][2]
Jacques Marie Frangile Bigot (1818-1893)
Jacques Marie Frangile Bigot (1818-1893), French entomologistEspañol: Jacques Marie Frangile Bigot (1818-1893), entomólogo francés
Antonio da Silva Tullio - O Occidente (21Jan1884)
António da Silva Túlio (1818-1884), Portuguese writer and historian Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bogumil Dawison Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Bogumil Dawison (1818-1872), polnisch-deutscher Schausoieler. Lithographie von Franz Hanfstaengl, ca. 1850
Emil DuBois-Reymond Litho - Public domain scenic engraving
Deutsch: Emil Du Bois-Reymond (1818-1896), deutscher Physiologe. Lithographie von Rudolf Hoffmann, 1861. Nach einer Fotografie von Wilhelm Halffteer / Berlin
Nedelmann, Ernst - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Deutsch: Der Kaufmann Ernst Nedelmann (1818-1888) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Prince August of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Prince August of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha , (b. Vienna, 13 June 1818 - d. Schloß Ebenthal, 26 July 1881), Magyar: August Ludwig Viktor (1818-1881) Szász–Coburg–Gothai-házi herceg
Thomas sowler
Thomas Sowler (1818-1891), Manchester newspaper proprietor
Purcell O'Gorman, Vanity Fair, 1875-03-13
Statesmen No.197: Caricature of Maj Purcell O'Gorman MP (1818-1888). Caption reads: "The joker for Waterford."
Barbour Lewis - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Barbour Lewis, US Representative from Tennessee
Marie of Württemberg (1818-1888)
Public domain photograph of portrait painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tomas Ep Z
Español: Don Tomás de Epalza y Zubaran.
Lars Ersson Vik
Swedish politician from late nineteenth century Svenska: Svensk 1800-talspolitiker
August-Dächsel-2 - A black and white photo of a man wearing a hat
Deutsch: August Dächsel (1818-1901), evangelischer Theologe und Pfarrer mit etwa 80 Jahren
Josef Xaver Adam Wratislaw Litho
Deutsch: Josef Xaver Adam Graf Wratislaw (1818-1869), Oberstküchenmeister bei Kaiser Franz Joseph I.
Josef Wagner Dauthage Litho
Deutsch: Josef Wagner (1818-1870) österreichischer Schauspieler. Rollenbild. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, 1858
Jose Maria Castro Madriz
Dr. José María Castro Madriz (1818-1892), President of Costa Rica Español: Dr. José María Castro Madriz (1818-1892), President de Costa Rica
Charles gounod - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Français : Charles Gounod licence : source : http://www.imedici.mcgill.ca/imediciengl/composers/gounod_c/charles_gounod.htm
Christian Soerensen - Public domain portrait print
Christian Sörensen, inventor of the typesetting machine "Tacheotyp" Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wellington Henry Stapleton-Cotton, Vanity Fair, 1888-05-05
Statesmen No.542: Caricature of The Viscount Combermere. Caption reads: "Horses"
UK Lawyer Henry Thring, Vanity Fair, 1893-06-29
Statesmen No.614: Caricature of Lord Thring. Caption reads: "He has written on Companies"
Brockhaus and Efron Jewish Encyclopedia e14 234-0
Русский: Иллюстрация из Еврейской энциклопедии Брокгауза и Ефрона (1906—1913). Симон, Джон, сэр — выдающийся английский политический и общественный деятель, род. в 1818 г. на острове Ямайке, ум. в Лондоне в 18... More
Mr Samuel Charles MLC
Mr Samuel Charles MLC Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Leopold von Hasner Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Leopold von Hasner (1818-1891), österreichischer Nationalökonom, Ppolitiker. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, 1861
Wiktor Zbyszewski - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Polski: Wiktor Zbyszewski- adwokat, burmistrz Rzeszowa Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait photogrpah of José Amat, composer
Français : Portrait de José Z. Amat conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, mis à disposition sur Gallica
Jean-Baptiste-Zacharie Bolduc
Jean-Baptiste-Zacharie Bolduc Public domain photograph of a priest, clergy, bishop, portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Louis-François Richer Laflèche
Louis-François Richer Laflèche (1818-1898) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
En Christianiensers Erindringer fra 1850- og 60-Aarene - no-nb digibok...
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken "En Christianiensers Erindringer fra 1850- og 60-Aarene" av Nielsen, Yngvar og utgitt av Gyldendal (Kristiania, 1910). Sorenskriver Rolf Olsen (1818-1864)
Mary Anne Everett Green
Chalk drawing of Mary Anne Everett Green, probably in the 1850s, by her husband George Pycock Green (1811–1893).
Taguchi shunpei. Japanese empire during World War Two.
オランダへ渡った田口俊平 (付知町・慶応元年) 勝海舟らとともに渡蘭した際、現地にて撮影したもの。
Montaudon, Jean Baptiste Alexandre
"M. le général Montaudon, élu député de la Somme le 6 janvier".
Wilhelm Metzerich Litho
Deutsch: Wilhelm Metzerich (1818-1867) Lyriker, Völkerkundler. Lithographie von Josef Anton Bauer, 1851
Nitzsch, Karl Wilhelm (1818-1880)
Deutsch: Karl Wilhelm Nitzsch (1818–1880) Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
John W. Jones 1817-1900 former slave, abolitionist, Underground Railro...
John W. Jones was born into slavery in Virginia, and escaped to live in Elmira, New York, where he was active in the Underground Railroad.
Josef Slavy Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Josef Slavy (1818-1900); hungatian statesman Lithograph by Adolf Dauthage From "Das Parlament" published by A. Eckstein, ViennaDeutsch: Josef Slavy (1818-1900); ungarischer Staatsmann Lithographie von Adolf ... More
Wilhelm Eichler von Eichkron Litho
Deutsch: Wilhelm Eichler von Eichkron (1818-1892), Freiherr, deutsch-östereichischer Eisenbahntechniker und Bauunternehmer. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, 1865
Deutsch: William Heinrich Georg Eduard von Goeben (* 30. Juli 1818 in Stade; † 19. April 1902 in Lauenstein (Kreis Hameln)) war königlich preußischer General der Infanterie und zuletzt Kommandant der Festung Mainz.
Vicente Manuel Cociña
Vicente Manuel Cociña Public domain photograph, male portrait, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ie Chōchoku. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Ie Chōchoku (1818 - 1896) 日本語: 尚健・伊江王子朝直中文(繁體): 尚健(伊江王子朝直)
Takenokoshi Masatomi - Public domain portrait photograph
日本語: 竹腰正富の肖像写真。
Townsend Elijah Taylor
Townsend Elijah Taylor (1818–1883) was an early Protestant missionary to the Kingdom of Hawaii from the United States. He was husband of Persis Goodale Thurston.
Johann Stilger - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Deutsch: Johann Stilger (* 18. Januar 1817 in Niederbrechen; † 7. März 1876 in Wicker) war Landwirt und nassauischer Landtagsabgeordneter.
Jakob Altenkopf Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Jakob Altenkopf (geb. 1818), österreichischer Maler. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, 1854.
Napoleon III. Hoffmann Litho
Deutsch: Napoleon III. Kaiser der Franzosen (1818-1881), Lithographie von Rudolf Hoffmann, ca. 1860
Leijonacker 1860 - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Svenska: Vattenbyggaren F. W. Leijonacker, Stockholm 1860-tal Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Thomas Lawrence Master Lambton - Public domain portrait painting
Public domain portrait of a child, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Thomas Coupe Grave Marker
Grave marker of Captain Thomas Coupe, early settler of Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington. Located in historical section of Sunnyside cemetery in Central Whidbey island.
Okubo Ichio. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Portrait of Okubo Ichio (大久保一翁, 1818 – 1888)
Todoroki Buhei. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: ja:轟武兵衛 Public domain photograph, Japanese official male portrait, Edo period, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Thomasson, Pehr (omslag) - Public domain portrait photograph
sv:Pehr Thomasson (1818-1883), Swedish author. Cover of a pothumous collection of his historical short stories. Svenska: sv:Pehr Thomasson (1818-1883), svensk författare. Omslaget till en postum samlingsutgåv... More
Emmerich von Babarczy Litho
Deutsch: Emmerich Freiherr von Babarczy (1818-1881), k. k. Feldmarschallleutnant, Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1851
Georg Decker Litho - Public domain scenic engraving
Deutsch: Georg Decker (1818-1894), österreichischer Maler und Lithograph. Lithographie von Gabriel Decker, ca. 1850
Teodoro La Rosa - Public domain portrait engraving
Español: Teodoro La Rosa (1818 - 1882) abogado, jurista, magistrado y político peruano. Fue presidente del Consejo de Ministros (1876-1877) y ministro de Justicia e Instrucción (1868-1869 y 1876-1877).
Tran Dinh Tuc
Tiếng Việt: Hiệp biện Đại học sĩ Trần Đình Túc中文(繁體): 協辦大學士陳廷肅
Visitenkarte eines eleganten Herren
Deutsch: Visitenkarte vermutlich Louis Walker, Geschäftspartner von Lambert Sachs. Vor- und Rückseite, 10,1 x 5,6 cm
François X. Matthieu
A photograph of an elderly F. X. Matthieu from The Oregonian, January 5, 1908.
Kanenori Ichikawa. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 市川兼恭(1818~1899) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hieronymus Anton Jarisch Litho
Deutsch: Hieronymus Anton Jarisch (1818-1890), Priester, Schulmann, Taubstummenpädagoge. Lithographie von Franz Eybl, 1855
Caroline Sturgis Tappan, George Eastman Museum
Photograph of American writer Caroline Sturgis Tappan (1818-1888) by studio Southworth & Hawes. Digital version courtesy of George Eastman Museum, Rochester, New York. Believed to be in the public domain due to age.
Karl Remigius Fresenius Litho (cropped)
Deutsch: Karl Remigius Fresenius (1818-1897), deutscher Chemiker. Lithographie von Rudolf Hoffmann, 1860. Nach einer Photographie von Wagner in Wiesbaden.
Elpis melena 1 - A woman riding a horse with a dog
Marie Espérance von Schwartz (Elpis Melena) with her horse in Crete
Jules DECROIX - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Français : Provenance généalogie Henri Decroix et familles rattachées. Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Oimikado Iekoto - Public domain portrait photograph
日本語: 大炊御門家信の肖像写真。
Tod Caldwell
Tod Robinson Caldwell, NC Governor 1870 - 1874; was also NC's first Lt. Governor serving from the establishment of that office in 1868 through 1870. From the Barden Collection, State Archives of North Carolina... More
Козьма Солдатёнков - Public domain scenic painting
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Harrison G. O. Blake 166th Ohio Infantry
Harrison G. O. Blake, 166th Ohio Infantry during American Civil War.
Caesarine Kupfer-Gomansky - Public domain portrait print
Actress Caesarine Kupfer-Gomansky (1818-1886) Public domain photograph - 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Cornelius Van Alen Van Dyck (died 1895)
Cornelius Van Alen Van Dyck
Adrien Bourcin Dubouché par A. Lafond 1881
Public domain image of a male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
John T. Metcalfe
Dr. John T. Metcalfe
Alexander Smith (Yonkers, New York)
Alexander Smith (1818-1878), carpet company founder, Congressman-elect Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Zaynul Muqarrabin - A black and white photo of a man with a long beard
Mullá Zaynul-ʻÁbidín (May 1818 − 1903) was a prominent Iranian Baha'i and secretary of Baha'u'llah.
Pieśni ludu krakowskiego
Pieśni ludu krakowskiego Public domain photograph related to Polish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fotografia de cuchares 1857
Picryl description: Public domain image of a uniform, military personnel, armed forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Montagu David Scott Vanity Fair 1882-06-10
Caricature of Montagu David Scott MP. Caption read "East Sussex". Public domain scan - Vanity Fair illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sir John Simon Vanity Fair 25 September 1886
Caricature of Sir John Simon Kt MP. Caption read "The Serjeant".
Rudolf Ditmar Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Rudolf Ditmar (1818-1895) deutscher Lampenfabrikant. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, 1863
Edmond de Bovis - Public domain print
Français : portrait Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Deutsch: Friedrich Karl Pruss von Zglinicki (* 25. Februar 1818; † 1. Oktober 1886), Kommandant von Glogau
General von Treskow - A black and white photo of a man in uniform
Deutsch: General Hermann Heinrich Theodor von Tresckow (* 1. Mai 1818 in Blankenfelde; † 20. April 1900 in Wartenberg in der Neumark) war ein preußischer General der Infanterie English: general von Treskow
Ambrosio José Gonzales
Abrosio José Gonzales in Confederate States Army uniform Public domain photograph, male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wilhelm Herchenbach - Public domain portrait drawing
Deutsch: Wilhelm Herchenbach, deutscher Schriftsteller des 19. JahrhundertsEnglish: Wilhelm Herchenbach, writer in 19th-century Germany
Mathilde of Schaumburg-Lippe - Public domain portrait print
Princess Mathilde of Schaumburg-Lippe Public domain photograph, 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Johan Magnus Wikström
Swedish politician from late nineteenth century Svenska: Svensk 1800-talspolitiker
David Lewis Macpherson - An old photo of a man with a long beard
MacPherson, David Lewis Hon. Sir (Senator) Minister without Portfolio. (Wearing robes of Speaker of the Senate) Sept. 12, 1818 - Aug. 16, 1896
Benjamin F. Johnson - A black and white photo of a man with a long bea...
Photo of Benjamin F. Johnson, at age 69, an early member of Latter Day Saint movement, and a member of the Council of Fifty.
Hasebe Yoshitsura. Japanese empire during World War Two.
日本語: 長谷部恕連 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Delpech, Auguste Louis Dominique
Français : "M. le docteur Delpech, conseiller municipal de la Seine, décédé à Bobourg (Seine-et-Marne), le 5 septembre".