A complete treatise of practical navigation demonstrated from it's (si...
Fleuron from book: A complete treatise of practical navigation demonstrated from it's [sic] first principles: with all the necessary tables. To which are added, the useful theorems of mensuration, ... By Archi... More
A supplement to the Philosophia Britannica Fleuron T025346-5
Fleuron from book: A supplement to the Philosophia Britannica. Appendix I. Containing New Experiments in electricity, and The Method of making artificial magnets. Illustrated with Copper-Plates. By Benjamin Martin.
A treatise on civil architecture Fleuron T051636-4
Fleuron from book: A treatise on civil architecture, in which the principles of that art are laid down, and illustrated by a great number of plates, accurately designed, and elegantly engraved by the best hand... More
The holy war, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus; for the regaining of the ...
Fleuron from book: The holy war, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus; for the regaining of the metropolis of the world; or the losing and taking again of the town of Mansoul. By John Bunyan, Author of the Pilgrim's ... More
The manual exercise, for the Dorsetshire regiment of militia. Fleuron ...
Fleuron from book: The manual exercise, for the Dorsetshire regiment of militia.
The world displayed; or, a curious collection of voyages and travels, ...
Fleuron from book: The world displayed; or, a curious collection of voyages and travels, selected from the writers of all nations. In which the conjectures and interpolations of several vain editors and transl... More
A letter from the Dublin apothecary to the Cork surgeon; on the subjec...
Fleuron from book: A letter from the Dublin apothecary to the Cork surgeon; on the subject of an invasion of Ireland by the French.
A new method of propagating fruit-trees Fleuron T122467-5
Fleuron from book: A new method of propagating fruit-trees, and flowering shrubs: Whereby The common Kinds may be raised more expeditiously; and several curious Exotics increased, which will not take Root from... More
Advice from a bishop- in a Series of Letters To a Young clergyman. Fle...
Fleuron from book: Advice from a bishop: in a Series of Letters To a Young clergyman.
Demonstrations of religion and virtue. In two discourses. Fleuron N006...
Fleuron from book: Demonstrations of religion and virtue. In two discourses.
Letters from an old man to a young prince; with the answers Fleuron T0...
Fleuron from book: Letters from an old man to a young prince; with the answers. Translated from the Swedish. To which are prefixed those of Her present Majesty to her son. ...
Poems upon several occasions Fleuron T123364-2
Fleuron from book: Poems upon several occasions. By the Reverend Mr. John Pomfret. Viz. I. The choice. II. Love Triumphant over Reason. III. Cruelty and Lust. IV. On the Divine Attributes. V. A Prospect of Dea... More
The famous history of Montelion, Knight of the Oracle, Son to the True...
Fleuron from book: The famous history of Montelion, Knight of the Oracle, Son to the True Mirrour of Princes, the most Renowned Persicles, King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, unfortunate love, perillou... More
The life of King Henry V. Written by Shakespear. Fleuron T062221-2
Fleuron from book: The life of King Henry V. Written by Shakespear.
The signs of the times, illustrated and improved Fleuron T116403-2
Fleuron from book: The signs of the times, illustrated and improved. In a sermon preached At the Evening-Lecture In the Old-Jewry, on Sunday, October 21, 1759. On occasion of the surrender of Quebec to His Maj... More
The trials of all the pirates at the Admiralty sessions at the Old-Bai...
Fleuron from book: The trials of all the pirates at the Admiralty sessions at the Old-Bailey; with the remarkable trial of Capt. Joseph Halsey, for the Murder of two of his Sailors; with his behaviour, confess... More
Twelve sonatinas, or Easy Lessons for the harpsichord Chiefly intended...
Fleuron from book: Twelve sonatinas, or Easy Lessons for the harpsichord Chiefly intended for the Improvement of Young Practitioners. Composed in various Styles, by George Berg Op: III.
A new method of propagating fruit-trees Fleuron T199423-2
Fleuron from book: A new method of propagating fruit-trees, and Flowering Shrubs: whereby the common kinds may be raised more expeditiously; and several curious exotics increased, which will not take root from... More
A treatise of captures in war. By Richard Lee, Esq. Fleuron T112924-4
Fleuron from book: A treatise of captures in war. By Richard Lee, Esq.
London courtship; or, a new road to matrimony Fleuron T119978-2
Fleuron from book: London courtship; or, a new road to matrimony. Consisting of original letters which passed between a celebrated young lady of the City of London and several of her suitors.
Ovid's Art of love, In three books Fleuron T181145-1
Fleuron from book: Ovid's Art of love, In three books. Together with his Remedy of love. Translated into English verse, by several eminent hands. Part first. To which are added, The court of love. And The hist... More
The art of farriery both in theory and practice; containing the causes...
Fleuron from book: The art of farriery both in theory and practice; containing the causes, symptoms, and cure of all diseases incident to horses. With anatomical descriptions, illustrated with cuts, For the be... More
The history of Joseph. A poem. In ten books. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. F...
Fleuron from book: The history of Joseph. A poem. In ten books. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe.
The life of Frederick III Fleuron T178539-2
Fleuron from book: The life of Frederick III. King of Prussia. Containing the most authentic and best account of that great monarch ever yet published; faithfully brought down to the present Year. This little ... More
The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England,...
Fleuron from book: The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Containing, I. An Account of the Chancellor's Life from his Birth to the Re... More
The vegetable system Fleuron T050668-4
Fleuron from book: The vegetable system. Or, a series of experiments, and observations tending to explain the internal structure, and the life of plants; their Growth, and Propagation; The number, proportion, ... More
Chronographiæ Asiaticæ et Ægyptiacæ specimen. - Fleuron T120502-1
Fleuron from book: Chronographiæ Asiaticæ et Ægyptiacæ specimen. ...
Corderii colloquiorum centuria selecta- or, a select century of Corder...
Fleuron from book: Corderii colloquiorum centuria selecta: or, a select century of Corderius' colloquies. With an English translation as literal as possible; designed for the use of beginners in the Latin tong... More
La henriade de Monsieur de Voltaire Fleuron T140398-1
Fleuron from book: La henriade de Monsieur de Voltaire. Nouvelle édition. Considérablement augmentée. Enrichie de figures en taille-douce. Tome Premier.
Letters from an old man to a young prince; with the answers Fleuron T0...
Fleuron from book: Letters from an old man to a young prince; with the answers. Translated from the Swedish. To which are prefixed those of Her present Majesty to her son. ...
The complete measurer- or, the whole art of measuring Fleuron T133471-...
Fleuron from book: The complete measurer: or, the whole art of measuring. In two parts. The first part teaching decimal arithmetic, with the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. And also the Multiplication... More
The complete measurer- or, the whole art of measuring Fleuron T133471-...
Fleuron from book: The complete measurer: or, the whole art of measuring. In two parts. The first part teaching decimal arithmetic, with the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. And also the Multiplication... More
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Jones Fleuron T027926-2
Fleuron from book: A letter to the Reverend Mr. Jones. Chaplain of St. Saviour's, Southwark. By Joseph Stokes, A. M. Curate of Allhallows Steyning.
A treatise on the three different digestions, and discharges of the hu...
Fleuron from book: A treatise on the three different digestions, and discharges of the human body. And the diseases of their principal organs. By Edward Barry, M. D. F. R. S. Professor of Physic in the Univers... More
An act for sale of part of the settled estates of Thomas Buckley Esqui...
Fleuron from book: An act for sale of part of the settled estates of Thomas Buckley Esquire in the county of Lancaster, for discharging an Incumbrance affecting the same, prior to his Marriage Settlement.
An apology for the clergy Fleuron T022226-2
Fleuron from book: An apology for the clergy. In which the Reasoning and Utility of the Bishop of London's late Charge, are impartially considered. To which is added, a proposal to make Residence more general ... More
Cleone. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garde...
Fleuron from book: Cleone. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Written by R. Dodsley.
Cleone. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garde...
Fleuron from book: Cleone. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Written by R. Dodsley.
Cymbeline- King of Britain Fleuron N026580-4
Fleuron from book: Cymbeline: King of Britain. A tragedy, written by Shakespear. With some alterations, by Charles Marsh. As it was agreed to be acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.
Dewisol ganiadau yr oeshon Fleuron T129269-4
Fleuron from book: Dewisol ganiadau yr oeshon. Yn ddwy Rhann Y Rhann Gyntaf. Sydd yn cynwys Englynion, Cywyd dau ac awdlau o waith yr Awduriaid goreu yn yr Oes Bresenol. Yr ail Rhann. Carolau Plygain a Cherddi... More
Philosophia Britannica- or Fleuron N012262-4
Fleuron from book: Philosophia Britannica: or, a new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philosophy, atronomy [sic], and geographys [sic], in a course of twelve lectures, with notes; Containing The Physi... More
The britannic constitution- or, the fundamental form of government in ...
Fleuron from book: The britannic constitution: or, the fundamental form of government in Britain. Demonstrating, the original contract entered into by King and people, according to the Primary Institutions the... More
The British negociator- or, foreign exchanges made perfectly easy Fleu...
Fleuron from book: The British negociator: or, foreign exchanges made perfectly easy. Containing tables for all the various courses of exchange from, and the several coins equated of, Holland, Hamburgh, German... More
The complete measurer- or, the whole art of measuring Fleuron T133471-...
Fleuron from book: The complete measurer: or, the whole art of measuring. In two parts. The first part teaching decimal arithmetic, with the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. And also the Multiplication... More
The roman revenge, a tragedy. By Aaron Hill, Esq; as it was acted at t...
Fleuron from book: The roman revenge, a tragedy. By Aaron Hill, Esq; as it was acted at the Theatre in Bath.
A new and comprehensive system of mathematical institutions, agreeable...
Fleuron from book: A new and comprehensive system of mathematical institutions, agreeable to the present state of the Newtonian mathesis. ... . Containing the Institutes, or Principles of I. Arithmetic, Vulgar... More
An act for confirming and establishing an exchange agreed to be made b...
Fleuron from book: An act for confirming and establishing an exchange agreed to be made between the most noble John Duke of Bedford and Ambrose Reddall gentleman, Judy his Wife, and Elizabeth their only Child.
Corrected to the 3d of Feb Fleuron T217911-2
Fleuron from book: Corrected to the 3d of Feb. 1759. The second edition of the court and city register. For the year 1759. Containing, I. An almanack. II. New and correct lists of both Houses of Parliament. II... More
Dissertations, essays, and discourses, etc. in prose and verse. By Dr....
Fleuron from book: Dissertations, essays, and discourses, &c. in prose and verse. By Dr. Fortescue. ...
Essay on man Fleuron T005655-4
Fleuron from book: Essay on man. Der Mensch ein philosophisches Gedichte von Alexander Pope. Deutsche Uebersetzung. Mit der engländischen Urschrift nach der letzen vermehrten Ausgabe.
Heroick virtue- or, the noble sufferers Fleuron T119928-1
Latina: Fides sufficitEnglish: Fleuron from book: Heroick virtue: or, the noble sufferers. Exemplified in the illustrious lives, and surprizing adventures of several noblemen and ladies. (viz.) Don Lopez and ... More
The christian monitor; Containing an Earnest Exhortation to an Holy Li...
Fleuron from book: The christian monitor; Containing an Earnest Exhortation to an Holy Life: with some directions in order thereto. Written in a plain and easy stile, for all sorts of people.
The complete measurer- or, the whole art of measuring Fleuron T133471-...
Fleuron from book: The complete measurer: or, the whole art of measuring. In two parts. The first part teaching decimal arithmetic, with the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. And also the Multiplication... More
The poll for a Member in Parliament for the city of York Fleuron T1204...
Fleuron from book: The poll for a Member in Parliament for the city of York. Begun ... the 1st of December, 1758. William Thornton, Esq ; Robert Lane, Esq ; candidates. ...
A genuine narrative of the trial and condemnation of Mary Edmondson, f...
Fleuron from book: A genuine narrative of the trial and condemnation of Mary Edmondson, for the murder of Mrs. Susannah Walker, her aunt. At the Assizes held at Kingston upon Thames, for the county of Surry, o... More
An elegy written in a country church yard. Fleuron T071261-2
Fleuron from book: An elegy written in a country church yard.
An essay on universal history, the manners, and spirit of nations, fro...
Fleuron from book: An essay on universal history, the manners, and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign to the age of Lewis XIV. Written in French by M. de Voltaire. Translated into English, with a... More
Conjunct expeditions- or expeditions That have been carried on jointly...
Fleuron from book: Conjunct expeditions: or expeditions That have been carried on jointly by the fleet and army, with a Commentary on a Littoral War. By Thomas More Molyneux, Esq;
Religious education of poor children recommended- a sermon preached in...
Fleuron from book: Religious education of poor children recommended: a sermon preached in the parish-church of Christ-Church, London, on Thursday May the 17th, 1759: ... By John Burton, ... To which is annexed... More
The genuine life Fleuron T129810-1
Fleuron from book: The genuine life, trial, and dying words of Eugene Aram, who was convicted the 3d of August, at York assizes, and executed the 6th, for the murder of Daniel Clarke, at Knaresborough, which M... More
The london and country brewer Fleuron T016829-2
Fleuron from book: The london and country brewer. Containing The Whole Art of Brewing all Sorts of malt-liquors, As practised both in Town and Country; according to Observations made by the Author in Four Year... More
The modern gazetteer- or, a short view of the several nations of the w...
Fleuron from book: The modern gazetteer: or, a short view of the several nations of the world. Absolutely necessary for rendering the public news, and other historical occurrences, intelligible and entertainin... More
The tragedy of Zara. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lan...
Fleuron from book: The tragedy of Zara. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants.
Meditations and contemplations Fleuron T027777-1
Fleuron from book: Meditations and contemplations. In two volumes. Containing, ... Meditations among the Tombs; Reflections on a Flower-Garden; And, A Descant on Creation. ... Contemplations on the Night; Cont... More
Philosophia Britannica- or Fleuron N012262-1
Fleuron from book: Philosophia Britannica: or, a new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philosophy, atronomy [sic], and geographys [sic], in a course of twelve lectures, with notes; Containing The Physi... More
The devout Christian instructed how to pray and give thanks to God Fle...
Fleuron from book: The devout Christian instructed how to pray and give thanks to God. Or, a book of devotions for families, and for particular persons, in most of the concerns of humane life. By Symon Patrick... More
The life Fleuron T129320-2
Fleuron from book: The life, trial, and dying words of Mary Edmondson, who was tried and convicted at Kingston assizes, for the murder of her aunt Mrs. Susannah Walker, a Widow Gentlewoman, at Rotherhithe. And... More
The sacred theory of the earth- containing an account of its original ...
Fleuron from book: The sacred theory of the earth: containing an account of its original creation, and of all the general changes which it hath undergone, or is to undergo, until the consummation of all things... More
The suspicious husband. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal ...
Fleuron from book: The suspicious husband. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Dr. Hoadly.
A grammar of the English tongue- with the arts of logick, rhetorick, p...
Fleuron from book: A grammar of the English tongue: with the arts of logick, rhetorick, poetry, &c. Illustrated with Useful Notes; Giving the Grounds and Reasons of Grammar in General. The Whole making a Compl... More
A new universal history of arts and sciences Fleuron T061270-19
Fleuron from book: A new universal history of arts and sciences, shewing their origin, progress, theory, use and practice, and exhibiting The Invention, Structure, Improvement, and Uses, Of the most considerab... More
Andrea Palladio's elements of architecture, restored to its original p...
Fleuron from book: Andrea Palladio's elements of architecture, restored to its original perfection, as published by him at Venice, anno 1581. With a geometrical explanation of His True Principles of Perspectiv... More
P Fleuron T139209-1
Fleuron from book: P. Virgilii Maronis opera. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem, A.D. 172... More
Some assistance offered to parents with respect to the religious educa...
Fleuron from book: Some assistance offered to parents with respect to the religious education of their children, in a discourse from Prov. XXII. 6. By Benjamin Dawson, L.L.D.
Spartan lessons; or Fleuron T136314-1
Fleuron from book: Spartan lessons; or, the praise of valour; in the verses of Tyrtaeus; an ancient Athenian poet, Adopted BY The Republic Of Lacedaemon, And Employed To Inspire Their Youth With Warlike Sentiments.
The divine goodness and human gratitude properly consider'd Fleuron T0...
Fleuron from book: The divine goodness and human gratitude properly consider'd, in a sermon preach'd at West-Horsley in Surry, November 29, 1759, being the day appointed for a public thanksgiving on account of... More
The ministry of reconciliation- representing the benign tendency of th...
Fleuron from book: The ministry of reconciliation: representing the benign tendency of the gospel; and that 'tis the friendly Office of Ministers, as the Embassadors (or Agents) of Christ, to press Men with al... More
Travels through part of Europe, Asia Minor, the islands of the Archipe...
Fleuron from book: Travels through part of Europe, Asia Minor, the islands of the Archipelago; Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Mount Sinai, &c. ... By ... J. Ægidius van Egmont, ... and John Heyman, ... Translated fr... More
A second letter from Wiltshire to The monitor, on the vindication of h...
Fleuron from book: A second letter from Wiltshire to The monitor, on the vindication of his constitutional principles.
A supplement to the Philosophia Britannica Fleuron T025346-1
Fleuron from book: A supplement to the Philosophia Britannica. Appendix I. Containing New Experiments in electricity, and The Method of making artificial magnets. Illustrated with Copper-Plates. By Benjamin Martin.
A treatise on the improvement of midwifery; chiefly with regard to the...
Fleuron from book: A treatise on the improvement of midwifery; chiefly with regard to the operation. To which are added, fifty-seven cases, Selected from upwards of Twenty-Seven Years Practice. A Work particul... More
An analysis of the laws of England Fleuron T056694-4
Fleuron from book: An analysis of the laws of England. To which is prefixed an introductory discourse on the study of the law. By William Blackstone, Esq. D.C.L. Barrister at law, and vinerian professor of the... More
Essay on man Fleuron T005655-2
Fleuron from book: Essay on man. Der Mensch ein philosophisches Gedichte von Alexander Pope. Deutsche Uebersetzung. Mit der engländischen Urschrift nach der letzen vermehrten Ausgabe.
Gothic architecture, part the second Fleuron T090194-4
Fleuron from book: Gothic architecture, part the second. In forty-three designs of paling of various sorts, for parks and clumps of trees, gates, hatches, &c. Likewise doors and windows, with proper Heads to t... More
The dramatic works of Mr. Philip Massinger, compleat Fleuron T073439-1
Latina: Forte scutum salus ducumEnglish: Fleuron from book: The dramatic works of Mr. Philip Massinger, compleat. In four volumes. Revised, corrected, and all the various editions collated, by Mr. Coxeter. Wi... More
The lover's assistant- or, New Year's gift; being, a new Art of love, ...
Fleuron from book: The lover's assistant: or, New Year's gift; being, a new Art of love, adapted to the present times. Translated ... With notes, by the late ingenious Henry Fielding, ...
A bill for dividing and inclosing the open arable fields Fleuron T0678...
Fleuron from book: A bill for dividing and inclosing the open arable fields, open meadows, and common pasture grounds, in the parish of Sileby, in the county of Leicester.
An act for dividing and inclosing certain open arable fields in the ma...
Fleuron from book: An act for dividing and inclosing certain open arable fields in the manor of Bishops Waltham, in the County of Southampton.
The genuine account of the trial of Eugene Aram Fleuron N010016-2
Fleuron from book: The genuine account of the trial of Eugene Aram, for the murder of Daniel Clark, ... who was convicted at York Assizes, August 3, 1759, ... To which, ... is prefixed, an account of the remar... More
The history of the life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, sirnamed...
Fleuron from book: The history of the life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, sirnamed, the Great. ... . By the Reverend Walter Harte, M. A. Canon of Windsor.
A compendious history of the popes, from the foundation of the see of ...
Fleuron from book: A compendious history of the popes, from the foundation of the see of Rome to the present time. Translated and improved from the German original of C.W.F. Walch, D. D. Professor of Divinity ... More
A complete system of cookery Fleuron T031055-1
Fleuron from book: A complete system of cookery. In which is set forth, A Variety of genuine receipts, collected from several Years Experience under the celebrated Mr. de St. Clouet, sometime since Cook to his... More
A new office of baptism, formed by the canon of the New-Testament. Fle...
Fleuron from book: A new office of baptism, formed by the canon of the New-Testament.
An act for carrying into execution the articles made on the marriage o...
Fleuron from book: An act for carrying into execution the articles made on the marriage of Sir Edward Blackett, Baronet, with Dame Ann his Wife, by a Settlement to be made, with and under certain Variations an... More
Reflexions on courtship and marriage Fleuron T010083-2
Fleuron from book: Reflexions on courtship and marriage. In two letters to a friend. Wherein a practicable plan is laid down for obtaining and securing conjugal felicity. To which is annexed, A letter to a ver... More
The compleat works of that eminent minister of God's word Mr. Isaac Am...
Fleuron from book: The compleat works of that eminent minister of God's word Mr. Isaac Ambrose, Consisting of these Following treatises, viz. Prima, media, et ultima, or, the first, middle, and last things. Wh... More
The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England,...
Fleuron from book: The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Containing. I. An Account of the Chancellor's Life from his Birth to the Re... More
A compendious history of the popes, from the foundation of the see of ...
Fleuron from book: A compendious history of the popes, from the foundation of the see of Rome to the present time. Translated and improved from the German original of C.W.F. Walch, D. D. Professor of Divinity ... More
A defence of the conduct of the warden of Winchester College in accept...
Fleuron from book: A defence of the conduct of the warden of Winchester College in accepting that wardenship.
A description of the works of the ingenious delineator and engraver We...
Fleuron from book: A description of the works of the ingenious delineator and engraver Wenceslaus Hollar, disposed into classes of different sorts; with some account of his life. By George Vertue, A Member of ... More