A love-Letter- or, an address to maidens Fleuron T132029-4
Fleuron from book: A love-Letter: or, an address to maidens. Wherein the best match is offered to their choice and acceptance. To which is added, a caution to take heed of slighting Christ in the Offers of his... More
A love-Letter- or, an address to maidens Fleuron T132029-2
Fleuron from book: A love-Letter: or, an address to maidens. Wherein the best match is offered to their choice and acceptance. To which is added, a caution to take heed of slighting Christ in the Offers of his... More
A select manual of divine meditations and prayers suited to the most n...
Fleuron from book: A select manual of divine meditations and prayers suited to the most necessary and solemn occasions. And fitted for Morning and Evening Service for every Day in the Week. To which is added, ... More
A survey of the cities of London and Westminster, borough of Southwark...
Fleuron from book: A survey of the cities of London and Westminster, borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent. Containing, I. The original foundation, and the Antient and Modern State thereof. II. An exact Des... More
A vindication of Eustace Budgell Fleuron T100269-5
Fleuron from book: A vindication of Eustace Budgell, Esq; from some aspersions thrown upon him in a late pamphlet, entitled A copy of the will of Dr. Matthew Tindal, with an account of what pass'd concerning t... More
All vows kept. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-...
Fleuron from book: All vows kept. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-Alley.
An essay on man. In epistles to a friend. The second edition. Part I. ...
Fleuron from book: An essay on man. In epistles to a friend. The second edition. Part I.
Marci Hieronymi Vidæ, cremonensis, Albæ episcopi, Hymni de rebus divin...
Fleuron from book: Marci Hieronymi Vidæ, cremonensis, Albæ episcopi, Hymni de rebus divinis.
Miscellanies. The third volume. Fleuron T202864-1
Fleuron from book: Miscellanies. The third volume.
Sermons on the following subjects, viz Fleuron T207107-5
Fleuron from book: Sermons on the following subjects, viz. I. The advantage of the living above the dead. II. The Comfort and Happiness of true Believers. III. The Art of numbering our Days. IV. The Extremity ... More
Some reasons for continuing the present Parliament. Fleuron T160240-5
Fleuron from book: Some reasons for continuing the present Parliament.
The garden of love, and royal flower of fidelity Fleuron T067322-5
Fleuron from book: The garden of love, and royal flower of fidelity. A pleasant history. Written originally by Mr. John Reynolds; Author of God's Revenge against Murder. Now much amplify'd by several hands.
The second part of Henry IV. Containing his death- and the coronation ...
Fleuron from book: The second part of Henry IV. Containing his death: and the coronation of King Henry V.
The tamiad- An heroic poem Fleuron T196164-1
Fleuron from book: The tamiad: An heroic poem. Publish'd by Erasmus Scriblerus, Cousin-German to the Learned and Witty Martinus.
The tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray Fleuron N013839-4
Fleuron from book: The tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By N. Rowe Esq;
A letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole Fleuron T078793-2
Fleuron from book: A letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, concerning the election of a King of Poland, the claim of King Stanislaus, the views of the House of Austria, and the interest of Great-B... More
A serious address to men in business Fleuron T176773-2
Fleuron from book: A serious address to men in business, concerning the right ordering their affairs; with advice in the case of those who have unhappily mismanaged: in two discourses on Prov. xxvii. 23. By John Ford.
Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His...
Fleuron from book: Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, begun and held at Boston upon Wednesday the thirty-first da... More
An epistle from a nobleman to a doctor of divinity- In Answer to a Lat...
Fleuron from book: An epistle from a nobleman to a doctor of divinity: In Answer to a Latin Letter in Verse. Written from H-----n-C----t, Aug. 28. 1733.
Il libro della preghiere publiche ed amministrazione de' sacramenti Fl...
Fleuron from book: Il libro della preghiere publiche ed amministrazione de' sacramenti, ED Altri Riti e Cerimonie della Chiesa, secondo l'uso della chiesa anglicana; insieme col Saltero over i Salmi DI David, ... More
Johannis Freind, M.D. Serenissimæ reginæ Carolinæ archiatri, opera omn...
Fleuron from book: Johannis Freind, M.D. Serenissimæ reginæ Carolinæ archiatri, opera omnia medica.
Observations on the sea- or pile-worms which have been lately discover...
Fleuron from book: Observations on the sea- or pile-worms which have been lately discover'd to have made great ravages in the pile- or wood-works on the coast of Holland, &c. Containing A particular Account of... More
On rural felicity; in an epistle to a friend. Fleuron T043232-1
Fleuron from book: On rural felicity; in an epistle to a friend.
Satyres et autres oeuvres de Regnier, accompagnées de remarques histor...
Fleuron from book: Satyres et autres oeuvres de Regnier, accompagnées de remarques historiques.
Sermons and discourses on practical subjects Fleuron N036554-2
Fleuron from book: Sermons and discourses on practical subjects. Never before printed. By Robert Moss, D. D. late Dean of Ely, and Preacher to the Honourable Society of Grays-Inn. Published from the Original, ... More
Some thoughts on the land-tax, general excises, and the least burthens...
Fleuron from book: Some thoughts on the land-tax, general excises, and the least burthensome way of raising taxes; occasion'd by the London Journal on that subject.
The secret history of Meadilla- containing a faithful account of her b...
Fleuron from book: The secret history of Meadilla: containing a faithful account of her birth and parentage; her Amour with a Gentleman in Ireland, and the several remarkable Passages that occurr'd to her in h... More
The tea-Table miscellany- or, a collection of scots sangs Fleuron T062...
Fleuron from book: The tea-Table miscellany: or, a collection of scots sangs. In three volumes. The ninth edition, Being the Compleatest and most Correct of any yet published by Allan Ramsay. Vol. I.
A dissertation upon the power of the Church; in a middle way Fleuron T...
Fleuron from book: A dissertation upon the power of the Church; in a middle way, betwixt those who screw it up to the highest, with the Papists and Scotish Presbyterians on the one Hand; and the Erastians and ... More
A sermon preached at the parish church of St Fleuron T007301-4
Fleuron from book: A sermon preached at the parish church of St. George, Hanover-Square, December 30, 1733. to recommend the Charity for the sick and lame in the new erected Hospital at Lanesborough-House. To ... More
A short journal of his Polish Majesty's camp of Radewitz, in Saxony, i...
Fleuron from book: A short journal of his Polish Majesty's camp of Radewitz, in Saxony, in the year 1730.
An essay on man. In epistles to a friend. Epistle I. Corrected by the ...
Fleuron from book: An essay on man. In epistles to a friend. Epistle I. Corrected by the author.
Artium principia- or, the knowledge of the first principles of the mat...
Fleuron from book: Artium principia: or, the knowledge of the first principles of the mathematicks made easy and intelligible to the meanest capacity. Design'd for the more regular and speedy Introduction of y... More
Authentic memoirs of that exquisitely villanous Jesuit, Father Richard...
Fleuron from book: Authentic memoirs of that exquisitely villanous Jesuit, Father Richard Walpole. Being The Copy of a letter, written from London, by a Gentleman, to his Friend, another English Gentleman resi... More
Designs of Inigo Jones and others published by I- Ware. Fleuron T11621...
Fleuron from book: Designs of Inigo Jones and others published by I: Ware.
Fables. By the late Mr. Gay. Fleuron T013821-2
Fleuron from book: Fables. By the late Mr. Gay.
Love for love. A comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve. Fleuron T009513-1
Fleuron from book: Love for love. A comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve.
The ancient physician's legacy to his country, being what he has colle...
Fleuron from book: The ancient physician's legacy to his country, being what he has collected in forty-nine years practice: ... By Thomas Dovar [sic], M.D. ...
The court-Register, and statesman's remembrancer- containing a series ...
Fleuron from book: The court-Register, and statesman's remembrancer: containing a series of all the great officers, prime ministers of state; &c. Viz. Lords High Stewards. Arch-Bishops and Bishops. Lords Chanc... More
The desperadoes; an heroick history Fleuron T122569-5
Fleuron from book: The desperadoes; an heroick history. Translated from the Italian of the celebrated Marini. (The original having passed ten editions.) ... In four books. Embellish'd with eight excellent copper-plates.
The devil to pay; or, the Wives Metamorphos'd. An opera. As it is perf...
Fleuron from book: The devil to pay; or, the Wives Metamorphos'd. An opera. As it is perform'd at the theatres.
The foundation of moral virtue re-consider'd and defended against the ...
Fleuron from book: The foundation of moral virtue re-consider'd and defended against the remarks of an anonymous writer. By Thomas Mole.
The hospital surgeon Fleuron N007810-1
Fleuron from book: The hospital surgeon. Vol. II. Containing several essays on mercury. The descent of the intestine into the scrotum. Injections. Wounds of Dogs. Wounds of the Breast. Crooked Wounds Red Pimpl... More
The late Lord Beilhaven's memorable speeches in the last Parliament of...
Fleuron from book: The late Lord Beilhaven's memorable speeches in the last Parliament of Scotland, holden at Edinburgh, in November 1706. On the Subject-Matter of the then projected union of Both Kingdoms. Wh... More
A caution against speaking evil of our governors and of one another Fl...
Fleuron from book: A caution against speaking evil of our governors and of one another. As it was delivered in a sermon preached at St. Paul's cathedral, on Sunday the 7th of this instant October, in the after... More
A second defence of Dr. Clarke's demonstration of the being and attrib...
Fleuron from book: A second defence of Dr. Clarke's demonstration of the being and attributes of God; in answer to the postscript published in the second edition of Mr. Law's translation of Dr. King's origin o... More
A survey of the cities of London and Westminster, borough of Southwark...
Fleuron from book: A survey of the cities of London and Westminster, borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent. Containing, I. The original foundation, and the Antient and Modern State thereof. II. An exact Des... More
All the familiar Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus, of Roterdam, concer...
Fleuron from book: All the familiar Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus, of Roterdam, concerning men, manners, and things, translated into English. By N. Bailey.
Britannia excisa- Britain excis'd. A new ballad to be sung in time, an...
Fleuron from book: Britannia excisa: Britain excis'd. A new ballad to be sung in time, and to some tune.
Oedipus- a tragedy, as it is acted at His Highness the Duke of York's ...
Fleuron from book: Oedipus: a tragedy, as it is acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre. Written by Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee.
Poems on several occasions Fleuron T075656-4
Fleuron from book: Poems on several occasions. By the late Matthew Prior, Esq; Volume the third, and last. The third edition. To which is prefixed the life of Mr. Prior, by Samuel Humphreys, Esq; Adorned with cuts.
Reasons offer'd against pushing for the repeal of the Corporation and ...
Fleuron from book: Reasons offer'd against pushing for the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts: Together with Some queries Upon that important Affair. As also, a few words of advice to the pushing dissente... More
Serious reflections on the present condition of Great-Britain Fleuron ...
Fleuron from book: Serious reflections on the present condition of Great-Britain. In an address to the electors of Members to represent them in the next Parliament. From some of their friends in the cities of ... More
The chronological historian- containing a regular account of all mater...
Fleuron from book: The chronological historian: containing a regular account of all material transactions and occurences, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, relating to the English affairs, from the invasion... More
The doctrine of satisfaction by the merits of Christ Fleuron T165566-4
Fleuron from book: The doctrine of satisfaction by the merits of Christ, supposed to be blasphemy against God and his son Jesus Christ, An Enemy to the holy Scriptures, and to His Majesty King George, the Roya... More
The first satire of the second book of Horace, imitated in a dialogue ...
Fleuron from book: The first satire of the second book of Horace, imitated in a dialogue between Alexander Pope, of Twickenham, in Com. Midd. Esq; on the one part, and his learned council on the other.
The life and genuine character of the Rev. Dr. S-t, D.S.P.D. Written b...
Fleuron from book: The life and genuine character of the Rev. Dr. S--t, D.S.P.D. Written by himself.
The lives of the Roman poets Fleuron T057323-5
Fleuron from book: The lives of the Roman poets. Containing a critical and historical account of them and their writings, with large Quotations of their most celebrated Passages, as far as was necessary to com... More
The sly subscription- on the Norfolk monarch, etc Fleuron N023415-5
Fleuron from book: The sly subscription: on the Norfolk monarch, &c. To which is added, the Briton's speech to Sir Politick.
The stage-Mutineers- or, a play-house to be lett Fleuron T068723-5
Fleuron from book: The stage-Mutineers: or, a play-house to be lett. A tragi-comi-farcical-ballad opera, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. By a gentleman late of Trinity-College, Cambridge.
The state dunces. Inscribed to Mr. Pope. Fleuron T048572-2
Fleuron from book: The state dunces. Inscribed to Mr. Pope.
The woman of taste Fleuron T003180-1
Fleuron from book: The woman of taste. Occasioned by a late poem, entitled, The man of taste. By a friend of the author's. In two epistles, from Clelia in town to Sapho in the country.
An introduction to natural philosophy- or, philosophical lectures read...
Fleuron from book: An introduction to natural philosophy: or, philosophical lectures read in the University of Oxford, Anno Dom 1700. To which are added, the demonstrations of Monsieur Huygens's theorems, conc... More
Of the true years of the birth and of the death of Christ. Two chronol...
Fleuron from book: Of the true years of the birth and of the death of Christ. Two chronological dissertations.
Olympia domata; or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1733. - ...
Fleuron from book: Olympia domata; or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1733. ... By John Wing, ...
The foundation of moral goodness- or, a further inquiry into the origi...
Fleuron from book: The foundation of moral goodness: or, a further inquiry into the original of our idea of virtue. By a clergyman.
The history of Harvides and Donna Lupella Fleuron N007555-2
Fleuron from book: The history of Harvides and Donna Lupella. Containing, I. The family of Harvides. II. His amour with a marry'd lady of distinction, called Harriot. III. His Courtship and cruel Treatment of ... More
The horse-Hoeing husbandry- or, an essay on the principles of tillage ...
Fleuron from book: The horse-Hoeing husbandry: or, an essay on the principles of tillage and vegetation. Wherein is shewn a method of introducing a sort of vineyard-culture into the corn-fields, In order to In... More
The late Lord Beilhaven's memorable speeches in the last Parliament of...
Fleuron from book: The late Lord Beilhaven's memorable speeches in the last Parliament of Scotland, holden at Edinburgh, in November 1706. On the Subject-Matter of the then projected union of Both Kingdoms. Wh... More
The man of taste Fleuron T038912-1
Fleuron from book: The man of taste. Occasion'd by an epistle of Mr. Pope's on that subject. By the author of the Art of politicks.
The present state of the unhappy sufferers of the Charitable Corporati...
Fleuron from book: The present state of the unhappy sufferers of the Charitable Corporation, consider'd. With reasons humbly offer'd for their relief.
The way of the world. A comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve. Fleuron T0095...
Fleuron from book: The way of the world. A comedy. Written by Mr. Congreve.
Three letters on the following questions, Concerning the repeal of the...
Fleuron from book: Three letters on the following questions, Concerning the repeal of the Test. I. Hath the church a right to exclude all from her ministry who refuse to subscribe to her articles and creed. [I... More
A lecture on worship read at the meeting house in Broad Street Wapping...
Fleuron from book: A lecture on worship read at the meeting house in Broad Street Wapping London at a church meeting held on Thursday the thirtieth of November MDCCXXXII. Published at the request of the church.
A letter from Rome Fleuron T087035-5
Fleuron from book: A letter from Rome, shewing an exact conformity between popery and paganism: or, the religion of the present Romans derived from that of their heathen ancestors. By Conyers Middleton, D. D. ... More
A letter to a friend, Occasioned by Mr. Chandler's History of persecut...
Fleuron from book: A letter to a friend, Occasioned by Mr. Chandler's History of persecution. With a Postscript concerning his Answer to Dr. Berriman.
An essay on man. In epistles to a friend. Fleuron T220390-4
Fleuron from book: An essay on man. In epistles to a friend.
An introduction to the making of Latin Fleuron T186663-4
Fleuron from book: An introduction to the making of Latin. Comprising, after an easy compendious method, the substance of the Latin syntax. With proper English examples, ... To which is subjoin'd, ... a succin... More
Archæologiæ philosophicæ- sive doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus Fl...
Fleuron from book: Archæologiæ philosophicæ: sive doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus. Libri duo. Autore Thoma Burnetio, S. T. P. Editio secunda. Accedunt ejusdem epistolæ duæ de Archæologiis philosophicis.
Glossarium antiquitatum Britannicarum, sive syllabus etymologicus anti...
Fleuron from book: Glossarium antiquitatum Britannicarum, sive syllabus etymologicus antiquitatum veteris Britanniæ atque Iberniæ, temporibus Romanorum. Auctore Willielmo Baxter, Cornavio, Scholae Merciariorum... More
Gospel ministers Christ's ambassadors Fleuron T013096-4
Fleuron from book: Gospel ministers Christ's ambassadors. A Sermon Preached at the Opening of the Provincial Synod of Drumfries, April 10th, 1733. By Mr. Peter Rae Minister of the Gospel of late at Kirkbride, ... More
Hudibras Fleuron T001719-4
Fleuron from book: Hudibras. In three parts. Written in the time of the late wars. Corrected and amended: with additions. To which are added annotations. With an exact index to the whole. Adorn'd with a new se... More
Marci Hieronymi Vidæ, cremonensis, Albæ episcopi, Hymni de rebus divin...
Fleuron from book: Marci Hieronymi Vidæ, cremonensis, Albæ episcopi, Hymni de rebus divinis.
Osteographia, or the anatomy of the bones Fleuron N055711-5
Fleuron from book: Osteographia, or the anatomy of the bones. In fifty-six plates. By William Cheselden. Every bone in the human body is here delineated as large as the life, and again reduced to lesser Scales... More
The bee- or, universal weekly pamphlet Fleuron T147235-2
Fleuron from book: The bee: or, universal weekly pamphlet. Containing something to hit every man's taste and principles. ...
The church of England-Man supported and encouraged in the establish'd ...
Fleuron from book: The church of England-Man supported and encouraged in the establish'd worship. Wherein The Beauty and Excellency of the whole service Is Set forth; In a comparative View between that, and th... More
The court medley- or, marriage by proxy. A new ballad opera. Of three ...
Fleuron from book: The court medley: or, marriage by proxy. A new ballad opera. Of three acts.
The excellency of the Christian ministration Fleuron T033684-1
Fleuron from book: The excellency of the Christian ministration. A sermon preached before the Sons of the Clergy, at their anniversary meeting in the cathedral church of St. Paul, Febr. 1, 1732. By Henry Stebb... More
The ladies diary- or, the woman's almanack, for the year of our Lord, ...
Fleuron from book: The ladies diary: or, the woman's almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1733. Being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. Containing many delightful and entertaining particulars, peculiarl... More
The sly subscription- on the Norfolk monarch, etc Fleuron N023415-2
Fleuron from book: The sly subscription: on the Norfolk monarch, &c. To which is added, the Briton's speech to Sir Politick.
The test-Act examined by the test of reason. Fleuron T073921-2
Fleuron from book: The test-Act examined by the test of reason.
To the divine majesty, a poem. Fleuron N034520-5
Fleuron from book: To the divine majesty, a poem.
Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petit...
Fleuron from book: Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of Sir George Wardlaw, ...
A defence of the dissertation on the eclipse mentioned by Phlegon- Whe...
Fleuron from book: A defence of the dissertation on the eclipse mentioned by Phlegon: Wherein is further shewn, That that Eclipse had no Relation to the darkness which happened at our Saviour's passion: And Mr... More
A manual of prayers and other Christian devotions. Fleuron T122613-5
Fleuron from book: A manual of prayers and other Christian devotions.
A summary view of the whole practice of physick Fleuron T193415-2
Fleuron from book: A summary view of the whole practice of physick. Being the Sentiments of the most Celebrated Authors in all Ages, Relating to Diseases, their Causes and Cures. With Most Cases in Surgery and... More
A survey of the cities of London and Westminster, borough of Southwark...
Fleuron from book: A survey of the cities of London and Westminster, borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent. Containing, I. The original foundation, and the Antient and Modern State thereof. II. An exact Des... More
An enquiry about the lawfulness of eating blood Fleuron T032721-4
Fleuron from book: An enquiry about the lawfulness of eating blood. Occasion'd by Revelation examin'd with Candour. In a letter to a Friend. With some Remarks upon the Question about eating of Blood stated and... More
Il libro della preghiere publiche ed amministrazione de' sacramenti Fl...
Fleuron from book: Il libro della preghiere publiche ed amministrazione de' sacramenti, ed Altri Riti e Cerimonie della Chiesa, secondo l'uso della chiesa anglicana; insieme col Saltero over i salmi di David, ... More
Modern amours- or, a secret history of the adventures of some persons ...
Fleuron from book: Modern amours: or, a secret history of the adventures of some persons of the first rank. Faithfully related from the author's own knowledge of each transaction. With a key prefixed.