A Friendly debate; or, A dialogue between Rusticus and Academicus abou...
Fleuron from book: A Friendly debate; or, A dialogue between Rusticus and Academicus about the late performance of Academicus. [Seven lines from Dryden].
A full and impartial account of all the robberies committed by John Ha...
Fleuron from book: A full and impartial account of all the robberies committed by John Hawkins, George Sympson, (lately Executed for Robbing the Bristol Mails) and their companions. Particularly the Robbing of... More
Annales rerum gestarum Ælfredi Magni, auctore Asserio Menevensi, recen...
Fleuron from book: Annales rerum gestarum Ælfredi Magni, auctore Asserio Menevensi, recensuit Franciscus Wise, A.M. Coll. Trin. Soc.
Martial reviv'd- or, epigrams, satyrical, panegyrical, political, mora...
Fleuron from book: Martial reviv'd: or, epigrams, satyrical, panegyrical, political, moral, elegiacal, whimsical, and comical. Above one hundred in number, merrily but justly applied to all Sorts of Persons an... More
Our Saviour's divine sermon on the mount, contain'd in the Vth, VIth, ...
Fleuron from book: Our Saviour's divine sermon on the mount, contain'd in the Vth, VIth, and VIIth chapters of St. Matthew's Gospel, explained, and the practice of it recommended in diverse sermons and discour... More
Reasons against the practice of inoculating the small-pox Fleuron T149...
Fleuron from book: Reasons against the practice of inoculating the small-pox. As also A Brief Account of the Operation of this Poison, infused after this manner into a Wound. By Legard Sparham, surgeon.
Registrum honoris de Richmond exhibens terrarum and villarum quæ quond...
Fleuron from book: Registrum honoris de Richmond exhibens terrarum & villarum quæ quondam fuerunt Edwini comitis infra Richmundshire descriptionem: ex libro Domesday in thesauria domini regis: ...
The charitable education of poor children, recommended- in a sermon pr...
Fleuron from book: The charitable education of poor children, recommended: in a sermon preach'd in the cathedral-church of Norwich: on Ashwednesday, Feb. the 7th. 1721. Before several of the Gentlemen, Clergy,... More
The magistrate and the Christian, or the virtues of public and private...
Fleuron from book: The magistrate and the Christian, or the virtues of public and private life: exemplified in the character of Sir Thomas Abney, Knt. and alderman of London, Who Died 6. Feb. 1721/2. introduce... More
The sacred authority of Christian bishops, and the piety of praying fo...
Fleuron from book: The sacred authority of Christian bishops, and the piety of praying for them in prison. Recommended in a sermon preach'd at Rochester Cathedral, October 7, 1722. Dedicated to the Clergy of t... More
The tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh Fleuron T068018-2
Fleuron from book: The tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By Mr. Sewell.
A description of the great things contain'd in the gospel Fleuron T083...
Fleuron from book: A description of the great things contain'd in the gospel, and of a conversation agreeable to them; together with motives exciting to such a practice; An Answer to the most considerable Obje... More
A pair of clean shoes and boots for a dirty baronet Fleuron T101887-2
Fleuron from book: A pair of clean shoes and boots for a dirty baronet, who was lately terribly mir'd, by wading beyond his depth in controversy: or, an answer to a scandalous pamphlet, intituled, Over shoes, ... More
A philosophical essay concerning the intermediate state of blessed sou...
Fleuron from book: A philosophical essay concerning the intermediate state of blessed souls. By Archibald Cockburn, M. A. Rector of the Parishes of St. Mary Cayon and Christ's Church, Nichola Town, in St. Christophers.
An historical account of the heathen gods and heroes; necessary for th...
Fleuron from book: An historical account of the heathen gods and heroes; necessary for the understanding of the ancient poets. Being an improvement of whatever has been hitherto written, by the Greek, Latin, F... More
Copies of some letters from Mr. Hutcheson, to the late Earl of Sunderl...
Fleuron from book: Copies of some letters from Mr. Hutcheson, to the late Earl of Sunderland. And an introduction to the same.
Fleshly lusts inconsistent with the character, and the safety of a Chr...
Fleuron from book: Fleshly lusts inconsistent with the character, and the safety of a Christian. A sermon preached in the parish-church of St. Austin, in London, February the 18th, 1721. By John Disney, ...
Pharmacopoia officinalis and extemporanea- or, a compleat English disp...
Fleuron from book: Pharmacopoia officinalis & extemporanea: or, a compleat English dispensatory, in four parts. Containing I. The Theory of Pharmacy, and the several Processes therein. II. A Description of the... More
The art of surgery- in which is laid down such a general idea of the s...
Fleuron from book: The art of surgery: in which is laid down such a general idea of the same, as is founded upon Reason, confirm'd by practice, and farther illustrated with many singular and rare Cases Medico-... More
The distrest mother Fleuron T181908-5
Fleuron from book: The distrest mother. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by his Majesty's servants. By Mr. Philips.
The philosophical transactions and collections, to the end of the year...
Fleuron from book: The philosophical transactions and collections, to the end of the year 1700. Abridg'd and dispos'd under general heads in three volumes. By John Lowthorp, M. A. and F. R. S.
The tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh Fleuron T068018-1
Fleuron from book: The tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By Mr. Sewell.
The vvorks of the learned Isaac Barrow, D Fleuron T097904-5
Fleuron from book: The vvorks of the learned Isaac Barrow, D. D. Late Master of Trinity-College in Cambridge. Published by his Grace Dr. John Tillotson, Late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. The third volume, contai... More
Twelve sermons preached at several times, and upon several occasions F...
Fleuron from book: Twelve sermons preached at several times, and upon several occasions. By Robert South, D.D. &c. Vol.IV.
A faithfull account of Robert Forrester Fleuron T147734-5
Fleuron from book: A faithfull account of Robert Forrester, who robb'd on the high-way, in a night-gown, between London and Clapham, and was executed at Croydon, March 31. 1722. Publish'd from his own dying wo... More
A short and plain account of inoculation Fleuron T048116-4
Fleuron from book: A short and plain account of inoculation. With some remarks on the main arguments made use of to recommend that practice, by Mr. Maitland and others. By Isaac Massey, ...
A supplement to the review of London Fleuron T048954-2
Fleuron from book: A supplement to the review of London. In an historical account of all the Cathedrals, churches and chappels of the metropolis of Great Britain, and in the City, Liberty, and Suburbs of Westm... More
A syllabus to a course of pharmacy. By John Quincy, M D. Fleuron T0604...
Fleuron from book: A syllabus to a course of pharmacy. By John Quincy, M D.
Hibernia freed. A tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Linc...
Fleuron from book: Hibernia freed. A tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields.
Le commerce rendu facile- ou Fleuron T097295-5
Fleuron from book: Le commerce rendu facile: ou, l'art de faire toutes les plus belles regles d'arithmetique, d'une maniere singuliere & si facile que chacun de soi-même y pût reussir. Ouvrage qui par la Suppr... More
The life and actions of Lewis Dominique Cartouche- who was broke alive...
Fleuron from book: The life and actions of Lewis Dominique Cartouche: who was broke alive upon the wheel at Paris. Nov. 28. 1721. N.S. Relating at large his remarkable adventures, desperate enterprizes, and va... More
The order and ceremonies used at the funeral of His Grace, George Monk...
Fleuron from book: The order and ceremonies used at the funeral of His Grace, George Monk, Duke of Albemarle, Earl of Torrington, &c. Extracted from the account thereof publish'd by Francis Sandford, Gent. Rou... More
The parsons compassion, or, the clergys conduct in their late petition...
Fleuron from book: The parsons compassion, or, the clergys conduct in their late petition against the Quakers affirmation. A poem.
The sacred authority of Christian bishops, and the piety of praying fo...
Fleuron from book: The sacred authority of Christian bishops, and the piety of praying for them in prison. Recommended in a sermon preach'd at Rochester cathedral, October 7, 1722. ... By Charles Chambres, ...
The soldier's monitor Fleuron T027377-1
Fleuron from book: The soldier's monitor. Being serious advice to soldiers, to behave themselves with a just regard to religion and true manhood. By Josiah Woodward, D.D.
A letter from a father to his children; written by him in the time of ...
Fleuron from book: A letter from a father to his children; written by him in the time of his banishment: To which is added, An Advice about some duties. Publish'd at the request of some friends.
A letter to Sir Richard Blackmore; Occasioned by his Book, intituled, ...
Fleuron from book: A letter to Sir Richard Blackmore; Occasioned by his Book, intituled, Modern Arians Unmask'd. By Thomas Morgan.
A new history of ecclesiastical writers- containing an account of the ...
Fleuron from book: A new history of ecclesiastical writers: containing an account of the authors of the several books of the Old and New Testament; ... of the primitive fathers; ... also, a compendious history... More
A sermon preach'd at Little St Fleuron N022778-5
Fleuron from book: A sermon preach'd at Little St. Helens, to the society attending the Lord's-Day morning-lecture, on the 28th of May, 1722. Being The Birth-Day Of our Most Gracious Sovereign King George. By ... More
An account of the endeavours that have been used to suppress gaming-ho...
Fleuron from book: An account of the endeavours that have been used to suppress gaming-houses, and of the discouragements that have been met with. In a letter to a noble lord.
Archæologia græca- or, the antiquities of Greece Fleuron T090028-2
Fleuron from book: Archæologia græca: or, the antiquities of Greece. The fourth edition. By John Potter, D. D. now Lord Bishop of Oxford. Volume the First. Containing, I. The Civil Government of Athens. II. Th... More
David's choice Fleuron T006382-2
Fleuron from book: David's choice, to fall into the hand of God, rather than into the hand of man, considered in a sermon preached at Hand-Alley in London, October the 20th, 1721. Being the Anniversary of his ... More
Ildegerte, Queen of Norway; or, heroick love- a novel Fleuron T055135-...
Fleuron from book: Ildegerte, Queen of Norway; or, heroick love: a novel. Written originally in French, by the author of The happy slave. And translated into English by a gentleman of Oxford. In two parts.
Nicolai Triveti Annalium continuatio; ut et Adami Murimuthensis Chroni...
Fleuron from book: Nicolai Triveti Annalium continuatio; ut et Adami Murimuthensis Chronicon, cum ejusdem continuatione: quibus accedunt Joannis Bostoni Speculum conobitarum, et Edmundi Boltoni Hypercritica. O... More
The gentleman's library, containing rules for conduct in all parts of ...
Fleuron from book: The gentleman's library, containing rules for conduct in all parts of life. The second edition, corrected and enlarged. Written by a gentleman.
The history of the life and reign of Queen Anne Fleuron T131168-1
Fleuron from book: The history of the life & reign of Queen Anne. Illustrated with all the medals struck in this reign, with their Explanations; and other useful and Ornamental cuts. To which is added, an appe... More
The late English P-t's elogy. Fleuron T000393-1
Fleuron from book: The late English P---t's elogy.
The sinful causes, and fatal effects of the practice of calumny and de...
Fleuron from book: The sinful causes, and fatal effects of the practice of calumny and defamation in religious controversy, exemplified, and describ'd. In a sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, ...... More
Wilhelmi Schickardi horologium Ebræum- sive consilium quomodo sancta l...
Fleuron from book: Wilhelmi Schickardi horologium Ebræum: sive consilium quomodo sancta lingua spatio XXIV. horarum ab aliquot collegis sufficienter apprehendi queat.
Wit against wisdom- or, the praise of folly Fleuron T061498-29
Fleuron from book: Wit against wisdom: or, the praise of folly. Made English from the Latin of Erasmus. By an eminent hand. Adorn'd with great variety of sculptures, design'd by the celebrated Hans Holbeine.
A compleat collection of the protests of the Lords during this last se...
Fleuron from book: A compleat collection of the protests of the Lords during this last session of parliament. Carefully revised and compared with the originals, by the Freeholder.
A compleat history of the late septennial Parliament Fleuron N004975-2
Fleuron from book: A compleat history of the late septennial Parliament. Wherein all their proceedings are particularly enquir'd into, and faithfully related; with proper Remarks, and many Secret Memoirs inter... More
A short inquiry into the doctrine of the Trinity, as it is laid down i...
Fleuron from book: A short inquiry into the doctrine of the Trinity, as it is laid down in h. scripture. Wherein the errors of Dr. Clarke, relating to that subject, are examin'd, and confuted. By George Wade, ... More
An historical account of the heathen gods and heroes; necessary for th...
Fleuron from book: An historical account of the heathen gods and heroes; necessary for the understanding of the ancient poets. Being an improvement of whatever has been hitherto written, by the Greek, Latin, F... More
Belsize-House Fleuron T099721-2
Fleuron from book: Belsize-House. A satyr, exposing I. The fops and beaux who daily frequent that academy. II. The characters of the women, (whether Maid, Wife, or Widow) who make this an Exchange for Assignat... More
Monasticon Hibernicum Fleuron T084461-1
Fleuron from book: Monasticon Hibernicum. Or, the monastical history of Ireland. Containing, I. All the Abbies, Priories, Nunneries, and other Regular Communities which were in that Kingdom. II. The Time when,... More
Reason and revelation stated- upon reading of two famous sermons, enti...
Fleuron from book: Reason and revelation stated: upon reading of two famous sermons, entitled, The wisdom of believing, printed in 1703. by E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and Dean of Sarum. By the sam... More
Sermons on several occasions and subjects, in three volumes Fleuron T1...
Fleuron from book: Sermons on several occasions and subjects, in three volumes. By the Reverend Dr. Richard Lucas, Late Prebendary of Westminster. The First Volume contains Fifteen Sermons on Death and Judgmen... More
The celestial worlds discover'd- or, conjectures concerning the inhabi...
Fleuron from book: The celestial worlds discover'd: or, conjectures concerning the inhabitants, plants and productions of the worlds in the planets. Written in Latin by Christianus Huygens, And inscrib'd to hi... More
The good man's security in times of publick calamity Fleuron T001421-1
Fleuron from book: The good man's security in times of publick calamity. By Obadiah Hughes. A sermon preach'd in Maid-Lane, Southwark, on occasion of the plague in France. Publish'd at the Request of many that heard it.
The great blessing of redemption from captivity Fleuron T054171-4
Fleuron from book: The great blessing of redemption from captivity. A sermon Preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, December 4, 1721. Before the captives Redeem'd by the late Treaty with the Emperor of ... More
The history of the revolutions in England under the family of the Stua...
Fleuron from book: The history of the revolutions in England under the family of the Stuarts, from the year 1603, to 1690. In three books; wherein are contained many secret memoirs relating to that family, and... More
The iliad of Homer, with notes Fleuron T054871-4
Fleuron from book: The iliad of Homer, with notes. By Madam Dacier. Done from the French by Mr. Broome, and by him compared with the Greek. Illustrated with twenty-six cuts, by the best Gravers, from the Paris... More
The secret history of Pythagoras- translated from the original copy la...
Fleuron from book: The secret history of Pythagoras: translated from the original copy lately found at Otranto in Italy. By J. W. M.D.
A collection of advertisements, letters and papers, and some other fac...
Fleuron from book: A collection of advertisements, letters and papers, and some other facts, relating to the last elections at Westminster and Hasting.
A description of Bedlam Fleuron N028515-5
Fleuron from book: A description of Bedlam. With an account of its present inhabitants, both male and female. Shewing the causes of their confinement, their different Humours, and Intervals of Mirth and Melanc... More
A philosophical essay concerning the intermediate state of blessed sou...
Fleuron from book: A philosophical essay concerning the intermediate state of blessed souls. By Archibald Cockburn, M. A. Rector of the Parishes of St. Mary Cayon and Christ's Church, Nichola Town, in St. Christophers.
A sermon preach'd in the parish-church of St Fleuron T104218-2
Fleuron from book: A sermon preach'd in the parish-church of St. Sepulchre, May the 17th, 1722. Being Thursday in Whitson-Week; at the anniversary meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools in and... More
Copies of some letters from Mr. Hutcheson, to the late Earl of Sunderl...
Fleuron from book: Copies of some letters from Mr. Hutcheson, to the late Earl of Sunderland. And an introduction to the same.
Enthusiasm in distress- or, an examination of the reflections upon rea...
Fleuron from book: Enthusiasm in distress: or, an examination of the reflections upon reason, in a letter to Phileleutherus Britannicus. By Thomas Morgan.
Historico-Political geography- or Fleuron T073941-1
Fleuron from book: Historico-Political geography: or, a description of the names, limits, capitals, divisions, descriptions of particular provinces, Situation, Extent, Air, Soil, Commodities, Ravities, Rivers,... More
Reasons against building a bridge from Lambeth to Westminster Fleuron ...
Fleuron from book: Reasons against building a bridge from Lambeth to Westminster. Shewing the inconveniencies of the same to the City of London, and borough of Southwark.
The consequences of the present conspiracy to the church and state Fle...
Fleuron from book: The consequences of the present conspiracy to the church and state, considered, in a sermon preach'd at the chapel in King-Street, near Golden Square; upon November 5, 1722. By Arthur Ashley... More
The groans of believers under their burdens, evidently set forth in a ...
Fleuron from book: The groans of believers under their burdens, evidently set forth in a sermon, from 2 Cor. v. 4. Wherein the text is most clearly and judiciously, opened up, and a most apposite and very edif... More
The history and antiquities of Glastonbury Fleuron N017974-28
Fleuron from book: The history and antiquities of Glastonbury. To which are added, (i.) The endowment and orders of Sherington's chantry, founded in Saint Paul's Church, London. (2.) Dr. Plot's letter to the E... More
The history of the lives and reigns of the Kings of Scotland From Ferg...
Fleuron from book: The history of the lives and reigns of the Kings of Scotland From Fergus the First King, continued to the Commencement of the Union of the Two Kingdoms of Scotland and England In the Year of... More
The lawfulness of separation Fleuron T176095-1
Fleuron from book: The lawfulness of separation, from a Right Constituted church, Vindicated: or, a discourse, shewing, that it may so happen, that a christian, may not only Lawfully, but of necessity is bound... More
The soldier's monitor Fleuron T027377-2
Fleuron from book: The soldier's monitor. Being serious advice to soldiers, to behave themselves with a just regard to religion and true manhood. By Josiah Woodward, D.D.
A compleat history of the late septennial Parliament Fleuron N044406-5
Fleuron from book: A compleat history of the late septennial Parliament. Wherein all their proceedings are particularly enquir'd into, and faithfully related; with proper Remarks, and many Secret Memoirs inter... More
A new history of ecclesiastical writers- containing an account of the ...
Fleuron from book: A new history of ecclesiastical writers: containing an account of the authors of the several books of the Old and New Testament; ... of the primitive fathers; ... also, a compendious history... More
A perfect discovery of the longitude Fleuron T109506-5
Fleuron from book: A perfect discovery of the longitude. By Sir Richard Cocks, Bart. Dedicated to the Earl of Peterborough.
A sermon preach'd before the Sons of the Clergy at their anniversary-m...
Fleuron from book: A sermon preach'd before the Sons of the Clergy at their anniversary-meeting in the cathedral church of St. Paul, December 14. 1721. By Daniel Waterland, D. D. Master of Magdalen-College in ... More
A treatise of the five orders of columns in architecture Fleuron N0139...
Fleuron from book: A treatise of the five orders of columns in architecture, ... To which is annex'd, a discourse concerning pilasters: and of several abuses introduc'd into architecture. Engraven on six folio... More
A warning to Europe- being astrological predictions on the Great Fleur...
Fleuron from book: A warning to Europe: being astrological predictions on the Great, Famous and most Remarkable conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, on the 27th of December, 1722; the like having not been... More
An account of the success of inoculating the small-pox; in a letter to...
Fleuron from book: An account of the success of inoculating the small-pox; in a letter to Dr. William Whitaker. By Tho. Nettleton, M.D.
An essay on the nature, Use, and Abuse, of tea, in a Letter to a Lady;...
Fleuron from book: An essay on the nature, Use, and Abuse, of tea, in a Letter to a Lady; With an Account of its Mechanical Operation.
Discourses upon several divine subjects Fleuron T076767-2
Fleuron from book: Discourses upon several divine subjects. Viz The Measure of Divine Love. The Natural and Moral Vanity of Man. That the Law is not made void through Faith. The Origin and the Relief of all Tr... More
Episcopal traytors- or, priests aukward politicians Fleuron N046019-4
Fleuron from book: Episcopal traytors: or, priests aukward politicians. Exemplify'd, in the behaviour of the political prelacy; more particularly of the attempts of Archbishop Laud, and his equivocal exit. Occ... More
Mr Fleuron T099621-5
Fleuron from book: Mr. Maitland's account of inoculating the smallpox vindicated, from Dr. Wagstaffe's misrepresentations of that practice, with some remarks on Mr. Massey's sermon.
Poems, upon several occasions. By the author of, The match at foot-bal...
Fleuron from book: Poems, upon several occasions. By the author of, The match at foot-ball.
Sententiae pueriles or the fundamental rules of syntax illustrated by ...
Fleuron from book: Sententiae pueriles or the fundamental rules of syntax illustrated by Latin examples and English exercises, in a natural gradation of sentences from the more simple and easy to the more comp... More
The art of parliamenteering Fleuron T022462-2
Fleuron from book: The art of parliamenteering. Shewing the various ways, means, humours, and stratagems, by which the Parliaments of England have at all times been elected; and what has resulted from them for... More
The British general; a poem, sacred to the memory of His Grace John, D...
Fleuron from book: The British general; a poem, sacred to the memory of His Grace John, Duke of Marlborough. Inscribed to the Right Honourable William, Earl Cadogan. By N. Amhurst.
The British recluse- or, the secret history of Cleomira, suppos'd dead...
Fleuron from book: The British recluse: or, the secret history of Cleomira, suppos'd dead. A novel. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood, Author of Love in Excess; or, the Fatal Enquiry.
The history and antiquities of Glastonbury Fleuron T096406-22
Fleuron from book: The history and antiquities of Glastonbury. To which are added, (1.) The endowment and orders of Sherington's Chantry, founded in Saint Paul's Church, London. (2.) Dr. Plot's letter to the E... More
The memorable things of Socrates Fleuron T147015-5
Fleuron from book: The memorable things of Socrates. Written by Xenophon. In five books. Translated into English. The second edition. To which are prefix'd the life of Socrates, from the French of Monsieur Cha... More
The rights of sovereigns and subjects Fleuron T136585-5
Fleuron from book: The rights of sovereigns and subjects. By Father Paul the Venetian, Author of The History of the Council of Trent. Translated from the Italian, and compared with the French. To which is pref... More
A collection of advertisements, letters and papers, and some other fac...
Fleuron from book: A collection of advertisements, letters and papers, and some other facts, Relating to the Last Elections at Westminster and Hasting.
A letter to the Freeholder occasioned by the London journal of May 19....
Fleuron from book: A letter to the Freeholder occasioned by the London journal of May 19. 1722.
A warning to Europe- being astrological predictions on the Great Fleur...
Fleuron from book: A warning to Europe: being astrological predictions on the Great, Famous and most Remarkable conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, on the 27th of December, 1722; the like having not been... More