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writings file

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Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1839-1903; File-1870; "History of Civilization in the United States" (неизданная книга); Drafts and notes of chapter "A Pioneer Community of the Present Day: Mariposa"; 4 of 6
Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1866, January 1867, Apr.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1888; Speeces and lectures; "Philips", Confessional Club, Montclair, N.J., 1888

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1888; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1942; Speeces, 1871-1942,

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1942; Speeces, 18...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and writings by others; Falles and other writings; 1898-1898,

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; 1888-1896

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1887; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; 1879-1887

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1887; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции"; "Франко-пражская война", 1870-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; "The Life of My Childhood" (не опубликовано); Correspondence, 1903; 1930-1937

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; "Th...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and lectures; Lectures and lecture notes, 1865-1868

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeches and writing by others; Books; Epler, Percy H., The Life of Clara Barton

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeches a...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1867, May-Decision

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; 1888-1896

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; 1888-1896

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; 1888-1896

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1849; Речи и письма других; Книги; Бартон, Уильям Э., Жизнь Клары Бартон; Сценарии, 1878,

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1849; Речи и письма других; К...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Anna E. Dickinson Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1868-1907; Plays; "Aurelian or Rome 's Restorer", 1879; Act III
Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Heberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; Speeces and Writings File, 1866-1978; Books; Febel, Horace; In Re Walt Whitman (1893); Invoices

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Heberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; ...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Jefah Hotchkiss Papers: Writings File, 1846-1846; Other writings by Hotchkiss; Civil War; From Manassas to Appomattox, review by James Longstreet
Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Heberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; Speeces and Writings File, 1866-1978; Falles and other writings; Fabel, Horace; "Fables of Talks with Walt Whitman", подписанный черновик

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Heberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; ...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1942; Speeces, 1871-1942,

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1942; Speeces, 18...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and lectures; Lectures and lecture notes, 1865-1868

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1849 гг.; "Феллес и другие письма"; "Драфты"; "Без даты"

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1849 гг.; "Феллес и другие ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1902; Speeches and writings by others; Books; Barton, William E., The Life of Clara Barton; Research material, transcripts, 1849-1902, unded

Clara Barton Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1849-1902; Speeches a...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1867, May-Decision

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1867, May-Decision

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The Red Cross; Printed copy, including annotations, 1877-1878

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции"; "Франко-пражская война", 1870-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and lectures; Lectures and lecture notes, 1865-1868

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1898; "Речи и лекции", 1866-1898;

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1898; "Речи и лекции", 1866...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; A Story of the Red Cross; Газетные вырезки, 1904

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; A St...

Public domain scan of newspaper clippings, periodicals, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The Red Cross; Drafts, 1884-1898;

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; 1888-1896

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; Speeces and Writings File, 1866-1978; Febles and other writings; Unidentified

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Feberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; ...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Heberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; Speeces and Writings File, 1866-1978; Falles and other writings; "Walt Whitman", New York Staats (1868, November 1), highgraph copy edited by Whitman

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Heberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; ...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1866, January 1867, Apr.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции"; "Франко-пражская война", 1870-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and lectures; Lectures and lecture notes, 1865-1868

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1849 гг.; "Феллес и другие письма"; "Драфты"; "Без даты"

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1849 гг.; "Феллес и другие ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1918; Speeces and writing by others; Correspondence, 1880-1918, under

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1918; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1909; Pop; 1864-1909

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1909; Pop; 1864-1...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1867, May-Decision

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1901; Books; The Red Cross; Correspondence, 1898-1901

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1901; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; "Жизнь моего детства" (не издана); Drafts; рукописный экземпляр, без печати

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; "Жиз...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Alexander Hamilton Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1778-1804; 1797; August 25, draft of the "Reynolds Pamphlet"
Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1866, January 1867, Apr.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1897; Speeces and writings by others; Falles and other writings; 1871-1897

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1897; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1849; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; Без даты

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1849; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The Red Cross; Printed copy, including annotations, 1877-1878

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The Red Cross; Printed copy, including annotations, 1877-1878

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1866, January 1867, Apr.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции"; "Франко-пражская война", 1870-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1849; "Книги"; "История моего детства"; "Рисунки"; "Рукописный экземпляр", 1930-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1849; "Книги"; "История мое...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1898; "Речи и лекции", 1866-1898;

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1898; "Речи и лекции", 1866...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1849; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; Без даты

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1849; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1911; Falles and other writings; Printed copies, 1878-1911,

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1911; Falles and ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The Red Cross; Printed copy, including annotations, 1877-1878

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1918; Speeces and writing by others; Correspondence, 1880-1918, under

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1918; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1867, May-Decision

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The Red Cross; Printed copy, including annotations, 1877-1878

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1839-1903; 1870, Public Parks and the Enlargement of Top; Read Before the American Social Science Association at the Lowell Institute, Boston, February 25, 1870 (Cambridge, Mass. : Отпечатано для Американской ассоциации социальных наук в Риве

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Speeches and Writings File, 1839-1903; 1...

Public domain scan of manuscript related to Massachusetts, American history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1839-1903; 1880-1890; Lectures to architecture students (notes and fragments); 4 of 5
Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and lectures; Lectures and lecture notes, 1865-1868

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The Red Cross; Drafts, 1884-1898;

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The Red Cross; Drafts, 1884-1898;

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1898; "Речи и лекции", 1866-1898;

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1898; "Речи и лекции", 1866...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1897; Speeces and writings by others; Falles and other writings; 1871-1897

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1897; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1909; Pop; 1864-1909

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1909; Pop; 1864-1...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1867, May-Decision

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The Red Cross; Drafts, 1884-1898;

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; 1888-1896

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; "Жизнь моего детства" (не издана); Drafts; рукописный экземпляр, без печати

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; "Жиз...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1911; Falles and other writings; Correspondence, 1877-1911, 1911

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1911; Falles and ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Heberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; Speeces and Writings File, 1866-1978; Books; Fabel, Horace; In Re Walt Whitman (1893); Advertisements and circulars
Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1866, January 1867, Apr.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Whitman: Supply File, 1806-1981; Speeces and Writings File, 1866-1978; Books; Fabel, Horace; In Re Walt Whitman (1893); Falles; Morse, Sidney H., "My Summer with Walt Whitman", escript

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Whitman: Supply File, 1806-1981;...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and lectures; Correspondence; 1866, January 1867, Apr.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1867; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции"; "Франко-пражская война", 1870-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции"; "Франко-пражская война", 1870-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: "Речи и письма", 1849-1870-е годы; "Речи и лекции...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; военные лекции, 1860-е годы

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1860-е годы; речи и лекции; в...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and lectures; Lectures and lecture notes, 1865-1868

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1868; Speeces and...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1910; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; 1897-1910

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1910; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи и печатные экземпляры; 1888-1896

Клара Бартон Паперс: Речи и письма, 1849-1896; Речи и лекции; Рукописи...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The Red Cross; Printed copy, including annotations, 1877-1878

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Heberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; Speeces and Writings File, 1866-1978; Books; Febel, Horace; In Re Walt Whitman (1893); Invoices

Walt Whitman Papers in the Charles E. Heberg: Supply File, 1806-1981; ...

Public domain scan of a document related to American poet Walt Whitman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1911; Falles and other writings; Correspondence, 1877-1911, 1911

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1911; Falles and ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1942; Speeces, 1871-1942,

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1942; Speeces, 18...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1942; Speeces, 1871-1942,

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1942; Speeces, 18...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; "Жизнь моего детства" (не издана); Drafts; Fescript, 1930

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; "Жиз...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The Red Cross; Drafts, 1884-1898;

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1898; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The Red Cross; Printed copy, including annotations, 1877-1878

Клара Бартон Papers: Speeces and Writings File, 1849-1849; Books; The ...

Clara Barton is best known for founding and leading the American National Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education in the United States.... Еще


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