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william makepeace thackeray

7,567 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 76
Уильям Мейкепис Такерей, портрет с головой и плечами, лицом чуть правее Т. Джонсона

Уильям Мейкепис Такерей, портрет с головой и плечами, лицом чуть праве...

V19504 U.S. Copyright Office. Signed in pencil "T. Johnson" on lower right. Copyright 1890 by Dodd Mead & Co.

Harriet Stephen 1867 (cropped)

Harriet Stephen 1867 (cropped)

Harriet and Leslie Stephen, photographed in 1867. From Leslie Stephen's photograph album. Original: albumen print (9.3 x 5.9 cm., arched top) Photograph courtesy of the Mortimer Rare Book Room, Smith College,... Еще

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray-12

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898...

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray

Houghton MS Eng 951.9 - Simple Melodies, p 7

Houghton MS Eng 951.9 - Simple Melodies, p 7

Manuscript and original drawing: Simple melodies with illustrations by Choisy le Roi (William Makepeace Thackeray), 1832. From source: The manuscript was written by W.M.T. for Edward Torres, then a young boy. ... Еще

One year course in English and American literature; an introduction to the chief authors in English and American literature, with reading lists and references for further study (1909) (14783974315)

One year course in English and American literature; an introduction to...

Identifier: oneyearcourseine00heyd (find matches) Title: One year course in English and American literature; an introduction to the chief authors in English and American literature, with reading lists and ref... Еще

[Уильям Мейкепис Такерэй, портрет с головой и плечами, лицом слегка справа]

[Уильям Мейкепис Такерэй, портрет с головой и плечами, лицом слегка сп...

Public domain photograph of male portrait print, engraving, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Houghton MS Eng 941 - Thackeray sketches

Houghton MS Eng 941 - Thackeray sketches

Sketches by William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863). Loose leaf from a sketchbook, ca. 1850. Tear is present in original. MS Eng 941, Houghton Library, Harvard University



W.M. Thackeray Public domain photograph of stamp object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Houghton MS Eng 951.9 - Simple Melodies, p 9

Houghton MS Eng 951.9 - Simple Melodies, p 9

Manuscript and original drawing: Simple melodies with illustrations by Choisy le Roi (William Makepeace Thackeray), 1832. From source: The manuscript was written by W.M.T. for Edward Torres, then a young boy. ... Еще

William Makepeace Thackeray. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Public domai...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray-06

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898...

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray

William Makepeace Thackeray - A Mail Coach in a Hilly Landscape - B2001.2.1275 - Yale Center for British Art

William Makepeace Thackeray - A Mail Coach in a Hilly Landscape - B200...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a cart, carriage, wagon, 18th-19th century design, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Oriental Scene, 19th century - Public domain monumental decor drawing

Oriental Scene, 19th century - Public domain monumental decor drawing

Attributed to William James Müller (British, Bristol 1812–1845 Bristol) Public domain scan of 19th century British drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Houghton MS Eng 941 - Thackeray sketches, verso

Houghton MS Eng 941 - Thackeray sketches, verso

Sketches by William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863). Loose leaf from a sketchbook, ca. 1850. Tear is present in original. MS Eng 941, Houghton Library, Harvard University

Предварительные этюды к портрету Уильяма Макеписа Такера (в книге эскизов с рисунками на двадцати шести листьях)

Предварительные этюды к портрету Уильяма Макеписа Такера (в книге эски...

Frederic, Lord Leighton (British, Scarborough 1830–1896 London) Public domain scan of 19th century British drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain scan of 19th... Еще

Рождественские книги М. Титмарш. Мяч миссис Пинс. Наша улица. Доктор Берч. Лебури на Рейне

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Also available in digital form. Public domain photograph - historical image of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray-11

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898...

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray-13

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898...

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray

The Virginians Thackeray

The Virginians Thackeray

First ed title pg

Уильям Макепис Такерэй, Сэмюэл Лоранс

Уильям Макепис Такерэй, Сэмюэл Лоранс

Уильям Макепис Такерей, Сэмюэл Лоранс (умер в 1884 году). Дополнительную информацию см. на сайте источника. Этот набор изображений был собран с помощью специального инструмента на сайте лондонской Национальной ... Еще

WM Thackeray slnsw

WM Thackeray slnsw

Portrait of William Makepeace Thackeray, English novelist and illustrator, c. 1863, by Ernest Edwards, from vintage albumen print in the publication Portraits of Men of Eminence in Literature, Science, and Art... Еще

Уильям Макепис Такерей (в книге эскизов с рисунками на двадцати шести листьях)

Уильям Макепис Такерей (в книге эскизов с рисунками на двадцати шести ...

Frederic, Lord Leighton (British, Scarborough 1830–1896 London) Public domain scan of 19th century British drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain scan of 19th... Еще

William Makepeace Thackeray - Public domain portrait engraving

William Makepeace Thackeray - Public domain portrait engraving

F. Holl, after Samuel Lawrence: William Makepeace Thackeray. Steel engraving, published by Smith, Elder & Co., 1853. Image size: 13 3/4 x 11 7/16 inches.

Harper's weekly (1864) (14782544834)

Harper's weekly (1864) (14782544834)

Identifier: harpersweeklyv8bonn (find matches) Title: Harper's weekly Year: 1857 (1850s) Authors: Bonner, John, 1828-1899 Curtis, George William, 1824-1892 Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919 Conant, Samuel Stillm... Еще

Рисунки для сцен с ярмарки тщеславия: "Jos and Becky"

Рисунки для сцен с ярмарки тщеславия: "Jos and Becky"

Public domain image of watercolor painting from British-related collections, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

[Woman and beggar]. Book illustration from Library of Congress

[Woman and beggar]. Book illustration from Library of Congress

[Женщина и попрошайка] Хорошо одетая женщина останавливается на тихой улице, чтобы бросить деньги в шляпу попрошайки в сопровождении собаки на поводке. Информация об авторских правах не найдена. Название отклонилось.

Houghton MS Eng 951.5 - Napoleon caricature

Houghton MS Eng 951.5 - Napoleon caricature

Caricature of Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I of France) by William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863). Dated ca. 1852. MS Eng 951.5, William Makepeace Thackeray collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University

1840 engraving depicting Louis XIV of France entitled "What makes the King?" by William Makepeace Thackeray, The Paris Sketchbook

1840 engraving depicting Louis XIV of France entitled "What makes the ...

What makes the King ?, William Makepeace Thackeray, The Paris Sketchbook, 1840

NSRW William Makepeace Thackeray

NSRW William Makepeace Thackeray

Student's Reference Book, Chicago, F. E. Compton and Company 1914

Thackeray (dedication to Elliotson)

Thackeray (dedication to Elliotson)

Dedication page: The History of Pendennis (1850)

Harper's weekly (1864) (14598278140)

Harper's weekly (1864) (14598278140)

Identifier: harpersweeklyv8bonn (find matches) Title: Harper's weekly Year: 1857 (1850s) Authors: Bonner, John, 1828-1899 Curtis, George William, 1824-1892 Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919 Conant, Samuel Stillm... Еще

The Americana - a universal reference library, comprising the arts and sciences, literature, history, biograhy, geography, commerce, etc., of the world (1903) (14793547203)

The Americana - a universal reference library, comprising the arts and...

Identifier: americanaunivers15beac (find matches) Title: The Americana : a universal reference library, comprising the arts and sciences, literature, history, biograhy, geography, commerce, etc., of the world... Еще

Рисунок для сцены с ярмарки тщеславия: "Уличная сцена" (recto); Эскиз молодой женщины (verso)

Рисунок для сцены с ярмарки тщеславия: "Уличная сцена" (recto); Эскиз ...

James Barret (British, London, active 1785–1819 London) Public domain scan - Vanity Fair illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph - Vanity Fair ... Еще

Denis Duval - A black and white drawing of a group of people sitting around a table

Denis Duval - A black and white drawing of a group of people sitting a...

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Houghton MS Eng 951.9 - Simple Melodies, title

Houghton MS Eng 951.9 - Simple Melodies, title

Manuscript and original drawing (serving as title page): Simple melodies with illustrations by Choisy le Roi (William Makepeace Thackeray), 1832. From source: The manuscript was written by W.M.T. for Edward To... Еще

William Thackeray - Public domain portrait print

William Thackeray - Public domain portrait print

Public domain photo of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[William Makepeace] Thackeray. - Public domain dedication image

[William Makepeace] Thackeray. - Public domain dedication image

Public domain reproduction of art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A history of England from the landing of Julius Cæsar to the present day (1913) (14785560473)

A history of England from the landing of Julius Cæsar to the present d...

Identifier: cu31924027971716 (find matches) Title: A history of England from the landing of Julius Cæsar to the present day Year: 1913 (1910s) Authors: Arnold-Forster, H. O. (Hugh Oakeley), 1855-1909 Arnold-... Еще

Thackeray - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chair
A short history of England's and America's literature, by Eva March Tappan (1906) (14784008202)

A short history of England's and America's literature, by Eva March Ta...

Identifier: shorthistoryofen00tapp_0 (find matches) Title: A short history of England's and America's literature, by Eva March Tappan Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Tappan, Eva March, 1854-1930 Subjects: Engli... Еще

Создано и "авторское право, 1900 год, The U.S. Printing Co., Russell-Morgan Print, Cincati & New York".

Офис Создано и "авторское право, 1900 год, The U.S. Printing Co., Russ...

Delcher & Fessy представляют мисс Коглан в образе Бекки Шарп на ярмарке тщеславия Thackeray D17431 США Нет. 4809. Формы: Собрание плакатов (Library of Congress)

Рождественские книги М. Титмарш. Мяч миссис Пинс. Наша улица. Доктор Берч. Лебури на Рейне
Рождественские книги М. Титмарш. Мяч миссис Пинс. Наша улица. Доктор Берч. Лебури на Рейне
Jane Octavia Brookfield - Public domain portrait painting

Jane Octavia Brookfield - Public domain portrait painting

Jane Octavia Elton (1821-1896), Mrs William Brookfield Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Schurz Thackeray cartoon

Schurz Thackeray cartoon

Satirical cartoon depicting Carl Schurz's presentation of his papers as the ambassador of the United States to the Spanish Queen Isabella II.

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray-10

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898...

Illustration by Christina Mary Demain Hammond (1860-1900) for the 1898 Service and Patton reissue of Vanity Fair by Thackeray

Houghton MS Eng 951.9 - Simple Melodies, p 15

Houghton MS Eng 951.9 - Simple Melodies, p 15

Manuscript and original drawing: Simple melodies with illustrations by Choisy le Roi (William Makepeace Thackeray), 1832. From source: The manuscript was written by W.M.T. for Edward Torres, then a young boy. ... Еще

Image taken from page 37 of 'The History of Pendennis ... With sixteen illustrations by Chris Hammond' (11240874316)

Image taken from page 37 of 'The History of Pendennis ... With sixteen...

Image taken from: Title: "The History of Pendennis ... With sixteen illustrations by Chris Hammond", "Pendennis" Author: Thackeray, William Makepeace Contributor: HAMMOND, Chris - Miss Shelfmark: "British Libra... Еще

Роковые сапоги и другие скелеты

Роковые сапоги и другие скелеты

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Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

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William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

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William Makepeace Thackeray. Lovel, the widower,. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Lovel, the widower,. Public domain book.

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William Makepeace Thackeray. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Public domai...

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Книги эскизов; Парижская книга эскизов г-на М. А. Титмарша; Ирландская книга эскизов; Записки о путешествии из Корнхилла в Большой Каир,
William Makepeace Thackeray. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Public domai...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain boo...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

The Newcomes; memories of a most table family, edited by Arthur Pendennis, esq.

The Newcomes; memories of a most table family, edited by Arthur Penden...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Генри Эсмонд и вдовец Лувель

Генри Эсмонд и вдовец Лувель

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Fitzboodle papers. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Fitzboodle papers. Public domain book.

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Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

Also available in digital form. Public domain photograph of theatrical or movie production, scene, actors, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Генри Эсмонд и вдовец Лувель

Генри Эсмонд и вдовец Лувель

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Рождественские книги М. Титмарш. Мяч миссис Пинс. Наша улица. Доктор Берч. Лебури на Рейне
William Makepeace Thackeray. Lovel, the widower,. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Lovel, the widower,. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Public domai...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Novels by eminent hands also The diary of C. Jeames de la Fesche, esq., with his letters

Novels by eminent hands also The diary of C. Jeames de la Fesche, esq....

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Denis Duval. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Denis Duval. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Мемуары Часа. J. Yellowplush

Мемуары Часа. J. Yellowplush

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

The Newcomes; memories of a most table family, edited by Arthur Pendennis, esq.

The Newcomes; memories of a most table family, edited by Arthur Penden...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Генри Эсмонд и вдовец Лувель

Генри Эсмонд и вдовец Лувель

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Fitzboodle papers. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Fitzboodle papers. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Cox's diary;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Cox's diary;. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Книги эскизов; Парижская книга эскизов г-на М. А. Титмарша; Ирландская книга эскизов; Записки о путешествии из Корнхилла в Большой Каир,
William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain boo...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Denis Duval. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Denis Duval. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Эскизы и рисунки в Лондоне,

Эскизы и рисунки в Лондоне,

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Denis Duval. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Denis Duval. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Cox's diary;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Cox's diary;. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain boo...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

The Newcomes; memories of a most table family, edited by Arthur Pendennis, esq.

The Newcomes; memories of a most table family, edited by Arthur Penden...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain boo...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Генри Эсмонд и вдовец Лувель

Генри Эсмонд и вдовец Лувель

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Роковые сапоги и другие скелеты

Роковые сапоги и другие скелеты

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Роковые сапоги и другие скелеты

Роковые сапоги и другие скелеты

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The Yellowplush papers. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The Yellowplush papers. Public domain boo...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

История Пенденниса; его судьбы и несчастья, его друзья и его злейший враг,
Эскизы и рисунки в Лондоне,

Эскизы и рисунки в Лондоне,

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Novels by eminent hands also The diary of C. Jeames de la Fesche, esq., with his letters

Novels by eminent hands also The diary of C. Jeames de la Fesche, esq....

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. The rose and the ring;. Public domain boo...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

Мемуары Барри Линдона, например,

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

The Newcomes; memories of a most table family, edited by Arthur Pendennis, esq.

The Newcomes; memories of a most table family, edited by Arthur Penden...

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Denis Duval. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Denis Duval. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Рождественские книги М. Титмарш. Мяч миссис Пинс. Наша улица. Доктор Берч. Лебури на Рейне
William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

William Makepeace Thackeray. Character sketches;. Public domain book.

Также доступна в цифровой форме.

Мемуары Часа. J. Yellowplush

Мемуары Часа. J. Yellowplush

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