Detail from BL Burn 15, f. 21v - Public domain medieval manuscript
Изображение взято из ф. 21в Псалтыря, параллельного греческого и латинского текста (ff. 2-227v); Оды, параллельный греческий и латинский текст (ff. Озил-256v); Te Deum, на латыни (ff. 256v-258); Atanthan Creed,... Еще
Инициал "V" из комментария Нехемии, один из шести иллюстрированных лис...
Public domain photo of a golden object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Illuminated initial from BL Eg 617, f. 164v
Detail of an illuminated initial 'T'(he) with an animal head, at the beginning of Hosea. Image taken from f. 164v of Bible, in the early Wycliffite version; Proverbs to Maccabees. Written in English. The Egert... Еще
Book VIII from BL Add 23144, ff. 4-6, f. 5
Миниатюра, иллюстрирующая Кодекс Юстиниана, книга VIII.1: Concerning Interdition: Раз вы говорите, что корни деревьев, расположенных и растущих в соседнем саду Татангелуса, угрожают фундаментам вашего дома, пре... Еще
Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami, illuminated manuscript
Кхамса (квинтет) из Низами
Theuerdarnk Nearly Shoots Himself with a Crossbow, from [Theuerdank] D...
Hans Burgkmair (German, Augsburg 1473–1531 Augsburg) Public domain photograph of 16th-century woodblock print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theuerdank Walking on Swords, from [Theuerdank] Die geuerlicheiten vnd...
Hans Burgkmair (German, Augsburg 1473–1531 Augsburg) Public domain photograph of 16th-century woodblock print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Esemplario di lavori, page 11 (recto)
Public domain reproduction of Italian art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Esemplario di lavori, page 14 (verso)
Public domain reproduction of Italian art print, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Esemplario di lavori, page 17 (recto)
Public domain reproduction of a relief art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Томас Риотесли (1505–1550), первый граф Саутгемптона
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Hans Hoffmann - A Hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus)
Public domain image, 16th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hans Hoffmann - A Hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus)
Public domain image of watercolor painting from British-related collections, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Христос, распятый между двух огней: три мира
Picryl description: Public domain image related to death, funeral, burial, monument, cemetery, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
A close up of a piece of paper on a table. Parchment page pergament.
A sheet of paper with a stain on it / A close up of a piece of paper on a table / Public domain stock illustration.
Мбаппе и бог ветра
Picryl description: Public domain image of incest, natural history, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Architectural Drawing, Burgundy, France, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Picryl description: Public domain image of an architectural drawing from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Esemplario di lavori, page 15 (recto)
Public domain reproduction of Italian art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
David Bailly - Portrait of the Painter François Gysels
Public domain image, 17th century drawing, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Henri Joseph van Blarenberghe - Snuffbox with six scenes of country pa...
Public domain photo of a golden object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Сотворение рыбы и птиц
Picryl description: Public domain photo of Flemish art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Elevation of Solomon's Temple, one of six illustrated leaves from the ...
Public domain photo of a golden object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Snuffbox with views at the château of Chanteloup, Paris, France
Public domain photo of a golden object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Illuminated Gospel, arts of africa oceania and the americas
Public domain photo of a 3d object, America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description The Annunciation is a biblical event in which the angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary to ann... Еще
Snuffbox with views at the château of Chanteloup, Paris, France
Public domain photo of a golden object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Henri Joseph van Blarenberghe - Snuffbox with six scenes of country pa...
Public domain photo of a golden object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Esemplario di lavori - Public domain dedication. Metropolitan Museum o...
Public domain photo of Italian sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami - Arabic illuminated manuscript
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Iran, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Инвентаризация рукописи оружейного склада для продажи по лотерее
Public domain photo of a Medieval 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Инвентаризация рукописи оружейного склада для продажи по лотерее
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Alice, la Belle Pèlerine - Drawing. Public domain image.
Public domain reproduction of German art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami - Arabic illuminated manuscript
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Iran, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Alice, la Belle Pèlerine - Drawing. Public domain image.
Public domain reproduction of artwork in Metropolitan Museum of Art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Belles Heures of Jean de France, duc de Berry
Public domain photo of a golden object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description The Annunciation is a biblical event in which the angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary to ... Еще
The Belles Heures of Jean de France, duc de Berry
Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description The Annunciation is a biblical event in which the angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary to anno... Еще
Инвентаризация рукописи оружейного склада для продажи по лотерее
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami - Arabic illuminated manuscript
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Iran, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Alice, la Belle Pèlerine - Public domain portrait painting
Picryl description: Public domain image of a portrait painting, art detail, painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami - Arabic illuminated manuscript
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Iran, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
BNF, Mss fr 68, folio 83v - Public domain dedication image
Alexis Ier Comnène et Hugues le Grand Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript, folio, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Master of the Vitae Imperatorum - Leaf from Breviary - Walters W332201...
Мастер The Vitae Imperatorum. 'Leaf from Breviary', ca. 1400 чернил, красок и золота на пергаменте. Художественный музей Уолтерса (W.332.201V): Приобретен Генри Уолтерсом.
BL Egerton 747, f.107v - Public domain dedication image
BL Egerton 747, f.107v Public domain scan of print or book page depicting plant, botanical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
BL Sloane 4016, f.024v - Public domain dedication image
BL Sloane 4016, f.024v Public domain scan of print or book page depicting plant, botanical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Estense alfa.l.09.28, f.057v - Public domain dedication image
Estense alfa.l.09.28, f.057v Public domain scan of print or book page depicting plant, botanical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bodleian Plate - Public domain geographic map
Print of the Bodleian Plate, depicting the colonial architecture of Williamsburg, Virginia. The plate, discovered in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, was critical to the reconstruction of Williamsburg in the ear... Еще
Houghton MS Typ 411 - 8v - coin, public domain photograph
Illustrations of Graeco-Roman coins, 1550, by Jacobus Strada (d. 1588). Cropped from original page scan. MS Typ 411, Houghton Library, Harvard University
Drawing (BM 1848,0212.104) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Noah, his family and the animals leaving the ark, one of nineteen illustrations to Genesis Pen and brown ink, on vellum
Drawing (BM 1848,0212.95) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Adam and Eve seeking to hide themselves, one of nineteen illustrations to Genesis; with God the Father and animals in the garden including a lion Pen and brown ink, on vellum
Drawing (BM 1854,0628.3) - Drawing. Public domain image.
An old woman and child seated before a fire, a bowl on the woman's lap Black chalk, on vellum
Drawing (BM 1857,0509.31) - Public domain portrait engraving
Portrait of a Divine, said to be Ralph Cudworth; almost half-length to half-right, eyes to front, with long hair, slight moustache, and small tufted beard (?), wearing broad white bands, and academic gown. 166... Еще
Drawing (BM 1891,0617.25 1) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Profile bust to left, of a woman wearing a helmet Pen and brown ink, on vellum
Drawing (BM 1893,0731.20) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Design for a chalice; decorated with figures, scrolls and putti Pen and brown ink, on vellum
Drawing (BM 1895,0915.1349) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Annunciation, one of three scenes from the New Testament; interior with the Virgin kneeling by a table, a bed beyond, the angel Gabriel appearing to left Pen and brown ink, on vellum
Drawing (BM 1902,0822.19 1) - Public domain scenic engraving
Portrait of Frederick, Prince of Wales, at the age of twenty-nine; bust, half-l, eyes to front, wearing hair short, stock-band and Star of the Garter. 1736 Graphite on vellum
Drawing (BM 1906,0723.2) - Drawing. Public domain image.
A man in a night cap. 1705 Bust, half-right, looking to front, wearing a gown Graphite over vellum
Drawing (BM 1914,0520.35) - Public domain zoological illustration
Bird (Picus auratus); pink and grey-brown speckled bird with red stripe around back of neck, perched on a branch. 1768 Watercolour and bodycolour, on vellum
Drawing (BM 1921,0714.6) - Public domain zoological illustration
Study of insects including grasshopper or cricket Watercolour and bodycolour, on vellum
Drawing (BM 1946,0713.197) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Two birds in a tree, one of twelve illustrations of Fables, after Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder; with other livestock nearby Pen and brown ink, on vellum
Drawing (BM Gg,1.507) - Public domain portrait engraving
Portrait of Thornhill, at the age of fifty-seven; bust half-right, eyes to front, wearing night-cap, dressing-gown open in front, and his shirt buttoned at the throat. 1733 Graphite on vellum
Drawing, album (BM 1836,0811.717)
Landscape with two fortified towers in the foreground, another fortified building in the distance; within a square border Pen and brown ink
Drawing, album (BM 1836,0811.721)
Landscape with two trees, two villagers and cattle; within a hand drawn circle Pen and brown ink
Drawing, album (BM 1895,0915.1379)
St James the Great, formerly in an album; whole-length turned to half-l, holding a staff in his right hand, a book in the other Pen and brown ink, with watercolour, on vellum
Drawing, album (BM SL,5261.121)
A Ground Squirrel, in an album originally containing 167 drawings of quadrupeds; in profile to left with tail raised, eating nuts, drawn within a border Watercolour, heightened with white, on vellum
Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.29) - Public domain illustration drawing
Plant bearing round yellow fruit and two examples of a blue and green butterfly, from an album of 91 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of Surinam Insects &c'; and with a long-haired caterpillar and chrysali... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.59) - Public domain scenic drawing
Example of a Surinam toad, with pink-flowered plant and two shells, from an album entitled 'Merian's Drawings of Surinam Insects &c'; with hatchlings on its back Watercolour, with bodycolour, and with pen and ... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.77) - Public domain illustration drawing
Green Iguana, from an album entitled 'Merian's Drawings of Surinam Insects &c' Watercolour, touched with bodycolour, heightened with white, on vellum
Drawing, album (BM SL,5275.90) - Public domain portrait drawing
A monkey sitting on the branch of a tree, eating fruit, from an album entitled 'Merian's Drawings of Surinam Insects &c'; a beetle on one of the branches Watercolour, with bodycolour, heightened with white, on vellum
Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.12) - Public domain drawing
The life cycles of various moths, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; with examples of six caterpillars, three on a yellow-flowered plant, four chrysalises and fo... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.148)
The life cycle of the moth, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; with examples of caterpillars and a sprig of foliage with two nuts (?), various flies surrounding ... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.36 1)
The life cycle of the butterfly, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; with examples of a caterpillar and chrysalis on a sprig of wispy foliage, a wasp (?) to left ... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.7) - Public domain scenic drawing
The life cycle of the butterfly, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; with examples of a caterpillar, chrysalis and two butterflies, with eggs on a lower stem of a... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.77) - Public domain portrait drawing
Iris with a moth, caterpillar and chrysalis, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c' Watercolour and bodycolour, on vellum
Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.78) - Public domain scenic drawing
White Iris, depicting the life cycle of the moth, from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; with examples of three caterpillars on the stem of the flower, another flyin... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5276.88) - Public domain scenic drawing
Hollyhocks, blue convolvulus (Convolv. minor. coerul) and yellow chamomile (Buphralmum), from an album of 160 drawings entitled 'Merian's Drawings of European Insects &c'; dark red double hollyhocks with the o... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5277.58) - Public domain drawing
Two birds on branches, from an album of 79 drawings entitled 'Roberts's Drawings of Plants, Birds, Shells &c. Vol.I'; the upper with green, grey and white feathers, the lower with light and dark blue Watercolo... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5277.79) - Public domain drawing
Two studies of deformed animals, from an album of 79 drawings entitled 'Roberts's Drawings of Plants, Birds, Shells &c. Vol.I'; a piglet (?) with two bodies joined by one head, and a kitten (?) with two joined... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5278.32) - Public domain drawing
Bird of the Curlew family, from an album of 65 drawings entitled 'Roberts's Drawings of Plants, Birds, Shells &c. Vol.II'; with deep red plumage, black head, blue and green on the wings, in profile to right Wa... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5278.47) - Public domain drawing
Studies of eight beetles, from an album of 65 drawings entitled 'Roberts's Drawings of Plants, Birds, Shells &c. Vol.II'; including one below with red and black markings Watercolour and bodycolour, on vellum
Drawing, album (BM SL,5278.48) - Public domain drawing
Studies of centipedes and spiders, from an album of 65 drawings entitled 'Roberts's Drawings of Plants, Birds, Shells &c. Vol.II' Watercolour and bodycolour, on vellum
Drawing, album (BM SL,5279.24) - Public domain drawing
Pink-orange blossom on a stem, from an album of 40 drawings of birds, reptiles, insects, plants and shells, etc by various artists; with a bulb and foliage and separate studies of stemen and seeds Watercolour, on vellum
Drawing, album (BM SL,5279.25) - Public domain drawing
Plant with large fronds and minute white and pink flowers, from an album of 40 drawings of birds, reptiles, insects, plants and shells, etc by various artists; with a bulb and foliage and separate studies of s... Еще
Drawing, album (BM SL,5279.9) - Public domain drawing
Bird with green and pink plumage, from an album of 40 drawings of birds, reptiles, insects, plants and shells, etc by various artists; in profile to left, on a leafy branch Watercolour, with bodycolour, height... Еще
Drawing, architectural drawing (BM 1972,U.797)
Château du Louvre, detail of the attic of the Lescot wing, comprising three windows flanked by crouching prisoners and trophies; the window at left is crowned by a curved pediment with two winged figures suppo... Еще
Drawing, architectural drawing (BM 1972,U.804)
Château de Chambord, front view, with two corner turrets in the immediate foreground, beyond the courtyard with walls at left and right, and at the back of the courtyard the entrance flanked by two turets; fig... Еще
Drawing, book (BM 1854,0628.30 1)
Christ carrying the Cross, one of six scenes from the Passion, cut from a Latin Book of Hours; with a figure leading him and four further figures behind. c.1430-40 Pen and brown ink, with grey wash, touched wi... Еще
Drawing, map (BM 1972,U.814 1) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Château de Montargis, map of the area with chateau at centre showing its position in relation to surrounding villages, rivers and woods Pen and black ink, touched with watercolour; on vellum
Drawing, print study (BM 1854,0628.68 1)
Portrait of Gilles Ménage; half-length to right, facing front, man with small cap on head, whispy hair across forehead and wavy hair at the sides, wide collar over tunic buttoned up the middle and on sleeve, h... Еще
Drawing, print study (BM 1931,0509.252)
Portrait of Mrs Clive as Lady Fuz; wearing red and white striped dress and hood Brush drawing in grey wash, watercolour and bodycolour, touched with gold and pen and black ink, on vellum
Drawing, print study (BM 1946,1116.2 1)
Design for an unidentified book-illustration: an allegory on poetic inspiration; a poet with his lyre, half-reclining, surrounded by other figures, above him Mercury despatched by Apollo seated on a cloud at t... Еще
Drawing, print study (BM Gg,1.480)
Portrait of Kenneth Mackenzie, 4th Earl of Seaforth: head, slightly to right, eyes to front, with long curling wig Graphite on vellum, the face touched with metalpoint
Drawing, print study (BM Gg,1.493)
Portrait of John Bunyan; bust, slightly to right, eyes to front, with long hair and moustache, wearing cassock. c.1679 Graphite on vellum, finished in metalpoint
Drawing, sketch-book (BM 1841,1211.9.1-50 31)
Sketchbook bound in vellum with gold tooling containing 50 numbered leaves (mostly with additional manuscript numbers 1-50) with drawings on the verso and 4 unnumbered blank leaves, with women's costumes from ... Еще
Drawing, sketch-book (BM 1898,1123.3.1.+ 3)
Aspertini sketch-book (so-called London I): vellum cover Public domain reproduction of illuminated book or manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Drawing, sketch-book (BM 1898,1123.3.39)
Aspertini sketch-book (so-called London I): 40th opening left (1898,1123.3(39) verso) and right-hand page (1898,1123.3(40) recto) with nude men carrying bundles; classical battle scene (left side of opening); ... Еще
Drawing, sketch-book (BM 1898,1123.3.46)
Aspertini sketch-book (so-called London I): 47th opening left (1898,1123.3(46) verso) and right-hand page (1898,1123.3(47) recto) a Pietà, Virgin Mary with Dead Christ on her lap, observed by a standing bearde... Еще
Gloria Crocodilus (BM 1994,1001.10.8 1)
Title-page to sixty-three emblematic miniatures in roundels; helmeted coat of arms crested with bird legs, crowned with severed bird legs; with inscriptions in gold; from an album of 82 leaves. 1634 Bodycolou... Еще
Opusculum de architectura (BM 1947,0117.2.16.r)
Folio 14r. Machinery for raising columns into position. Cf. Mancini, fig. 98 Pen and brown ink and brown wash, over brown chalk
Opusculum de architectura (BM 1947,0117.2.5.r)
Folio 3r. Trébuchet (catapault) Pen and brown ink and brown wash, over brown chalk
Opusculum de architectura (BM 1947,0117.2.5.v 1)
Folio 3v. Trébuchet (catapault) Pen and brown ink and brown wash, over brown chalk
Opusculum de architectura (BM 1947,0117.2.81.r)
Folio 79r: Scaling ladders on trolleys and a platform which can be raised Pen and brown ink and brown wash, over brown chalk