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us fish and wildlife service

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Seabirds 2, National Parks Birds Images

Seabirds 2, National Parks Birds Images

Стаи черноногих котят и кошачьих чаек на островах Чисуэлл, входящих в состав Национального заповедника дикой природы Аляски. Фото: Jim Hoffenberger

Hundreds of elk gather for winter forage and safety at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's elk refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, a valley on the edge of Grand Teton National Park

Hundreds of elk gather for winter forage and safety at the U.S. Fish &...

Название, дата и ключевые слова на основе информации, предоставленной фотографом. Приют был создан, чтобы обеспечить зимнюю среду обитания для стада лосей Джексона. Лоси покидают нижние возвышенности в апреле и... Еще

A baby owl is sitting on the ground. Baby owl great horned young.
A polar bear standing on top of a rocky beach. Polar bear bear arctic.
Camp Tulelake, West side of Hill Road, 2 miles south of State Highway 161, Tulelake, Feskiyou County, CA

Camp Tulelake, West side of Hill Road, 2 miles south of State Highway ...

Значение: Civilian Concepts Corps (CCC), Camp Tulelake воплощает в себе отчетливый дизайн лагерей CCC и является редким сохранившимся примером. Простые утилитарные здания, расположенные в стандартном плане, явл... Еще

Экипаж Fish Dance Systems готовится к монтажу секции

Экипаж Fish Dance Systems готовится к монтажу секции

Экипаж Fish Dance Systems готовится установить секцию акустического рыбного забора 9 октября 2019 года на реке ниже Баркли Лок в Гранд-Риверсе, штат Ки. Ожидается, что BAFF заработает через несколько недель, а ... Еще

США Сотрудник Службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы (USFWS) Ник

США Сотрудник Службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы (USFWS) Ник

США Сотрудник Службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы (USFWS) Ник Блумфилд запасается радугой 29 апреля 2020 года в озере Хемвелл на Саут Пост в Форт Маккой, штат Висконсин. Приблизительно 15.000 радужных рысаков б... Еще

США Работник службы охоты и дикой природы

США Работник службы охоты и дикой природы

США Сотрудник Fish and Wildlife Service 30 апреля 2018 года в Форт-Маккои, штат Висконсин, выбросил радужную рыбу в озеро Сэнди в рамках общей операции по вылову, в ходе которой 15 тысяч рыб были выброшены в во... Еще

США Сотрудник Службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы (USFWS) Ник

США Сотрудник Службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы (USFWS) Ник

США Сотрудник Службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы (USFWS) Ник Блумфилд запасается радугой 29 апреля 2020 года в озере Хемвелл на Саут Пост в Форт Маккой, штат Висконсин. Приблизительно 15.000 радужных рысаков б... Еще

США Сотрудники службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы из Генуи

США Сотрудники службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы из Генуи

США Сотрудники Fish and Wildlife Service из Генуи Fish Hatchery of Genoa, штат Висконсин, запасаются радугой 26 апреля 2019 года в Большом Сэнди Лейк на Саут Пост в Форт Маккой, штат Висконсин. Сотрудники USFWS... Еще

Знак на обочине грузовика для Генуэзского национального

Знак на обочине грузовика для Генуэзского национального

Знак на боковой стороне грузовика для Генуэзского национального рыбного инкубатора показан 30 апреля 2018 года в Форт Маккой, штат Висконсин. Инкубаторием управляют США Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Сотруд... Еще

США Сотрудник Службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы (USFWS) Ник

США Сотрудник Службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы (USFWS) Ник

США Сотрудник Службы рыбной ловли и дикой природы (USFWS) Ник Блумфилд запасается радугой 29 апреля 2020 года в озере Хемвелл на Саут Пост в Форт Маккой, штат Висконсин. Приблизительно 15.000 радужных рысаков б... Еще

США Сотрудники Fish and Wildlife Service выпускают радугу

США Сотрудники Fish and Wildlife Service выпускают радугу

США Сотрудники Fish and Wildlife Service выпускают радужную рыбу в озеро Сэнди 30 апреля 2018 года в Форт Маккой, штат Висконсин, в рамках общей операции по отлову, в ходе которой 15 тысяч рыб были выловлены в ... Еще

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170877324)

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170877324)

For this year’s Earth Day celebration, North Carolina’s Schiele Museum chose endangered species as a theme. The Service reached out to kids visiting the museum to learn what they like to do when they go outside... Еще

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170877604)

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170877604)

For this year’s Earth Day celebration, North Carolina’s Schiele Museum chose endangered species as a theme. The Service reached out to kids visiting the museum to learn what they like to do when they go outside... Еще

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170879046)

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170879046)

For this year’s Earth Day celebration, North Carolina’s Schiele Museum chose endangered species as a theme. The Service reached out to kids visiting the museum to learn what they like to do when they go outside... Еще

Adult bald eagle in flight at Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge (34252248632)
Teaming for bat conservation! (37893679616)

Teaming for bat conservation! (37893679616)

USFWS National White-nose Syndrome Coordinator Jeremy Coleman, USFWS Principal Deputy Director Greg Sheehan, White-nose Syndrome Communications Coordinator Catherine Hibbard, Organization for Bat Conservation E... Еще

Boundary of the Refuge (9158426493)

Boundary of the Refuge (9158426493)

Scenery and wildlife at Lake Ilo National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota Credit: USFWS

Bottlebrush Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) on Seedskadee NWR 21 (27600543896)

Bottlebrush Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) on Seedskadee NWR 21 (2760...

The potential uses of bottlebrush squirreltail include erosion control and domestic livestock and wildlife forage production. The plant establishes easily, remains green for a long period and is palatable throu... Еще

Area II (5763292102)

Area II (5763292102)

Charlie Pelizza and Elizabeth Souheaver having a smile during lunch Credit: Keenan Adams, USFWS www.fws.gov/pelicanisland/

Artificial Nest (6992772464)

Artificial Nest (6992772464)

By: Danna Liurova (DRV) USFWS YAP May 02, 2012 A chick inside an artificial nest.

Bald Eagle at Mingo National Wildlife Refuge in Missouri (31968136273)

Bald Eagle at Mingo National Wildlife Refuge in Missouri (31968136273)

Check out this stunning bald eagle spotted at Mingo National Wildlife Refuge in Missouri. Photo by Debbie Koenigs/USFWS.

Bullfrog (16710702917)

Bullfrog (16710702917)

Well hello! Bullfrogs are out and about at Great River and Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuges in Missouri! Photo by USFWS.

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170880076)

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170880076)

For this year’s Earth Day celebration, North Carolina’s Schiele Museum chose endangered species as a theme. The Service reached out to kids visiting the museum to learn what they like to do when they go outside... Еще

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170880906)

2012 Earth & Endangered Species Day at Schiele Museum (7170880906)

For this year’s Earth Day celebration, North Carolina’s Schiele Museum chose endangered species as a theme. The Service reached out to kids visiting the museum to learn what they like to do when they go outside... Еще

2013 National Fishing and Boating Week (8959483138)

2013 National Fishing and Boating Week (8959483138)

Local students prepare to enjoy fishing at the annual kick-off of National Fishing and Boating Week on the Anacostia River in Washington D.C.

American robin on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (35774039870)
Cinnamon teal sibling rivalry 01 (15039409775)

Cinnamon teal sibling rivalry 01 (15039409775)

Cinnamon teal disagreement on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Photo: Tom Koerner/USFWS

Baby Turtle (14319520804)

Baby Turtle (14319520804)

Fish aren't the only creatures hatching around here. This morning we found this painted turtle, which barely eclipsed a quarter. Photo Credit: Spencer Neuharth / USFWS

Backlit Pronghorn on Seedskadee NWR (24376716094)

Backlit Pronghorn on Seedskadee NWR (24376716094)

Backlit pronghorns on a frosty morning at Seedskadee NWR. Photo: Tom Koerner/USFWS

Creston Raceways (5836796973)

Creston Raceways (5836796973)

Creston National Fish Hatchery staff guide rainbow trout to one end of the raceway to load into a distribution truck in June 2011. Approximately 5,000 fish were taken to the Blackfoot Reservation in Montana. ... Еще

Cub Scout (10997835415)

Cub Scout (10997835415)

Photo Credit: Seth Beres/USFWS

DSC 9316 (8077708528)

DSC 9316 (8077708528)

Joseph Hautman won last years contest for the 2012-13 Federal Duck Stamp. With that win he became a four time winner. After winning his first contest in 1991 he then won the contests for the 2002 and 2008 stamp... Еще

DSC 9597 (8094048808)

DSC 9597 (8094048808)

Rick Shields, President, Friends of the Savannah Coastal Wildlife Refuges, introduces the next speaker - President Theodore Roosevelt. 10/14/2012 Savannah, GA Refuge Week event on Wassaw NWR photo by Garry Tucker, USFWS

Elder native Alaskan woman 1979 FWS

Elder native Alaskan woman 1979 FWS

Elder Native Alaskan Woman. Location not specified. FWS keywords; Native Americans; ARLIS; Alaska Publisher U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Source FWS-7352 Rights Public domain

Bison at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge (26859916300)
Ahklun and Wood River Mountains

Ahklun and Wood River Mountains

Ahklun and Wood River Mountains, Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska

Birding (28411381910)

Birding (28411381910)

Photo by Courtney Celley/USFWS.

Birding (36221420745)

Birding (36221420745)

Sigma Beta Club youth learn the basics of birding with staff and volunteers from Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge. Photo by Tina Shaw/USFWS.

Greater Sage-Grouse Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (20873499866)
Alligator alley (5178696117)

Alligator alley (5178696117)

Round Top Trail Date: 11/13/2010 Credit: Stacy Shelton/USFWS

Alligator arched (5179302532)

Alligator arched (5179302532)

Canal Run Trail Date: 11/13/2010 Credit: Stacy Shelton/USFWS

Alligator swimming (7460875870)

Alligator swimming (7460875870)

June 12, 2012 - Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge, McIntosh County, GA. Alligators enjoy Woody Pond and many large males can be seen patrolling the waters that vary between 5-6 ft in depth. Alligators actual... Еще

American coot Mine Mine Mine 01 (15568772602)

American coot Mine Mine Mine 01 (15568772602)

American coots are not known for their table manners. They often wait for their neighbor to dive and bring food to the surface. When the coot surfaces, a frenzy ensues and other coots grab what they can. In ... Еще

American Coot Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge 01 (15522192995)

American Coot Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge 01 (15522192995)

Although it swims like a duck, the American Coot does not have webbed feet like a duck. Instead, each one of the coot’s long toes has broad lobes of skin that help it kick through the water. The broad lobes fol... Еще

Mallard on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (41038067012)
Mallard on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (41080780131)
Mallard on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (40474338064)
Mike Fields - Pacific and Pacific Southwest Regions (10706693824)

Mike Fields - Pacific and Pacific Southwest Regions (10706693824)

Mike Fields is the Regional Chief Technology Officer for the Pacific and the Pacific Southwest Regions. He served on active duty with the U.S. Air Force and deployed to Iraq. Currently he is in the Oregon Air N... Еще

Orb spider web backlit by sunrise Sand Lake Wetland Management District (14612974494)
Onlookers watch as Mexican free-tailed bats exiting Bracken Bat Cave (8006836254)

Onlookers watch as Mexican free-tailed bats exiting Bracken Bat Cave (...

Onlookers watch as Mexican free-tailed bats exiting Bracken Bat Cave photo credit: USFWS/Ann Froschauer

Orange Flower (10998004954)

Orange Flower (10998004954)

Photo Credit: Seth Beres/USFWS

Bombay Hook 2018 36 (48431862526)

Bombay Hook 2018 36 (48431862526)

Sunrise photos at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge. Photos: Kayt Jonsson/USFWS

Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, MT (6109853105)

Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, MT (6109853105)

USFWS employee Jackie Fox prepares to take an injured short eared owl to a wildlife rehabilitation center. Photo: USFWS

Repairing the Enclosure Fencing (5543917911)

Repairing the Enclosure Fencing (5543917911)

Cody Meshes presses the mesh against the fence to secure with zipties. usfwsyouthambassadors.wordpress.com/ www.fws.gov/southeast/youthambassadors/meshes.html Date Taken: 8-31-10 Photo Taken By: Nicole Rankin (USFWS)

Response vehicles (6093658366)

Response vehicles (6093658366)

August 28, 2011. Photo by Tom MacKenzie, USFWS. Response vehicles in between Pocosin NWR and Pea Island.

Rest for the Weary (15791180812)

Rest for the Weary (15791180812)

A flock of redhead ducks on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Waterfowl, moving ahead of an approaching storm, settled into Seedskadee NWR. These redheads fed heavily on submerged aquatic vegetation before... Еще

Chesapeake logperch surveying (30471254587)

Chesapeake logperch surveying (30471254587)

Chesapeake logperch in seine net. Photo Credit: Kayt Jonsson/USFWS

Running Pronghorn (16654553595)

Running Pronghorn (16654553595)

The fastest land mammal in North America. It can sprint as fast as 60 mph and can sustain a speed of 30 mph for miles. Tom Koerner/USFWS

Cinnamon Teal Feeding Seedskadee NWR (16070311790)

Cinnamon Teal Feeding Seedskadee NWR (16070311790)

A brood of cinnamon teal feeding on pondweeds and aquatic insects on Seedskadee NWR. As days shorten heading in to fall, many birds feed heavily to gain the necessary fat reserves to fuel their migration. Pho... Еще

Cinnamon Teal on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (26455603034)

Cinnamon Teal on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (26455603034)

Hen cinnamon teal on Seedskadee NWR. Photo: Tom Koerner/USFWS

Takeoff (35203521620)

Takeoff (35203521620)

A redhead duck runs across the water on takeoff at Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Photo: Tom Koerner/USFWS

Taking a dip! (12684499154)

Taking a dip! (12684499154)

At Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge. Photo: Garry Tucker, USFWS www.fws.gov/mattamuskeet/

Boy Scout Jamboree 2010 (4860581371)

Boy Scout Jamboree 2010 (4860581371)

Credit: Chris Poulin/ USFWS

Tuque was captured around 11 40 am by the Puerto Rico Manatee Conservation Center (6217590725)

Tuque was captured around 11 40 am by the Puerto Rico Manatee Conserva...

Photo by Danna Liurova, USFWS October 5, 2011 Dorado, Puerto Rico

Turtles Ready to be Released (5863212804)

Turtles Ready to be Released (5863212804)

Blanding's turtle release, Assabet River, MA. Credit: Keith Shannon/USFWS

Turtle Eggs... packed neatly in a row... (4804552751)

Turtle Eggs... packed neatly in a row... (4804552751)

July 12, 2010 Gulf Shores, AL - Alabama's first sea turtle nest to transfer to Kennedy Space Center on the Atlantic Coast of Florida. Photo by Bonnie Strawser, USFWS www.fws.gov/home/dhoilspill

Upper Pool looking north east during Marshbird Survey Scouting 28 April 2012 (7164439458)

Upper Pool looking north east during Marshbird Survey Scouting 28 Apri...

Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge Credit: Steve Arena/USFWS

West Indian Manatee, Great Harbour Cay Harbor (6771566455)
Banded garden spider (15154239790)

Banded garden spider (15154239790)

This spider was found at Morris Wetland Management District in Minnesota, but they can be found around the world! Photo by Tally Hamilton/USFWS

Coyote (6659380939)

Coyote (6659380939)

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM Camera trap project by Matthew Farley, Jennifer Miyashiro and James Stuart Photo made available by J.N. Stuart, Creative Commons

Bat hair cut (6022391509)

Bat hair cut (6022391509)

Kathleen Smith collects fur from a bat which will be shipped to a lab for genetics research. Credit: Gary Peeples/USFWS www.fws.gov/asheville/

Bavon Beach project (5951581284)

Bavon Beach project (5951581284)

Tylan Dean with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has worked with the Bavon Beach landowners and partners to find a solution that would benefit both the tiger beetle and the homeowners. Credit: USFWS

Beaver Creek WPA (13106311845)

Beaver Creek WPA (13106311845)

Beaver Creek WPA is just one of 9 Waterfowl Production Areas in the Bowdoin WMD. Credit: James Graham / USFWS

Diamondback in profile (5734564079)

Diamondback in profile (5734564079)

The Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve is researching the diamondback terrapin turtle, whose habitat is likely to be inundated as the sea rises. Photo by Christina Mohrmann/Grand Bay NERR.

BU researcher inspects bat wing (8023141009)

BU researcher inspects bat wing (8023141009)

photo credit: USFWS/Ann Froschauer

Bill Koch after receiving the inaugural Wilderness Stewardship Legacy Award (14963691679)

Bill Koch after receiving the inaugural Wilderness Stewardship Legacy ...

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe surprised now retired Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge manager Bill Koch with the inaugural Wilderness Stewardship Legacy Award in honor of all of the work ... Еще

Eagle Summit III (13382593105)

Eagle Summit III (13382593105)

Clint Riley's (ARD for Migratory Birds) opening remarks at the Eagle Summit III in Denver, Colorado on March 20, 2014 at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: Kate Miyamoto / USFWS

Ear River Migratory Bird Refuge (14848795838)
Eagle Summit III (13382937334)

Eagle Summit III (13382937334)

Questions and comments at the Eagle Summit III in Denver, Colorado on March 20, 2014 at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: Kate Miyamoto / USFWS

Eastern small-footed bat (5881246126)

Eastern small-footed bat (5881246126)

Myotis lebeii photo credit: Al Hicks/NYDEC

Employee Honor Award Jennifer Strickland; EA LCC Team (5726645390)

Employee Honor Award Jennifer Strickland; EA LCC Team (5726645390)

May 10, 2011-- Atlanta, GA: USFWS Regional Director's Honor Awards Photographer: Tom MacKenzie, USFWS

Every nest is precious (4815372275)

Every nest is precious (4815372275)

July 16, 2010 - Port St. Joe, FL: It's vital to save every nest possible, because sometimes we discover nests such as this one, where all the eggs in the nests have gone bad. www.fws.gov/home/dhoilspill/ Phot... Еще

Fish Prints (4974864224)

Fish Prints (4974864224)

Photo by Tina Shaw/USFWS

Friends Pond B&W (30282920855)

Friends Pond B&W (30282920855)

Photo Credit: Seth Beres/USFWS

Black-throated Blue Warbler (13887005009)

Black-throated Blue Warbler (13887005009)

Black-throated blue warbler (Setophaga caerulescens) - photo by Dendroica cerulea creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Black-footed ferret newborn kits (21093438949)

Black-footed ferret newborn kits (21093438949)

Photo credit: Kimberly Fraser, USFWS

Black-footed Ferrets in Preconditioning Pens (15543673785)

Black-footed Ferrets in Preconditioning Pens (15543673785)

Photo taken at the National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center in northern Colorado, where the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service leads a captive breeding and recovery program where this endangered species is ... Еще

Get Your Goose On! - Alaska Style (8024825610)

Get Your Goose On! - Alaska Style (8024825610)

USFWS Harlequin Duck Survey of Kodiak Island. Credit: Katharine Studholme / USFWS The Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge is a United States National Wildlife Refuge in the Kodiak Archipelago in southwestern Alaska... Еще

Get Your Goose On! Atoll Style (8047999146)

Get Your Goose On! Atoll Style (8047999146)

Kendra Maty and Charlie Parrott after a successful ant survey on East Island, Johnston Atoll NWR. Credit: USFWS

Giant puffball (52400978017)

Giant puffball (52400978017)

A typical giant puffball mushroom grows to be 4 to 20 inches in diameter. Occasionally some grow even larger! These large mushrooms can be found in temperate areas around the world. Watch for them in fields and... Еще

Blue Eggs in Nest Box (6802854901)

Blue Eggs in Nest Box (6802854901)

A peek inside this nest box reveals a sure sign of spring–four delicate bluebird eggs. Refuge volunteers monitor these nest boxes as part of a long-term citizen science program. Credit: USFWS

Cabot-Clark Marsh (9730932897)

Cabot-Clark Marsh (9730932897)

Cabot Clark Marsh at Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge Photo Credit: Ken Sturm/USFWS http://www.fws.gov/refuge/missisquoi/ http://www.fws.gov/northeast

J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge (8426360419)

J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge (8426360419)

Photo credit: USFWS/George Gentry In populated coastal areas, wetland migration is often constrained by land development and shoreline stabilization measures. These conditions can result in the crowding of for... Еще

Izembek Lagoon at sunset (50676658461)

Izembek Lagoon at sunset (50676658461)

Evening clouds reflect in the calm water of Izembek Lagoon at sunset. Credit: Lisa Hupp/USFWS

Jerfelis Pimentel (6329880356)

Jerfelis Pimentel (6329880356)

Jerfelis Pimentel, an Administrative Assistant for Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, served in the United States Air Force at Moody AFB from 2005 through 2009.

José Cruz planting endangered plants with kids. (5756380660)

José Cruz planting endangered plants with kids. (5756380660)

May 21, 2011, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, By: Lilibeth Serrano, USFWS

Lake Woodruff Volusia 5 Prescribed Fire Febuary 2014 (12526063855)

Lake Woodruff Volusia 5 Prescribed Fire Febuary 2014 (12526063855)

USFWS firefighters carry drip torches through heavy palmetto to help ignite a flanking fire. On February, 12 2014 USFWS firefighters conducted a 137 acre prescribed fire at Lake Woodruff NWR to reduce the wild... Еще

Lake in Sheenjek River Valley

Lake in Sheenjek River Valley

Lake in Sheenjek River Valley, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge


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