Взгляд в будущее Грядущие события бросают тень на прошлое.
Фотографическое воспроизведение фотографии Русеф и двух африканцев рядом с мертвым носорогом.
[Интерьер холма Сагамор со стульями перед камином]
Picryl description: Public domain image of a living room, fireplace, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Roosevelt, T.R. C.M. Bell Studio, Washington DC
Title is unverified name of sitter or person who ordered the photograph, from handwritten label on negative sleeve or negative. Date based on span of years of C.M. Bell Collection. Negative number assigned by L... Еще
В 1884 году Рузвельт стал миллионером
Фотография, на которой изображен молодой Русеф, портрет длиной в три четверти длины, сидящий.
Theodore Roosevelt - Bottom's dream, Political Cartoon
Illustration shows Puck's stereotypical Irishman labeled "Democracy" in the role of "Bottom" from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream", with Puck holding the head of an ass above him. He is holding a paper t... Еще
The Still Hunt, bronze - Public Domain image, National Parks Gallery
"Натюрморт" был создан Эдвардом Кемейсом в 1885 году. Эта бронза напоминает крупномасштабную скульптуру назойливой пантеры в Центральном парке Нью-Йорка, созданную Кемейсом в 1883 году. В его коллекции было нес... Еще
[Русеф, портрет длиной в три четверти длины, руки за спиной, лицом вле...
No. 1. Copyright 1898 by B. J. Falk, N.Y. Mounted with photo of Roosevelt facing left: LC-DIG-ppmsca-36060.
[Грубые всадники Русеф в военном лагере, Монтек-Пойнт, Нью-Йорк]
Фотография, на которой солдаты позируют для групповой фотографии с талисманом собаки, Монк-Пойнт, Нью-Йорк.
Русевельты [Русевельты и их семья]
Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Росевробанк в Саратове
Public domain photograph related to Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
T.R. [Theodore Roosevelt] - Public domain demonstration photograph
A black and white photo of a man waving. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt - Public domain monumental decor engraving
Photograph showing left profile bust of Theodore Roosevelt, wearing a hat, in bas-relief. 19908 U. S. Copyright Office. Engraved on bas-relief: Colonel Theodore Roosevelt.
Общая информация о печатных материалах Популярной и Прикладной графики...
General information about the Popular and Applied Graphic Art print materials is available at: loc.gov Title information compiled by Junior Fellows, 2005-2017. Marshall (William E. and Oscar), copyright claiman... Еще
Спасибо кому надо / Дальрымпл.
Illustration shows President William McKinley, standing, leading a toast to a dejected William Jennings Bryan sitting in a chair labeled "Guest of Honor"; seated around the table are, among others, "Teddy" Roos... Еще
T.R. [Русеф] в банкетном зале City Hall, Коппола. Группа мужчин в форм...
A group of men standing next to each other. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Теодор Рузвельт, портрет "голова и плечи", обращен вперед]
Reg. no. A1132. Copyright by Underwood & Underwood. 4/20/24. Forms part of: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).
The coming struggle / Keppler. - Drawing. Public domain image.
Illustration shows President Roosevelt as a knight on horseback carrying a lance labeled "Reciprocity" facing a giant ogre labeled "Infant Industries" and leaning on a club labeled "Dingley Tariff"; in the back... Еще
[Теодор Рузвельт принимает присягу во время инаугурации]
Copyright by Underwood & Underwood. 1st Pub. Eve. 1/7/19. Forms part of: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).
Президент Русеф и Фабрегас в депо Кантон, штат Огайо. / График и публи...
Stereograph showing President Roosevelt and others arriving in Canton, Ohio, for the funeral of President McKinley; photographer filming in corner. H9886 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 14568.
"В национальных делах мы не должны делать ничего плохого, и мы должны ...
Stereograph showing Roosevelt addressing an audience. H22306 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 9905. On recto: Copyright 1902 by H.C. White Co.
Caricature, A capitol nuisance / Keppler., public domain cartoon image
Illustration shows President Theodore Roosevelt sitting at a desk that is overwhelmed with papers requiring his immediate attention; reaching through the stacks of paper is a large hand labeled "Public Receptio... Еще
Мбаппе, Клинеди, Вашингтон "# 1" написано перед заголовком.
Photograph showing an elevated view of the White House garden and 16th Street, taken during Theodore Roosevelt's administration. H23373 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright by Clinedinst, Washington, D.C. "# 1" wr... Еще
A strenuous reciprocity counter, Political Cartoon
Cartoon shows a boxing sugar beet "Producers" punching Theodore Roosevelt labeled "Reciprocity Champion" with fists labeled "Teller Investigation" and "Reciprocity Resolution Cuban Congress Nov. 28, '02." Ro... Еще
Theodore: I think I'll walk / William H. Walker 1902.
Карикатура, на которой Русеф скользит по спине пожилого слона с надписью "GOP" и чьи задние лапы тащат мячи и цепи с надписями "Cuba" и "High Fuff", говорит: "Я думаю, что пойду". "Доверие", попутчик Русевски, ... Еще
Президент Русеф с полковником Бингемом в немецком посольстве, чтобы оф...
Stereograph showing Roosevelt and military aide Col. Theodore A. Bingham arriving at German Embassy in horse and carriage as onlookers watch. H21436 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright 1902 by R.Y. Young.
Принц Генрих Прусский и президент Русеф
Photograph showing Theodore Roosevelt and Prince Henry of Prussia standing alongside one another. Copyright 1902 by George Grantham Bain, 15 Park Row, New York. Photographed by T. Jurgensen.
Губернатор Айкок приветствовал президента Русеф от имени Северной Каро...
H 19071 U.S. Copyright Office. Public domain photograph related to President Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Президент Русеф, мэр Смит и приглашенные гости на "Алгонкине" в Чарлст...
Stereograph showing Roosevelt, Mayor J. Adger Smyth of Charleston, and guests standing on boat. H17902 U.S. Copyright Office. On recto: Copyright 1902 by Underwood & Underwood.
"Помните, что" Доктрину Монро "будут уважать до тех пор, пока у нас ес...
Stereograph showing Roosevelt addressing a crowd. H23308 U.S. Copyright Office. On recto: Copyright 1902 by Underwood & Underwood.
Офисы в Ойстер-Бэй
Photograph showing exterior view of Oyster Bay Bank building. Public domain photograph related to President Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Возвращаясь с погони на закате - откормленные собаки приветствуют коро...
Photograph showing Theodore Roosevelt's guide seated on a horse with several dogs lying on the ground around him. H39318 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 12267. Copyright by B.L. Singley.
Экс-президент Кливленда, президент Русеф и Дэвид Р.
Photograph showing Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, and D.R. Francis, posed standing, full length with hats in hand. H31335 U.S. Copyright Office. Group No. 1.
Hold on Teddy, lets talk it over / Donahey.
Newspaper clipping of cartoon showing Theodore Roosevelt shooting pistols at the feet of a man labeled "Railroads." Cartoon referes to Roosevelt's efforts to regulate railroads. Signature: Donahey. From Cleve... Еще
"Пусть дети учатся на опыте быть сильными и мужественными", - прес. Ру...
Public domain photograph related to Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Наше прошлое, настоящее и возможное будущее
H31665 U.S. Copyright Office. "Murillo studio, J. J. Ferguson prop." written on the back of the print. Caption on the back reads: "Photo grp. consisting of The[ordore] Roosevelt - Pres. of the United States, G... Еще
A timely warning / J.S. Pughe. - Public domain dedication image
Illustration shows the Republican elephant wearing a hat labeled "G.O.P." and "High Protective Tariff" and a swimsuit labeled "Tariff-Protected Trusts", wading offshore toward huge waves labeled "Public Patienc... Еще
Президент Русеф на коне
27811 U.S. Copyright Office. On verso: Photo J. M. South, 1938 Connecticut St., Wash., D. C.
Президент Русеф, говоря о валютном законодательстве страны, - в Куинси...
H35270 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright by Underwood & Underwood. Public domain photograph of Theodore Roosevelt political campaign, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Русеф, портрет длиной в три четверти длины, сидящий, повернутый напра...
H45059 U.S. Copyright Office. On verso: C. M. Gilbert. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Скульптура Георгия Русевского верхом на коне]
Engraved on base: Teddy will keep his seat. Copyright 1904 by John Paulding.
За президента, за Русеф, за вице-президента, за Чарльза Фэрбенкса
Виньетки кандидатов. Эта запись содержит старые данные из карточки подписи.
Theodore Roosevelt - Challenge - Drawing. Public domain image.
"Мисс Школа Выбора" над дверью. Группа демократов, Хилл, Олни, Дэвис, Паркер и другие, перед школьным домом. (DLC / PP-1932: 0042). Формы: Кабинет американской иллюстрации (Library of Congress). Опубликовано в:... Еще
The good old days / Kep. - Drawing. Public domain image.
Illustration shows President Theodore Roosevelt sitting in a chair labeled "Presidency" with a fasces behind his left shoulder and with a gag labeled "Civil Decency" in his mouth; he is looking at a spirit of h... Еще
Theodore Roosevelt - Public domain portrait print
Reproduction of lithograph showing Theodore Roosevelt, full-length portrait, standing holding a piece of paper in his right hand, facing slightly right. F21892 U.S. Copyright Office. Artist's name signed on bo... Еще
The poor man's candidate / Ehrhart., Political Cartoon
Illustration shows President Theodore Roosevelt standing on a reviewing stand, holding hat in raised right hand as a large group of capitalists, industrialists, and financiers wearing the tattered clothing of t... Еще
Edward S. Curtis - Quentin Roosevelt in the daisy field
Photograph showing Quentin Roosevelt standing in a field of daisies at Sagamore Hill. Copyright by Edward S. Curtis.
Квадрат у березы
Фотография, на которой Квентин Тарантино опирается на березу на холме Сагамор.
[Русеф, портрет в пол-длины, слегка слева]
On verso: Arthur Hewett, N.Y. Public domain photograph related to President Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Шайба: "Поздравляю, господин президент, они хотели тебя" / Кепплер.
Illustration shows Puck reaching from the Puck Building to the White House to congratulate Theodore Roosevelt for winning the presidential election; they are shaking hands. Illus. in: Puck, v. 56, no. 1445 (19... Еще
[Theodore Roosevelt, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right] - Wald...
Copyright 1904 by Waldon Fawcett. Public domain photograph related to President Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A tribute from the children to President Roosevelt at the monument, Wy...
No. 7756. U83225. Public domain photograph related to President Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
ROOSEVELT, THEODORE - Harris & Ewing, Studio Portrait
A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hounds and horse in snow - stereoscopic view, public domain photorpaph
H65332 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright by Alexander Lambert. Public domain photograph of Theodore Roosevelt political campaign, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Puck magazine cover - The American Samson / J.S. Pughe.
Illustration shows Theodore Roosevelt as Delilah with a broken pair of shears, one side labeled "Senate" and the other labeled "House"; behind, reclining on a bed is "Samson", a long-haired old man labeled "The... Еще
Офис Название из пункта.
Photograph showing interior furnishings of Presidnet Roosevelt's study. H65538-39 U.S. Copyright Office No. 42686.
ROOSEVELT, THEODORE - Harris & Ewing, Studio Portrait
A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Офис Название из пункта.
H59266 U.S. Copyright Office Copyright by American Stereoscopic Co. Public domain photograph of procession, parade in Washington DC, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Roosevelt arriving on stand, Washington DC
Photograph showing Theodore Roosevelt standing among a crowd of diplomats and dignitaries. H57317 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright 1905 by Geo. G. Bain. Secondary copyright date: Apr. 1, 1905.
Инаугурационный парад в Белом доме
Фотография, на которой президент Русеф наблюдает, как войска проходят мимо смотровой площадки во время инаугурационного парада.
Theodore Roosevelt "haying" - Presidence of Theodore Roosevelt
Photograph showing three men pitching hay onto a horse drawn cart for transport. Roosevelt is standing on the far right. H64264-7 U.S. Copyright Office. (back of mount).
Грандиозный банкет, устроенный президенту Русеф в аудиториуме Чикагско...
H61409 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 9934. Copyright by H.C. White Co.
Собаки любят ходить вокруг туши
Photograph showing Theodore Roosevelt with hunting dogs in a snowy landscape. H62199 U.S. Copyright Office.
ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. Glass transparencies. Public domain photograph.
Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Pres. Русеф выступает перед огромной толпой перед Аламо
Photograph showing immense crowd gathered to hear Theodore Roosevelt speak. H59335 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 42497. Copyright 1905 by Clogenson, Dallas, Tex. Photo by Clogenson, Dallas, Tex.
Начало большой охоты - президент Русеф и партия, вступающая в медвежью...
H59834 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 1. Copyright by Underwood & Underwood. Public domain photograph of Theodore Roosevelt political campaign, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Сутренный Дон Кихот / Дж. после Доре.
Illustration shows Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks as Don Quixote, he is standing with shield and lance next to a well on which stands a suit of armor labeled "Indiana Organization", to the right of Fairban... Еще
Офис Название из пункта.
H58945 U.S. Copyright Office Copyright by C.L. Wasson. The original U.S. Capitol building, known as the "Old Capitol," was a small brick building that was completed in 1800. It served as the Capitol building ... Еще
A cabinet that could afford it - Drawing. Public domain image.
Illustration shows eight men and one woman sitting and standing around a table, each is identified with a Cabinet position: J.P. Morgan as "Sec'y Navy", Thomas W. Lawson as "Sec'y War", Thomas F. Ryan as "Att'y... Еще
Добро пожаловать к вождю нации - весь Денисон, штат Техас, приветствуе...
H59841 Copyright Office. Public domain photograph related to President Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Roosevelt taking the oath, Washington DC
Photograph showing President Theodore Roosevelt being sworn in as President of the United States by Judge Fuller with an enourmous crowd watching. H57320 U.S. Copyright Office.
Троны вокруг Капитолия - инаугурация Русеф, Вашингтон, округ Колумбия
H58954 U.S. Copyright Office Copyright by C.L. Wasson. The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) is the federal agency responsible for the maintenance, operation, development, and preservation of the United States C... Еще
Офис Название из пункта.
H59802 U.S. Copyright Office No. 7549. Copyright 1905 by Underwood & Underwood.
Три старых друга. Президент, епископ Винсент и Якоб Риис, 11 августа 1...
Photo shows President Roosevelt, Bishop Vincent, and Jacob Riis, full-length portrait, facing front, standing at the entrance to a brick building at Chautauqua, New York, on August 11th 1905. Title inscribed i... Еще
Инаугурация президента Русеф, 4 марта 1905 года Обращение президента к...
H68311 U.S. Copyright Office No. 126Z. Copyright by T. W. Ingersoll.
[The Day Before San Juan Hill] - Public domain portrait drawing
Фотография, на которой изображен Русеф, портретный рисунок в полный рост, в форме с левой рукой на бедре. H84616 США Офис. Название из регистрации авторских прав. 1906 г. Зигмонд Якобс, Питтсбург, Пенсильвания.... Еще
On to Washington! / Kep. - Political cartoon, public domain image
На снимке изображен большой воздушный шар с лицом Русеф, на котором развевается транспарант с надписью "Консерваторы-республиканцы", а также корзина, заполненная предвыборными плакатами с надписью "Пушечный бум... Еще
Pres. Русеф, говоря языком Пенны. $13,000,000 state capitol, Harrisbur...
H88151 Copyright Office. Sold only by Berry, Kelley & Chadwick, Office: Philadelphia Studio. No. 8260. Copyright, 1906, by E.W. Kelley.
Мужчина с фамилией Черный, портрет длиной в три четверти длины, курит
Название отклонилось по каталогу от информации, предоставленной куратором Дома-студии Гари Мельчерса в 2014 году. Единственный портрет, упомянутый в детройтском издании Thistle Publications (1912), - "Русеф". Ф... Еще
Величайшее жонглирование на земле / Кепплер.
Illustration shows a four-headed and eight-armed monster formed out of the upper torsos of James J. Hill, Edward H. Harriman, J. Pierpont Morgan, and George J. Gould juggling New York State and municipal servic... Еще
Pres. Roosevelt and party - Presidence of Theodore Roosevelt
H94601 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 20. Copyright by B. M. Clinedinst. Copy neg. of an inferior duplicate filed in LC-USZ62-24944.
[Мистер и миссис Русеф и дети] / Pach Bros. N.Y.
H98758 U.S. Copyright Office. Blind stamp on mount: Pach Bros. N.Y.
[Мистер и миссис Русеф и дети] / Pach Bros. N.Y.
H98759 U.S. Copyright Office. Blind stamp on mount: Pach Bros. N.Y.
[Русеф, портрет в полный рост, выходящая лестница корабля, лицом к лиц...
H100457 U.S. Copyright Office. On portrait: H. 1001. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
В высокогорье высоких финансов / Кепплер.
Illustration shows Edward H. Harriman, in the Scottish Highlands, standing with arms and sword raised next to a diamond-shaped rock labeled "Flim Flam Finance" balancing on a pointed base; Harriman is confronti... Еще
[Boulder, Colorado], Colorado 19th century sterescope card.
Фотография, на которой запечатлены Русеф и мужчина, стоящий лицом к лицу на палубе корабля. Еще один корабль на заднем плане. H100809 США Офис. Название из регистрации авторских прав. Количество штампов внизу и... Еще
[Русеф на палубе корабля с группой надводных офицеров. Женщина прислон...
Public domain photograph related to Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Pope Theo the first / Keppler. - Political cartoon, public domain imag...
Illustration shows Theodore Roosevelt as "Pope Theo the first" sitting on a throne, wearing the Papal tiara, as a man labeled "The Senate" bows down before him. Illus. in: Puck, v. 60, no. 1557 (1907 January 2... Еще
Приветствие президента Русеф, когда он покидает Сент-Луис, штат Миссис...
Русеф на корабле на переднем плане, поднимая шляпу перед приветствующей толпой. Нет. 10034. Ундервуд и Ундервуд.
[Интервью со столовой Bulletin Hall, сцена бракосочетания родителей Дж...
Photograph showing African American man and woman in dining room. Public domain photograph related to President Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Офис Название из пункта.
H104572 U.S. Copyright Office Copyright by Keystone View Co. No. 14225.
Caricature, Tedlet's soliloquy / Keppler., public domain cartoon image
Illustration shows Theodore Roosevelt, as Hamlet, sitting in a chair, holding a paper labeled "My Private Opinion". Caption: "Thus the tariff does make cowards of us all" Hamlet, Act III, Scene I, (revised). ... Еще
[Президент Джордж Русеф позирует с другим чиновником на палубе корабля...
H101512 США Офис. Название: C. Ipcar, 2018. К 1907 году Андервуд и Ундервуд.
[Русеф на лошади прыгает через каменную стену]
H94585 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright 1907 by Clinedinst, Wash., D. C.
Президент Русеф и вице-президент Фэрбенкс в Катоне, штат Огайо / фото ...
На фотографии видно, как Русеф прогуливается с Фэрбенксом и другими на мероприятии в Кантоне, штат Огайо. H94773 США Офис. Название и дата из пункта.
Latest thriller in ski sailing - U.S. Presidential Elections
Cartoon showing Theodore Roosevelt ski jumping over a gorge with William H. Taft on his shoulders. The ski ramp is labelled "White House influence". They are attempting to land on a platform labelled "Preside... Еще
Верхом на большой палке Мбаппе - Сай, ты на вечеринке / / Барт.
Newspaper clipping of cartoon showing Theodore Roosevelt holding one end of "The Big Stick" while a man representing New York in 18th century dress holds the other. Riding astraddle the stick is a man labeled ... Еще
Привлечение Тедди-турка / К.
Illustration shows a chef labeled "Special Privilege" holding a large platter on which rests a huge turkey with the face of Theodore Roosevelt; he is about to place the platter on a table around which sit sever... Еще
Резиденция Уилкокса, где президент Русеф принес присягу, Буффало, штат...
Public domain photograph related to Theodore Roosevelt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Президент Джордж Русеф произносит речь на открытии Национального мемо...
Фотография, на которой Русеф на платформе разговаривает с большой толпой, стоящей спереди и сзади.
Президент на пристани в Понсе-Плая
H86199 U.S. Copyright Office. "Copyright 1908 by Waldrop Photographic Co., San Juan, P.R."