View W from the Pergama - Gell William Sir - 1804
View W from the Pergama - Gell William Sir - 1804
Bounarbashi View from the Acropolis - Gell William Sir - 1804
Bounarbashi View from the Acropolis - Gell William Sir - 1804
View from the Aga's house - Gell William Sir - 1804
View from the Aga's house - Gell William Sir - 1804 Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Vue des sources du Scamande - Gell William Sir - 1804
Vue des sources du Scamande - Gell William Sir - 1804
The confluence of Karamenderes (anc Scamander) with Simoes river In th...
The confluence of Karamenderes (anc Scamander) with Simoes river In the background the hills of the village Çıplak, ar - Gell William Sir - 1804
Warm source of the Scamander - Gell William Sir - 1804
Warm source of the Scamander - Gell William Sir - 1804 Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Landscape in the Troad, between Kumkale and Beşika Burnu (anc Achillei...
Landscape in the Troad, between Kumkale and Beşika Burnu (anc Achilleion), where according to the legend the Tomb of Ac - Gell William Sir - 1804
Εικ 1 Landscape around Üvecik, in the larger area of the city of Troy ...
Εικ 1 Landscape around Üvecik, in the larger area of the city of Troy Fig 2 Landscape if the Troad On the left the C - Gell William Sir - 1804
View near Chicle - Gell William Sir - 1804
View near Chicle - Gell William Sir - 1804 Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
View of the Tomb of Achilles (Beşiktepe) in Beşika Burnu (anc Achillei...
View of the Tomb of Achilles (Beşiktepe) in Beşika Burnu (anc Achilleion) - Gell William Sir - 1804
Vue des tombeaux d'Hector et d'Aisyetes - Gell William Sir - 1804
Vue des tombeaux d'Hector et d'Aisyetes - Gell William Sir - 1804
Bounarbashi - Gell William - 1804
Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 1804
Landscape around Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously identified in the nin...
Landscape around Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously identified in the nineteenth-century with Troy In the background the - Gell William Sir - 1804
View of the Tomb of Antilochus, on the eastern shore of the Dardanelle...
View of the Tomb of Antilochus, on the eastern shore of the Dardanelles, and close to the ancient city of Rhoiteion (to - Gell William Sir - 1804
Cold spring of the Scamander - Gell William Sir - 1804
Cold spring of the Scamander - Gell William Sir - 1804
The river Karamenderes (anc Scamander) and the its outfall to the Dard...
The river Karamenderes (anc Scamander) and the its outfall to the Dardanelles - Gell William Sir - 1804
View from the Eastern side of Alexandria Troas - Gell William Sir - 18...
View from the Eastern side of Alexandria Troas - Gell William Sir - 1804
Title page Imaginary representation of the city of Troy accompanied by...
Title page Imaginary representation of the city of Troy accompanied by extract from the Iliad - Gell William Sir - 1804
Landscape around the shores of Simoes river in the plain of Troy - Gel...
Landscape around the shores of Simoes river in the plain of Troy - Gell William Sir - 1804
View of the village Babakale at Cape Baba, in the Troad 5 Landscape ne...
View of the village Babakale at Cape Baba, in the Troad 5 Landscape near the Cape Eski Stambul in the Troad The author - Gell William Sir - 1804
View towards the Hellespont from Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 1804
View towards the Hellespont from Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 1804
Map of the plain of Troy - Gell William Sir - 1804
Map of the plain of Troy - Gell William Sir - 1804 Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
View of the hill of Bounarbashi from the vale of the Simois - Gell Wil...
View of the hill of Bounarbashi from the vale of the Simois - Gell William Sir - 1804
Εικ 1 The southern point of the Dardanelles Fig 2 Hill near Seddülbahi...
Εικ 1 The southern point of the Dardanelles Fig 2 Hill near Seddülbahir The author identifies this hill with the Tom - Gell William Sir - 1804
Hills around Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously identified in the ninetee...
Hills around Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously identified in the nineteenth-century with Troy - Gell William Sir - 1804
Landscape in the vale of Simoes river, most probably north of today's ...
Landscape in the vale of Simoes river, most probably north of today's village Kalafat - Gell William Sir - 1804
Landscapes in the Troad, somewhere in between Cape Eski Stambul and th...
Landscapes in the Troad, somewhere in between Cape Eski Stambul and the Dardanelles G denotes the site where the Baths o - Gell William Sir - 1804
Relief and capital of column from Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously iden...
Relief and capital of column from Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously identified in the nineteenth-century with Troy - Gell William Sir - 1804
Fig 1 Landscape around the village of Yenişehir, near ancient Sigeion ...
Fig 1 Landscape around the village of Yenişehir, near ancient Sigeion Fig 2 Landscape around Troy Α denotes the place - Gell William Sir - 1804
The confluence of Karamenderes (and Scamander) river with Simoes, rive...
The confluence of Karamenderes (and Scamander) river with Simoes, river north of the city of Troy - Gell William Sir - 1804
View of the tumuli on the hill of Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 180...
View of the tumuli on the hill of Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 1804
Foundations on the summit of the hill of Bounarbashi - Gell William Si...
Foundations on the summit of the hill of Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 1804
Landscapes in the Troad, from Geykli to the Dardanelles and Troy - Gel...
Landscapes in the Troad, from Geykli to the Dardanelles and Troy - Gell William Sir - 1804
Map of the area around Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously identified in t...
Map of the area around Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously identified in the nineteenth-century with Troy - Gell William Sir - 1804
View of a burial ground, of the bridge of Simois and Scamander - Gell ...
View of a burial ground, of the bridge of Simois and Scamander - Gell William Sir - 1804
View S from the Aga's House, at Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 1804
View S from the Aga's House, at Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 1804
Landscape around Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously identified in the nin...
Landscape around Bunarbaşı, village, erroneously identified in the nineteenth-century with Troy - Gell William Sir - 1804
Landscape in between the village of Kalafat and Bunarbaşı, site identi...
Landscape in between the village of Kalafat and Bunarbaşı, site identified erroneously with Troy in the nineteenth-cen - Gell William Sir - 1804
Various landscapes in the Troad- Α View of Mount Ida B View of ancient...
Various landscapes in the Troad- Α View of Mount Ida B View of ancient Atandros (today Altınoluk) C Cape Baba (anc Lek - Gell William Sir - 1804
View from the tomb of Achilles - Gell William Sir - 1804
View from the tomb of Achilles - Gell William Sir - 1804
View NE from the hill of Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 1804
View NE from the hill of Bounarbashi - Gell William Sir - 1804
View of the Plain of Truy from the tomb of Antilochus - Gell William S...
View of the Plain of Truy from the tomb of Antilochus - Gell William Sir - 1804
View of the village Babakale in the Troad - Gell William Sir - 1804
View of the village Babakale in the Troad - Gell William Sir - 1804