Photograph of George (Shorty) Chirello, Joseph Cotten, Eleanor Counts and Orson Welles illustrating a Look magazine photocrime feature about The Mercury Wonder Show ("The Trunk Murder")
Follow Poster 01 movie poster - Public domain movie poster
1 Символ © (буква С в круге); слово "Copr"; или аббревиатура "Copr". 2 Год первой публикации. Афиша к переизданию фильма "Следи за мальчиками". Фотография не имеет авторских прав, как можно увидеть по ссылкам в... Еще
Promotional herald for The Mercury Wonder Show
Photograph of Orson Welles, the lead illustration in a Look magazine photocrime feature about The Mercury Wonder Show ("The Trunk Murder")
Photograph of the label of a 16-inch transcription disc for the radio series Command Performance, a program of the Armed Forces Radio Service. The episode is titled "The Mercury Wonder Show". This side of the d... Еще
Follow the Boys Poster01
Poster for the 1949 re-release of the 1944 film Follow the Boys. The photo has no copyright markings on it as can be seen in the links above. "Litho in USA" is at lower left and "R 49-601" at lower right. Unit... Еще