Эдди Август Хемсворт (1910-1940) и Джордж Уилсон Хемсворт (1903-1940) ...
Эдди Август Хемсворт (1910-1940) и Джордж Уилсон Хемсворт (1903-1940) в Сент-Луисе, штат Миссури, 24 декабря 1940 года
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of women athlete prototypes from 1600 to ...
1911 drawing by Marguerite Martyn of a Timeline of women's sports in the United States from 1600 to 1911. Clockwise, they are: Lawn tennis, archery, croquet, horseback riding, tennis, golf, a ball game, polo,... Еще
Ellen Terry and four Shakespeare characters as sketched by Marguerite ...
Newspaper layout featuring actressEllen Terry as she appeared on stage in St. Louis, Missouri, and four Shakespeare characters (in modern dress) as sketched by Marguerite Martyn, 1910. They are Volumnia (call... Еще
Imaginative sketch by Marguerite Martyn of strongwoman Katie Sandwina,...
Detail of a double-panel sketch in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch]] of strongwoman Katie Sandwina, at left, hoisting reporter Marguerite Martyn in front of a circus crowd (this did not actually occur), and at rig... Еще
Imaginative drawing by Marguerite Martyn of Anna Ella Carroll and the ...
Imaginative drawing by Marguerite Martyn of Anna Ella Carroll and the Lincoln cabinet looking over the war plans that she is presenting.
Mrs. F.S. Wesson & Cynthia - Public domain photograph
На фотографии изображены миссис Фрэнк Лютер Вессон и ее дочь Синтия Мари Вессон, участники соревнований в Национальном Арчери Тоймамент, Джерси-Сити, Нью-Джерси, 22-25 августа 1916 года. (Source: Fuckr Commons ... Еще
Реклама нового Coca-Cola Belling Plant, 1115-1117 Clark Ave., Сент-Луи...
Название: Реклама новой кока-колы Belling Plant, 1115-1117 Clark Ave., Сент-Луис, Миссури, 30 сентября 1917 года
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of two women and a child, all knitting fo...
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of two women and a child, all knitting for the [[:en:History_of_knitting#1914-1918:_Knitting_for_the_War_Effort|]] in St. Louis, Missouri, December 1917
Письмо Джозефа П. Кеннеди о назначении Роберта Ф. Кеннеди генеральным ...
Сфера охвата и содержание: Письмо Джозефа П. Кеннеди-старшего Эду Вудсу из газеты "Сент-Луис Пост" по поводу назначения Роберта Ф. Кеннеди генеральным прокурором Соединенных Штатов.
"Follow the Eagle" (лист доказательств, на котором изображена назидате...
Название: "Follow the Eagle" (лист доказательств с назидательной карикатурой Роберта Майнора "Сент-Луис пост-фатч", использовавшейся для рекламы участия Гленна Х. Кертисса в авиационных гонках в Сент-Луисе).
Семья Джона Фэрроу 1950
Фотография Морин О 'Салливан и Джона Фэрроу с детьми в 1950 году. Слева направо: Мария (Миа), Патрик, О 'Салливан, Фэрроу, Стефани, Пруденс и Джон Чарльз. Майкл лежит у их ног, держа фотографию из семейного альбома.
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of Helene Hathaway Robison Britton in 1911
Helene Hathaway Robison Britton, owner of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team.
Рекламный лист для МММ Heimann Manufacturing Company, 713 Washington A...
Мануфактурщики шкафов одежды Hercules, витрин; строители воздушных шаров и дирижаблей. Перепечатка послевоенной истории Сент-Луиса, 19 августа 1908 года, о манекене, выброшенном из автомобиля; рисунки шкафов дл... Еще
Ethel Annakin Snowden mocking a British parliamentarian, as drawn by M...
Ethel Annakin Snowden mocking Rowland Baring, 2nd Earl of Cromer, as drawn and reported by journalist Marguerite Martyn for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1910.
Sketches by Marguerite Martyn of Carrie Alexander-Bahrenburg campaigni...
Sketches by Marguerite Martyn of Carrie Thomas Alexander-Bahrenberg campaigning for reelection as a member of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees in 1912. From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Vernon and Irene Castle dance Maxixe in two sketches by Marguerite Mar...
Sketches by Marguerite Martyn show Irene and Vernon Castle dancing the Maxixe in 1914
Archery meet - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.
На фотографии изображен Национальный археологический музей, Джерси-Сити, Нью-Джерси, 22-25 августа 1916 года. (Source: Fuckr Commons project, 2014 and the St. Louis Post-Atch, September. 3, 1916)
Cartoon by Marguerite Martyn showing jitney bus and passengers in 1915
Cartoon or figurative sketch by Marguerite Martyn shows passengers in a jitney. A new passenger stands at left. Two passengers, one a smoker and the other a non-smoker, are in a separate panel.
Marguerite Martyn sketch of women spectators at Dora Doxey trial in 19...
Courtroom sketch by Marguerite Martyn of women spectators at trial of Dora Doxey, printed in St. Louis Post-Dispatch on June 2, 1910
Sketch of actress Effie Ellsler by Marguerite Martyn, 1919
Sketch of actress Effie Ellsler Public domain scan of actress portrait, printed advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
"ДЕВЯТЬ ОНИ ВЫБОРЫ", "Только для того, чтобы навредить Национальному д...
Одна из иллюстраций из воскресного журнала "Сент-Луис Пост" от 11 июня 1916 года, иллюстрирующая tableau vivant, устроенную суфражистками, чтобы подчеркнуть необходимость предоставления женщинам избирательного ... Еще
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of children enjoying a shower from a stre...
Drawing by w:Marguerite Martyn of children enjoying a shower from a w:street-cleaning wagon, 1914
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of accused killer Louise Vermilya, 1911
Sketch of accused killer Louise Vermilya
Офис Мбаппе: Уильям Н. Селиг; 6 мая 1903; H31552. Pres.
Русеф на выставке в Сент-Луисе / Президент Русеф находится на трибуне. Он поднимается и снимает шляпу. Перед платформой проходит вагон. Затем президент ненадолго появляется под платформой, возможно, готовясь во... Еще
Edna Wilson, George Grantham Bain Collection
Эдна Уилсон На фотографии изображена Эдна Уилсон с луком и стрелой в Национальном музее лучников, Джерси-Сити, Нью-Джерси, 22-25 августа 1916 года. В ролях: Джордж Грантэм Бэйн (Библиотека Конгресса). Общая инф... Еще
Actress Fannie Ward as sketched by Marguerite Martyn in 1909
Fannie Ward as sketched by Marguerite Martyn in March 1909 in St. Louis, Missouri. Includes quotations from Martyn's interview with Ward at the time.
Gertrude Hoffman (dancer), drawn by Marguerite Martyn, 1909
Two sketches of Gertrude Hoffman, drawn by Marguerite Martyn, and published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 7, 1909
Marguerite Martyn sketch of Finley Johnson Shepard at his desk being c...
Marguerite Martyn sketch of [Finley J. Shepard]] at his desk on the phone as he is being congratulated on his engagement to Helen Gould, 1917
Photo and 2 drawings of Lydia Lipkowska by Marguerite Martyn, 1910
Photo and two drawings of Lydia Lipkowska by Marguerite Martyn, published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1910
Profile sketch of Ben Reitman by Marguerite Martyn, 1910
Profile sketch of anarchist Ben Reitman
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of labor leader Margaret Dreier Robins, 19...
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of labor leader Margaret Dreier Robins, with a notation by Martyn about her impression of Mrs. Robins, 1910
Художники - Д.Р. Фицпатрик, карикатурист, Сент-Луис пост-фатч, Сент-Лу...
Photographer: St. Louis Post, St. Louis, MO. Artists Public domain photograph related to the United States in World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Общая информация о проекте Harris & Ewing доступна на сайте http: / / ...
A black and white photo of an old newspaper, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Title from unverified caption data received with the Harris & Ewing Collection. Date based on date of negatives in s... Еще
Fanciful sketch by Marguerite Martyn of a New Years Eve celebration
Fanciful sketch by journalist Marguerite Marty of a New Year's Eve celebration.
Imaginative drawing by Marguerite Martyn of St. Louis Judge Glendy B. ...
Imaginative 1915 drawing by Marguerite Martyn of St. Louis Judge Glendy B. Arnold in divorce court with litigants on each side and their child lying on its back in front of him. He is holding his head in despa... Еще
Missouri Governor Joseph Folk inspecting child laborers, 1906, drawn b...
Missouri Governor Joseph W. Folk inspecting child laborers, 1906, drawn by Marguerite Martyn of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Reporter Marguerite Martyn wonders if she should approach Charles Jess...
Reporter Marguerite Martyn wonders if she should approach Charles "Buffalo" Jones for an interview (self-sketch, 1911). Men are in the background, smoking and reading.
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of Beatrice Farnham and woman with dog, 19...
Sketch of Beatrice Farnham and woman with dog, in hotel lobby, 1911. The contrast is between Farnham's American Indian-style clothing and the modern style of the woman. People in the lobby look on. This is fr... Еще
Общая информация о проекте Harris & Ewing доступна на сайте http: / / ...
A black and white photo of a man typing on a typewriter, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Title from unverified data on the negative or negative sleeve. Gift; Harris & Ewing, Inc. 1955. General ... Еще
Почтовое здание Сент-Луиса на 515 и 517 Market Street
Название: St. Louis Post-Atch building at 515 and 517 Market Street.
St. Louis Post- Dispatch ad - "Fighting for freedom," Independence day...
Advertising matter included in the paging Subjects: Fourth of July celebrations; Pageants
Author Elizabeth Avery Meriwether, sketched by Marguerite Martyn, 1910
Author [Elizabeth Avery Meriwether], sketched by Marguerite Martyn, 1910
Professor Nathaniel Schmidt illustrated in a drawing by Marguerite Mar...
Cornell University Professor Nathaniel Schmidt, foreground, illustrated in a fanciful drawin as destroying some of the "cherished ideals" of their time (1911), including, from left to right, "Mother Love," "D... Еще
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of interior of St. Louis Art Museum in 191...
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of woman visitor and interior of St. Louis Art Museum in 1913.
Раздел 51 Уголовного кодекса США в министерстве юстиции. Сент-Луис Пос...
Public domain photograph of Washington DC, 1910s-1920s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
"Только для того, чтобы помешать Национальному демократическому съезду...
Одна из иллюстраций из воскресного журнала "Сент-Луис Пост" от 11 июня 1916 года, иллюстрирующая tableau vivant, устроенную суфражистками, чтобы подчеркнуть необходимость предоставления женщинам избирательного ... Еще
Мраморный бюст Джозефа Пули-старшего работы Огюста Родена
Белый мраморный бюст известного журналиста, издателя и философа Джозефа Пулитца-старшего, основателя газеты "Сент-Луис пост". На портрете, созданном Родиным в конце жизни Пулитцеровской, он изображен с полной б... Еще
W Jeffrey - A black and white photo of a man
Из Сент-Луиса 4 июня 1950 года. Фотография Уильяма Джеффри для использования в биографии.
People looking over goods in a second-hand shop as sketched by Marguer...
People looking over goods in a second-hand shop as sketched byMarguerite Martyn in 1920 for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Why the Funny-Side Folks Were Late at the Kids' Christmas Dinner
Four cartoonists combine their characters in this artist jam: Gene Carr's "Romeo", "Phyllis", and "Lady Bountiful", George McManus's "Panhandle Pete" and "the Newlyweds", (1884-1954), CW Kahles's "Tim and Tom... Еще
Edna Wilson - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.
На фотографии изображена Эдна Уилсон с луком и стрелой в Национальном музее лучников, Джерси-Сити, Нью-Джерси, 22-25 августа 1916 года. (Source: Fuckr Commons project, 2014 and the St. Louis Post-Atch, Septembe... Еще
Портрет Эйма Уоткинса Кливленда (1889-1952) в Сент-Луисе, штат Миссури...
Портрет Эйма Уоткинса Кливленда (1889-1952) в Сент-Луисе, штат Миссури, 8 августа 1952 года
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of a flower shop in St. Louis, 1907
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of a flower shop in St. Louis, published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on March 31, 1907. Shows a group of women being assisted by a shopgirl, a man and a woman waiting at a count... Еще
Lady Duff Gordon styles sketched by Marguerite Martyn, 1918
Styles of Lucy as presented in a vaudeville circuit pantomime and sketched by Marguerite Martyn of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in April 1918.
Photo of Patrick John Ryan, with a sketch of him by Marguerite Martyn,...
Photo of Archbishop Patrick John Ryan, with a sketch of him by Marguerite Martyn, 1909
Smith College Club of St. Louis presents Arms and the Man by Shaw, 190...
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of women who are taking all the roles in Shaw's Arms and the Man in a benefit performance of the Smith College Club of St. Louis. Top left is Mrs. R.L. Carter. Others are, left to r... Еще
Маркиз Чайлдс, корреспондент "Сент-Луис Пост"
Public domain photograph of people in office, interior, the 1910s-1920s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Archery meet, George Grantham Bain Collection
Archery meet На фотографии изображен Национальный археологический музей, Джерси-Сити, Нью-Джерси, 22-25 августа 1916 года. Фотография опубликована в газете St. Louis Post, 3 сентября 1916 года. В ролях: Джордж ... Еще
"Men Took Women's Chairs and Crowded Them Out of Their Places in 'Gold...
"Men Took Women's Chairs and Crowded Them Out of Their Places in 'Golden Lane' of Suffragist 'Walkless Parade'" by Marguerite Martyn and published in the St. Louis Dispatch on June 15, 1916
Brooklyn politician Bird S. Coler and wife Emily Moore sketched by Mar...
Brooklyn politician Bird S. Coler and wife Emily Moore as sketched at the Democratic National Convention by Marguerite Martyn in July 1908, published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Emma Goldman as sketched by Marguerite Martyn, 1908
Emma Goldman as sketched by Marguerite Martyn, published November 1, 1908, in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis Post-Atch Building, 210-212 North Broadway
Title: St. Louis Post-Dispatch Building, 210-212 North Broadway. Public domain photograph of shopping center, department store building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
St. Louis Post- Dispatch 1908 newspaper advertisement - from, The Worl...
Subjects: Almanacs, American; Statistics
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of Soulard Market, St. Louis, in 1912
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of Soulard Market, St. Louis, in 1912, showing shoppers bargaining with merchants, women comparing notes, a uniformed chauffeur holding a basket, a child, and various items being ... Еще
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of Women's Whist Club Congress, 1906, St....
Drawing by Marguerite Martyn of Women's Whist Club Congress, April 1906, at the Southern Hotel, St. Louis.jpg
In sketch by Marguerite Martyn, College Club of St. Louis, Missouri, r...
In this sketch by Marguerite Martyn the College Club of St. Louis is in rehearsal for “The Amazons,” a play by Arthur Wing Pinero, in which all the parts are played by women, April 1910. They are Leone Robins... Еще
Marguerite Martyn self-sketch of her with Iola, Kansas, city commissio...
Marguerite Martyn draws herself interviewing City Commissioner Guilford Glynn of Iola, Kansas, in 1911
Sketches of women at audition for the chorus at Delmar Garden theater ...
Life sketches by Marguerite Martyn of women at audition for the chorus at Delmar Garden theater in St. Louis, published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch," May 15, 1906, with quotations by some of the women or the staff.
Фотография Лесного Ранжера Брокелла в округе Потоси Рангер
Оригинальная подпись: Forest Ranger Brothell, Potosi RD, разрешение на специальное использование на строительство нового жилья. Миссис Куик, жена разрешения, стоящая в дверях старого дома. Снимок сделан А. Уитм... Еще
Эмили Ки Хоффман (1886-1927) в некрологе в Сент-Луисе, 13 сентября 192...
Эмили Ки Хоффман (1886-1927) в некрологе в Сент-Луисе, 13 сентября 1927 года
Clair Kenamore, American journalist, 1919
Clair Kenamore, American journalist, from a photograph appearing in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on May 11, 1919
Jessie Ann Robbins (Mrs. Perry Belmont) in 1912 sketch by Marguerite M...
Jessie Ann Robbins (Mrs. Perry Belmont) in 1912 sketch by Marguerite Martyn at Democratic National Convention
Mrs. Frederick Cook, the former Marie Fidele Hunt, sketched in 1909
Journalist Marguerite Martyn made this sketch of Mrs.Frederick Cook, the former Marie Fidele Hunt, on the Pennsylvania Limited train from Effinham, Illinois,to St. Louis, during which two-hour trip in October ... Еще
Photo of Frederick Townsend Martin, with a sketch of him by Marguerite...
Photo of Frederick Townsend Martin, with Marguerite Martyn's imaginative sketch of him holding an ornamented glass with society figures amid the bubbles emanating from it. Two of his quotations during his inte... Еще
Sam Gray, St Louis Browns pitcher. 1928
1928 photograph of St. Louis Browns pitcher Sam Gray 1928 photograph of St. Louis Browns pitcher Sam Gray
Emma Frances Jay Bullene
https://www.newspapers.com/image/138894946/ St. Louis Post-Dispatch 20 May 1906, Sun · Page 60
Espiridiona Cenda, known as Chiquita, being sketched by Marguerite Mar...
Espiridiona Cenda, known as Chiquita, being sketched by Marguerite Martyn, with a photo of Cenda, and a separate sketch by Martyn. 1910.
Imaginative 1910 sketch of Jane Addams giving a lanyard to Marguerite ...
Imaginative sketch drawn by journalist Marguerite Martyn illustrating an article stating that she had been converted to progressive causes by listening to prominent women speak at a convention of the National ... Еще
Imaginative sketch by Marguerite Martyn of Jane Frances Winn in 1914
Imaginative sketch by Marguerite Martyn (on top of book) of author and journalist Jane Frances Winn (hiding behind cover), published in St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 13, 1914 Other information Sketch was by... Еще
Sketch of Nelly Bly by Marguerite Martyn, 1911
Sketch of Nelly Bly by Marguerite Martyn, as published in the May 14, 1911, issue of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, with a headline
Twelfth Street (Tucker Fard) смотрит на север через Olive Street
Двухэтажное здание Culver на северо-углу Twelfth Street (Такер-Хард) и Olive Street. Это место позже стало местом расположения Сент-Луис Пост Билдинг (Сент-Луис Пост).
Fanciful drawing by Marguerite Martyn of a newlywed couple at St. Loui...
Fanciful drawing by Marguerite Martyn of a newlywed couple at Union Station, followed by a porter. In the background, an older couple throws rice. Published August 19, 1906, in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Florence Wyman Richardson of St. Louis in a photo and as sketched by M...
Florence Wyman Richardson of St. Louis in a photo and as sketched by Marguerite Martyn in 1910. She was a young women's suffrage activist. (The name is misspelled in the drawing.)
Helen Herron Taft, Marguerite Martyn, and a butler
Three panels by journalist Marguerite Martyn shows Martyn herself at the left, Helen Herron Taft in center and "Ned the Haughty Butler" at right, printed in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on June 25, 1908.
Imaginative drawing by Marguerite Martyn and a photo of Bertha von Sut...
Imaginative drawing by Marguerite Martyn and a photo of Bertha von Suttner, 1912, with a victorious Suttner holding a scroll labeled "International Peace Treaty / England / France / America." In the corner cow... Еще
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of women watching motion picture of Gans-N...
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of women watching a motion picture of the Joe Gans - Oscar Battling Nelson prizefight on July 4, 1908, with quotations attributed by Martyn to the women, and a sketch of the two me... Еще
1912 Veiled Prophet queen Jane Taylor in St. Louis
1912 Veiled Prophet Ball queen Jane Taylor in St. Louis
Billiken sketch by Florence Pretz and Pretz sketch by Marguerite Marty...
Billiken drawing at left from this ‘’St. Louis Post-Dispatch’’ page of November 7, 1909, is by Florence Pretz. Drawing at right of Miss Pretz is by journalist Marguerite Martyn
Ethel Anakin Snowden as sketched by Marguerite Martyn, 1910
Suffragist Ethel Annakin Snowden as sketched by Marguerite Martyn during a visit to St. Louis, Missouri, 1910
Missouri State Senator Thomas Kinney as sketched by Marguerite Martyn ...
Missouri State Senator Thomas Kinney as sketched by Marguerite Martyn in 1909.
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of Susan E Blow of kindergarten fame
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of Susan E. Blow of kindergarten fame, 1909
Peter Conover Hains II
Peter Hains (born January 9, 1872) was an Army captain convicted of killing his wife's lover. The case became a sensational murder trial in New York City in 1908.
Archery meet, George Grantham Bain Collection
Archery meet На фотографии изображен Национальный археологический музей, Джерси-Сити, Нью-Джерси, 22-25 августа 1916 года. Фотография, опубликованная в газете St. Louis Post, 3 сентября 1916 года. В ролях: Джор... Еще
Автор: Leading Seaman Эндрю Дакин, Первый объединенный союз по связям ...
Эрик Кисер готовится перейти черту, за которую его повысят Сиссе. Эрик Кизер готовится перейти черту, чтобы получить звание сержанта, во время церемонии вступления в должность, состоявшейся в Мульти-национально... Еще
Melva Beatrice Wilson 1914 (cropped)
Melva Beatrice Wilson St. Louis Post-Dispatch St. Louis, Missouri • Tue, Jun 9, 1914 Page 1
Francis Tumblety - Post Dispatch
Sketch of Francis Tumblety published in St. Louis Post Dispatch (June 28, 1903).
Imaginative drawing by Marguerite Martyn, and a photo, of Mayor Ella W...
Imaginative drawing by reporter Marguerite Martyn, with a photo, of Mayor Ella Wilson of Hunnewell, her opponents and her supporters, printed in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 3, 1911. Male City Counci... Еще
Marguerite Martyn interviewing Theophile (Toto) Papin of St. Louis
Sketch by Marguerite Martyn of her interviewing Theophile Papin of St. Louis, MIssouri, with a caption of Papin saying "What Society wants most of all is to be let alone." Sketch shows both Martyn and Papin.