Многие нации, 191 Exhibition: Indians of North America, Library of Con...
[Карта нескольких наций индейцев к северо-западу от Южной Каролины]. "Эта карта, описывающая перемещение [sic] нескольких наций индейцев к северо-западу от Южной Каролины, была вырезана [sic] из рисунка, нарисо... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11835-111. Кредитная линия: Carnegie S...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1800. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11835-111. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Print... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11835-67. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1800. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11835-67. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-81. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1800. Related names: Mrs. George Trout. All buildings with molded brick cornices. Built by John Trout. Corresponding reference print in LOT 118... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11839-80. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1800. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-80. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11839-80. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1800-1810. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-80. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, P... Еще
Дом Максвелла Чемберса, Спенсер, округ Рован, Северная Каролина
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1800-1810. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-80. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, P... Еще
Карта дороги Джорджия Раил и нескольких линий железной дороги, соединя...
LC Railroad maps, 416 Описание взято из опубликованной библиографии. Карта юго-востока США, рельеф местности, географические названия, дороги, каналы синим цветом, железная дорога Джорджии красным цветом ", Р.Р... Еще
Письмо Чарльза Самнера [Бостон, Массачусетс] Марии Уэстон Чапман, 1842...
Чарльз Самнер пишет Марии Уэстон Чапман в отношении беглых рабов. Он пишет: "Не может быть сочтено целесообразным, чтобы коллегия адвокатов приняла правило, согласно которому каждый член должен отказаться от св... Еще
), 632.3 Общая карта с центром в Ричмонде, штат Вирджиния. Сто пятьдес...
9th ed. Scale ca. 1: 880.000. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed. Карта напечатана синим цветом с названием и каймой красного цвета. "Девятое издание круговой карты Магнуса". "Преклоняясь перед доблестными солдатами, ср... Еще
"Принято в соответствии с законом Конгресса, в 1862 году Фелпсом и Уот...
98-14 CW3 Историческая и военная карта приграничных и южных штатов Фелпса и Уотсона. Съемки мест сражений и сражений, с 1861 года по май (?) 1864 год, красными точками или красным подчеркиванием географических ... Еще
Andersonville Prison, Ga., August 17, 1864. Юго-восточный вид на склад
Public domain photograph of American Civil War, 19th-century early photogrpahy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Портрет учительницы школы Си-Айленд мисс Харви У. Мюррей со студентами...
Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait, gelatin silver print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, 19th centu...
Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, free to use, no copyright restrictions
Редесдейл, 8603 River Road, Ричмонд, округ Хенрико, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Related names: Mrs. Leslie Reed. Mr. William L. Bottomley, Architect. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-44. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the ... Еще
Геймонт, Порт-Ройял, округ Кэролайн, Вирджиния
Alternate title: Rose Hill. Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1725. Related names: The Misses Robb. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-17. Credit line: Carnegie Survey o... Еще
Вудсайд, Бруклендвилл, Округ Балтимор, Мэриленд
Title from photographer's inventory. Related name: Walter H. Buck. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11837-3. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Ph... Еще
Chatham, Fredericksburg vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Chatham, Fredericksburg vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Chatham, Fredericksburg vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Chatham, Fredericksburg vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Chatham, Fredericksburg vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Chatham, Fredericksburg vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Chatham, Falmouth vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Chatham, Fredericksburg vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Chatham, Fredericksburg vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Chatham, Fredericksburg vic., Stafford County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Photo taken on commission from Mrs. Devore to record the restoration of her estate near Fredericksburg, Va. Documenting the structures at Chatham led Johnston to undertake t... Еще
Эйджкрофт-Холл, Ричмонд, округ Хенрико, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-44. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase;... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-44. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Related names: Mrs. Benj. Hodges Smith. William L. Bottomley, architect. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-44. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of t... Еще
Rockland, Leesburg vic., Loudoun County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1822. Records of old estates and houses in and near Leesburg relating to the early history of The Rust Family. Made for Mr. Harry B. Rust, Pitt... Еще
Общая информация о Карнеги-обследовании архитектуры Юга доступна по ад...
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11840-10C. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase... Еще
Общая информация о Карнеги-обследовании архитектуры Юга доступна по ад...
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-54H. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-31. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-31. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase;... Еще
St. Luke's Church, Smithfield vic., Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1632. Oldest building now standing in America which was constructed by Englishmen, twenty five years after settlement at Jamestown. Name given in r... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-54. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-54. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase;... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-44. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Related names: Miss Ellen Glasgow. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-44. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints ... Еще
York Hall, State Route 1005 and Main St., Yorktown, York County, Virgi...
Alternate title: Nelson House. Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1740-1741. Related names: Mrs. George Blow. Built by Wm. Nelson. His son Thomas was a Signer, also a general in the ... Еще
York Hall, State Route 1005 and Main St., Yorktown, York County, Virgi...
Alternate title: Nelson House. Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1740-1741. Related names: Mrs. George Blow. Built by Wm. Nelson. His son Thomas was a Signer, also a general in the ... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-8. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Sur...
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-8. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase; ... Еще
Virginiauter's Church, Loretto vic., Essex County, Virginia
Alternate title: St. Anne's Parish House. Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: before 1731. Corresponding Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South neg. no. VA-3089. Library has... Еще
St. Luke's Church, Smithfield vic., Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1632. Oldest building now standing in America which was constructed by Englishmen, twenty five years after settlement at Jamestown. Name given in r... Еще
Mt. Кустис, Аккомак, округ Аккомак, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Related names: Dr. Douglas. Property first owned by John McKeel (or Michael) who came to America in 1640, with the first John Custis, whose daughter he married. The center, ... Еще
Bizette, Louisiana, Architecture of the South
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11836-0. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase; ... Еще
Tyrconnell, Baltimore, Maryland, Architecture of the South
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11837-3. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase; ... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-30. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Alternate title: Captain Lynch House. Title from photographer's inventory. Antique shop. Miss Anna Jones. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-30. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the S... Еще
Даты постройки: начало XVIII века Этот дом построен на земле, которая ...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: early 18th C. This house is built on land which once belonged to "King" Carter. In 1733, it was assigned to his grandson, Rob't Carter, whose wife ... Еще
Kirnan, Westmoreland County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. This house was originally known as "China Hall". Bought by the Rev. Archibald Campbell before the Revolution. He changed the name to Kirnan in honor of his ancestral home in... Еще
Дом Тейлора, Монумент-стрит, Ричмонд, округ Хенрико, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Related names: Jacqueline Taylor. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-44. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints a... Еще
Mt. Кустис, Аккомак, округ Аккомак, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Related names: Dr. Douglas. Property first owned by John McKeel (or Michael) who came to America in 1640, with the first John Custis, whose daughter he married. The center, ... Еще
Общая информация о Карнеги-обследовании архитектуры Юга доступна по ад...
Title from photographer's inventory. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase; Frances Benjamin Johnston estate; 1953. Gene... Еще
Оутлендс, Лисбург, округ Лаудун, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-54D. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase... Еще
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-8. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase; ... Еще
Christ Church, Kilmarnock vic., Lancaster County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1669. Only Colonial church in Va. still having the original furniture, high pulpit, communion table and beautifully carved font. Built by Robert "K... Еще
Общая информация о Карнеги-обследовании архитектуры Юга доступна по ад...
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-54D. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-100. Кредитная линия: Carnegie S...
Title from photographer's inventory. Related names: Mrs. Chenowith. Restoration. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-100. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congres... Еще
Merchant's Hope Church, Martin's Brandon Parish, Prince George vic., P...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1657. Date was found cut on one of the roof which is thought to indicate the date of erection. Many believe this to be the oldest church standing i... Еще
Кантри-клуб Северного Уэльса, Северный Уэльс, округ Фокер, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-31. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase;... Еще
Блэндфорд-Черч, Питерсберг, округ Динвидди, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1735-37. Bristol Parish. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purch... Еще
Lower Weyanoke, Weyanoke, Charles City County, Virginia
Alternate title: Weyanoke. Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1740. Built by Wm. Harwood. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-19A4. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Archite... Еще
York Hall, State Route 1005 and Main St., Yorktown, York County, Virgi...
Alternate title: Nelson House. Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1740-1741. Related names: Mrs. George Blow. Built by Wm. Nelson. His son Thomas was a Signer, also a general in the ... Еще
Брэндон, Сюрри, округ Принс-Джордж, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1730. Related names: Rob't, W. Daniel. Built by Nathaniel Harrison 2nd and for two centuries the home of the Harrison family. The central block... Еще
Bremo Recess, Fork Union vic., Fluvanna County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1812. Built by Gen. John H. Cocke, who lived here while building Bremo. Jacobean gables and chimneys. Corresponding reference print in LOT 1184... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-75. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1730. Related names: Rob't, W. Daniel. Built by Nathaniel Harrison 2nd and for two centuries the home of the Harrison family. The central block... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-97. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Erected by the Wakefield National Memorial Association on the spot where George Washington was born. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-97. Credit line: Carnegie Sur... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-75. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1730. Related names: Rob't, W. Daniel. Built by Nathaniel Harrison 2nd and for two centuries the home of the Harrison family. The central block... Еще
Г-н Говард Х. Рен, Балтимор, Мэриленд
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11837-3. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase; ... Еще
Estouteville, Green Mountain, Albemarle County, Virginia
Alternate title: Calycanthus Hill. Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1815. Related names: Mrs. G.A Randolph. The first house was built in 1800. Present mansion built by John Coles 3... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11837-16. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1728. Related name: Mrs. Roger Brooke Farquahar. Earlier name was "Cherry Grove". Old kitchen and fireplace built ca. 1728, and main wing of two st... Еще
Округ Монтгомери, штат Мэриленд
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1728. Related name: Mrs. Roger Brooke Farquahar. Earlier name was "Cherry Grove". Old kitchen and fireplace built ca. 1728, and main wing of two st... Еще
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-2C28. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchas... Еще
Michie's Old Tavern, Charlottesville, Albemarle County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Related names: Milton L. Griegg, Arch. It has been established that the old part of the building was built between 1730-40. The later portion was built ca. 1763. In 1927 it ... Еще
Мидлотиан-Пайк-Майнор, Мидлотиан-Пайк, округ Честерфилд, штат Вирджини...
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-21. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase;... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-15. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Location from photographer's inventory. Building identified by Flickr Commons Project, 2014. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-15. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library... Еще
Lloyd House, Petersburg, Dinwiddie County, Virginia
Alternate title: Clerk's office. Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South neg. no. is VA-1655. Library has no record of having this neg. Credit line: C... Еще
Redlands, Carter's Bridge, Albemarle County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1798. Related names: Sally Randolph Carter. Built by Robert Carter. Shows influence of Thos. Jefferson. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-... Еще
Minor houses and details, Blandfields, Dinwiddie County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South neg. no. VA-1663. The orginal negative has deteriorated. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of t... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-91. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Staircase and landing. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-91. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photogra... Еще
Redlands, Carter's Bridge, Albemarle County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1798. Related names: Sally Randolph Carter. Built by Robert Carter. Shows influence of Thos. Jefferson. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-... Еще
Greenfield, Fincastle vic., Botetourt County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1760. Related names: Mrs. Alfred Preston. First home of Wm. Preston. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-12. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11841-43. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. House also known as Rocketts Mill, on Newfound River. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-43. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library o... Еще
Общая информация о Карнеги-обследовании архитектуры Юга доступна по ад...
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-2C22. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchas... Еще
Дом Бургвина-Райта, штаб-квартира Корнуоллиса, Уилмингтон, округ Нью-Г...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1771. Headquarters of the N.C. Society of Colonial Dames of America. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-65. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of... Еще
Морган Хаус, Южная Миллс, округ Паскуотанк, Северная Каролина
Alternate title: Baxter House. Title from photographer's inventory. A Regency house. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-70. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Cong... Еще
Frances Benjamin Johnston - Ditchley, Northumberland County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1785. Original built in 1687. This plantation was a grant to Col. Richard Lee and was named for a Lee estate near Oxford, Eng. House was built ... Еще
Glebe House, Уайтмарш, или Уайт-Марш, округ Глостер, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1700. Brick. 1 1/2 story. An early important example of the formal plan. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-37. Credit line: Carnegie S... Еще
Тоддсбери, Наттал, округ Глостер, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Related names: Mr. William Mott. Built by Thomas Todd prior to 1676. Brick. Interior woodwork very fine. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-37. Credit line: Carnegie... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11839-41. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Betw. High Point and Greensboro. Road to Greensboro, old house, half story, fine chimney. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-41. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the ... Еще
Бревенчатый домик Уильяма Морриса, Салуда, округ Полк, Северная Кароли...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1790. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-75. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and... Еще
Уилтон-он-Пианкатанк, округ Мидлсекс, Вирджиния
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1797. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-60. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and... Еще
Marmion, Comorn vic., King George County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1674. Related names: Mr. Carter Grymes. Built by John Fitzhugh. One hundred years later it came into the possession of Maj. Geo. Lewis, grandso... Еще
Mt. Zion, Milldale P.O., Warren County, Virginia
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: ca. 1772. Related names: Mr. John B. Earle. Built by the Rev. Charles Wynn Thurston. He was an Episcopal minister and a colonel in Rev. War in Amer... Еще
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1802. Built by James Roy, representative from this country in House of Delegates in 1818-1819. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11841-58. Credi... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11839-60. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1774. Related name: Edw. Cole. Built by Hezekiah Alexander. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-60. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Arch... Еще
Bon Air, Fallston, Harford County, Maryland
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1793. This house shows marked influence of its French owner, an officer in Rochambeau's army, named de la Porte, who settled in Maryland after York... Еще
J.F. Dozier Farm, Tarboro vic., Edgecombe County, Северная Каролина
Title from photographer's inventory. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-33. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase;... Еще
Феддок, Гаррисон, округ Балтимор, штат Мэриленд
Title from photographer's inventory. Craddocks is self-contained within stone walls of fine construction. Stone gate posts and the mounting block, leading to the upper terrace, much favored in the design of ear... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11837-6. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Sur...
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1783. One of the few arcades left in Maryland. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11837-6. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of th... Еще
Соответствующий отпечаток в LOT 11837-19. Кредитная линия: Carnegie Su...
Alternate title: The Glebe. Title from photographer's inventory. Home of a minister in colonial times. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11837-19. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the Sout... Еще
Prospect Hill, Airlie vic., Halifax County, North Carolina
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1825. Built by Wm. Williams Thorne. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-42. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, L... Еще
Общественные здания и церкви, Джорджтаун, округ Джорджтаун, Южная Каро...
Title from photographer's inventory. Series 1. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11840-22. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.... Еще