Soldiers Eating in Keene New Hampshire (5393185297)
TITLE Soldiers Eating in Keene New Hampshire CREATOR Whitehouse, Bion, Keene NH SUBJECT Soldiers - NH - Keene DESCRIPTION Photograph of a group of soldiers eating at their encampment in Keene NH. PUBLISHER Keen... Еще
United States Marines - USMC-101125-M-9426J-017
An Afghanistan National Army soldier enjoys a slice of apple pie during Thanksgiving Day dinner at Marine Corps Forward Operating Base Camp Hansen, Nov. 25. Marine food specialists managed to prepare approxima... Еще
Nos chasseurs d'Afrique dans le Nord prenant un repas
Français : Nos chasseurs d'Afrique dans le Nord prenant un repas
Вторая бурская война, 1902 Q72183
Вторая бурская война, 1902 год Солдаты одного из британских конных полков едят свою еду в ожидании наступления. Вероятно, они являются потомками лотианцев и бервикширских йеменцев.
United States Marines - USMC-060815-M-6664G-696
Lance Cpl. Jonathan Gray, administrative clerk, Security Battalion, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, devours an apple pie during a half-a-pie eating contest for Security Battalion's Family Day at Del Mar Beach, Aug.15.
Военнослужащий армии Республики Корея обедает в разрушенном войной дом...
Генерал отмечает: Используйте номер 1473 при заказе репродукции или предоставлении информации об этом изображении.
FMIB 45121 American Soldiers Enjkoying Canned Salmon Immediately Behin...
American Soldiers Enjkoying Canned Salmon Immediately Behind the First Line Trenches in France Subject: Canned salmon, Soldiers--United States--Nutrition, Operational rations (Military supplies), World war, 19... Еще
Mannen aan het eten, Bestanddeelnr 900-3398
Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : Capitulatie: Harskamp [kamp waar SS-ers en Landwachters zijn geinterneerd] Beschrijving : Mannen aan het eten Annotatie : In dit kamp we... Еще
Jordanian soldiers eat a meal during the Voices of Moderate Islam reun...
Jordanian soldiers eat a meal during the Voices of Moderate Islam reunion at Forward Operating Base Shank in Logar province, Afghanistan, Oct. 14, 2010.
Indian soldiers in trench, Gallipoli,1915
Around 15,000 Indians served in the Dardanelles at various times during the campaign. Most of these men served with 29th Indian Brigade, the Indian Mountain Artillery Brigade and the Indian Mule Corps.
US Navy 080914-N-7544A-047 Lance Cpl. Joshua Hames and Lance Cpl. Shaw...
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Sept.14, 2008) Lance Cpl. Joshua Hames and Lance Cpl. Shawn Edgar, both assigned to Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron (HMH) 464, embarked aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge ... Еще
Chasseurs d'Afrique mangeant dans les tranchées
Français : Chasseurs d'Afrique mangeant dans les tranchées
Prinses Irene Brigade. Nederlandse soldaten in training. Meehelpen op ...
Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : . Prinses Irene Brigade. Nederlandse soldaten in training. Meehelpen op boerderijen met suikerbieten-oogst.... Еще
Rumania's sacrifice; her past, present, and future (1918) (14595313810...
Identifier: rumaniassacrific00negu (find matches) Title: Rumania's sacrifice; her past, present, and future Year: 1918 (1910s) Authors: Negulesco, Gogu Wainwright, Charlette Hortense de Schryamaker Mrs., 186... Еще
Капитан РККА за приемом пищи во время боев на Халхин-Голе 2
Русский: Капитан РККА за приемом пищи во время боев на Халхин-Голе. Капитан РККА за приемом пищи во время боев на Халхин-Голе.
Капитан РККА за приемом пищи во время боев на Халхин-Голе
Русский: Капитан РККА за приемом пищи во время боев на Халхин-Голе. Капитан РККА за приемом пищи во время боев на Халхин-Голе.
Afghan National Army soldiers eat lunch while participating in Operati...
Afghan National Army soldiers eat lunch while participating in Operation Southern Fist III in the Spin Boldak district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan, March 5, 2013. The joint mission with U.S. and NATO force... Еще
US Army 53662 Enjoying a Meal
Pvt. Ernest Rael takes in lunch at the facility's dining area. The new dining facility located at the Ordnance Campus is part of the BRAC plan that mandated the relocation of the Ordnance Center and Schools fr... Еще
Flickr - The U.S. Army - Thanksgiving on Combat Outpost Cherkatah, Kho...
U.S. Army Soldiers eat their Thanksgiving meal on Combat Outpost Cherkatah, Khowst province, Afghanistan, Nov. 26, 2009. The Soldiers are deployed with Company D, 3rd Battalion, 509th Infantry Regiment.U.S. Arm... Еще
U.S. Soldiers eat Thanksgiving dinner at International Security Assist...
U.S. Soldiers eat Thanksgiving dinner at International Security Assistance Force headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan, Nov. 28, 2013.
"Ужин", 1943 год
Ужин, 1943 год Изображение: четверо солдат в форме сидят на деревянных скамьях вокруг стола, едят.
U.S. Soldiers eat a meal with Iraqi police Maj. Gen. Emad Faris, backg...
U.S. Soldiers eat a meal with Iraqi police Maj. Gen. Emad Faris, background, center, commander, 1st Iraqi Federal Police Division, following a meeting at Joint Security Station Loyalty in Baghdad, Iraq, July 1... Еще
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Anthony Nelson enjoys a hot dog
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Anthony Nelson, ammo technician, Company A, 47th BSB, enjoys a hot dog at El Paso's Ascarate Park, the end point of the 2nd Brigade motorcycle safety ride. (Photo Credit: Sgt. RJ Gilbert)
Фотография президента Джорджа Буша-старшего, наслаждающегося ужином с ...
Сфера охвата и содержание: Эта фотография документирует посещение президентом Джорджем Бушем-старшим и Барбарой Буш 197-й пехотной бригады армии США, дислоцированной в Саудовской Аравии 22 ноября 1990 года во в... Еще
Etenstijd in het kamp, Bestanddeelnr 900-3396
Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : Capitulatie: Harskamp [kamp waar SS-ers en Landwachters zijn geinterneerd] Beschrijving : Etenstijd in het kamp Annotatie : In dit kamp ... Еще
Soldiers of 65th Infantry after an all day schedule of maneuvers at Sa...
Soldiers of 65th Infantry after an all day schedule of maneuvers at Salinas, Puerto Rico. August 1941.