[Памятный знак Франклина Медала]
[Franklin Commemorative Congressional Medal] - [PAR-8544 through PAR-8545] Public domain scan - bust portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Участие США в Первой мировой войне, французские баттлфилды]
[Участие США в Первой мировой войне, французские баттлфилды] - [FRA-8342 - FRA-8379]
[Участие США в Первой мировой войне, французские баттлфилды]
[Участие США в Первой мировой войне, французские баттлфилды] - [FRA-8342 - FRA-8379]
Folk vender tilbake etter evakueringa. Store stabler med kofferter, es...
Folk vender tilbake etter evakueringa. Store stabler med kofferter, esker og pakkenelliker ligger rundt på kaia ved siden av det som trolig er et hurtigruteskip. Stedet er ukjent.
["The Answer Man"] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan ph...
["The Answer Man"] - [PAR-1383 through PAR-1385] Public domain photograph of the board of directors, managers, group of men, portrait, office, committee, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Лилль. Квебекский фестиваль "Кутурель"
[Лилль. Квебекский фестиваль Cuturel International Etudiant] - [FRA-7691 - FRA-7749 (см. FRA-7768 - FRA-6678)]
[Сорбонна, Вера Корене, лекция для студентов Фулбрайта]
[Sorbonne, Vera Korene, Lecture to Fulbright Students] - [PAR-7963 to PAR-7975]
[Банк крови, больница Фош, Сюрен]
[Blood Bank, Hospital Foch, Suresnes] - [PAR-8939 through PAR-8985] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Конференция в Сент-Мало, июль 1950 года]
[Конференция в Сент-Мало, июль 1950 года] - [FRA-1159 - FRA-1187 и FRA-1189]
[Прием драматурга, 5 мая 1952 года]
[Прием драматурга, 5 мая 1952 года] - [PAR-3849 - PAR-3872]
[This is Free Europe Series IV # 15]
[This is Free Europe Series IV # 15] - [PAR-1993 to PAR-1997]
[Школа профсоюзов La Breviere (см. предыдущий # выше и тематическую ка...
[La Breviere Trade-Union School (см. предыдущий # выше и тематическую карточку "Профсоюзы", Франция] - [FRA-4504 - FRA-4535]
[Radio (All Star Show)] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Pl...
[Radio (All Star Show)] - [PAR-772 through PAR-787] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Двухсотлетие со дня рождения Лафайета]
[Двухсотлетие со дня рождения Лафайета] - [FRA-8380 - FRA-8408]
[Лилль. Квебекский фестиваль "Кутурель"
[Лилль. Квебекский фестиваль Cuturel International Etudiant] - [FRA-7691 - FRA-7749 (см. FRA-7768 - FRA-6678)]
[Это Европа (Грегори Ратофф и Лу Ван Хемсворт)]
[Это Европа (Грегори Ратофф и Лу Ван Хемсворт)] - [PAR-2727 через PAR-2740]
[Институт астрофизики, Билл Кертис, студент Фулбрайта]
[Институт астрофизики, Билл Кертис, студент Фулбрайта] - [PAR-9171 - PAR-9183]
[Greek Fashion Show in Paris] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marsh...
[Greek Fashion Show in Paris] - [PAR-348 through PAR-370] Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1940s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph - fe... Еще
[Встреча европейских паралимпийцев в Париже]
[European Parliamentarians Meet in Paris] - [PAR-5784 through PAR-5803] Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1940s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain p... Еще
[Нью-Йорк, США]
[Нью-Йорк, США] - [PAR-8111 через PAR-8127]
[Wick Editors' Tour 1955] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall ...
[Wick Editors' Tour 1955] - [PAR-6497 through PAR-6516] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Франко-американская солидарность перед лицом наводнения в Гарде]
[Франко-американская солидарность перед наводнением Гарда] - [FRA-8447 - FRA-8448]
[Первая международная школа для женщин-работников (La Breviere Labor S...
[First International School for Women Labor Leaders (La Breviere Labor School)] - [FRA-80 - FRA-6506]
"Оклахома" разгромила "Франс-Америку"
["Oklahoma" Actors at France-Amerique] - [PAR-7040 through PAR-7057] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Carling (Lorraine) Project], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction o...
[Carling (Lorraine) Project] - [FRA-5056 through FRA-5098] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
["Оклахома" бросила вызов Диллону]
"Оклахома" (Оклахома) - [PAR-7034 - PAR-7039]
[День памяти в Париже, 1955 год: у статуи Рошамбо на площади Иена]
[День памяти в Париже, 1955 год: у статуи Рошамбо, площадь Иена] - [PAR-7909 через PAR-7917]
[Фабрика обуви Coca-Cola (История производительности)]
[Clerget Shoe Factory (Productivity Story)] - [FRA-3485 through FRA-3524] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[IFYE Students, US Embassy] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshal...
[IFYE Students, US Embassy] - [PAR-7718 through PAR-7726] Public domain photograph of an official meeting, group of people, discussion, office table, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Greek Fashion Show in Paris] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marsh...
[Greek Fashion Show in Paris] - [PAR-348 through PAR-370] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[NATO's International Staff] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marsha...
[NATO's International Staff] - [PAR-5717 through PAR-5731] Public domain photograph of cabinet, furniture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Clothing Plant], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Clothing Plant] - [FRA-6762 through FRA-6791] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
A group of people sitting around a table. American Embassy, Paris, Fr...
[Uncaptioned] - [PAR-1936 through PAR-1982] Public domain photograph of cabinet, furniture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Claude Robin Pix] - [Tunisia], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction...
[Claude Robin Pix] - [Diamond Cutting] - [FRA-5232 and FRA-5233] Public domain photograph of a couple, husband and wife, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Улучшение условий местного самоуправления]
[Housing Conditions of Local Employees] - [PAR-2488 through PAR-2498] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Children Art Contest] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Pla...
[Children Art Contest] - [PAR-2671 through PAR-2689] Public domain photograph of poster contest, competition winners, work of US government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Студент-медик посетит форум Daily Mirror в Нью-Йорке]
[Студент-медик посетит форум Daily Mirror в Нью-Йорке] - [PAR-6164 через PAR-6168]
A black and white photo of three women and a man. American Embassy, P...
[Uncaptioned] - [PAR-5910_5914] Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1940s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1950s, ... Еще
[Пресс-коктейль "Медея" (Хет Андерсон)]
["Medea" Press Cocktail (Judith Anderson)] - [PAR-8118 through PAR-8122] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Greek Fashion Show in Paris] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marsh...
[Greek Fashion Show in Paris] - [PAR-348 through PAR-370] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Drummonds Farewell Party] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall...
[Drummonds Farewell Party] - [PAR-3060] Public domain photograph of reception, official event, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Экспозиция инструментов - Cambrai (журнал Unit)]
[Экспозиция инструментов - Cambrai (Magazine Unit)] - [FRA-4190 - FRA-4224]
Gjenreisning. Honningsvåg. Oppføring av hus. Mannen t.v. er ukjent, ha...
Gjenreisning. Honningsvåg. Oppføring av hus. Mannen t.v. er ukjent, han t.h. er Lamøy. 1946/47.
Litt av havneområdet i Honningsvåg sett fra et uferdig bygg etter andr...
Litt av havneområdet i Honningsvåg sett fra et uferdig bygg etter andre verdenskrig.Ola Hanche-Olsen som har tatt bildene er født 13. mars 1920 i Borre, død 11. februar 1998 i Gjettum. Han var arkitekt og barne... Еще
En ukjent kvinne iført sommerkjole med et spann og vaskevannsfat i hen...
En ukjent kvinne iført sommerkjole med et spann og vaskevannsfat i hendene. I bakgrunnen er et hus under oppføring i Honningsvåg.Ola Hanche-Olsen som har tatt bildene er født 13. mars 1920 i Borre, død 11. feb... Еще
Arkitekt Solveig Hanche-Olsen sitter og jobber ved Finnmark kontoret i...
Arkitekt Solveig Hanche-Olsen sitter og jobber ved Finnmark kontoret i Honningsvåg like etter andre verdenskrig. Ola Hanche-Olsen som har tatt bildene er født 13. mars 1920 i Borre, død 11. februar 1998 i Gjett... Еще
Baldadige jeugd in Amsterdam, Noord Holland
Baldadige jeugd in Amsterdam The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that lasted from ... Еще
Baldadige jeugd in Amsterdam, Noord Holland
Baldadige jeugd in Amsterdam The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that lasted from ... Еще
Visserij op Texel, Noord Holland
Visserij op Texel The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that lasted from 1945 until ... Еще
Serie Amsterdam, Noord Holland Amsterdam
Serie Amsterdam The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that lasted from 1945 until th... Еще
Defile op de Dam, Noord Holland
Defile op de Dam The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that lasted from 1945 until t... Еще
Zandvoort, Noord Holland
Zandvoort The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that lasted from 1945 until the late... Еще
Britse bezettingszone hockeyteam van Amsterdam
Britse bezettingszone hockeyteam van Amsterdam The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period... Еще
Militair opleidingskamp te Bloemendaal(bezoek Generaal
Militair opleidingskamp te Bloemendaal(bezoek Generaal Kruls ) The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate... Еще
KLM instructieafdeling, Noord Holland
KLM instructieafdeling The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that lasted from 1945 u... Еще
Gjenreisning. Honningsvåg. Solveig Hanche-Olsen henger opp klesvasken....
Gjenreisning. Honningsvåg. Solveig Hanche-Olsen henger opp klesvasken. 1946/47.
Landmålesjef Storbakken jobber i Honningsvåg like etter andre verdensk...
Landmålesjef Storbakken jobber i Honningsvåg like etter andre verdenskrig. Ola Hanche-Olsen som har tatt bildene er født 13. mars 1920 i Borre, død 11. februar 1998 i Gjettum. Han var arkitekt og barnebokforfat... Еще
En arkitekt sitter ved en skrivemaskin og jobber på Finnmarkskontoret ...
En arkitekt sitter ved en skrivemaskin og jobber på Finnmarkskontoret i Honningsvåg like etter andre verdenskrig.Arkitektene Solveig og Ola Hanche-Olsen arbeidet ved Brente Steders Reguleringskontor i 1946. Hov... Еще
Arkitekt Solveig Hanche-Olsen fotografert ved et klesstativ med deler ...
Arkitekt Solveig Hanche-Olsen fotografert ved et klesstativ med deler av Honningsvåg i bakgrunnen.Arkitektene Solveig og Ola Hanche-Olsen arbeidet ved Brente Steders Reguleringskontor i 1946. Hovedadministrasjo... Еще
Gjenreisning. Ferdighus på rekke og rad i Nordvågen. 1946/47.
Gjenreisning. Ferdighus på rekke og rad i Nordvågen. 1946/47. Public domain photograph of a post office building, postal service, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Visserij op Texel, Noord Holland
Visserij op Texel The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that lasted from 1945 until ... Еще
Serie Amsterdam, Noord Holland Amsterdam
Serie Amsterdam The post-war recovery of the Netherlands, 1946. The Netherlands experienced a period of economic depression and high unemployment in the immediate post-war period that lasted from 1945 until th... Еще
Flere gjenreisningshus i Honningsvåg. Det norske flagget vaier ved et ...
Flere gjenreisningshus i Honningsvåg. Det norske flagget vaier ved et av dem.Ola Hanche-Olsen som har tatt bildene er født 13. mars 1920 i Borre, død 11. februar 1998 i Gjettum. Han var arkitekt og barnebokforf... Еще
Gjenreisning i Vadsø etter 2. verdenskrig. En del brakker er kommet op...
Gjenreisning i Vadsø etter 2. verdenskrig. En del brakker er kommet opp i sentrum.
Bygging av dampskipskaia og lagerbygg i Vadsø. Et tårn som antageligvi...
Bygging av dampskipskaia og lagerbygg i Vadsø. Et tårn som antageligvis ble brukt til å heise opp ting ses midt på bildet.
Vinterbilde med arkitektur fra Vadsø, tatt i påsken 1947 mens arkitekt...
Vinterbilde med arkitektur fra Vadsø, tatt i påsken 1947 mens arkitektene Solveig og Ola Hanche-Olsen var på tur med Hurtigruta østover fra Honningsvåg.Ola Hanche-Olsen som har tatt bildene er født 13. mars 192... Еще
[Рождественская вечеринка USIS (Дети)]
[USIS Christmas Party (Children)] - [PAR-6179 through PAR-6201] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Американские визы для венгерских экспатриантов]
[US Visas for Hungarian Expatriates] - [PAR-9270 through PAR-9279] Public domain photograph - French children, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Carling (Lorraine) Project], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction o...
[Carling (Lorraine) Project] - [FRA-5056 through FRA-5098] Public domain photograph - French children, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Crippled Children] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan p...
[Crippled Children] - [PAR-1872 through PAR-1882] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Парижские дети на площади Энфантов]
[Paris children at the Square d 'Enfants] - [PAR-176 to PAR-180]
[Международный детский лагерь]
[Международный детский лагерь] - [FRA-5113 через FRA-5125 и FRA-5182 через FRA-5201]
[Crippled Children] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan p...
[Crippled Children] - [PAR-1872 through PAR-1882] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Crippled Children] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan p...
[Crippled Children] - [PAR-1872 through PAR-1882] Public domain photograph - French children, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Победители конкурса детского плаката]
[Раздраженные в конкурсе детского плаката] - [PAR-2650 - PAR-2670]
[Children Art Contest] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Pla...
[Children Art Contest] - [PAR-2671 through PAR-2689] Public domain photograph of poster contest, competition winners, work of US government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Greek Fashion Show in Paris] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marsh...
[Greek Fashion Show in Paris] - [PAR-348 through PAR-370] Public domain photograph - French children, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Победители конкурса детского плаката]
[Раздраженные в конкурсе детского плаката] - [PAR-2650 - PAR-2670]
[Инаугурация нового президента. Train Exhibit, Gare St. Lazare 2 апрел...
[Инаугурация нового президента. Train Exhibit, Gare St. Lazare April 2, 1951)] - [PAR-2288 through PAR-2300]
[Прибытие в Гавр на выставку SS Orangerie "Америка" (Salut a la France...
[Прибытие в Гавр на выставку SS Orangerie "Америка" (Salut a la France)] - [FRA-7387 - FRA-7408]
[Atomic Energy in France], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of E...
[Atomic Energy in France] - [FRA-7061 through FRA-7096] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Парижские дети на площади Энфантов]
[Paris children at the Square d 'Enfants] - [PAR-176 to PAR-180]
[Французская кавалерийская школа]
[French Cavalry Officers School] - [FRA-2652 through FRA-2740] Public domain photograph - art silhouette photography, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[NATO Building in Paris] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall P...
[NATO Building in Paris] - [PAR-6443 through PAR-6444] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[American Far West] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan p...
[American Far West] - [PAR-6334 through PAR-6369] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Фестиваль драмы в Экс-ан-Профенс: Тереза Стич Рэндалл]
[Фестиваль драмы в Экс-ан-Профенс: Тереза Стич Рэндалл] - [FRA-8080 - FRA-8099]
[CIO Coverage Paris] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Plan ...
[CIO Coverage Paris] - [PAR-1887 through PAR-1896] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[250-летие Франклина, Франция]
[Franklin's 250th Anniversary, France Amerique] - [PAR-8493 through PAR-8507] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Реконструкция Оне-Сур-Одона, Франция]
[Реконструкция Оне-Сур-Одона, Франция] - [FRA-1294 - FRA-1384]
[Генерал Хоуэр передает командование генералу Ридгуэю]
[Генерал Хохер передает командование генералу Ридгуэю] - [FRA-4619 - FRA-4621]
[Германия стала 15-й страной НАТО]
[Германия заняла 15-е место в НАТО] - [PAR-6909 через PAR-6916]
[Life in a US Army Base: Evolution]
[Life in a US Army Base: Event] - [FRA-7846 through FRA-7906]
[Cocktail Party-Paris] - American Embassy, Paris, France, Marshall Pla...
[Cocktail Party-Paris] - [PAR-1148 through PAR-1168] Public domain photograph of reception, official event, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Передвижная выставка грузовиков - Нант (Франция)]
[Передвижная выставка грузовиков - Нант (Франция)] - [FRA-3787 - FRA-3804]
[Радиошоу - This is Europe - Series IX, Program 1]
[Радиошоу - Это Европа - Серия IX, Программа 1] - [PAR-3844 - PAR-3847]
[Элмер Уильямс - новый заместитель лейбориста]
[Elmer Williams - New Labor Deputy] - [PAR-2827 through PAR-2831] Public domain photograph of an official meeting, group portrait of people, managers, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Экспозиция "Семья человека", день открытия]
[Экспозиция "Семья человека", день открытия] - [PAR-8658 через PAR-8678]
[Bort-les-Orgues Dam], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europ...
[Bort-les-Orgues Dam] - [FRA-2478 through FRA-2518] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Французская кавалерийская школа]
[French Cavalry Officers School] - [FRA-2652 through FRA-2740] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Париж увешан политическими плакатами]
[Paris Plastered with Political Posters] - [PAR-2581 through PAR-2619] Public domain scan of French poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description