Ant 42 - A black and white photo of an old airplane
Русский: АНТ-42 на испытаниях 8 февраля 1936 года Public domain photograph of propeller aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Petlyakov Pe-8 stamp (2013)
A Petlyakov Pe-8 bomber featured in a 2013 Russian stamp, which was released on the 125th anniversary of aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev's birth.
Pe8on42712 - A black and white photo of a plane in the snow
Русский: Пе-8 ОН №42712, 1945 год Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ant53, Russian Empire - A black and white photo of a plane
Русский: Продувочная модель АНТ-53 Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Пе–8, доставивший в Вашингтон советскую делегацию в 1942 г
Русский: Американские офицеры осматривают Пе–8, доставивший в Вашингтон советскую делегацию во главе с наркомом иностранных дел В. М. Молотовым. Маршрут пролегал над оккупированными странами Европы с посадками... Еще
Pe-8 4218 - A black and white photo of a propeller plane
Русский: Пе-8 №4218 после переоборудования в летающую лабораторию, снимок 1945 года.
ANT-42 01 00089028
Tupolev, ANT-42Catalog #: 01_00089028Manufacturer: TupolevDesignation: ANT-42Notes: USSRRepository: San Diego Air and Space Museum ArchiveTags: Tupolev, ANT-42, USSR
Ant42-2 - A black and white photo of a propeller plane
Русский: Испытания АНТ-42 дублер 26 июля 1938г. Public domain photograph of propeller aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
TB-7 4225 - A black and white photo of a plane in the snow
Русский: Серийный бомбардировщик ТБ-7 №4225 с дизельными моторами М-40
Stamp of USSR 1032g - postal stamp
Русский: Марка СССР Public domain photograph of Soviet postal stamp, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
USSR stamp 989 Pe-8, Soviet Union
USSR stamp, 1945, Petlyakov Pe-8 heavy bomber aircraft. CPA #989, 1 ruble, used. Русский: Почтовая марка СССР 1945 года: тяжёлый бомбардировщик Пе-8. ЦФА #989, 1 рубль, гашёная.
Tnoise, Russian Empire - A black and white photo of an airplane in a h...
Русский: Полноразмерный макет носовой части Самолета Т Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Petlyakov Pe-8 at Bolling Field, June 1942. It brought Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov to the United States. Note Douglas A-20 in the background
Pe8ash82 - A black and white photo of an old airplane
Русский: Пе-8 c моторами АШ-82, 1942 год Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tupolev TB-7 (Ant-42, Pe-8) (14260356248)
Catalog #: 15_002207 Title: Tupolev TB-7 (Ant-42, Pe-8) Date: 1942 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Leuchars, Scottland Collection: Charles M. Daniels Collection Photo Album Name: Soviet Aircraft Page #: 3 Tags: Soviet... Еще
Sssrn 396 - A black and white photo of a propeller plane
Русский: Пе-8 Полярной Авиации СССР Н396 Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Petlyakov Pe-8 being serviced at Bolling Field. It had brought Soviet foreign minister Molotov to the United States. Note Russian and USAAF personnel working on the plane, and various servicing stands and ladders.
Petlyakov Pe-8 - A black and white photo of a plane in the snow
Petlyakov Pe-8, the Soviet heavy bomber. Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
ANT-42 01 00089029
Tupolev, ANT-42Catalog #: 01_00089029Manufacturer: TupolevDesignation: ANT-42Notes: USSRRepository: San Diego Air and Space Museum ArchiveTags: Tupolev, ANT-44, USSR
Ant42-0 - Public domain portrait drawing
Русский: Фрагмент подлинного чертежа АНТ-42English: Fragment of ANT-42 original drawings
Bisnovat - A black and white photo of a plane flying in the sky
Русский: Опытный сверхзвуковой самолет 5-1 на своем носителе Пе-8
Pe-8 Kratowo Winter - A black and white photo of two people standing i...
Deutsch: Pe-8 mit AM-35A in Kratowo im Winter Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Pe8x10 - A black and white photo of an old airplane
Русский: Пе-8 с крылатой ракетой 10-х Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description