Aubrey Beardsley 3 - Public domain portrait painting
Public domain image of a male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Portret van een man Rijksmuseum SK-A-3954
Nederlands: Portret van een man. Staande, ten voeten uit, een wandelstok aan een band om de rechterpols, de linkerhand in de jas gestoken, op de linkerheup een degen. Op de achtergrond een muur met zuil en gordijn.
1859 fashion plate from the "Gazette of Fashion", showing both male and female daywear, with sea bathing scene in the background (including bathing machines). The man is wearing a "sack coat".
Carnoy 1885 P 213 Jeandel Ours
Jean-de-l'Ours defeats faces devil
Azulejos de figura avulsa homem com bengala
Public domain scan of 18th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lavignac - Les Gaietés du Conservatoire - p. 113
Illustration by Guydo for Les Gaietés du Conservatoire by Albert LavignacFrançais : Illustration de Guydo pour Les Gaietés du Conservatoire d'Albert Lavignac Depicted people: Jules Massenet, Charles Lenepveu... Еще
Kellar poster - performing arts poster, United States
An advertising poster depicting Harry Kellar with his cane. Public domain scan of trade card, printed advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hyland Ellis The Gay Parisienne
Simply English: Lithographic fac le of the poster The Gay Parisienne designed by Hyland and Ellis (Watervows & Sons, London).
Franz Xaver Stober - Wiener Moden 1841 Herren
Picryl description: Public domain image of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions
12th Duke of Somerset - Victorian era public domain image
Caricature of Edward Seymour, 12th Duke of Somerset from "Vanity Fair", 1869. Caption read : "Proud and sincere, yet liberal and just, he refused to serve under the most humble of premiers."
Piedmontese tarot deck - Solesio - 1865 - Trump - 09 - The Hermit
Piedmontese tarot deck, F. F. Solesio, 1865: the Hermit Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
742 RAGLA Npardessus novueau en drap cevron10a13ans49
Français : 742. RAGLAN pardessus nouveau en drap chevron beige ou gris, orné piqûres, doublé satin de Chine.4 à 5 ans. 46.»7 à 9 ans. 47.»10 à 13 ans. 49.»
Émilien de Nieuwerkerke BNF Gallica
Français : Émilien de Nieuwerkerke (1811-1892), sculpteur et haut-fonctionnaire (Directeur Général de Musées Impériaux) français du Second Empire.English: Émilien de Nieuwerkerke (1811-1892), french sculptor an... Еще
Three shepherds with sheep and a mule (unknown date), by an unknown It...
Three shepherds with sheep and a mule (unknown date), by an unknown Italian artist, 19th century
Henri de Blowitz, Vanity Fair, 1889-12-07
Men of the Day No.451: Caricature of M. Henri de Blowitz. Caption reads: "'The Times' in Paris" Русский: Генрих Джордж Стафан Адольф Оппер де Бловиц (1825—1902) — французский и чешский журналист, публицист и ... Еще
Волинські типи 2 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Українська: Волинські типи. Весільний обряд.
Crooked Man 175 Memoirs Sherlock Holmes-1894
Image taken from: Title: "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes", "Single Works" Author: Doyle, Arthur Conan - Sir Illustrator: Sidney Paget (1860 - 1908) Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012634.m.16.", "British Libr... Еще
Sailor with a wooden leg drawing by Paul Gavarni
Sailor with a wooden leg
Mendel II 024 v - Public domain portrait print
Hans albrechtt genannt distler (Albrecht), preumaister (Braumeister; Brauer) Transkription und weitere Informationen siehe
Visconti-sforza-09-time - Public domain book illustration painting
The Father Time card from the Visconti-Sforza Tarot deck. Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Christian 6
Christian 6., king of Denmark 1730-1746.
Sidney Paget - The Boscombe Valley Mystery 02
Illustration of the Sherlock Holmes short story The Boscombe Valley Mystery. Published in the 1892 in the 1892 book The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Фотография Феликса Галлика (обрезка)
Français : le peintre français Félix Ziem (1821-1911), vers 1865.English: French painter Félix Ziem (1821-1911), ca.1865.
Herbert Beerbohm Tree Vanity Fair 1911
English actor Herbert Beerhohm Tree as depicted by Vanity Fair on 5th April, 1911. Caption reads "His Majesty's".
Undated drawing of Louis Philippe d'Orléans, Duke of Orléans by Jean B...
Louis Philippe d'Orléans (1725-1785) Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bertall - Le gommeux - Drawing. Public domain image.
Le gommeux. (A type of French dandy.)
Elie duc Decazes, BNF Gallica, France, 19th century
Français : Élie, Duc Decazes (1780-1860), Premier ministre de Louis XVIII en 1820, à la Seconde Restauration.English: Élie, duc Decazes (1780-1860), french Prime Minister of king Louis XVIII in 1820, during the... Еще
Caricature, Blowitz Vanity Fair, public domain cartoon image
Portrait of Henri Blowitz, chromolithograph titled 'The Times in Paris'. Русский: Генрих Джордж Стафан Адольф Оппер де Бловиц (1825—1902) — французский и чешский журналист, публицист и педагог; пионер жанра интервью.
Oscar Pereira da Silva - Uma Casa Brasileira
Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Костюм, французский шпретт, семейная книга северных стран
Шведский: Fransk sprätt («неукротимый») (1795-99)
As Sharkey walks up Broadway by Daniel McCarthy
Editorial cartoon "As Sharkey walks up Broadway" Русский: Карикатура «Когда Шарки идёт по Бродвею»
Coquelin in Vanity Fair 1893 - Drawing. Public domain image.
French actor Benoît-Constant Coquelin. Caption read "Coquelin Ainé". Public domain photograph - Vanity Fair Magazine, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jean Dodal Tarot trump 09 - Public domain dedication image
An original card from the tarot deck of Jean Dodal of en:Lyon, a classic Tarot of Marseilles deck which dates from 1701-1715.
If we lift our skirts they level their eye-glasses at our ankles
If we lift our skirts, they level their eye-glasses at our ankles." Cartoon expressing a mild Victorian dilemma -- it was often necessary for women to slightly lift up their skirts if they didn't want to drag... Еще
1813-male-Costumes-Parisiens - Drawing. Public domain image.
Masculine outfit with men's redingote, Costumes Parisiens, 1813
Talleyrandchasingaway Napoleon 0001 - A cartoon of a man hitting anoth...
Contemporary caricature commenting on the downfall of Napoleon in 1814. The image depicts the cripple Talleyrand chasing away Napoleon by giving him a kick into his buttocks while brandishing his walking stick... Еще
Mens Coats 1872 Fashion Plate - Drawing. Public domain image.
Afrikaans: Mantels uit The Gazette of Fashion, 1872. English: Overcoat (left) and topcoat (right) from The Gazette of Fashion, 1872. 5 – 1872. Suomi: Miesten päällystakkimuotia vuodelta 1872. עברית: מעילים ... Еще
John Forbes by TH Maguire - Public domain portrait engraving
John Forbes, Scottish physician to Queen Victoria 1841–61 Public domain photograph of a portrait, illustration, engraving, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jesus and Nicodemus
Jesus and Nicodemus
Gustave Courbet - Bonjour Monsieur Courbet - Musée Fabre
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
ГДР 97 3 14
Artwork by Hermann StruckDatierung Display: 1921Objektart: RadierungSchlagworte Inhalt /Geografie: Aschkenasim, Mann, Porträt, alter Mensch, Stock, Ostjude (Darstellungstradition)Schlagworte Kontext: Jüdische Renaissance
Louis-Léopold Boilly - Incroyable et Merveilleuse in Paris, 1797
Public domain photo of French art painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Sidney Paget - The Adventure of the Copper Beeches 01
Illustration of the Sherlock Holmes short story The Adventure of the Copper Beeches. Original caption was "I AM SO DELIGHTED THAT YOU HAVE COME."
Fur coats for gentlemen The International Fur Store
The International Fur Store, 163 and 198, Regent Street, London: Fur Coats for Gentlemen. A Good Fur-lined Overcoat for Pound 10. "HANDSOME FURS. - The International Fur Store, 163 and 198, Regent-street, Lond... Еще
Saituri - Drawing. Public domain image.
Suomi: Saituri. Kuvitusta runoon.
Elie duc Decazes, BNF Gallica (cropped)
Français : Élie, Duc Decazes (1780-1860), Premier ministre de Louis XVIII en 1820, à la Seconde Restauration.English: Élie, duc Decazes (1780-1860), french Prime Minister of king Louis XVIII in 1820, during the... Еще
Фотография Феликса Галлика
Français : le peintre français Félix Ziem (1821-1911), vers 1865.English: French painter Félix Ziem (1821-1911), ca.1865.
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld- Ruth im Feld des Boaz
Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tramp smoking cigar with cane over arm - restoration
Russel-Morgan Print of a Tramp smoking cigar with cane over arm
Kersting - Caspar David Friedrich auf der Wanderung ins Riesengebirge
Public domain photograph of 19th-century drawing, person, portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bodleian Libraries, Sr. Toby Fuz
Print of Toby Fuz; Sr. Toby Fuz
Farina with a cane - A black man in a cowboy outfit with a cane
Exhibitor's Trade Review Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Raja Ravi Varma - Mahabharata - Shakuntala
She looks back at her lover, pretending to remove a thorn from her foot.
Lavignac - Les Gaietés du Conservatoire - p. 106
Illustration by Guydo for Les Gaietés du Conservatoire by Albert LavignacFrançais : Illustration de Guydo pour Les Gaietés du Conservatoire d'Albert Lavignac
Hermit Visconti-Sforza tarot - Public domain portrait painting
Visconti-Sforza tarot deck. Hermit Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Street-seller of Walking-sticks
Illustration from Henry Mayhew's "London Labour and the London Poor", 1851.
La canne feminine auXVIIIe sicle
Français : "La canne féminine au XVIIIe siècle."English: A girl and two women using canes as 18th-century fashion accessories. The depiction of the girl is redrawn from the fashion plate image:1778-Bourgeois-... Еще
Pedro Fajardo, 5th Marquis of los Velez
Portrait of Pedro Fajardo, 5th Marquis of los Velez, Grandee of Spain (1602-1647) Español: Retrato de Pedro Fajardo, V marqués de los Vélez, que aparece en el libro Oraciones fúnebres a las exequias de Don Pe... Еще
Rudolf von Auerswald Haase BNF Gallica
Français : Rudolf von Auerswald (1795 - 1866), fonctionnaire, ministre et ministre-président de Prusse.English: Rudolf von Auerswald (1795 - 1866), civil officer, minister and minister-president of Prussia.Deut... Еще
Elbigenalb Totentanz Friedhofsmauer 2
Totentanz an der Friedhofsmauer von Sankt Nikolaus, Elbigenalp, Tirol Public domain photograph - performance, musical, dance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Dräkt, Herrdräkt, Nordisk familjebok
Svenska: Herrdräkt (1730-40)
Hinko Smrekar - Avtoportret kot Charlie Chaplin
Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1914-01-01 NUEVO MUNDO P22
Español: Anuncio de la sastrería "Creaciones D. Cid". Madrid
Edwin Landseer- The Monkey Who Had Seen the World
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Francis Barretto Spinola (March 19, 1821 – April 14, 1891) engraved po...
Portrait of Francis Barretto Spinola (1821-1891)
Jan Chrucki - Portret Mikołaja Malinowskiego (1799-1865)
Public domain photograph of 19th-century Polish painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Edward Seymour, Vanity Fair, 1869-08-07
Statesmen No.27: Caricature of The Duke of Somerset. Caption reads "Proud and sincere, yet liberal and just, he refused to serve under the most humble of Premiers."
Portret van Philips Willem (1554-1618), prins van Oranje Rijksmuseum S...
Nederlands: Portret van Philips Willem, prins van Oranje, oudste zoon van Willem van Oranje. Staand, kniestuk, de rechterhand op een wandelstok, de linkerhand rustend op het gevest van zijn zwaard. Links de he... Еще
Illustration of the Sherlock Holmes adventure The Hound of the Baskervilles. Illustration appeared in The Strand Magazine in November, 1901. Original caption was "THAT IS THE GREAT GRIMPEN MIRE."
Blaine-Clevelty Novelty Advertising Card, ca. 1884 (4359257471)
Collection: Cornell University Collection of Political Americana, Cornell University Library Repository: Susan H. Douglas Political Americana Collection, #2214 Rare & Manuscript Collections, Cornell University ... Еще
Mendel II 032 v - Public domain portrait print
Steffan (Stefan; Stephan) Fenitzer, messerer (Messerschmied; Messerer) Transkription und weitere Informationen siehe
Lombrelle a la fin duXVIIe siecle
Public domain scan of 18th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hans Heyerdahl - Johannes Steen - Norsk portrettarkiv - Riksantikvaren...
Stokk Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bertall - MarivauxFairPrudentFather
The Fair and Prudent Father (1712) by Pierre de Marivaux (1688-1763)
Welt-Galleria T056 - Public domain portrait print
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria. ..., Nürnberg 1703. 56. Ein Hungarischer Beamter im Sommer-Kleid.
Empson Henry Dudley - Public domain portrait painting
L-R: Richard Empson (d. 1510); Henry VII of England (1457-1509); Edmund Dudley (1462-1510)
Derek Keppel - Public domain portrait painting
Caricature of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Derek William George Keppel GCVO KCB CMG CIE VD.
Voltaire dictionary - Public domain portrait engraving
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Jan Andrea Lievens - Portret van Jan Pauwelsz. van Gelder (1668)
Portret van Jan van Gelder, kapitein ter zee, stiefzoon van Michiel Adriaensz de Ruyter. Kniestuk, staand voor een kust met in de verte een schip op zee. Wandelstok en handschoen in de linkerhand, gebarend met ... Еще
Illustration of the Sherlock Holmes adventure The Hound of the Baskervilles. Illustration appeared in The Strand Magazine in November, 1901. Original caption was "IT WAS A STRANGER PURSUING ME."
Iffland als Malinval, Galerie Bassenge
August Wilhelm Iffland als Malinval in seinem Drama „Die Nachbarschaft“ Aus: Kostüme auf dem kön. National-Theater in Berlin. Band I und II, Berlin, Wittich, 1805-1808 (meist von J. F. Jügel oder L. W. Wittich... Еще
Caricature, 1885-proposal-caricature, public domain cartoon image
Caricature of a wedding proposal -- she's wearing the latest bustled fashions, and he seems to be so desperate that he's down on two knees (not just one). They seem to have been out walking (perhaps to gain so... Еще
Henri Brispot - Les belles au parc Monceau
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
A History of Madeira, 1821, P 97
A History of Madeira, Plate 97
1793-1778-contrast-left - Public domain portrait drawing
Public domain scan of 18th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Court de Gébelin - Atout 09
Tarot trump card design from the Court de Gébelin essay Du Jeu des Tarots.
A painting by Louis-Léopold Boilly showing some of the transient and ephemeral extremes that accompanied the adoption of strongly neo-classically influenced styles in Paris during the second half of the 1790s ... Еще
Victorian Men
Men's fashion during Victorian Era, 1870s
Edward Seymour, Vanity Fair, 1869-08-07,crop
Statesmen No.27: Caricature of The Duke of Somerset. Caption reads "Proud and sincere, yet liberal and just, he refused to serve under the most humble of Premiers."
Cul de Paris - A woman in a blue dress holding a fan
Cul de Paris of c. 1775 Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Penrod 047 - Chapter 6 title illustration
Chapter 6: "Evening", illustration for Penrod by Booth Tarkington, page 47.
Rousseau - La Belle Libraire frontispice
Retif de la Bretonne - La Belle Libraire - Frontispice - Maurice Glomeau 1928 Date de naissance et décès de Pierre Rousseau non trouvée.
Illustration of the Sherlock Holmes adventure The Hound of the Baskervilles. Illustration appeared in The Strand Magazine in August, 1901. Original caption was "HE LOOKED IT OVER AGAIN WITH A CONVEX LENS."
Alfred de Falloux Disderi BNF Gallica
Français : Alfred de Falloux (1811-1886), politicien français, ministre sous la Deuxième République. Auteur de la célèbre loi qui porte son nom, relative à l'enseignement privé.English: Alfred de Falloux (1811-... Еще
Frajochar - Public domain portrait drawing
Emperor Franz-Josef 1 of Austria and his heir and successor Archduke Charles, press drawing, july 1914, a few days before the beginning of WW1. Published by "L'ILLUSTRATION", 1914-1919 - 1931