Hasegawa Tadakatsu - A painting of a man sitting on a rug
日本語: 飛騨代官長谷川忠崇の長男、長谷川忠雄の肖像。
Hosokawa Naritatsu - A painting of a man with a sword in his hand
日本語: 細川斉樹の肖像(部分)。
Kyōgoku Takakazu(豊岡藩主) - A black and white drawing of a man with a swo...
日本語: 豊岡藩主京極高品の肖像(モノクロ)。
Sagara Yoritaka - A painting of a woman in a red kimono
相良頼喬の肖像。 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sōma Morotane - A painting of a man sitting on a mat with a sword
日本語: 相馬恕胤の肖像。 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Yoshitoshi Kiyohime. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Kiyohime, January 1890. From the Thirty-six Ghosts series. 9.25" x 14.25". The print depicts Kiyohime transforming into a serpent on the banks of the Hidaka River so that she may pursue her lover, the monk Anc... Еще
妙向尼 - A painting of a man sitting on a rug
日本語: 妙向尼(森可成正室)の肖像画。
秋元礼朝 - A drawing of a woman sitting on a bed
日本語: 上野館林藩主・秋元礼朝の肖像画。
Shimazu Yoshihiro
島津義弘。Shimazu Yoshihiro.
Yoshitsune with benkei
Woodblock print by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, series ’ Courageous Warriors (Yoshitoshi musha burui)’, print no. 15; Kurō Hangan Minamoto Yoshitsune and Musashibō Benkei under a cherry tree
丹羽長貴 - A painting of a man in a kimono sitting on a mat
日本語: 丹羽長貴の肖像画(市指定文化財)。
Akada Takashi
日本語: 赤田隆の肖像。
Kyōgoku Takamasa - A painting of a man sitting on a rug
日本語: 京極高備の肖像。 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kyōgoku Takayuki - A painting of a woman in a kimono
日本語: 京極高之の肖像。
Nagai Naohisa - An old picture of a woman in a kimono
日本語: 永井直旧の肖像。 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nanbu Toshimochi - A painting of a man laying on a pillow
日本語: 南部利用の肖像。 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Outa Doukan. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
太田道灌 Outa Doukan. Public domain photograph of 17th-century Japanese painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sengoku Hidehisa. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
仙石秀久 Sengoku Hidehisa. Public domain photograph of 17th-century Japanese painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Takanose Takashige - A painting of a man in a kimono
日本語: 高野瀬隆重とされる肖像。
Toda Tada'aki - A painting of a man in a kimono
日本語: 戸田忠昭の肖像画。
大内氏歴代肖像. 18th Century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 大内氏歴代の肖像画(琳聖太子から大内義隆まで)。
Doms. Soldat Japonais.B. Auguste Wahlen. Moeurs, usages et costumes de...
Auguste Wahlen, Moeurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, Volume 1. Publisher La Librairie historique-artistique, 1843
Silk; its origin, culture, and manufacture; (1911) (14778609402)
Identifier: silkitsorigincul00shef (find matches) Title: Silk; its origin, culture, and manufacture; Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Sheffeld, Charles Arthur, b. 1873 Subjects: Silk Silk industry Sericulture Pu... Еще
丹羽長次 - A painting of a man sitting on a rug
日本語: 丹羽長次の肖像画(市指定文化財)。
Atsumi Katsuyoshi - A painting of a man with a sword
日本語: 渥美勝吉の肖像。
Kyōgoku Takatomo(宮津藩主) - A painting of a man in a kimono
日本語: 宮津藩主京極高知の肖像。
Matsudaira Noriyasu - A painting of a woman reading a book
日本語: 松平乗全の肖像(部分)。
Mizoguchi Shigemoto - A painting of a woman in a red kimono
日本語: 溝口重元の肖像。 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mizuno Katsutoshi - A painting of a man sitting in a lotus position
日本語: 水野勝俊の肖像(想像)。
Nabeshima Naoshige. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
鍋島直茂。Nabeshima Naoshige. Public domain photograph of 17th-century Japanese painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Naitō Masanari - A painting of a man with a sword
日本語: 内藤正成の肖像。
Saigō Yoritsugu - A painting of a man sitting on a pillow
日本語: 西郷頼嗣(稠頼)の肖像。
上杉鷹山. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
上杉鷹山。Uesugi Youzan. Public domain photograph of 17th-century Japanese painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
毛利就隆 - A painting of a man in a brown robe
日本語: 徳山藩初代藩主・毛利就隆の肖像画。
竹腰正武 - A painting of a man in a red kimono
日本語: 竹腰正武の肖像画。
Osono attacks Rokusuke thinking he had killed her father (5759010357)
Accession Number: 1966.202.18 Display Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi Display Title: Osono attacks Rokusuke thinking he had killed her father Series Title: Twenty-four Accomplishments in Imperial Japan Suite Name: ... Еще
The mikado's empire (1894) (14597604620)
Identifier: mikadosempire05grif (find matches) Title: The mikado's empire Year: 1894 (1890s) Authors: Griffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928 Subjects: Publisher: New York, Harper & brothers Contributing Librar... Еще
Kobori Ensyu - Public domain portrait painting
小堀遠州。Kobori Ensyu. Public domain photograph of Japanese painting, art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
丹羽高庸 - A painting of a man sitting on the ground
日本語: 丹羽高庸の肖像画(市指定文化財)。
Hasegawa Tadataka - A painting of a man sitting on a rug
日本語: 飛騨代官長谷川忠崇の肖像。
Hōjō Tsunashige - A painting of a man sitting on a boat
日本語: 北条綱重(氏信)の肖像。
Itakura Toshitada - A painting of a man sitting on the ground
日本語: 板倉忠重の子、深溝松平家家老・板倉利伊の肖像画。
Kita Nobuchika - A painting of a man and a woman sitting on a rug
日本語: 南部利直(右)と北信愛(左)の対面図。
Kyōgoku Takakage - A painting of a man in a red robe
日本語: 京極高景の肖像。
Okubo Tadasuke - A painting of a man riding a horse
日本語: 大久保忠佐の肖像。
Okudaira Masaakira - Public domain dedication image
日本語: 奥平昌章の肖像。
Sawamura Yoshishige - A painting of a man sitting on a bench
日本語: 澤村吉重の肖像。 Public domain photograph, Japanese official male portrait, Edo period high officers, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Shinnmi Masasada and Sakuma Nobuchika
日本語: 目付新見正登(右)と佐久間信近(左)の肖像。
Watanabe Tsuzuku, Hachiya Narisada and Habuto Masayasu
日本語: 目付渡辺胤(右)、蜂屋成定(中央)、羽太正養(左)の肖像。
亮賢 - A painting of a man sitting on a box
日本語: 亮賢の頂相。
前田斉泰2 - A painting of an old man with a cane
日本語: 加賀藩主・前田斉泰の肖像画。
妻木貞徳 - A painting of a man sitting in a meditation position
日本語: 妻木城主・妻木貞徳の肖像画。
妻木頼忠 - A painting of a man sitting on the ground
日本語: 妻木城主・妻木頼忠の肖像画。
戸川安清 - A drawing of a man sitting at a table
日本語: 留守居・戸川安清の肖像画(部分)。
松平信一 - A painting of a man in a kimono
日本語: 常陸土浦藩主・松平信一の肖像画。
毛利広鎮 - A painting of a man sitting on the ground
日本語: 徳山藩八代藩主・毛利広鎮の肖像画。
Mikatagaharasenekizou - Public domain portrait painting
徳川家康。画名「徳川家康三方ヶ原戦役画像」 Tokugawa Ieyasu Mikatagahara Seneki Gazou . 別名「顰み(しかみ)像」 三方が原の戦いにおいて、武田信玄率いる武田軍に敗れたあと、その経験を忘れないように描かせた肖像画。
Arima Yorimoto - A painting of a man sitting on a rug
日本語: 有馬頼元の肖像。 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hojo Gennann - A painting of a man in a black robe
日本語: 北条幻庵(長綱)の肖像。
Nakai Masatomo - A painting of a man sitting on top of a bed
日本語: 中井正知(3代)の肖像。
Omori Yoshikiyo. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Italiano: Omori Yoshikiyo Un uomo e una donna durante il corteggiamento. Shidare yanagi (Il salice piangente). 1725 c. Orihon. Sumizuri-e. Collezione privata.
Satake Yoshinobu. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 佐竹義宣。 English: Satake Yoshinobu. Public domain photograph of 17th-century Japanese painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
前田綱紀 - A painting of a man laying on the ground next to a tree
日本語: 加賀藩主・前田綱紀とされる肖像画。
毛利元蕃 - A painting of a man with a sword
日本語: 徳山藩主・毛利元蕃の肖像画。
池田綱政2 - A painting of a woman in a kimono
日本語: 池田綱政の肖像画。
細川通薫. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 細川野州家7代当主・細川通薫の肖像画。
酒井忠恭夫妻 - Drawing. Public domain image.
日本語: 播磨姫路藩主・酒井忠恭夫妻の肖像画。
Portrait-Honda-Tadakatsu - Public domain portrait painting
日本語: 本多忠勝の肖像。 「紙本著色本多忠勝像」関が原合戦後、描かせた肖像画。関が原合戦後、忠勝は争いの無い時代になり自分の活躍の場が無くなったことを嘆き、絵師にこの甲冑姿の自分の肖像を描く事を命じた、なお忠勝はこの肖像画を完成させるまでに7回~8回やり直しさせたとも言われている。また、この肖像画を描くときに着用していた甲冑は現在も残っている。 English: Portrait of Honda Tadakat... Еще
Caricature, Chassiron f229, public domain cartoon image
Français : Hors-texte du livre "Notes sur le Japon, la Chine et l'Inde" 1861. Gravure populaire, caricatures de la vie quotidienne.
Caricature, Chassiron f231, public domain cartoon image
Français : Hors-texte du livre "Notes sur le Japon, la Chine et l'Inde" 1861. Gravure populaire, caricatures de la vie quotidienne.
1886 художественная деталь, Япония в Эдинбурге - Уинстон Черчилль (обр...
Альберт-холл, Эдинбург. Уэст-Энд-стрит. Единственный арендатор и управляющий г-н Дж.П. Керл. Commencing Saturday, June 5th, 1886; Printed by Andrew Reid, Lith., Newcastle; Carnegie & Company, Bazaar Decorators,... Еще
Emil Orlik Japanischer Knabe 1901
Deutsch: Japanischer Knabe, Lithographie in Farbe Public domain photograph - child portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
丹羽秀延 - A painting of a man sitting on a bed
日本語: 丹羽秀延の肖像画(市指定文化財)。
Hirano Kuniomi. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
平野国臣 Hirano Kuniomi. Public domain photograph of 17th-century Japanese painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hosokawa Yoshikuni02 - A painting of a man in a military uniform
日本語: 細川韶邦の肖像(部分)。