Турция, конец XIX века - Public domain map
Русский: Карта Турции, конец XIX века.English: Map of Turkey, the end of the nineteenth century.
Fenner, Rest. Persis, Parthia, Armenia. 1835 (H)
Persis, Parthia, Armenia, etc. Fenner Sc., Paternoster Row. (London, Joseph Thomas, 1835)
Новая карта восточных частей Малой Азии, в основном взятых также из Си...
Новая карта восточных частей Малой Азии, в основном взятых также из Сирии, Армении, Месопотамии и т.д. . Его Высочеству Уильяму Герцогу Глостерскому
Asia minor-Shepherd 1923 Mesopotamia
Deutsch: Karte Kleinasiens in der Antike, von William Robert Shepherd, 1923
A dictionary of the Bible.. (1887) (14779425814)
Identifier: dictionaryofbibl01scha (find matches) Title: A dictionary of the Bible.. Year: 1887 (1880s) Authors: Schaff, Philip, 1819-1893 Subjects: Publisher: (n. p.) Contributing Library: The Library of... Еще
Ca. Османско-турецкая карта Месопотамии 1910 года для обучения военной...
Ca. Османско-турецкая карта Месопотамии 1910 года для обучения военной и османской географии
Al Istakhri map - Public domain geographic map
Al-Istakhri map of Tigris and Euphrates valley from Bagdad to Persian Gulf's coast.
Новая карта восточных частей Малой Азии, в основном взятых также из Си...
Новая карта восточных частей Малой Азии, в основном взятых также из Сирии, Армении, Месопотамии и т.д.
Heinrich Kiepert. Asia citerior.Mesopotamia
Deutsch: Mesopotamia. Asia citerior. Auctore Henrico Kiepert Berolinensi. Geographische Verlagshandlung Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen) Berlin, Wilhemlstr. 29. (1903)
Brue, Adrien Hubert, Asie-Mineure, Armenie, Syrie, Mesopotamie, Caucas...
Français : Carte generale de l'Asie-Mineure, de l'Armenie, de la Syrie, de la Mesopotamie, du Caucase &a. par A. Brue, Geographe du Roi. (with) Etat de l'Asie avant Cyrus et limites de l'Empire des Perses a la... Еще
وادي سرحان واطلس المملكة العربية السعودية والعالم3
العربية: وادي سرحان التي تسكنة قبيلة الشرارات بنو كلب القضاعية في اطلس المملكة العربية السعودية والعالم وادي سرحان التي تسكنة قبيلة الشرارات بنو كلب القضاعية في اطلس المملكة العربية السعودية والعالم
Colton, G.W. Turkey In Asia And The Caucasian Provinces Of Russia. 185...
Ottoman Empire in Asia and the Caucasian Provinces of the Russian Empire. Published By J.H. Colton & Co. No. 172 William St. New York. Entered ... 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. ... New York. No. 25
Butler syria - Public domain old vintage map
The Atlas of Ancient and Classical Geography by Samuel Butler العربية: أطلس الجغرافيا القديمة والكلاسيكية بقلم صموئيل بتلر
Johnston, Alexander Keith (1804-1871). Turkey in Asia, Transcaucasia. ...
Turkey in Asia, Asia Minor, and Transcaucasia. By Keith Johnston, F.R.S.E. Engraved & printed by W. & A.K. Johnston, Edinburgh. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & London, (1861)
Johnston, Alexander Keith (1804-1871). Turkey in Asia, Transcaucasia. ...
Turkey in Asia, Asia Minor, and Transcaucasia. By Keith Johnston, F.R.S.E. Engraved & printed by W. & A.K. Johnston, Edinburgh. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & London, (1861)
Le Tour du monde-07-p311 - Public domain vintage map
Français : Carte de la partie centrale de l’ancienne Assyrie, depuis Korsabad jusqu’à Nimroud English: Map of the central part of ancient Assyria, from Korsabad to Nimrud
Heinrich Kiepert. Imperia Persarum et Macedonum. 1903 (IB)
Latina: Imperia Persarum et Macedonum. (with) Regna Diadochorum medio IIIo. a. Chr. saeculo. (with) Regna Graecorum IIo a. Chr. saeculo. Auctore Henrico Kiepert Berolinensi. Geographische Verlagshandlung Dietr... Еще
Soulier, E.; Andriveau-Goujon, J. Anciens Empires Jusqua Alexandre. 18...
Français : Anciens Empires Jusqua Alexandre. Atlas Elementaire Simplifie. Publie par J. Andriveau-Goujon. E. Soulier del. A Paris, chez Andriveau-Goujon, Editeur, Rue du Bac, No. 17. Revu par Mr. Hase, Membre ... Еще
222 of 'A Class-Book of Modern Geography ... New edition, revised and ...
View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "A Class-Book of Modern Geography ... New edition, revised and largely rewritten (by Albert Hill), etc" Author: HUGHES, William - F.R.G.S ... Еще
Map of ancient Assyria, Description de L'Universe (Alain Manesson Mall...
Map of ancient Assyria, Description de L'Universe (Alain Manesson Mallet, 1719).jpg
Spruner von Merz, Karl; Menke, Th 1865 Albania, Iberia, Colchis, Armen...
Deutsch: Albania, Iberia, Colchis, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria. Corr. Menke 1863. W. Alt sc. Gothae: Justhus Perthes. Spruner-Menke atlas antiquus. (1865)
Spruner von Merz, Karl; Menke, Th 1865 Albania, Iberia, Colchis, Armen...
Deutsch: Albania, Iberia, Colchis, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria. Corr. Menke 1863. W. Alt sc. Gothae: Justhus Perthes. Spruner-Menke atlas antiquus. (1865)
Baron E. Nolde's Reise durch Innerarabien, Kurdistan und Armenien 1893
Deutsch: Baron E. Nolde's Reise durch Innerarabien, Kurdistan und Armenien 1893
Bowen, Frances. Turkey in Asia. 1810 (K)
Turkey in Asia. (By Frances Bowen. 1810)
Daniel Lizars. Turkey in Asia. 1831 (J)
Turkey in Asia. Published by D. Lizars, Edinburgh. (1831?)
A dictionary of the Bible.. (1887) (14594953738)
Identifier: dictionaryofbibl01scha (find matches) Title: A dictionary of the Bible.. Year: 1887 (1880s) Authors: Schaff, Philip, 1819-1893 Subjects: Publisher: (n. p.) Contributing Library: The Library of... Еще
British campaigns in the nearer East, 1914-1918 (1917) (14764088931)
Identifier: britishcampaign00dane (find matches) Title: British campaigns in the nearer East, 1914-1918 Year: 1917 (1910s) Authors: Dane, Edmund Subjects: World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns Turkey and the Ne... Еще
Pinkerton, John. Turkey in Asia. 1813 (K)
Turkey in Asia. Drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton by L. Hebert. Neele sculpt. 352 Strand. London: published Sepr. 1st. 1813, by Cadell & Davies, Strand & Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, Paternoster Row.
Les médecins grecs depuis la mort de Galien jusqu'a la chute de l'Empi...
Identifier: lesmdecinsgrec00corluoft (find matches) Title: Les médecins grecs depuis la mort de Galien jusqu'a la chute de l'Empire d'Orient, 210-1453 Year: 1885 (1880s) Authors: Corlieu, Auguste, 1825-1907 ... Еще
Brue, A H ; Levasseur, E 1875 Asie Mineure, Armenie, Syrie, Mesopotami...
Français : Carte Generale l'Asie Mineure de l'Armenie de la Syrie, de la Mesopotamie du Caucase & A. Atlas Universel en 67 feuilles No. 8. Dresse par A. Brue, Geographe. Reoue par E. Levasseur, Membre de l'Ins... Еще
Stieler, Adolf. Das Mittellandische Meer Und Nord-Afrika. 1875 BH
Das Mittellandische Meer Und Nord-Afrika. Maassstab 1:7.500.000. (Ostliches Blatt.) Von A. Petermann. Bearbeitet von L. Friederichs en u. Habenicht. Gest. v. Poppey u. Jungmann. Gotha: Justus Perthes 1875.
IYRAN ~ Royaume de Perse - XIX century
IYRAN , Persian and Qandahar(Afghanistan) kingdoms in the first quarter of the XIX century IYRAN , Persian and Qandahar(Afghanistan) kingdoms in the first quarter of the XIX century
Ca. Карта османской границы между Ираком и Ираном 1909 года, составлен...
ca. Карта османской границы между Ираком и Ираном 1909 года, составленная Специальной пограничной комиссией
Ca. Карта Ирака 1935 года, составленная военным ведомством
ca. Карта Ирака 1935 года, составленная военным ведомством
James Silk Buckingham's General Map of Persia
'General Map of Persia' from James Silk Buckingham's 1829 book, 'Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, including a journey from Bagdad by Mount Zagros, to Hamadan, the ancient Ecbatana, researches in Ispahan ... Еще
Neutral Zone IQ SA - Public domain geographic map
ONC Chart sheet of Middle East, showing former Iraq-Saudi Neutral Zone
Mosul Province 1897 - Public domain geographic map
Source: 1897 Rand McNally Atlas
EB9 Tigris
Map of the major tributaries of the upper Tigris River in Asiatic Turkey c. 1888, now divided between southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq.
Johnston, Alexander Keith (1804-1871). Turkey in Asia, Transcaucasia. ...
Turkey in Asia, Asia Minor, and Transcaucasia. By Keith Johnston, F.R.S.E. Engraved & printed by W. & A.K. Johnston, Edinburgh. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & London, (1861)
Map of ancient Assyria, Description de L'Universe (Alain Manesson Mall...
Map of ancient Assyria, Description de L'Universe (Alain Manesson Mallet, 1683).jpg
Pinkerton, John. Turkey in Asia. 1813 (H)
Turkey in Asia. Drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton by L. Hebert. Neele sculpt. 352 Strand. London: published Sepr. 1st. 1813, by Cadell & Davies, Strand & Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, Paternoster Row.
William Faden. Composite Mediterranean. 1785.E
(Composite of) A map of the Mediterranean Sea with the adjacent regions and seas in Europe, Asia and Africa. By William Faden, Geographer to the King. London, printed for Wm. Faden, Charing Cross, March 1st, 1785.
Le Tour du monde-04-p051 - Public domain vintage map
Français : Itinéraire de M. Eugène Flandin de la frontière du Kurdistan persan à Bagdad, Babylone, Mossoul et Ninive English: Itinerary of Mr Eugène Flandin from the frontier of Persian Kurdistan to Baghdad, ... Еще
Colton, G.W. Turkey In Asia And The Caucasian Provinces Of Russia. 185...
Turkey In Asia And The Caucasian Provinces Of Russia. Published By J.H. Colton & Co. No. 172 William St. New York. Entered ... 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. ... New York. No. 25
The Times history of the war (1914) (14764136762)
Identifier: timeshistoryofwa10lond (find matches) Title: The Times history of the war Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: Subjects: Times history of the war Times history and encyclopaedia of the war World War, 191... Еще