Number of Closed Easements; Cumulative Through FY2017 map (28265659179...
Landowners across the nation are helping to restore wetlands and protect vital agricultural lands. These dots represent the number of easements across the country.
Snow Survey102 (38349247694)
NRCS employees, Roy Kaiser and Scott Oviatt, locate snow course marker near West Yellowstone, MT. Feb. 28, 2006.
NRCSAZ02038 - Arizona (359)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Citrus grove of grapefruit showing cultivated rows for weed control. Yuma, Az.
NRCSAZ02025 - Arizona (333)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Close-up of Kale lettuce in Yuma. Az.
NRCSAZ02049 - Arizona (381)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Different varieties of leaf lettuce contrast themselves in an irrigated field, Yuma, Az.
NRCSAZ02079 - Arizona (441)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Workers harvesting leaf lettuce by hand, Yuma, Az.
NRCSAZ02097 - Arizona (477)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Laser leveling on level basin irrigated field. Yuma, Az.
NRCSAZ84006 - Arizona (505)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
A farmer adjusts siphon tubes on furrow irrigated lettuce near Phoeniz, AZ.
NRCSCA01029 - California (675)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Lettuce crop in central California.
NRCSCA01051 - California (719)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Restored wetland in Yolo County, California
NRCSCA06056 - California (1047)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Sprinkler irrigation in an pear orchard in California.
NRCSCA06117 - California (1143)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Pear trees growing in California.
NRCSCA06119 - California (1147)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Grapes on the vine in California.
NRCSCA06115 - California (1139)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Micro irrigation irrigating orchards in California.
NRCSCO01019 - Colorado (1429)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Yellow Bellied Marmon, near RMNP
NRCSCO01035 - Colorado (1457)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Understory after Hydroax treatment
NRCSCO01047 - Colorado (1481)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
FT Ranch Boys
NRCSCO01066 - Colorado (1519)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Elk Hedged Aspen, McGregor Ranch, RMNP
NRCSCO02010 - Colorado (1595)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Grasslands and subdivisions form distinct contrasts on the Colorado Front Range, Larimer County, Colorado.
NRCSCO80002 - Colorado (1613)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
NRCS Earth Team volunteer enlists to help with conservation efforts in Colorado.
NRCSCO84004 - Colorado (1641)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Molas Divide in San Juan County, Colorado.
NRCSCO92005 - Colorado (1659)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
An NRCS technician adjusts a flow meter used to measure the flow rate of irrigation water in a furrow.
NRCSCT01002 - Connecticut (1665)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
NRCS Conservationist, Todd Bobowick and Alan Page conducting a survey of the physical stream corridor conditions on the Eightmile River.
NRCSCT01016 - Connecticut (1691)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Connecticut River tideland habitat undergoing invasive plant control (light colored areas) and native plant community restoration
NRCSCT01041 - Connecticut (1721)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
An Alaskan Steepass fishway on the Eightmile River, funded in part by the NRCS-WHIP program, to provide passage to spawning habitat for migratory fish
NRCSCT01043 - Connecticut (1725)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
A view looking up and Alaskan Steeppass fishway
NRCSCT07004 - Connecticut (715942)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Connecticut dairy farm from a distance.
NRCSCT07016 - Connecticut (715966)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Beautiful eastern Connecticut dairy farm.
NRCSCT07029 - Connecticut (715990)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Connecticut in the fall.
NRCSCT07047 - Connecticut (716026)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Connecticut dairy farmer standing near the herd.
NRCSCT07009 - Connecticut (715952)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Two generations of Connecticut farming.
NRCSDC01006 - District of Columbia (1767)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
A 'black roller' moves across the plains carrying soil blown from unprotected farmland during the Dust Bowl.
NRCSFL07030 - Florida (715678)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
The sun sets on a Florida farm after a long day of harvesting.
NRCSFL97007 - Florida (1823)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Landowner (right) explains the tree pruning process for Christmas trees to Charlie Conerly (right), NRCS RC&D Coordinator. [Slide 97CS3080]
NRCSGA02039 - Georgia (1981)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
State of the hog farm. The facility is completely automated and temperature controlled. Lyons, Georgia.
NRCSGA02046 - Georgia (1995)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Slash Pine plantation. Georgia.
NRCSGA02049 - Georgia (2001)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Farmer spraying pesticide as part of pest management plan. Georgia.
NRCSGA02053 - Georgia (2009)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Piedmont Grazing Land Project. Georgia.
NRCSHI03008 - Hawaii (2081)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Coffee trees in Hawaii
NRCSHI97012 - Hawaii (2173)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Jodie Katahara, summer employee 1997, Kealakakua, HI. [Slide 97CS3144]
NRCSHI97014 - Hawaii (2177)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
NRCS employees Gary Kam and Jerry Williams using test ring to determine range condition in Waiamea, HI. [Slide 97CS3177]
NRCSIA00004 - Iowa (2211)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
New homes replace farmland in Dallas County, Iowa, as suburbs of Clive and Waukee grow on the west side of Des Moines.
NRCSIA00005 - Iowa (2213)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
New homes replace farmland in Dallas County, Iowa, as suburbs of Clive and Waukee grow on the west side of Des Moines.
NRCSIA00007 - Iowa (2217)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
New homes replace farmland in Dallas County, Iowa, as suburbs of Clive and Waukee grow on the west side of Des Moines.
NRCSIA00020 - Iowa (2243)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
New homes replace farmland in Dallas County, Iowa, as the suburb of Waukee grows on the west side of Des Moines.
NRCSIA01023 - Iowa (2357)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
An NRCS field conservationist and landowner in Montgomery County discuss wildlife habitat needs and plans on his farm.
NRCSIA01035 - Iowa (2379)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Pheasants and other wildlife species need both food and cover in harsh Iowa winters. It is provided by landowners with both annual and perennial plantings.
NRCSIA01052 - Iowa (2413)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Tree and grass plantings in central Iowa for wildlife.
NRCSIA01049 - Iowa (2407)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Native grasses and forbs are part of the planting mixture in a conservation buffer along Bear Creek in central Iowa.
NRCSHI03019 - Hawaii (2103)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Pheasant in Hawaii
NRCSIA03019 - Iowa (2451)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
A mixture of native grasses and forbs intended to restore prairie grasses in Linn County, Iowa.
NRCSIA03058 - Iowa (2527)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
A variety of plants and a pond with circulating water are featured in a backyard in Keosauqua, Iowa.
NRCSIA00009 - Iowa (2221)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
New homes replace farmland in Dallas County, Iowa, as suburbs of Clive and Waukee grow on the west side of Des Moines.
NRCSIA00042 - Iowa (2287)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Multiple rows of trees and shrubs, as well as a native grass strip, combine with terraces and other upland conservation treatment to protect Bear Creek in Story County, Iowa. The riparian buffer along the strea... Еще
NRCSIA04014 - Iowa (2569)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
A native prairie in a CRP field in Madison County, Iowa, restored by burning the year prior to this photo being taken produces numerous prairie plants with new life.
NRCSIA99010 - Iowa (2727)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Researcher from Texas Tech University uses Global Positioning System to gather data on benefits of conservation buffers. Study is part of water quality research in Lake Rathbun watershed in southern Iowa.
NRCSIA03036 - Iowa (2483)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Turtle protects itself by going under its shell.
NRCSIA99038 - Iowa (2781)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Lagoon on hog operation on a farm in Taylor County, Iowa. The system uses a series of hillside terraces that form constructed wetlands that also use bacteria to purify wastewater from a hog operation. Early tes... Еще
NRCSIA99037 - Iowa (2779)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Water sample taken from the lagoon in a filtering system in use on a farm in Taylor County, Iowa. The system uses a series of hillside terraces that form constructed wetlands that also use bacteria to purify wa... Еще
NRCSIA99090 - Iowa (2881)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Terraces, conservation tillage and conservation buffers save soil and improve water quality on this farm in Woodbury County in northwest Iowa.
NRCSIA99124 - Iowa (2949)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Severe sheet and rill erosion on highly erodible soils in northwest Iowa after heavy rains. The spring rains fell on soils that had no protection against soil erosion.
NRCSIA97016 - Iowa (2681)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Two Clinton County SWCD Commissioners; Connie Ramirez, NRCS District Conservationist; Audrey DeScheppper, technician; landowner; and Muscatine County SWCD Secretary, discuss local conservation issues in Muscat... Еще
NRCSIA97018 - Iowa (2685)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Connie Ramirez, NRCS District Conservationist. [Slide 97CS3071]
NRCSIA99143 - Iowa (2987)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Streambank erosion in Warren County in central Iowa cuts into crop fields year after year, rain after rain.
NRCSIA99147 - Iowa (2995)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Ephemeral gully erosion and severe rill erosion washes young corn plants from the ground as well as topsoil and nutrients from this southern Iowa field.
NRCSIA99150 - Iowa (3001)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Effects of wind erosion in northern Iowa show on the sandy knobs (light colored soil) that have had topsoil eroded completely by wind over the years.
NRCSIA99152 - Iowa (3005)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Severe sheet and rill erosion on highly erodible soils in Iowa after heavy rains. The field had no protection against soil erosion.
NRCSIA99143 - Iowa (2987)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Streambank erosion in Warren County in central Iowa cuts into crop fields year after year, rain after rain.
NRCSIA99196 - Iowa (3087)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Prime farmland in Iowa.
NRCSIA99200 - Iowa (3095)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
John Deere tractor at work with a round baler. – Large bales of hay are being made on highly erodible land in northeast Iowa. Having the land in hayland is very good protection against erosion.
NRCSIA99213 - Iowa (3121)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Liquid manure storage pit from a dairy operation in northeast Iowa.
NRCSIA99244 - Iowa (3183)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
A farmer scouts his field for any needs for weed control, pest control, and tests the soil for nutrients. Scouting and applying measures to only the parts of the field that need them saves input costs for the f... Еще
NRCSIA99271 - Iowa (3237)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
NRCS engineer Sue Long surveys for a dam to be built in southeast Iowa.
NRCSIA99259 - Iowa (3213)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
A Union County farmer adjusts a nose pump. The pump, operated by cattle which nudge the control to pump them a drink of water, allows the manager to keep cattle a distance from the water supply, which makes for... Еще
NRCSIA99042 - Iowa (2789)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Aerial view of contour buffer strips on highly erodible cropland in Winneshiek County in northeast Iowa. Strips of green alfalfa help curb erosion by providing breaks from the more erodible corn fields.
NRCSIA99337 - Iowa (3367)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Sediment in a waterway that has washed from nearby crop fields in Iowa.
NRCSIA99334 - Iowa (3361)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Sediment in the upper reaches of Coralville Lake, a Corps of Engineers flood control dam in eastern Iowa.
NRCSIA99371 - Iowa (3435)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Contour stripcropping, alternating bands of corn, oats and alfalfa in a field in northeast Iowa.
NRCSIA99427 - Iowa (3547)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
A watershed dam and upland terraces in a small watershed project in western Iowa.
NRCSIA99462 - Iowa (3613)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Restored wetland in the prairie pothole region of northern Iowa.
NRCSIA99509 - Iowa (3705)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Grassed waterways in a cornfield in northeast Iowa.
NRCSIA99277 - Iowa (3249)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
It is recommended that all farm spraying tanks be filled with water a distance away from the water supply, so that any spills would not be near the supply.
NRCSIA99543 - Iowa (3759)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Stormwaters broke through this terrace system in Cass County in southwest Iowa. Terraces are designed for the water that would come from a storm that is expected to occur every 10 years.
NRCSIA99603 - Iowa (3843)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Seedheads of big bluestem, a native warm-season grass in Iowa that boosts wildlife and saves soil.
NRCSIA99621 - Iowa (3877)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Corn harvest alongside a conservation buffer and restored wetland in Kossuth County, Iowa.
NRCSIA99655 - Iowa (3937)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Liming a pasture in southern Iowa.
NRCSIA99664 - Iowa (3953)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Switchgrass pasture in Union County, Iowa. Native grasses including switchgrass offer pasture for cattle in mid-summer when cool season pastures such as bluegrass are less productive.
NRCSID00014 - Idaho (4019)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Gated pipe helps farmers improve irrigation water management and minimize irrigation induced erosion.
NRCSID01005 - Idaho (4061)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Ranchers in the Salmon Model Watershed are building in-stream irrigation water structures like this one that contains gates that automatically raise and lower depending on the depth of streamflow. The structure... Еще
NRCSID01001 - Idaho (4053)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Ranchers in the Salmon Model Watershed project area are converting from flood irrigation to sprinkler irrigation systems to help restore the Lemhi River to its former status as prime salmon habitat. Center pivo... Еще
NRCSID01003 - Idaho (4057)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Ranchers in the Salmon Model Watershed are improving their irrigation systems to help give them better control over their irrigation water. This pump station has a screening device that will keep salmon out of ... Еще
NRCSID01009 - Idaho (4069)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Ranchers in the Salmon Model Watershed are placing in-stream fish screens in canals to prevent fish from entering the water used for irrigation.
NRCSID91001 - Idaho (4125)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Grassed waterway slows runoff water and guides it from a field. Benefits include reduced erosion and improved water quality.
NRCSIL99001 - Illinois (4171)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Urban garden in Chicago.
NRCSKS02003 - Kansas (4187)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
District Conservationist Kevin Religa maps a field of Canola using a Global Positioning System in Manhattan, Kansas.
NRCSKS02003 - Kansas (4187)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
District Conservationist Kevin Religa maps a field of Canola using a Global Positioning System in Manhattan, Kansas.
NRCSKS02008 - Kansas (4197)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Gully erosion from uncontrolled runoff. Kansas.
NRCSKS02009 - Kansas (4199)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Grassed waterways on cultivated fields in kansas.
NRCSKS02016 - Kansas (4213)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Contour terraces in combination with residue management on a wheat field in Kansas.
NRCSKS02013 - Kansas (4207)(NRCS Photo Gallery)
Countour terraces. Kansas.