Suchtelen Espanol - A series of pictures of a man on a horse
Español: Estraordinaria batalla de la caballería russa al mando del ayudante Cl. conde Suchtelen y la caballeria turca dirigida por Emir-Aqa. Русский: Славное сражение русской конницы под началом генерал-адъю... Еще
Weigel-Footsoldier to an emir
Ottoman Military Illustrations from Hans Weigel's Habitus Praecipuorum Populorum (Trachtenbuch), 1577
Ralamb Sipahi - A painting of a man with a bow and arrow
Sipahi (light turkish cavalery) from Ralamb Costume Book. Miniatures in Indian ink with gouache and some gilding. They were acquired in Constantinople in 1657-58 by Claes Rålamb who led a Swedish embassy.[1]
Melchior Lorck - A foot soldier
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Melchior Lorck - A Turkish warrior
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Cebeci - A painting of a man holding a fan
A "cebeci" soldier of Ottoman army. Українська: Cebeci — Зброяр (джебеджі). Яничарський загін зброярів використовуася для виготовлення та транспортування зброї, а також для підтримання правопорядку довкола Ая-Софії.
Weigel-Turkish soldier with pickaxe
Ottoman Military Illustrations from Hans Weigel's Habitus Praecipuorum Populorum (Trachtenbuch), 1577
Vinkhuijzen 416332 Bostanji - Public domain portrait drawing
Bostanji. Turkey, 1820. Drawing from Vinkhuijzen Collection of Military Costume Illustration.
Melchior Lorck - A soldier wearing a turban
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Weigel-Christian footsoldier
Ottoman Military Illustrations from Hans Weigel's Habitus Praecipuorum Populorum (Trachtenbuch), 1577
Melchior Lorck - A foot soldier with pole-axe
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Османский анклав
An Ottoman encampment. Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Surname 71b - A painting of a group of people and animals
Procession of the guilds. Shown are the bakers with an oven, bread, and in the lower part farmers with wheat. Ottoman miniature painting, from the Surname-ı Vehbi, kept at the Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, Istanbul ... Еще
Weigel-Turkish footsoldier
Ottoman Military Illustrations from Hans Weigel's Habitus Praecipuorum Populorum (Trachtenbuch), 1577
Melchior Lorck - A soldier walking to right
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Baschavus, palace usher
Baschavus, palace usher
Mamluke - A drawing of a man on a horse with a sword
Picryl description: Public domain image of a siege, war, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Ottoman soldiers and Tatar children at Gözleve - ILN, 3 March 1855
Ottoman Empire in the Crimean War
Английский: Представление основной турецкой армии с 80 тысячами человек, приближающихся к Софии в Болгарии в 1788 году, в мае месяце.
1915 Russian WW Iposter - Drawing. Public domain image.
1915 russian WWI poster showing a russian soldier having fun to see a little angry turkish soldier Français : Une affiche de guerre russe de 1915 de la Première guerre mondiale qui montre un soldat russe qui ri... Еще
Beylerbey of Anatolia (cropped) - Public domain portrait engraving
Beylerbey of Anatolia. Engraving by Cesare Vecellio. Русский: Анатолийский бейлербей. Гравюра Чезаре Вечеллио.
Battle of Vienna.Sipahis, illuminated manuscript
Сипахи в битве при Вене (статьи на тему "Сипахи, см. de: Sipahi dk: Spahi en: Sipahi: Spahi).
Janissary from Giannena by Stackelberg
Janissary from GiannenaΕλληνικά: Γενίτσαρος από τα Γιάννενα Public domain photograph related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Melchior Lorck - Turkish foot soldier
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Portyazo torokok - A group of men riding on the backs of horses
Marauding Ottomans in 1568 Public domain photograph of renaissance art, Italy, 15th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Grandes chroniques de France Jean Fouquet: Janitscharenschüler, illumi...
Deutsch: Janitscharenschüler bei Waffenübungen Public domain reproduction of illuminated book or manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Arolsen Klebeband 02 105
Grafik aus dem Klebeband Nr. 2 der Fürstlich Waldeckschen Hofbibliothek Arolsen Motiv: Bildnis eines Manns mit eingekerbtem Ohr laut osmanischer Soldat aus Melchior Lorck: Deß Weitberühmbten... Herr... Еще
Галерея T085 (оригинальное сканирование)
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria. ..., Nürnberg 1703. 85. Ein Janitschar. Public domain scan of German 18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Melchior Lorck - A soldier with lance and shield
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Caricature of the 1783 French Military Mission in Istambul
Caricature_of_the_1783_French_Military_Mission_in_Istambul. Public domain photograph of procession, parade in France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A torokok Nandorfehervarra tartanak
Public domain image related to 13th-14th-century architecture, medieval castle, cathedral, historic building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Magyarok es torokok harca
Hungarian cavalrys at feud with the Ottomans in the 16th century
OTTOMAN SOLDIERS, 1854 - A group of men in uniforms standing next to e...
Turkish soldiers in 1854 Русский: Турецкие солдаты в 1854 году
Melchior Lorck - A border soldier
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
S. V. Ivanov. At the guarding border of the Moscow state. (1907)
Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bostanji bachi leu - Public domain portrait drawing
Français : Hasseky-agassy, ou lieutenant du bostanji bachi. English: Haseki agasi, Lieutenant of the imperial guards. Drawing from Album of Turkish Costume Paintings. Русский: Хасеки-агаси, лейтенант стражи ... Еще
Bostanji bachi - Public domain portrait drawing
Français : Bostandji-bachy, ou chef de la garde impériale. English: Bostandji-bashy, chef of the imperial guards. Drawing from Album of Turkish Costume Paintings. Русский: Бостанджи-баши, начальник стражи су... Еще
Ralamb soldier with head
Turkish soldier from Ralamb Costume Book. Miniatures in Indian ink with gouache and some gilding. They were acquired in Constantinople in 1657-58 by Claes Rålamb who led a Swedish embassy. Українська: De som ... Еще
Melchior Lorck - A corpulent Turkish soldier
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Dugovics - A painting of a group of people on top of a building
Picryl description: Public domain image of a siege, war, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Deutsche Militärmission Türkei Kladderadatsch Jg 67 H1 S20 4.1.1914 Gu...
Deutsch: Titel: Die Tripleentente und die deutsche Militärmission. Bildunterschrift: Der Russe: „Paßt auf, Kinder, der macht den Türken noch gesund!“ – Anspielung auf den „kranken Mann am Bosporus“English: Th... Еще
Melchior Lorck - A Cannoneer
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Melchior Lorck - A Janissary (Yeniceri)
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Türkische cavallerie Tscherkessen
Türkische cavallerie Tscherkessen
Chevalier Auguste de Henikstein - Capseki. Garde du Grand Seigneur. Ta...
Capseki. Garde du Grand Seigneur. Tatars. Courriers turcs.jpg
Melchior Lorck - A Turkish soldier
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Melchior Lorck - A running soldier
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Nicolae Grigorescu 058 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Painting
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Welt-Galleria T086 - Engraving, Public domain image
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria. ..., Nürnberg 1703. 86. Ein Schütz auf den Türkischen Galeeren.
TurkischeHauptArmeeHochenleitterBGHistory - A painting of a military p...
Deutsch: Vorstellung der Türkischen Haupt Armee mit 80.000 Mann in Anmarsche bei Sophia in Bulgarien 1788, in Monat May
Osmanischer Soldat II - A painting of a man wearing a red hat
Ottoman Soldier during the Battle at Domokos.
Ottoman Soldier Stamp - postal stamp
An ottoman stamp with ottoman wife child and soldier whos going to war Deutsch: Eine Briefmarke des Osmanischen Reiches mit einer Frau und einem Kind, die einen Mann verabschieden der in den Krieg zieht
Melchior Lorck - A man on horseback holding a lance
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Welt-Galleria T080 - Engraving, Public domain image
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria. ..., Nürnberg 1703. 80. Ein Türckischer Laquay. Public domain scan of German 18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Melchior Lorck - A soldier wearing a helmet
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Bogenschütze zu Pferd (A. Dürer, 1514)
Deutsch: "Ein Bogenschütze zu Pferd", aquarellierte Federzeichnung von Albrecht Dürer, vermutlich nach einer Vorlage von Gentile BelliniEnglish: Oriental Archer on HorsebackFrançais : Un archer a cheval, des... Еще
Melchior Lorck - A soldier holding a lance
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Melchior Lorck - A bearded archer-2
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Melchior Lorck - A Janissar walking
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Cartouche with a Turkish soldier
A New Map of the Western Parts of Asia Minor Largely taken - Shewing their Antient Divisions. . . Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Gloucester Еще
Вацлав, Санчес - самопожертвование Титуша Дуговича - Google Art Projec...
Google Cultural Institute Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Osmanischer Soldat - A painting of a man wearing a red hat
Ottoman Soldier during the Battle at Domokos.
Melchior Lorck - The reckless soldier
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Melchior Lorck - A soldier
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Welt-Galleria T085 - Public domain portrait engraving
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria. ..., Nürnberg 1703. 85. Ein Janitschar. Public domain scan of German 18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ralamb Janissary 1 - A painting of a man with a sword in his hand
Janissary from Ralamb Costume Book. Miniatures in Indian ink with gouache and some gilding. They were acquired in Constantinople in 1657-58 by Claes Rålamb who led a Swedish embassy. Українська: Yeniçeri — Яничар.
Ralamb Levente - A drawing of a man with a baseball bat
Irregular turkish soldier (levente) from Ralamb Costume Book. Miniatures in Indian ink with gouache and some gilding. They were acquired in Constantinople in 1657-58 by Claes Rålamb who led a Swedish embassy.
Melchior Lorck - A footsoldier running
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83
Azap - Public domain portrait engraving
Azap, galley's archer. Engraving by Cesare Vecellio. Русский: Азап, лучник с галеры. Гравюра Чезаре Вечеллио.
Turks taking away Christian slaves, drawing S. Schweigger 1639
Turks taking away Christian slaves, drawing S. Schweigger 1639Српски / srpski: Турци спроводе хришћанско робље, цртеж S. Ashweigger 1639
Beylerbey of Rumeli - Public domain portrait engraving
The Beylerbey of Rumelia, 16th century Ottoman Empire. Engraving by Cesare Vecellio (1521–1601).
Welt-Galleria T084 - Public domain portrait engraving
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria. ..., Nürnberg 1703. 84. Ein Janitschar. Public domain scan of German 18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ottoman Sipahi, Melchior Lorch (1646)
Public domain scan of renaissance or mannerist print or drawing, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Janicsár aga - A painting of two men dressed in traditional clothing
Janissaries Public domain photograph of a military activity, war, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Chevalier Auguste de Henikstein - Bostandgi. Rameurs du G. Seigneur. B...
Bostandgi. Rameurs du G. Seigneur. Bateliers grecs à Constantinople. Batelier turc.jpg
Beylerbey of Anatolia - Public domain portrait engraving
Beylerbey of Anatolia. Engraving by Cesare Vecellio. Русский: Анатолийский бейлербей. Гравюра Чезаре Вечеллио.
Hunername 264 - A painting of a group of people riding horses
Sultan Suleiman I taking control of Moldova. Ottoman miniature painting from the Hünername, kept at the Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, Istanbul (Inv. 1524/264°)
Le Figaro, The Turk (1923)
Русский: Турок: Сколько ещё армян осталось? Public domain scan of a cartoon, military forces, war and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
OTTOMAN SOLDIERS 1840 - Two men in uniforms on horses in a field
Turkish cavalry in 1839-1840 Русский: Турецкая кавалерия в 1839 -1840
Welt-Galleria T081 - Public domain portrait print
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria. ..., Nürnberg 1703. 81. Ein Türckischer Stummer. Public domain scan of German 18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Die Osmanen
Digitalized Postcard of woodprint-replica. The theme follows motives from German (and Austrian) anti-Ottoman pamphlets (see Bericht des kaiserlichen Kriegssekretärs Peter Stern von Labach; Flugblatt von Erhard... Еще
Ottoman Horse Archer - A painting of a man on a horse with a bow
Public domain photo of a medieval art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Rålamb Costume Book, Topçu
A "topçu"(artillery) soldier of Ottoman army.
Melchior Lorck - A Janissar
Ottoman Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83