Rieke Diah Pitaloka during Commission VI DPR RI visit to Jambi Provinc...
The House of Representatives Commission VI Special Working Visit Team led by Member of Commission VI People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) Rieke Diah Pitaloka visited Jambi Prov... Еще
Darizal Basir - A man in a blue suit and tie
Bahasa Indonesia: Darizal Fur, Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Indonesia 2014-2019. Английский: Darizal Fur, Member of the Republic of Indonesia People Representative Council for the period 2014-2019.
Martin Hutabarat
Bahasa Indonesia: Martin Hutabarat sebagai calon anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dapil Sumut III pada pemilihan umum 2019.
John Kenedy Azis - A man in a suit and tie standing in front of a yell...
Bahasa Indonesia: John Kenedy Azis, Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat RI 2014-2019 dari Sumatra Barat. Английский: John Kenedy Azis, Member of the Republic of Indonesia People Representative Council for the perio... Еще
Puteri Indonesia 2020 Queens as People's Consultative Assembly of The ...
Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia-Bambang Soesatyo together with Puteri Indonesia chairman and Presidential Advisory Council member-Putri Kuswisnuwardhani; Puteri Indone... Еще
Agus Susanto - A man in a white hat and a woman in a blue dress
Bahasa Indonesia: Agus Susanto, Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia periode 2014—2019. English: Agus Susanto, Member of the Republic of Indonesia People's Representative Council for the period 2014-2019.
Hadi Mulyadi DPR
Хади Мульяди, заместитель губернатора Восточного Калимантана (2018-2023) и член Народного представительного совета (2014-2018)
Muhammad Iqbal DPR - A man wearing a green suit and a black hat
Bahasa Indonesia: Muhammad Iqbal, Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia periode 2019—2024. English: Muhammad Iqbal, Member of the Republic of Indonesia People's Representative Council for the perio... Еще
Bambang Soesatyo as the Selection Committee of Puteri Indonesia 2020 (...
Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia-Bambang Soesatyo attending Puteri Indonesia 2020 coronation night as the selection committee.
Aryo Djojohadikusumo DPR
Bahasa Indonesia: Potret Aryo Djojumo sebi Anggota DPR RI 2014-2019. Английский язык: Портрет Арьо Джоджумо в качестве члена Народного представительного совета Республики Индонезия на период 2014-2019 годов.
Jamal Mirdad - A man in a suit and tie posing for a picture
Bahasa Indonesia: Potret Jamal Mirdad sebagai calon Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia dari partai Gerindra English: Portrait of Jamal Mirdad as a candidate of the People's Representative Council of the... Еще
Ahmad Sahroni DPR - A man in a blue shirt smiles at the camera
Ахмад Сони, член Народного представительного совета
Endre Saifoel - A man in a suit and tie posing for a picture
Bahasa Indonesia: Fre Saifoel, Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Indonesia 2014-2019. Английский язык: Фар Саифоэль, член Народного представительного совета Республики Индонезия на период 2014-2019 годов.
Ade Rezki Pratama - A man in a suit and tie posing for a picture
Bahasa Indonesia: Ade Haki Pratama, Anggota DPR RI termuda 2014-2019. Английский: Аде Факи Пратама, самый молодой член Народного представительного совета Индонезии на период 2014-2019 годов.
Mulyadi DPR RI - A man wearing glasses and a blue shirt
Bahasa Indonesia: Mulyadi, Anggota DPR RI 2014-2019. Английский: Мульяди, член Народного представительного совета Индонезии на период 2014-2019 годов.
Surahman Hidayat - A man in a white coat and a black hat
Bahasa Indonesia: Surahman Hidayat, Anggota DPR RI 2014-2019. Английский язык: Сурахман Хидаят, член Народного представительного совета на период 2014-2019 годов.
Anggota DPR RI Refrizal
Bahasa Indonesia: Refrizal Dapil Sumbar Public domain photograph of politician, government and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Alex Indra Lukman - A man in a black shirt and a black hat
Bahasa Indonesia: Alex Indra Lukman, Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Indonesia 2014-2019. Английский: Alex Indra Lukman, Member of the Republic of Indonesia People Representative Council for the period 2014-2019.
Susi Marleny Bachsin - A woman wearing glasses and a scarf
Сьюзи Марлени Bahasa Indonesia: Potret Susi Marleny Fessin S.E., M.M. в качестве кандидата в Народный представительный совет Республики Индонезия от партии Гериндра
Karolin Margret Natasa bupati landak
Каролин Маргрет Натаса, бывший член Народного представительного совета и регент Ландакского округа 2017-2022
Председатель Палаты представителей Бамбанг Соэсатьо
Бамбанг Соэсатьо, спикер Совета народных представителей
Димяти Натакусумах 2015
Димяти Натакусумах, член Совета народных представителей (2009-2018) и бывший регент Пандегланга
Tubagus Hasanuddin - A man in a black suit and red tie
Tubagus Hasanuddin Public domain photograph of politician, government and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait of Satya Widya Yudha
Portrait of Indonesian politician, Satya Widya Yudha, by the National energy Council of the Republic of Indonesia