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media contributed by de paul university special collections and archives

7,207 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 73
Apologie de l'empereur Napoléon - telle qu'elle parut à Reims le 27 mai 1814. Book page scan - d2ccd25ae549f430882d4495738ad3c2 (page 5)
Plain answers to plain questions - in a dialogue between John Bull and Bonaparte, met half-seas over between Dover and Calais. Book page scan - 1ef9db6b9d066febe3ec029fc99d70fb
Life of Bonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic - containing his education, military atchievements, and all the battles fought and gained under his command, together with his. Book page scan - 7682badfd8d28677ece3c4d2531dd348 (page 31)

Life of Bonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic - containing hi...

At end: a colored print entitled "View of Longwood from Balcom's cottage" (London: Colburn & Co., Jan. 1, 1824) which is noted as "Frontispiece to v.4" (most probably from Journal of the private life and conver... Еще

Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaigns in Italy. Chiefly intended as a companion to the great historical picture painted by Robert Ker Porter. Book page scan - 3d01af8f357a19a9eef5eb96f841c06f (page 4)

Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaig...

"The print that accompanies this sketch is engraved from a medal of the first consul executed in Paris by his own order ... ": 2nd prelim. leaf.

1812 Lettre d'un capitaine de cuirassiers sur la campagne de Russie. Book page scan - b3eefb753407988253db3de3e2299793 (page 28)
1812 Lettre d'un capitaine de cuirassiers sur la campagne de Russie. Book page scan - b3eefb753407988253db3de3e2299793 (page 17)
1812 Lettre d'un capitaine de cuirassiers sur la campagne de Russie. Book page scan - b3eefb753407988253db3de3e2299793 (page 44)
1812 Lettre d'un capitaine de cuirassiers sur la campagne de Russie. Book page scan - b3eefb753407988253db3de3e2299793 (page 58)
1812 Lettre d'un capitaine de cuirassiers sur la campagne de Russie. Book page scan - b3eefb753407988253db3de3e2299793 (page 71)
A François-Charles-Joseph Napoléon, né au chateau des Tuileries le 20 Mars 1811. Book page scan - 075831f241c046ceda88779e1893540f (page 9)

A François-Charles-Joseph Napoléon, né au chateau des Tuileries le 20 ...


A mirror exhibited, - by the sayings and transactions of the greatest men in Europe, for taking a just view of national religion, viz. - First, the conference between the great Bona. Book page scan - 8554100ad90ce983f37fc91a686a7c1b (page 2)

A mirror exhibited, - by the sayings and transactions of the greatest ...

Attributed to Daniel Humphreys of Portsmouth, N.H. Probably printed by Joseph Bumstead, whose office was at no. 20, Union Street

Accusation, trial, defence, sentence, execution, and last will, of Lewis XVI, late King of France and Navarre. Book page scan - 04bcfd38e7ab7c1c198de3ef0bf1c227 (page 113)
Accusation, trial, defence, sentence, execution, and last will, of Lewis XVI, late King of France and Navarre. Book page scan - 04bcfd38e7ab7c1c198de3ef0bf1c227 (page 3)
Accusation, trial, defence, sentence, execution, and last will, of Lewis XVI, late King of France and Navarre. Book page scan - 04bcfd38e7ab7c1c198de3ef0bf1c227 (page 47)
Accusation, trial, defence, sentence, execution, and last will, of Lewis XVI, late King of France and Navarre. Book page scan - 04bcfd38e7ab7c1c198de3ef0bf1c227 (page 20)
Accusation, trial, defence, sentence, execution, and last will, of Lewis XVI, late King of France and Navarre. Book page scan - 04bcfd38e7ab7c1c198de3ef0bf1c227 (page 57)
Accusation, trial, defence, sentence, execution, and last will, of Lewis XVI, late King of France and Navarre. Book page scan - 04bcfd38e7ab7c1c198de3ef0bf1c227 (page 40)
Accusation, trial, defence, sentence, execution, and last will, of Lewis XVI, late King of France and Navarre. Book page scan - 04bcfd38e7ab7c1c198de3ef0bf1c227 (page 58)
Accusation, trial, defence, sentence, execution, and last will, of Lewis XVI, late King of France and Navarre. Book page scan - 04bcfd38e7ab7c1c198de3ef0bf1c227 (page 71)
Adresse à l'empereur. Book page scan - b4bc7f449638241f0ac9685b53d1b275 (page 10)
Adresse à l'empereur. Book page scan - b4bc7f449638241f0ac9685b53d1b275 (page 3)
Analogies et contrastes entre Olivier Cromwell et N. Buonaparte. Book page scan - 404f576bcce92cfff28b5060f02b77f5 (page 12)
Analogies et contrastes entre Olivier Cromwell et N. Buonaparte. Book page scan - 404f576bcce92cfff28b5060f02b77f5 (page 2)
Anecdotes curieuses sur Buonaparte - suivies de la description historique de l’île d’Elbe, et de rapprochemens curieux sur l’histoire de la révolution et les événemens actuels. Book page scan - 7599e9073a05fa62f2ca5716342fa70d (page 5)
Anecdotes curieuses sur Buonaparte, suivies de la description historique de l'île d'Elbe, et de rapprochemens curieux sur l'histoire de la Révolution et les évènemens actuels. Book page scan - d797b5f1066d03168fc15e009c9b0c00 (page 21)
Anecdotes curieuses sur Buonaparte, suivies de la description historique de l'île d'Elbe, et de rapprochemens curieux sur l'histoire de la Révolution et les évènemens actuels. Book page scan - d797b5f1066d03168fc15e009c9b0c00 (page 13)
Anecdotes curieuses sur Buonaparte, suivies de la description historique de l'île d'Elbe, et de rapprochemens curieux sur l'histoire de la Révolution et les évènemens actuels. Book page scan - d797b5f1066d03168fc15e009c9b0c00 (page 22)
Anniversaire de la mort de l'impératrice Joséphine. Book page scan - a40e6b04d3f2b540e1e7a947120c0174 (page 17)

Anniversaire de la mort de l'impératrice Joséphine. Book page scan - a...


Anniversaire de la mort de l'impératrice Joséphine. Book page scan - a40e6b04d3f2b540e1e7a947120c0174 (page 12)

Anniversaire de la mort de l'impératrice Joséphine. Book page scan - a...


Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 15)
Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 29)
Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 35)
Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 24)
Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 22)
Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 46)
Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 7)
Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 49)
Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 6)
Aperçu historique sur la dignité de maréchael de France, suivi d’un tableau chronologique des maréchaux. Book page scan - 95010338c8f98167a3ba16ef0cfe80a9 (page 47)
Appel au Roi et a l'estime publique. Book page scan - e16f6bc4e5c35b40b0b6131f2f159cb4 (page 17)

Appel au Roi et a l'estime publique. Book page scan - e16f6bc4e5c35b40...

Authorship from: Catalogue général des livres imprimés de la Bibliothèque nationale. Auteurs ... Paris, Imprimerie nationale. 1897-

Appel au Roi et a l'estime publique. Book page scan - e16f6bc4e5c35b40b0b6131f2f159cb4 (page 10)

Appel au Roi et a l'estime publique. Book page scan - e16f6bc4e5c35b40...

Authorship from: Catalogue général des livres imprimés de la Bibliothèque nationale. Auteurs ... Paris, Imprimerie nationale. 1897-

Appel au Roi et a l'estime publique. Book page scan - e16f6bc4e5c35b40b0b6131f2f159cb4 (page 3)

Appel au Roi et a l'estime publique. Book page scan - e16f6bc4e5c35b40...

Authorship from: Catalogue général des livres imprimés de la Bibliothèque nationale. Auteurs ... Paris, Imprimerie nationale. 1897-

Appel au Roi et a l'estime publique. Book page scan - e16f6bc4e5c35b40b0b6131f2f159cb4 (page 15)

Appel au Roi et a l'estime publique. Book page scan - e16f6bc4e5c35b40...

Authorship from: Catalogue général des livres imprimés de la Bibliothèque nationale. Auteurs ... Paris, Imprimerie nationale. 1897-

Apologie de l'empereur Napoléon - telle qu'elle parut à Reims le 27 mai 1814. Book page scan - d2ccd25ae549f430882d4495738ad3c2 (page 7)
Appel aux promesses de l'empereur. Book page scan - 978c7c17750aec42bb68208fa3e6c2fa (page 31)
Appel aux promesses de l'empereur. Book page scan - 978c7c17750aec42bb68208fa3e6c2fa (page 2)
Appel aux promesses de l'empereur. Book page scan - 978c7c17750aec42bb68208fa3e6c2fa (page 24)
Appel aux promesses de l'empereur. Book page scan - 978c7c17750aec42bb68208fa3e6c2fa (page 26)
Authentic copy of Napoleon's memorial - concerning the treatment he has experienced from Sir Hudson Lowe, British governor of the Island of St. Helena and his protest against the Tr. Book page scan - af06be8d6da6e770ed2c7aefd4826a61 (page 1)

Authentic copy of Napoleon's memorial - concerning the treatment he ha...

Leslie H. Kuehner Collection; Responsibility: by General Count Montholon, as dictated by Napoleon. To which is added important particulars, by M. Santine

Authentic copy of Napoleon's memorial - concerning the treatment he has experienced from Sir Hudson Lowe, British governor of the Island of St. Helena and his protest against the Tr. Book page scan - af06be8d6da6e770ed2c7aefd4826a61 (page 10)

Authentic copy of Napoleon's memorial - concerning the treatment he ha...

Leslie H. Kuehner Collection; Responsibility: by General Count Montholon, as dictated by Napoleon. To which is added important particulars, by M. Santine

Automne - ou le deuil de la nature en 1821- ode élégiaque aux manes de Napoléon. Book page scan - bb3de92743b815aff948d6f8e6c26e65 (page 1)
Authentic memoirs of Bonaparte - First Consul of the French Republic, from his birth to the present time, including his parentage, military achievements, remarkable actions and spee. Book page scan - 8a079d73c6e215a3195e5a97ad983211 (page 19)
Authentic memoirs of Bonaparte - First Consul of the French Republic, from his birth to the present time, including his parentage, military achievements, remarkable actions and spee. Book page scan - 8a079d73c6e215a3195e5a97ad983211 (page 24)
Authentic memoirs of Bonaparte - First Consul of the French Republic, from his birth to the present time, including his parentage, military achievements, remarkable actions and spee. Book page scan - 8a079d73c6e215a3195e5a97ad983211 (page 25)
Aux cendres de Napoléon. Book page scan - 99d094434ffb5fa2ae3bd77e64da358f (page 6)

Aux cendres de Napoléon. Book page scan - 99d094434ffb5fa2ae3bd77e64da...

In original blue wrappers. Bookplate of Amb. de Casabianca on front pastedown.

Authentic memoirs of Bonaparte - First Consul of the French Republic, from his birth to the present time, including his parentage, military achievements, remarkable actions and spee. Book page scan - 8a079d73c6e215a3195e5a97ad983211 (page 15)
Bataille d'Austerlitz - chant improvisé. Book page scan - 9267b179292cb4abb3812b708d8b9762 (page 8)
Bataille de Marengo. Book page scan - 1243cc8dd15be95a11c8fb4e758f1901 (page 18)

Bataille de Marengo. Book page scan - 1243cc8dd15be95a11c8fb4e758f1901...

A compilation of various accounts of the Marengo battle. Copy is wrongly labeled as published in tome X of Journal des sciences militaires.

Bataille de Marengo. Book page scan - 1243cc8dd15be95a11c8fb4e758f1901 (page 44)

Bataille de Marengo. Book page scan - 1243cc8dd15be95a11c8fb4e758f1901...

A compilation of various accounts of the Marengo battle. Copy is wrongly labeled as published in tome X of Journal des sciences militaires.

Bataille de Marengo - mélodie guerrière. Book page scan - a75a9713ca1227187a83779f6831f12d (page 10)
Bataille de Marengo - mélodie guerrière. Book page scan - a75a9713ca1227187a83779f6831f12d (page 12)
Bataille de Marengo. Book page scan - 1243cc8dd15be95a11c8fb4e758f1901 (page 97)

Bataille de Marengo. Book page scan - 1243cc8dd15be95a11c8fb4e758f1901...

A compilation of various accounts of the Marengo battle. Copy is wrongly labeled as published in tome X of Journal des sciences militaires.

Bataille de Marengo - mélodie guerrière. Book page scan - a75a9713ca1227187a83779f6831f12d (page 4)
Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaigns in Italy. Chiefly intended as a companion to the great historical picture painted by Robert Ker Porter. Book page scan - 3d01af8f357a19a9eef5eb96f841c06f (page 10)

Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaig...

"The print that accompanies this sketch is engraved from a medal of the first consul executed in Paris by his own order ... ": 2nd prelim. leaf.

Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaigns in Italy. Chiefly intended as a companion to the great historical picture painted by Robert Ker Porter. Book page scan - 3d01af8f357a19a9eef5eb96f841c06f (page 18)

Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaig...

"The print that accompanies this sketch is engraved from a medal of the first consul executed in Paris by his own order ... ": 2nd prelim. leaf.

Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaigns in Italy. Chiefly intended as a companion to the great historical picture painted by Robert Ker Porter. Book page scan - 3d01af8f357a19a9eef5eb96f841c06f (page 32)

Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaig...

"The print that accompanies this sketch is engraved from a medal of the first consul executed in Paris by his own order ... ": 2nd prelim. leaf.

Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaigns in Italy. Chiefly intended as a companion to the great historical picture painted by Robert Ker Porter. Book page scan - 3d01af8f357a19a9eef5eb96f841c06f (page 34)

Battle of Lodi - or, an accurate sketch of General Bonaparte’s campaig...

"The print that accompanies this sketch is engraved from a medal of the first consul executed in Paris by his own order ... ": 2nd prelim. leaf.

Bonaparte - an heroic ballad with a sermon in its belly, which that renowned warrior and most revered theologian preached at his visitation of the good people of Egypt with explanat. Book page scan - 1784c4c539794d8dfe4fdb0a6414f082 (page 1)
Bonaparte - an heroic ballad with a sermon in its belly, which that renowned warrior and most revered theologian preached at his visitation of the good people of Egypt with explanat. Book page scan - 1784c4c539794d8dfe4fdb0a6414f082 (page 47)
Bonaparte - an heroic ballad with a sermon in its belly, which that renowned warrior and most revered theologian preached at his visitation of the good people of Egypt with explanat. Book page scan - 1784c4c539794d8dfe4fdb0a6414f082 (page 23)
Bonaparte - ode. Book page scan - 4760e020cfec6fbe78adb1b5a19ae42f (page 4)
Bonaparte n'est pas mort d'un cancer. Book page scan - 2d4afc409dd24a0089e9262b1882825f (page 9)

Bonaparte n'est pas mort d'un cancer. Book page scan - 2d4afc409dd24a0...

Title from caption. Pamphlet argues that Napoleon was poisoned and did not die from stomach cancer.; http://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1006&context=napoleon

Bonaparte n'est pas mort d'un cancer. Book page scan - 2d4afc409dd24a0089e9262b1882825f (page 4)

Bonaparte n'est pas mort d'un cancer. Book page scan - 2d4afc409dd24a0...

Title from caption. Pamphlet argues that Napoleon was poisoned and did not die from stomach cancer.; http://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1006&context=napoleon

Bulletin suivant, plus détaillé, a été publié au quartier-général du Prince de Schwarzenberg, le 21 juin, et rapporté à Zurich par des courriers russes et autrichiens. Book page scan - 78f2aa6106e8789845ae28ee7023ef1a (page 5)

Bulletin suivant, plus détaillé, a été publié au quartier-général du P...


Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc93e87666de (page 15)

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc9...

Contains thirty-three bulletins dated 8 Octobre - 17 Novembre 1806

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc93e87666de (page 2)

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc9...

Contains thirty-three bulletins dated 8 Octobre - 17 Novembre 1806

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc93e87666de (page 10)

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc9...

Contains thirty-three bulletins dated 8 Octobre - 17 Novembre 1806

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc93e87666de (page 44)

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc9...

Contains thirty-three bulletins dated 8 Octobre - 17 Novembre 1806

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc93e87666de (page 54)

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc9...

Contains thirty-three bulletins dated 8 Octobre - 17 Novembre 1806

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc93e87666de (page 68)

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc9...

Contains thirty-three bulletins dated 8 Octobre - 17 Novembre 1806

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc93e87666de (page 69)

Bulletins de la Grande-Armée. Book page scan - 8115a414484205ffe6cefc9...

Contains thirty-three bulletins dated 8 Octobre - 17 Novembre 1806

Buonaparte jugé par lui-même - dialogue. Book page scan - 60d92e6d0bcaa01960bfeac8fc1d7b38 (page 19)
Buonaparte jugé par lui-même - dialogue. Book page scan - 60d92e6d0bcaa01960bfeac8fc1d7b38 (page 18)
Buonaparte jugé par lui-même - dialogue. Book page scan - 60d92e6d0bcaa01960bfeac8fc1d7b38 (page 4)
Buonaparte à Saint-Cloud - ou, la fameuse journée. Book page scan - 6c397ca03736ee46fa41413c937d07ec (page 21)
Buonaparte à Saint-Cloud - ou, la fameuse journée. Book page scan - 6c397ca03736ee46fa41413c937d07ec (page 16)
Buonaparte à Saint-Cloud - ou, la fameuse journée. Book page scan - 6c397ca03736ee46fa41413c937d07ec (page 33)
Buonaparte à Saint-Cloud - ou, la fameuse journée. Book page scan - 6c397ca03736ee46fa41413c937d07ec (page 8)
Campagne de Moscow en 1812 - ouvrage composé d’après la collection des piecés officielles. Book page scan - c718642bc2799d9187d8c0428c74375b (page 20)
Campagne de Moscow en 1812 - ouvrage composé d’après la collection des piecés officielles. Book page scan - c718642bc2799d9187d8c0428c74375b (page 11)
Campagne de Moscow en 1812 - ouvrage composé d’après la collection des piecés officielles. Book page scan - c718642bc2799d9187d8c0428c74375b (page 34)
Campagne de Moscow en 1812 - ouvrage composé d’après la collection des piecés officielles. Book page scan - c718642bc2799d9187d8c0428c74375b (page 64)
Campagne de Moscow en 1812 - ouvrage composé d’après la collection des piecés officielles. Book page scan - c718642bc2799d9187d8c0428c74375b (page 66)
Campagne de Moscow en 1812 - ouvrage composé d’après la collection des piecés officielles. Book page scan - c718642bc2799d9187d8c0428c74375b (page 59)
Campagne de Moscow en 1812 - ouvrage composé d’après la collection des piecés officielles. Book page scan - c718642bc2799d9187d8c0428c74375b (page 9)
Campagne de Moscow en 1812 - ouvrage composé d’après la collection des piecés officielles. Book page scan - c718642bc2799d9187d8c0428c74375b (page 95)
Catalogue des livres militaires et autres, qui se trouvent a Pabis. Book page scan - d53cc3462f1c95646f84cfa922bac36f (page 10)
Catalogue des livres militaires et autres, qui se trouvent a Pabis. Book page scan - d53cc3462f1c95646f84cfa922bac36f (page 13)
Catalogue des livres militaires et autres, qui se trouvent a Pabis. Book page scan - d53cc3462f1c95646f84cfa922bac36f (page 12)
Catalogue des livres militaires et autres, qui se trouvent a Pabis. Book page scan - d53cc3462f1c95646f84cfa922bac36f (page 17)

of 73

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