Тионвиль-Кавальер, вид на осаду 1558 года
Latina: Vera Thiumvillae effigies sum, reddita docti artificis manibus, quam modo Galli tenes, dum tamen expugnor, cecidit fortissimus ille Stroza Italum Petrus gloria summa ducum. Français : Vue cavalière du s... Еще
Siege of Tournai (Doornik) in 1709 (Isaac van der Kloot)
Depiction of the siege of Tournai (Doornik) in 1709.
Siege of Hesdin in 1639 (Atlas van Loon)
The siege of the fortified town of Hesdin in 1639.
Siegeofbelgarde 1717 - Public domain vintage map
A map of Belgrade and environs, showing the siege of the city, 26 July-17 August 1717, by the Imperial (Habsburg) army, commanded by Prince Eugène of Savoy (1663-1736), surrendered by the Turks, commanded by H... Еще
Die Belagerung von 1793 a
map of the siege of Mainz 1793 Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Siege of Dendermonde in 1706 (Pieter van der Call)
The attack on Dendermonde Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bánlaky Buda 1684 - A drawing of a river running through a valley
Magyar: Buda várának, Pest városának és környékének látképe, az 1684. évi ostrom BÁNLAKY JÓZSEF: A MAGYAR NEMZET HADTÖRTÉNELME (1684-es év megjelölve a jobb felső sarokban). Deutsch: Ansicht der Festung Ofen ... Еще
Siège de Thionville par le duc d'Enghien
Français : Siège de Thionville par le duc d'Enghien (estampe). Deutsch: Delineation der Belager und Eroberung Diedenhoffe von den Frantzosen im Monat Junio dieses 1643 Jahrs angefangen und den 10 Augusti eiusde... Еще
Siege of Lexington map - Public domain vintage map
Карта последних трех дней Первой битвы при Лексингтоне во время Гражданской войны. В оригинальной книге это описание последовало за картой: "Капитан Джозеф А. Уилсон из Лексингтона, таким образом, описывает пол... Еще
Cumarkart - Public domain vintage map
Русский: Фрагмент карты "Присоединение Сибири к Российскому государству"
Siege of Damvillers in 1637 (Atlas van Loon)
Siege of Damvillers in 1637.
Siege of Leith map, 1560
Siege of Leith map, 1560. The colour original is in the archive of Petworth House, Sussex. Copies are displayed in South Leith Parish Church and Huntly House Museum, Edinburgh. The above image is annotated on ... Еще
Edinburgh Siege 1573 - A drawing of a map of a town
Contemporary illustration of the "Lang Siege" of Edinburgh, May 1573 Public domain scan of a map, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Siege of Port Hudson - Public domain vintage map
Map showing the Siege of Port Hudson between May 27th and July 9th, 1863
F2_046, 7/10/03, 11:13 am, 8C, 5248x7824 (193+176), 100%, Max Maps & Cha, 1/50 s, R91.5, G60.1, B81.1
Dorsten belagerung 1641 - Public domain vintage map
Public domain scan of a vintage map, city plan, atlas, cartoghraphy, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.
Siege of Carlsburg 1676 - Public domain architectural plan drawing
View of the siege of the swedish city / fortress of Carlsburg at the estuary of the Weser River (Germany) by troops from Brandenburg, Münster, Lüneburg and Denmark in 1675/1676. The drawing shows the city by m... Еще
Ceuta durante el sitio de 1790 - 1791
Español: Croquis de Ceuta, el estrecho de Gibraltar y la fuerzas sitiadoras marroquíes durante el asedio del sultán al-Yazid.
Siege and conquest of Aire by Louis XIII in 1641 (J.Blaeu, 1649)
Siege and conquest of Aire by Louis XIII in 1641 Nederlands: Beleg van Aire (Ayre, Arien) door Lodewijk de 13e in 1641. Tekst: "Perfecte afbeeldinge van de Stercke Stat Ayre ofte Arien Aldus Belegert en verov... Еще
Théâtre des guerres Mayence 1689 - Public domain old map
Deutsch: Anonymer Stich, der eine Kavaliersansicht der Belagerung von Mainz durch Karl von Lothringen zwischen Juli und September 1689 zeigt. Die Ansicht ist von Südwesten aus aufgenommen. Im Vordergrund ist d... Еще
Plan of the siege of Novgorod by Jakob de la Gardie in 1611
Plan of the siege of Novgorod by Jacob Dela Hardy in 1611
Mayence 1689, Galerie Bassenge
Kupferstich aus Siège de Mayence en l'année 1689. Relation de tout ce qui s'est passé pendant le siège de Mayence en 1689, et de ce qui l'a précédé immédiatement
Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary b43 236-0
Русский: Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907) English: Illustration from Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (1890—1907)
118 of '(The History of the Williamite and Jacobite Wars in Ireland; f...
View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "[The History of the Williamite and Jacobite Wars in Ireland; from their origin to the capture of Athlone. [With plates and maps.]]" Autho... Еще
Siege of Messolonghi 1825-26 - Public domain map
Map in Greek of the siege of Messolonghi by the Ottomans and Egyptians in 1825-1826Ελληνικά: Χάρτης της πολιορκίας του μεσολογγίου από τους Τούρκους και Αιγύπτιους το 1825-1826
Der Lauf des Ourcq - Public domain vintage map
Deutsch: Karte der Region des Ourcq in Frankreich
Petropavlovsk 1854 - Public domain vintage map
Allied attack on Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka, 1854 Русский: План атаки англо-французской экспедиции на Петропавловск-Камчатский, 1854
Approche 1597 - Public domain vintage map
Part of map of the capture of Breevoort (Bredevoort) in 1597 by Maurice of Orange. Left page of the Atlas van Loon/Tonneel der Steeden, without the map of Bredevoort in 1649. Nederlands: Detail van kaart van ... Еще
Siege of Gravelines (Grevelingen) in 1644 (Atlas van Loon)
The siege of Gravelines (Grevelingen) in 1644 by the French.
Belagerung Bremens 1666 - Public domain vintage map
Map of the siege of Bremen, Germany, by swedish troops under Carl Gustav Wrangel in 1666. Deutsch: Karte der Belagerung Bremens durch schwedische Truppen unter Carl Gustav Wrangel im Jahr 1666.
Siege of Dendermonde in 1706 cropped
The attack on Dendermonde