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Vue de l'Acropolis Baalbek - Public domain albumen print photograph

Vue de l'Acropolis Baalbek - Public domain albumen print photograph

Outside wall and colonnades of Acropolis at Baʻlabakk, Lebanon. On mount: Thomas Wilson. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ".

Гробница монаха Мохаммеда (Сантона) Баала / Дюма Ф.

Гробница монаха Мохаммеда (Сантона) Баала / Дюма Ф.

No. 82. On mount: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ". On mount verso: Temple of Douris, Baalbek.

Друзы феллах Mount Lebanon / Dumas Ph.

Друзы феллах Mount Lebanon / Dumas Ph.

Young Druze man with pistol and sheathed sword secured in his belt, three-quarter length portrait, facing front. No. 2030.

La vie du Harem / Dumas Ph. - Drawing. Public domain image.

La vie du Harem / Dumas Ph. - Drawing. Public domain image.

Woman standing on the back of another woman, in order to reach window to talk to a man. No. 2009. No. 2093. Asia. Natives (Turkey) Syria. Damascus. Women of the Harem.

Arab temple, Baalbek - Public domain albumen print photograph

Arab temple, Baalbek - Public domain albumen print photograph

Building in ruins at Baʻlabakk, Lebanon. On recto: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ". No. 50.

Палестина. Театр Моабитеса / Дюма.

Палестина. Театр Моабитеса / Дюма.

Rubble and remains of the Moabitez (Moabites?) Theatre, possibly in Jordan. No. 401.

Famme de Bethlem / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait photograph

Famme de Bethlem / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait photograph

Woman from Jerusalem, three-quarter length portrait, standing, facing front, holding rosaries. No. 2171. On verso: Asia. Syria-Natives. Palestine. Bethlehem Woman.

[...]es Ciclopeenes / Dumas. - Public domain albumen print photograph

[...]es Ciclopeenes / Dumas. - Public domain albumen print photograph

On verso: Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, west side (trilithon). The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixt... Еще

Arabe de Jaffa / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Arabe de Jaffa / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Young Arab woman, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing left. No. 2058. On verso: Asia. Syria - Natives. Palestine. Jaffa. Arabian woman.

Soldier standing guard - Public domain portrait photograph

Soldier standing guard - Public domain portrait photograph

Man holding rifle with bayonet outside an open door. No. 140. Possibly taken by Tancrède R. Dumas.

Algeria, Biskra woman - Public domain portrait

Algeria, Biskra woman - Public domain portrait

Algerian woman, full-length portrait, seated, facing slightly right. No. 205. Possibly taken by Tancrède R. Dumas.

Femme de Jerusalem / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait photograph

Femme de Jerusalem / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait photograph

Woman from Jerusalem, full-length portrait, seated, facing front, holding rosary. No. 2138. On verso: Asia. Syria-Natives. Palestine. Jerusalem Woman.

[Человек на верблюде рядом с косым пальмовым деревом, пустыня на заднем плане]

[Человек на верблюде рядом с косым пальмовым деревом, пустыня на задне...

Название изменено сотрудниками библиотеки. Нет. 161. Пьеса Танкреда Р. Дюма.

[Женщина, которой помогает мужчина, когда она поднимает или разбирает осла в Александрии, Египет]

[Женщина, которой помогает мужчина, когда она поднимает или разбирает ...

Название изменено сотрудниками библиотеки. On verso: Африка. Коренные жители. Египет, Александрия. Женщина на спине осла. Пьеса Танкреда Р. Дюма.

Woman of Tunis, three quarter length portrait

Woman of Tunis, three quarter length portrait

Tunisian woman, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing left. No. 173. Possibly taken by Tancrède R. Dumas.

Beduines a damas / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait drawing

Beduines a damas / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait drawing

Four Bedouin women, one reclining, the others seated on floor. No. 2048. On verso: Asia. Natives (Turkey) Syria. Damascus. Bedouins.

Женщина, портрет длиной в три четверти длины, сидящая, лицом к лицу, одетая в изысканные украшения

Женщина, портрет длиной в три четверти длины, сидящая, лицом к лицу, о...

Название изменено сотрудниками библиотеки. Пьеса Танкреда Р. Дюма. Нет. 77.

[Молодой человек сидел, играя громко, в то время как молодая женщина стоит рядом]

[Молодой человек сидел, играя громко, в то время как молодая женщина с...

Название изменено сотрудниками библиотеки. Пьеса Танкреда Р. Дюма. Нет. 160.

Juive Arabe / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait

Juive Arabe / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait

Jewish woman, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front. No. 2016. Reproduction of painting? Asia. Natives (Turkey) Syria. Damascus. Arabian Jewess.

Marchant d'Orange á Jaffa / Dumas Ph.

Marchant d'Orange á Jaffa / Dumas Ph.

Woman, full-length portrait, seated facing slightly right, wearing covering over lower part of face. No. 44. No. 2092.

Суд большого города Баальбек

Суд большого города Баальбек

On mount: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ". No. 80.

Александрия. Египтяне / Дюма Ph.D.

Александрия. Египтяне / Дюма Ph.D.

Egyptian woman, half-length portrait, facing left, wearing a veil. No. 2088. No. 586. On verso: Africa. Natives. Egypt, Alexandria.

Дамы. Дервиче а ля мечеть / Дюма Ф.

Дамы. Дервиче а ля мечеть / Дюма Ф.

Three dervishs, two on steps, one playing a flute. No. 6011.

La vie du Harem / Dumas Ph. - Drawing. Public domain image.

La vie du Harem / Dumas Ph. - Drawing. Public domain image.

Woman standing on the back of another woman, in order to reach window to talk to a man. No. 2009. No. 2093. Asia. Natives (Turkey) Syria. Damascus. Women of the Harem.

Algeria, Biskra man, three quarter length portrait

Algeria, Biskra man, three quarter length portrait

Algerian man, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing slightly right. No. 241. Possibly taken by Tancrède R. Dumas.

Portrait photo of Beyrouth. Drogmans arabs / Dumas Ph.

Portrait photo of Beyrouth. Drogmans arabs / Dumas Ph.

Two Arab dragomen enjoying a meal. No. 2062. No. 536. The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of ... Еще

Famme drouse du Mont Liban / Dumas Ph.

Famme drouse du Mont Liban / Dumas Ph.

Young Druze woman, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing right, wearing tall headdress with veil. No. 579. No. 2092.

Portrait Felah Arabe / Dumas. - Public domain portrait print

Portrait Felah Arabe / Dumas. - Public domain portrait print

Photo shows an Arab woman, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front, much of her face covered with coin and chain ornament. No. 2007. On mount: Egypt Port Said. Native girl.

Portrait Felah Arabe / Dumas. - Public domain portrait print

Portrait Felah Arabe / Dumas. - Public domain portrait print

Photo shows an Arab woman, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front, much of her face covered with coin and chain ornament. No. 2007. On mount: Egypt Port Said. Native girl.

Tour de Triumph, a la Haquie - Drawing. Public domain image.

Tour de Triumph, a la Haquie - Drawing. Public domain image.

Photograph shows a Roman arch at Latakia (Lattaquia), Syria, surrounded by trees. No. 17. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ".

Temple of Bacchus, La Haquie - Public domain albumen print photograph

Temple of Bacchus, La Haquie - Public domain albumen print photograph

Men seated outside building, possibly a Muslim shrine, built around columns of an older structure. No. 12. On mount: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ". On vers... Еще

Турция. Молодая женщина. Дама Вирик / Дюма.

Турция. Молодая женщина. Дама Вирик / Дюма.

Turkish woman, full-length portrait, standing, facing front, next to waterpipe. No. 276. No. 606.

Baalbek. Temple du Soleil - Public domain albumen print photograph

Baalbek. Temple du Soleil - Public domain albumen print photograph

Colonnade and a partial wall of the Temple of the Sun at Baʻlabakk, Lebanon. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ".

Baalbek [...] Temple de Jupiter

Baalbek [...] Temple de Jupiter

Man standing on rubble partially blocking an entrance to the Temple of Jupiter. On mount: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ".

Felah Por-Sait / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Felah Por-Sait / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Egyptian woman, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front, wearing a veil. No. 580. No. 2176. On verso: Africa. Natives. Egypt, Port Said. Young woman.

Famme Arabe de Jerusalem / Dumas.

Famme Arabe de Jerusalem / Dumas.

Young Arab woman, half-length portrait, seated, facing front, holding pottery jar. No. 583. No. 2056. On verso: Asia. Syria - Natives. Palestine. Jerusalem. Arabian woman.

Bethlemiteine / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Bethlemiteine / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Woman from Bethlehem, full-length portrait, seated, facing front. No. 2085.

Juif á Jerusalem / Dumas. - Public domain portrait print

Juif á Jerusalem / Dumas. - Public domain portrait print

Jewish man, half-length portrait, facing front. No. 2009. On verso: Asia. Syria - Natives. Palestine. Jerusalem. Jew.

Portrait photo of Jerusalem. Famme Arabe / Dumas Ph.

Portrait photo of Jerusalem. Famme Arabe / Dumas Ph.

Woman from Jerusalem, half-length portrait, facing front. No. 568. No. 2106. On verso: Asia. Syria. Natives. Palestine. Jerusalem. Arabian woman.

Гран-при де Мезьер, Джераш, Палестина / Дюма.

Гран-при де Мезьер, Джераш, Палестина / Дюма.

Rubble at the base of a Temple of Zeus, Gerasa, Jordan. On mount: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. No. 42.

Beyrouth. Arabs en promenade / R. Dumas Pho., Beyrouth.

Beyrouth. Arabs en promenade / R. Dumas Pho., Beyrouth.

An Arab man standing beside woman on a donkey. No. 2068.

... limonade et son client. Arabs Siriens / Dumas Ph.

... limonade et son client. Arabs Siriens / Dumas Ph.

Lemonade vendor and customer. No. 22. On verso: Asia. Syria - Natives. Arabs.

[Группа бедуинских женщин обнялась, две стоя, другие сидели] / [D] umas.

[Группа бедуинских женщин обнялась, две стоя, другие сидели] / [D] uma...

Название изменено сотрудниками библиотеки. С другой стороны: Азия. Коренные жители. Палестина. Хурани? Бедуины.

Africa, Tunis, woman - Public domain scan / print

Africa, Tunis, woman - Public domain scan / print

Woman, wearing low-cut blouse, laying on cot. No. 164. Possibly taken by Tancrède R. Dumas.

Temple de Baal et Baalbek - Public domain albumen print photograph

Temple de Baal et Baalbek - Public domain albumen print photograph

Temple of Jupiter at Baʻlabakk, Lebanon. On recto: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. No. 48. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ".

Jerico. Beduines / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Jerico. Beduines / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Two women, full-length portrait, one crouching and grooming the other who is seated on floor. No. 2005. On verso: Asia. Syria - Natives. Palestine. Jericho. Bedouins.

Baalbek Panorama - Public domain albumen print photograph

Baalbek Panorama - Public domain albumen print photograph

Aerial view of temple ruins of Baʻlabakk. On mount: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ". Note on verso: Temple of Douris, Baalbek.

Portrait photo of Patriarque Maronite Jerusalem / Dumas Ph.

Portrait photo of Patriarque Maronite Jerusalem / Dumas Ph.

Maronite patriarch, half-length portrait, facing front. No. 2132. On verso: Maronite Patriarch. Asia. Syria-Natives. Palestine. Jerusalem.

Algeria, Biskra, three quarter length portrait

Algeria, Biskra, three quarter length portrait

Algerian man, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front. No. 295. Possibly taken by Tancrède R. Dumas.

Haarem de Mauret / Dumas. - Public domain albumen print photograph

Haarem de Mauret / Dumas. - Public domain albumen print photograph

Elaborately carved stone walls of the ruins of Qasr al-Mshatta, an Islamic Umayyad palace in Jordan. On mount: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. Note on verso: American-Palestine Egypt. Soc., Dumas, 1876. No. 37.

Арабская семья из Горного Ливана / Дюма Ф.

Арабская семья из Горного Ливана / Дюма Ф.

Young Arab woman, three-quarter length portrait, squatting, facing right, wearing high sandals, cooking. No. [...]76. No. 574. No. 355.

Beduin de la Mér Morte / Dumas.

Beduin de la Mér Morte / Dumas.

Bedouin man of the Dead Sea area, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front. No. 2055. On verso: Asia. Syria - Natives. Palestine. Jerusalem. Jew.

Арабы сирианцы. Слепые носят паралитик / Дюма Ф.

Арабы сирианцы. Слепые носят паралитик / Дюма Ф.

A blind man carrying a deformed man on his back. No. 2044. On verso: Asia. Syria - Natives. Arabs. Blind man carrying a paralygic.

Un piere at Baalbek - Public domain albumen print photograph

Un piere at Baalbek - Public domain albumen print photograph

Large stone in quarry. On recto: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. On label on mount: "Dumas." On verso: Hajar el Qouble: (or Houble) Quarry S-E of temple of Jupiter, 800 m. away from sanctuary. No. 52.

Portrait photo of Snake charmers, Morocco, Tangiers

Portrait photo of Snake charmers, Morocco, Tangiers

One man standing holding a snake, three seated, one playing flute and two playing hand drums. Written on mount: "Dumas?". No. 10.

Арабы сирианцы. Слепые носят паралитик / Дюма Ф.

Арабы сирианцы. Слепые носят паралитик / Дюма Ф.

A blind man carrying a deformed man on his back. No. 2044. On verso: Asia. Syria - Natives. Arabs. Blind man carrying a paralygic.

Native lady - Public domain portrait photograph

Native lady - Public domain portrait photograph

Moroccan woman laying on sofa holding tambourine. Possibly taken by Tancrède R. Dumas. No. 14.

Arabe druse du Mont Liban / Dumas Ph.

Arabe druse du Mont Liban / Dumas Ph.

Young Druze woman, three-quarter length portrait, facing front, wearing tall headdress with veil. No. 2080.

Beyrouth. Turc priant le matin / Dumas.

Beyrouth. Turc priant le matin / Dumas.

Turkish man at morning prayers. No. 2004. No. 532. The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg... Еще

Baalbek---Interior du Temple de Jupiter

Baalbek---Interior du Temple de Jupiter

Interior wall of the Temple of Jupiter, Baʻlabakk, Lebanon. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ". On mount: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. No. 25.

Baalbek, vue generale - Public domain albumen print photograph

Baalbek, vue generale - Public domain albumen print photograph

Temple ruins in Baʻlabakk, Lebanon. On mount: Thomas Wilson, Washington, D.C. Written in pencil on mount: "Photo by Dumas, 188- ". No. 47.

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