Maler der Grabkammer des Userhêt (III) 004
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Friedrich Hermann von Schönburg
Public domain image of portrait painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Dapper - 1670 - Gedenkwaerdig bedryf - UB Radboud Uni Nijmegen - 18014...
Illustration from Olfert Dapper (1670): Gedenkwaerdig bedryf der Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye
Than Mór Az ónodi országgyűlés
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Axel Wrede Sparre - Public domain portrait painting
Svenska: Porträtt av Axel Wrede-Sparre af Sundby (1708-1772), iklädd en blå rock, samt med ett loskinn över axeln. På bröstet syns Svärdsordens storkors kraschan samt dess band. Pastell av Gustaf Lundberg tro... Еще
Ratna Heruka
Ratna Heruka, cropped from thangka
Bible primer, Old Testament, for use in the primary department of Sund...
Identifier: bibleprimeroldte00hult (find matches) Title: Bible primer, Old Testament, for use in the primary department of Sunday schools Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Hult, Adolf, 1869-1943 Augustana synod. (... Еще
1834-1884, Miscellaneous. - 103 - Костюмы всех наций (1882)
1834-1884, Miscellaneous Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A Naiad or Hylas with a Nymph by John William Waterhouse (1893)
Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Ein Kürschner - Eine Kürschnerin, Mart Engelbrecht um 1730
Martin Engelbrecht (1684–1756) Alternative names M. Engelbr.; Mart. Engelbrecht; Martin Englebrecht; Mart. Engelbr.; Martin Enghelbrecht Description German copperplate engraver, printmaker and publisher ... Еще
Oberpriester Userhet, Theben, Grab 51 (1313-1292 v. Chr.)
Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: Oberpriester Userhet im Leopardenmantel. Theben, Grab 51, Zeit Sethos I. (1313-1292 v. u. Z.). Nach A. Champdor. Die altägyptische Malerei, S. 33.
Godward A Grecian Girl 1908 - Public domain portrait painting
A Grecian Girl Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait pai... Еще
Welt-Galleria T061 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria. ..., Nürnberg 1703. 61. Ein Hußarn Officier. Public domain scan of German 17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Arpadfeszty, 19th century painting
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gustave Courtois - Hercules at the Feet of Omphale, 1912
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
John William Waterhouse A Naiad
A NaiadFrançais : Une Naïade Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gavin Hamilton - Apollo and Artemis, 1770
Hamilton, Gavin; Apollo and Artemis; Glasgow Museums;
Hetman Zolkiewski z husaria
Polski: Hetman Żółkiewski z hussariąEnglish: Chodkiewicz with the Hussars at the Chocim Fortifications in 1621, oil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm, National Museum in Warsaw
Hermann entdeckt Siegmars Leiche (Tischbein)
Deutsch: Hermann entdeckt Siegmars Leiche (1780er Jahre) von Johann Heinrich Tischbein d.Ä. In der Mitte steht Thusnelda. Öl auf Leinwand, 57 x 73 cm. Lippisches Landesmuseum Detmold.
Vajra Heruka
Vajra Heruka, cropped from thangka
Das Buch der Könige - Le Chah-nâmeh, von Mir Mussavik, 1945 für Shah T...
Deutsch: Aus einem persischen Manuskript. Mir Mussavik: Das Buch der Könige - Le Chah-nâmeh. 1545 für Shah Tamahs (1524-1576).
Charles-Jacques Le Moyne - Public domain portrait painting
Portrait of Charles Le Moyne du Longueuil, 3rd Baron du Longueuil, 1724-1755Français : Portrait de Charles Le Moyne du Longueuil, troisième Baron du Longueuil, 1724-1755
Il cigoli, adorazione dei magi, 1600-1610 ca., da s.agostino, lu
adorazione dei magi Public domain photograph of 17th-century Italian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mengs - Heinrich von Brühl - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
Graf Heinrich von Brühl (1700-1763) Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Native name Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Parent institution Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Location Dresden, Germany Coordinates 51° 03′ ... Еще
La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité (page 126)
Deutsch: Aus L. Fougerat: La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité. Béranger, Paris 1914 Nombreuses illustrations d'apres les documents authentiques par P. Savigny.
Друэ, после - Мари Фефина Савойская в роли Дианы - Версаль
Public domain photograph of 18th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Opening of the Mouth - Tutankhamun and Aja
Ay performing the Opening of the Mouth ceremony at Tutankhamun. Wall painting from Tutankhamun's tomb (KV 62) Deutsch: Eje führt die Mundöffnungszeremonie an Tutanchamun durch. Darstellung aus der Grabkammer ... Еще
Суд Парижа Виллема ван Мириса
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Tutanchamun (1337-1349 BC) - Egypt
Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: Tutenchamun mit Leopardenfellweste. Malerei auf einer Truhe (1337-1349 v. u. Z.). Nach A. Champdor. Die altägyptische Malerei, S. 107.
Opening of the mouth ceremony (cropped)
This is an excellent example of one of the many fine vignettes (illustrations) from the Book of the Dead of Hunefer. The centrepiece of the upper scene is the mummy of Hunefer, shown supported by the god Anubi... Еще
Древние времена, Египет. - 002 - Костюмы всех наций (1882)
Ancient Times, Egyptian Public domain photogrpah related to ancient Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Feszty vezerek - Public domain scan of painting
Picryl description: Public domain image of armed forces, cavalry, infantry, 18th-19th century war, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Naiad 1 - Public domain scenic drawing
Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Pelzhaus G. Nauck. Inh. Johannes Rohde, Leipzig (Katalog) (04)
Deutsch: G. Nauck, Inh. Johannes Rohde, Leipziger Pelzwaren-Spezialhaus, Brühl 43. Katalog, Seiten 8-9. Paperback, 12 Seiten, 9,5 x 12 cm.
Padma Heruka
Padma Heruka, cropped from thangka
La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité (page 185)
Français : Chef éthiopien revêtu d'une peau de panthère (ou de lynx). L. Fougerat: La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité. Béranger, Paris 1914 Nombreuses illustrations d'apres les documen... Еще
Часы Анри Жакье, 1915 год
Watching by Henry Jacquier, 1915, oil on wood panel, 10 5 / 8 x 13 7 / 8 in. (27 x 35,2 см), Галерея искусств Генри, Вашингтонский университет
William Etty (attr) Ägyptischer Ruderer
Deutsch: Ägyptischer Ruderer. Öl auf Leinwand. 67 x 49 cm.
John Reinhard Weguelin – A Bacchante
A Bacchante, or Maenad, one of the followers of Dionysus, a young woman clad in a leopard skin and wearing an ivy wreath leans against the base of a pillar.
Popilius envoyé en ambassade auprès d'Antiochus Epiphane pour arrêter ...
Français : Popilius envoyé en ambassade auprès d'Antiochus Epiphane pour arrêter le cours de ses ravages en Egypte
Triumph of Bacchus, by Michaelina Woutiers
triumph of Bacchus Public domain photograph of 17th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hyacinthe Rigaud (studio) - Maurice de Saxe - Chambord
Public domain image of portrait painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Шеф-повар (1866,12.3067)
Мужчина, весь в длину стоящий, повернутый вправо, лицо в профиль, бородатый, в жалком головном уборе, держа в левой руке голень и стрелы, а в правой руке стрелу, которую он готовится бросить. Литограф ручной работы
Тайна величия Англии "(королева Виктория представляет Библию в Виндзор...
Тайна величия Англии (королева Виктория представляет Библию в Виндзорской часовне), Томас Джонс Баркер (умер в 1882 году). Дополнительную информацию см. на сайте источника. Этот набор изображений был собран с п... Еще
Equestrian painting of Philippe of France, Duke of Orléans, by Pierre ...
Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Welt-Galleria T076 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria. ..., Nürnberg 1703. 76. Ein Türckischer Gränitz-Bassa.
Girodet - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Révolte du Caire, 21 octobre 1798. Huile sur toile
L'artillerie à cheval de la Garde impériale prenant position
Français : L'artillerie à cheval de la Garde impériale prenant position.
Opening of the Mouth - Tutankhamun and Aja-2
Aja performing the Opening of the Mouth ceremony at Tutankhamun. Wall painting from Tutankhamun's tomb (KV 62). Deutsch: Aja führt die Mundöffnungszeremonie an Tutanchamun durch. Darstellung aus der Grabkamm... Еще
Bilderuhr Der Thronfolger. Painting sold at Dorotheum
Biedermeier-Bilderuhr "Der Thronfolger", Darstellung des den ungarischen Ständen von Kaiserin Maria Theresia in Pressburg präsentierten Thronfolgers Joseph, späterer Joseph II., Öl auf Blech, signiert "Vogel pi... Еще
Ägyptischer Maler um 1355 v. Chr. 001
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bacchus, Simeon Solomon
Public domain image of a mythological scene, classic mythology, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Bacchante, by Lawrence Alma Tadema
Bacchante oil on panel 42 x 33.5 cm signed t.l.: L. Alma-Tadema Op. CCCLXXXIV ca. 1907
Georg Friedrich zu Waldeck - Public domain portrait painting
Deutsch: Reichsfürst Georg Friedrich zu Waldeck Graf zu Pyrmont und Cuylenburg etc.
Lawrence Alma-Tadema - Cleopatra - Google Art Project (438464)
Public domain scan of a female portrait, woman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nicolas de Largillière - Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony and Ki...
Public domain image of portrait painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Man statue Bardo - A statue of a man with a hood on
Nemean lion Public domain photograph of statue, sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Opening of the mouth ceremony - Egypt
This is an excellent example of one of the many fine vignettes (illustrations) from the Book of the Dead of Hunefer. The centrepiece of the upper scene is the mummy of Hunefer, shown supported by the god Anubi... Еще
Stelae front - Egypt
Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description
A tapestry with a picture of a man riding a horse. The Pharaoh Tutankh...
The Pharaon Tutankhamun destroying his enemies. Painting on wood, length: 43 cm. Egyptian Museum of Cairo. Français : Le Pharaon Toutâkhamon détruisant ses ennemis. Peinture sur bois, longueur : 43 cm. Musée ... Еще
Tissot Garden Bench - A painting of two women and a child sitting on a...
The Garden Bench Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Estelarevelacao - Egypt
Estèle of Ankh-af-na-Konshu Português: Fotografia da Estela da Ankh-af-na-Konshu
Mir Musavvir, Rustam Brings the Div King to Kai Kavus for Execution, F...
Mir Musavvir, Rustam Brings the Div King to Kai Kavus for Execution, Folio 127v from the Shahnama (Book of Kings) of Shah Tahmasp 1525-30, Metropolitan Museum NY
Ferdinand Bol 003. 17th century painting
Picryl description: Public domain photo of Dutch art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Arpad I. capitaneus hungar
Magyar: Árpád vezér Public domain photograph of a military activity, war, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Di Capelli - Ngqika (1803). South Africa
Afrikaans: 'n Jeugdige Ngqika, opperhoof van die Rharhabe Xhosa, in sy knoopversierde luiperdmantel.English: A youthful Ngqika, the chief of the Rharhabe Xhosa, in his button-decorated leopard coat.
Arpad on Feszty Panorama - Public domain portrait painting
Excerpt of Feszty's famous cyclorama painting, The Hungarian Conquest, exhibited at Ópusztaszer National Memorial Park, Hungary Painter:Árpád Feszty (December 24, 1856 - June 1, 1914)
Buddha Heruka
Buddha Heruka, cropped from thangka
Маттиа Прети - Belisarius Receiving Alms - Google Art Project
Picryl description: Public domain photo of an Italian art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Якобита - принца Чарльза Эдварда Стюарта
Два портрета, первый - миниатюрный портрет принца Чарльза в молодости, а второй - портрет принца Чарльза от пояса до пояса, с броней и мехом, задрапированным через плечи, в шлеме, с шипами в заднице и, возможно, с морем
Bigotini Emilie portrait - Public domain portrait painting
La Bigottini, danseuse(1784-1858) Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saint Priest with the Grand Vizier at the camp of Daud Pasha in 1769 b...
Saint_Priest_with_the_Grand_Vizier_at_the_camp_of_Daud_Pasha_in_1769_by_Antoine_de_Favray. Public domain photograph of 18th-century French painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait of James FitzGerald (1722 - 1773), 1st Duke of Leinster (attr...
Attributed to Jean-Baptiste van Loo (1684 - 1745) Portrait of James FitzGerald, Earl of Offaly, Marquess of Kildare, and 1st Duke of Leinster (1722 - 1773), in a blue robe with fur trim, half-length oil on can... Еще
La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité (page 104)
Deutsch: Aus L. Fougerat: La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité. Béranger, Paris 1914 Nombreuses illustrations d'apres les documents authentiques par P. Savigny.
Antoine-Jean Gros - Bataille d'Aboukir, 25 juillet 1799 - Google Art P...
Public domain image of a French military uniform, Napoleonic Wars, armed forces, France, revolution, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Dapper - 1670 - Gedenkwaerdig bedryf - UB Radboud Uni Nijmegen - 18014...
Illustration from Olfert Dapper (1670): Gedenkwaerdig bedryf der Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye
Mihály Zichy. The Knight in the Panther's Skin. 13
ქართული: სამთა თათბირი English: The Knight in the Panther's Skin
Ubior Szlachty - A painting of a group of men dressed in period clothi...
Costumes of Polish noblemen. Deutsch: Polnische Adlige in ihrer traditionellen Tracht.
Cléopâtre et le paysan - Delacroix - without border
Exposition Delacroix au Louvre en 2018.
Персидская миниатюра при дворе Гаюмара
Гаюмарт, первый шах Ирана, изображен среди своих придворных, одетых в леопардовые шкуры, на открытии "Шахнама-йи-шахи" ("Книги королей"). Эта миниатюра, вероятно, была написана султаном Мухаммедом и считается с... Еще
Formosans, 中華民國台灣 - A drawing of a man and a woman shaking hands
Inhabitants of Dutch Formosa Public domain photograph of native people, European colonies, colonialism, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Karl XII xx David von Krafft - Public domain portrait painting
Svenska: Karl XII porträtterad av David von Krafft Public domain photograph - portrait, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité (page 186 a)
Deutsch: Aus L. Fougerat: La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité. Béranger, Paris 1914 Nombreuses illustrations d'apres les documents authentiques par P. Savigny.
Maenad Brygos Painer 490 BC - A plate with a woman and a cat on it
Maenad holding the thyrsos and wearing a panther skin. Crazed enraptured fighting virgin who roam the hinterland. Rend animals bare-handed and eat raw.
Costumes de Different Pays, 'Frontispice de l'Afrique' LACMA M.83.190....
France, circa 1797 Prints; engravings Hand-tinted engraving on paper Sheet: 10 3/8 x 7 1/2 in. (26.35 x 19.05 cm); Composition: 7 5/8 x 5 1/2 in. (19.37 x 13.97 cm) Costume Council Fund (M.83.190.271) Costume... Еще
Stelae of Ankh-af-na-khonsu
The Stele of Revealing. A funerary tablet by Ankh-af-na-khonsu, a 26th dynasty (apx. 725 BCE) Theban priest.
Il cigoli, adorazione dei magi, 1600-1610 ca. 3
adorazione dei magi Public domain photograph of 17th-century Italian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
"The Portuguese and Hottentots", from page 74 of "Pioneers in South Af...
The Portuguese and Hottentots Public domain photograph related to South Africa, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Scipio at the deathbed of Masinissa (C20)
Masinissa, the king of Numidia (c.240 – 148 B.C), died in 148 B.C., still at odds with the Roman governement; He honoured Scipio Aemilianus (185 – 129 BC), who was present at his death, by asking him to divide ... Еще
Moritz von Schwind - Arpad Litho
Deutsch: Árpád, Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber nach einer Zeichnung von Moritz von Schwind aus Ungerns Erste Heerführer Herzoge und Koenige In einer Reihe von Bildnissen von Bela bis auf Seine Majestät Fra... Еще
Mordigliani Bacchanten
Bacchanten. Signiert. Öl auf Leinwand, 72 x 86 cm
Tomiris - A painting of a group of people and a dog
Public domain image of painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ослабление Вакха
Public domain image of classical or neoclassical art inspired by classical Greece, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Фердинанд Бол - Фатих и Пирр - Google Art Project
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Якобита - миниатюра принца Чарльза Эдварда Стюарта
"Мини" Портрет принца Чарльза от локтя до локтя, в меховом халате, доспехах, с каской, на заднем плане сельская местность / море.
Bacciarelli - Chrobry
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hadiviselet a XIII. század elejéről - Huszárok
Magyar: Hadi viselet a XIII. század elejéről - Huszárok
Gardiner - Dingane se lofsanger (1836)
Dingane's praise singer, as seen and depicted by Allen Francis Gardiner. The singer appeared at the end of each dance. Gardiner described him as such: "Enveloped in the skin of a panther, he bore no resemblance... Еще