Иллюминированные страницы рукописей. Рождественская иллюминация IV
Titles devised. Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Монтичелло, Вирджиния. Экстерьер Монтичелло VII
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
A.R. Классовые здания. Чертеж многоквартирного дома I
Subject card annotation: A.R. Clas, Room 235, Shoreham Building. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who w... Еще
Министерство юстиции, новое здание. Заместитель министра юстиции I кла...
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Hamilton Hotel, 15th and K Sts., N.W. Голубой номер в отеле Гамильтон
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Парк развлечений Glen Echo. На втором этаже испанского бального зала G...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a residential building, colonial house, 19th-20th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Разные интерьеры. Вид на бортик и диван в гостиной
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Г-жа Моран дом в 2320 Bancroft. Вид с вершины лестницы в доме госпожи ...
Item title devised. Logbook annotation: Victor E. de Mers, architect. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer ... Еще
Potomac Electric Power Co.
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Стратфорд, родовое имение Ли. Вид через арку в сад в Стратфорде
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co. Building. Экзаменационный зал в Acaci...
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
National Radio Institute, U and 16 Sts. Радиочасти VII
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Копии французского и английского языков. Monde libre magazine II
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Маунт Вернон. Слева и спереди особняк Маунт-Вернон с рельсами (hontal)...
Old negative number: 1329-A. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 19... Еще
Электрический институт Вашингтона. Дырявый пол дисплея горелки
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Дом миссис Райан по адресу 17 Foxhall Rd. Часть задней части дома
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Электрический институт Вашингтона, Potomac Electric Power Co. 5 окон
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Взгляды Вашингтона. Вид на Вашингтон из особняка Кустис-Ли III
Titles devised. Public domain photograph - park, sign, monument, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Статуи и скульптуры. Памятник генералу Томасу
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Разные темы. Трехсторонний экран с тремя принтами I
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Mayflower Hotel. Экстерьер отеля Mayflower виден через арку
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
American Radiator Co. Buchanan, Bradley Blvd. I
Public domain photograph of village home, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Martinique Hotel. Столовая в Martinique Hotel I
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Continental Hotel. Интерьеры и экскурсоводы Continental Hotel VIII
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Potomac Electric Power Co. квартиры и котята. Кафе Greenway I
Public domain photograph of kitchen, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Potomac Electric Power Co. Образцовый дом приемной компании Potomac El...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a living room, salon, office, late 19th-century interior, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Одежда и другие предметы домашнего обихода. Экран с рыбацкими сценами ...
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Электрический институт Вашингтона. Витрина радиоприемника I
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Природный мост, Вирджиния. Вид на природный мост I
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Памятники и мемориалы. Охрана перед зданием министерства торговли США
Picryl description: Public domain image of a fountain, historic landmark, classical or neoclassical architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Бразильское посольство. Экстерьер бразильского посольства
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Лот 19 и половина 20 кв. м. Вид жребия
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Potomac Electric Power Co. квартиры и котята. Китч в квартире III
Public domain photograph of kitchen, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Портретные фотографии. Женщина, стоящая в трамвае
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Picryl description: Public domain photogrpah of a Capitol building, ar...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Картины Капитолия США. Декларация независимости, картина Джона Трумэна...
Предмет картины был ошибочно идентифицирован Горидчаком как подписание Конституции. Названия расходились.
Статуи и скульптуры. Статуя перед Капитолием IV США
Picryl description: Public domain image of a statue, monument, sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Статуи и скульптуры. Лидеры суфражистов Мотт, Энтони и Стэнтон в подва...
Picryl description: Public domain photo of antique sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Электростанция Капитолия США. Ремонт крыши электростанции VIII Капитол...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Картины Капитолия США. Подписание Конституции Х.К. Кристи I
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Картины Капитолия США. Война в Капитолии V
Logbook annotation: Frescoes in dome by Constantino Brumidi. Titles devised. The original U.S. Capitol building, known as the "Old Capitol," was a small brick building that was completed in 1800. It served as ... Еще
Экспонаты Капитолия США. Рисунок Капитолия США, восточный фронт I
Old negative number: 9-3. The original U.S. Capitol building, known as the "Old Capitol," was a small brick building that was completed in 1800. It served as the Capitol building until the current building was... Еще
Картины Капитолия США. Нептун в Капитолии V США
Logbook annotation: Frescoes in dome by Constantino Brumidi. Titles devised. The original U.S. Capitol building, known as the "Old Capitol," was a small brick building that was completed in 1800. It served as ... Еще
Экспонаты Капитолия США. Капитолий США, вертикальный ночью, купол гори...
Titles devised. The original U.S. Capitol building, known as the "Old Capitol," was a small brick building that was completed in 1800. It served as the Capitol building until the current building was completed... Еще
Капитолий США. Мбаппе в Сенате во втором Капитолии США
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Монумент Вашингтона. Памятник Вашингтону со ступенек Капитолия США
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Интерьеры Капитолия США. Ростраль в Капитолии США
Old negative number: 1641-11. The original U.S. Capitol building, known as the "Old Capitol," was a small brick building that was completed in 1800. It served as the Capitol building until the current building... Еще
Картины Капитолия США. Джон Нэнс Гарнер, Кристи II
Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Картины Капитолия США. Декларация независимости, картина Джона Трумэна...
Предмет картины был ошибочно идентифицирован Горидчаком как подписание Конституции. Названия расходились.
Mayflower Hotel. Аренда номера в Mayflower Hotel II
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a historic hotel building, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Potomac Electric Power Co. Доска управления на 9-ом этаже Potomac Elec...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Hotel Occidental. Отель Occidental ресторан
Picryl description: Public domain image of a department store, commercial building, downtown, shopping center, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Электрический институт Вашингтона. Температура в комнате снижена на 10...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Potomac Electric Power Co. коммерческие киоски, рестораны и освещение....
Picryl description: Public domain image of a public building, auditorium, hall, commons, 19th-20th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Национальная Катастрофа. Вид на фасад Национального собора справа
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Электрический институт Вашингтона. Невесты сегодняшнего и вчерашнего д...
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Электрический институт Вашингтона снимает кадры для фильмов и кинофиль...
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Мистер Хилл, Электрический институт. Китчен из дома того же мистера Хи...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a bureau, office furniture, desk, chair, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Библиотека Конгресса (здание Джефферсона). Декларация независимости и ...
Old negative number: 2249-2. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 19... Еще
Здание Американского Союза. Индийская статуя в саду здания I Панамерик...
Old negative number: 168. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s... Еще
Телефоны. Тип дискового телефона I
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co. Building. Corriere in Acacia Mutual L...
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Горидчак и его семья. Норма Горидчак и двое друзей в купальных костюма...
Titles devised. Public domain photograph - American children, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Дом миссис Райан по адресу 17 Foxhall Rd. Чарлстон-Харбор II
Тематическая аннотация к открытке: прихожие сцены Колумба-Юга от Д.К. Сидоны из Нью-Йорка.
Китчелл в Капитолии США. Китчен на стороне дома II
Subject card annotation: for International Nickel Co. The original U.S. Capitol building, known as the "Old Capitol," was a small brick building that was completed in 1800. It served as the Capitol building un... Еще
Капитолийский радиотехнический институт. Мистер Рики за рабочим столом...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Служба по работе с клиентами США, Департамент торговли и здание Межгос...
Old negative number: 2445-1. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 19... Еще
Фотографии продукции. Ящики со свечами II
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Miss Eustis, 1534 28th Street, N.W., number 2220. Портрет девушки
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Архитектор Капитолия. Модель Капитолия США XXIV
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Капитолий США. Мбаппе в президентском кабинете в Капитолии II США
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Potomac Electric Power Co. квартиры и котята. Китчен в жилом доме на 1...
Public domain photograph of kitchen, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Дом за домом, показывая страховщиков. Вид на дом VI
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Мемориальный мост. Строительство Мемориального моста
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Hailstorm. Хайль лег на лаун III
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Отель Fairfax. Отель Fairfax
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Смитсоновские интерьеры. Паровая машина Джона Булла в кузнечном цехе
Public domain image of a train station in Boston, Massachusetts, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Деревья. Закрыть листьями деревьев
Old negative number: 2287. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910... Еще
Mayflower Hotel. Электрическая вывеска, цветочный магазин, отель Mayfl...
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a historic hotel building, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Канадские сцены. Человек за столом, пользующийся телефоном I
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Национальная ассоциация образования. Внешний взгляд на Национальную ас...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Hotel Dodge. Экстерьер отеля Dodge
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Масонская ложь. Экстерьер масонской эпохи
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Большой Каньон. Южный край Большого Каньона с мертвым деревом
Titles devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to the 19... Еще
Dodge Hotel. Летний дом отеля Dodge
Logbook annotation: Mathieson Alkali Works pictures in Dodge Hotel. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer wh... Еще
Дом майора Дэвидсона, Механиксвилл, штат Мэриленд, компания Felyler & ...
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Тринити-колледж. Комната отдыха в кампусе колледжа Тринити
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Folger Library interiors. Этап театра в библиотеке Фольгера под углом
Old negative number: 1339-31. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1... Еще
Вашингтон, округ Колумбия Вид из Вашингтона
Old negative number: 1622-19. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1... Еще
Patterson House (Washington Club), 15 Dupont Circle N.W. Вашингтонский...
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Эдвард Уокер. Карточный автомат
Public domain image of musical performance, piano music, keyboard instrument, pianist, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Электрические сети Potomac Electric Power Co. Работа с электричеством ...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Типографии в Вашингтоне для Stanford Paper Co.
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Бродяги. Экстерьер Brookings с другой стороны улицы II
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Griffith Consumers Co. Окно с головоломкой
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Муниципальный центр. Перспектива южного возвышения Муниципального здан...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a classical or neoclassical building, architecture design, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Господин Маккарл, генеральный директор компании Портрет г-на Маккарла ...
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Наносится на бутылки и банки для стеклянной тары. Крышки IV
Титул Итема отклонился. Аннотация к тематической карточке: сделана для компании Crown Cork & Seal Co. из Балтимора через Уолтон Хок.
Бурк из Александрии, негатив из старых дагестанцев. Бюст-портрет женщи...
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Еще
Портретные фотографии. Портретная фотография девочки в белом платье, с...
Titles devised. Public domain photograph - child portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description