Tamil Girl - An old photo of a woman in a dress
Tamil Girl wearing a upper body tunic over a sari. Public domain photograph - 19th-century studio portrait photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Furs world-fair 1900, 1900's fashion
Furrier`s work for the Exposition Universal Paris 1900 Ausstellungsgruppe des Hauses Revillon Frères, Paris. Fig. 1 - Jagdpaletot aus Schweizer Ziegen mit Griesfuchsbesatz. Verbrauch: 5 Ziegen Futter: Carriert... Еще
Americae nova Tabula - Map of North and South America (Willem Blaeu, 1...
Map of the Americas by Willem Blaeu
74 Chardin Safavid Persia women customs
Customs: Women's clothing in Safavid Persia. فارسی: لباس زنان ایرانی در دورهٔ صفوی
Aalst coat of arms - Public domain vintage map
Titel:Alostum Vulgo Aelst
Afrika Map 1660 - Public domain map engraving
ِAfrika map FIRST edition : 1660 Produced using copper engraving
Meyers b10 s0120b - Victorian era public domain image
Clothing II (15th and 16th century). Deutsch: Kostüme II (15. bis 16. Jahrhundert). 1-2. Florentiner Edelleute (15. Jahrh.). 3. Johanna von Flandern (1341). 4. Burgund. Edelfräulein (15. Jahrh.). 5. F... Еще
Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary b31 418-1
Русский: Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907). КОСТЮМЫ I. 1) Египтянка в калазире. 2) Египтянин в переднике и сфинксовом наголовье. 3) Грек в хламиде. 4) Гречанка в диплоиди... Еще
Gänsebauch - Public domain portrait painting
Deutsch: Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, mit Gänsebauch und Kniehose, Gemälde von oder nach William Segar English: Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, with goose belly and knee breeches, painting by or after ... Еще
Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art 267
Русский: Россия. Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907). Примечание. Описания изображений были загружены автоматически, возможны неточности. Рекомендуется пров... Еще
75 Chardin Zarathushti women's clothing in Safavid Persia
Customs: Zarathushti Women's clothing in Safavid Persia. فارسی: لباس زنان زرتشتی ایرانی در دورهٔ صفوی
Paletotcoat dec1909
A plate of paletot overcoat
Högtidsdräkter från Bremen under 1500-talet, Nordisk familjebok
Svenska: Högtidsdräkter från Bremen under 1500-talet English: Festive clothes from Bremen during the 16th century. Deutsch: Festliche Kleidung im Bremen des 16. Jahrhunderts.
Jakob Fugger d.Ä. - Public domain portrait engraving
Portrait Jakob Fugger der Ältere Public domain photograph of renaissance portrait painting, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
20849-largeboy in dress - Public domain scenic painting
The portrait depicts Alfred Fuller, aged four, wearing a dress in the fashionable style of the period. The dress is blue, with wide robings over puffed sleeves, and the bodice trimmed with braid in a style bas... Еще
Firing a Brace of Replica Dragoons. Wearing a "duster".
1824 laver coral. A woman in an orange dress holding a basket Norway
Fashion plate of a fur-trimmed carriage dress, 1824 Public domain photograph related to Polish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Antwerpen Domus Senatoria - Public domain portrait drawing
Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Public domain illustration plate from the French encyclopedia Larousse du XXème siècle 1932: Folk costumes of Europe and the Soviet Union; regional or national costume, traditional clothing, garment and regal... Еще
Furs world-fair 1900 b, 1900's fashion
Deutsch: Ausstellungsgruppe des Hauses Revillon Frères, Paris. „Das Brautgeschenk - La Corbeille de Mariage“ English: Furrier`s work for the world-fashion 1900 in Paris Français : La Corbeille de Mariage Fig... Еще
Obenaltendorf 1895
Reconstruction of the clothing of the iron aged bog body Mann von Obenalstendorf of 1911 found in 1895. Deutsch: Kleidungsrekonstruktion der eisenzeitlichen Moorleiche de:Mann von Obenaltendorf von 1911, gefunden 1895.
Palatine Archduke, Herald of Kingdom of Hungary, Crucifer Bishop, Illu...
Italiano: Il corteo ufficiale dei nobili ungheresi in un ipotetico giorno di incoronazione di un re o di una regina. In particolare: 3. Araldo del Regno 4. Arciduca Palatino 5. Vescovo Crocifero English: The... Еще
Русский: Реформы Петра (запрет на бороды и традиционную одежду) Public domain photograph of 19th-century Russian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art 270
Русский: Восточные народы. Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907). Примечание. Описания изображений были загружены автоматически, возможны неточности. Рекоменд... Еще
Furs world-fair 1900 cut. Fashion in 1900s
Furrier`s work for the world-fashion 1900 in Paris (cutting) Ausstellungsgruppe des Hauses Revillon Frères, Paris (Ausschnitt). Fig. 7 - Herrenpelz mit Zobelklauenfutter und Seeotterbesatz. Verbrauch: 500 Zobel... Еще
The Grand Equerry, The Emperor, Hungarian Civil Authorities, Illustrat...
Italiano: Il corteo ufficiale dei nobili ungheresi in un ipotetico giorno di incoronazione di un re o di una regina: 1. Grande scudiere 2. L' imperatore 3. Magistrati civili English: The official cortege of ... Еще
Novy entsiklopedicheski slovar (1911) (14778427592)
Identifier: novyentsiklopedi23arse (find matches) Title: Novy entsiklopedicheski slovar Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Arsen'ev, Konstantin Konstantinovich, 1837-1919 Subjects: Encyclopedias and dictionaries, ... Еще
Antwerpen Domus Hansæ - Public domain vintage map
Domus Hansae Teutionicae in Urbe Antverpiensi
A173 1 047Michael Cahne Seymour
Victorian Boy in dress
Costume NI Edot 400 B
Drawings of costumes: English women (1590) English Noblemen (1625-1640) French (1660-1700) French (1700-1740) French (1780) French 1808 - Empire Early Nineteenth Century
Wittig collection.manuscript 02.book of kimono designs.cranes design.g...
scan of a hand-drawn kimono fabric design "pattern", of cranes and water, on a printed(?) standard "template" kimono outline, showing the "general view" of the garment; late Edo period, circa 1850's, believed ... Еще
Persiam girl by Ker Porter2
Persian girl Public domain photograph of a sculpture, monument, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fashion 1900 - A black and white photo of a man and a woman
festive clothing around 1900 in Berlin/Germany
Fotothek df tg 0003408 Geometrie ^ Konstruktion ^ Kreis ^ Dreieck
Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekGeometrie & Konstruktion & Kreis & Dreieck Public domain photograph of 17th-century architectural drawing, architecture, free to use, no copyright restricti... Еще
Die Gartenlaube (1880) b 820
Expression error: Unrecognized word "die". Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Dreißigjähriger Krieg. Rococo. Ludwig XIV.Deutsche Frauentrachten.Originalzeichnung von Adolf Neumann.“ English: caption: "Dreißigjä... Еще
Coiffure-2 Atelier de modiste sous l'Empire - Chéri Hérouard - French ...
Coiffure-2; Atelier de modiste sous l'Empire French magazine illustration/chart/plate from around 1930 depicting historical female and male headgear, headdresses, hats, caps, hair fashion, etc. Chéri Hérouard... Еще
Meyers b10 s0120c, Cologne Germany
Clothing III (17th to 19th century). Deutsch: Kostüme III (17. bis 19. Jahrhundert). 1. Karl I. von England (1624). 2. Französische Edeldame (1650) ("French noblewoman"). 3. Holländisches Bürgerpaar (16... Еще
Coiffure-1 Salon de coiffure 1929 - Chéri Hérouard - French magazine i...
Coiffure-1; Salon de coiffure 1929 French magazine illustration/chart/plate from around 1930 depicting historical female and male hair styles, hair fashion, wigs, etc. Chéri Hérouard (1881–1961) was a French ... Еще
Bremer trachten 1750 001
Deutsch: Bremer Frauentracht um 1750 Public domain photograph related to the history of Spain, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nederfrederikmose Tunic - Public domain map
Dansk: Kjortel fundet sammen med 'Frederiksdalmanden' den 25. maj 1898 i Fattiggårdens mose. Han blev en af de sidste kendte vikinger på egnen. Fundsted: 6b Neder Frederiksmose, Kragelund Sogn i Hids Herred... Еще
Public domain illustration plate from the French encyclopedia Larousse du XXème siècle 1932: Folk costumes of Asia, Oceania, Africa, and North and South America; regional or national costume, traditional clot... Еще
Die Gartenlaube (1880) b 821
Expression error: Unrecognized word "die". Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Revolution. Werther’s Zeit. Wiener Congreß.Deutsche Frauentrachten.Originalzeichnung von Adolf Neumann.“ English: caption: "Revoluti... Еще
Costumes civils HISTORICAL CLOTHING OF FRANCE civilian costumes male f...
Public domain colour illustration plate from the French encyclopedia Larousse du XXème siècle 1932: Historical clothing of France and Europe; civilian dress, costumes, male and female fashion, from antiquity ... Еще
Africa 1635, Willem Janszoon Blaeu (3805125-sheet1-recto)
Africæ nova descriptio "Cum privilegio ad decennium." Relief shown pictorially. Map contained within illustrated frame. Nine city views across top of map: Tanger, Ceuta, Alger, Tunis, Alexandria, Alcair, Mozamb... Еще
LA2-NSRW-2-0065 trimmed1 - Victorian era public domain image
Student's Reference Book, Chicago, F. E. Compton and Company 1914
Persiam girl by Ker Porter1
Persian girl Public domain print related to the history of fashion, costume, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Furs of Felix Jungmann 1900. Fashion in 1900s
Furrier`s work for the Exposition Universal Paris 1900 Ausstellungsgruppe des Hauses Felix Jungmann, Paris. Fig. 1 - Jackett und Muff aus Alaska-Seal mit Besatz und Muff aus echtem Chinchilla. Verbrauch: 6 Seal... Еще
USMC Evening Dress (Officers)
Painting of Marine Corps officers in Evening Dress uniforms.
Choli - A woman laying on the ground in a sari
Many examples of jewellery from India were exhibited at the London Universal Exhibition of 1872 and this photograph may have been one of those shown to demonstrate the way it was worn.
Jagdpaletots Ziege und Seehund, 1900's fashion
Bildunterschrift: Jagdpaletot aus Ziegen nat., Nat. Griesfuchsbesatz. Jagdpaletot aus nat. Seehund
Maria Theresa-coronation-1741-Pressburg-Hertz
Coronation of Maria Theresa, 1741, Pressburg, by Hertz Magyar: Mária Terézia koronázása, 1741, Pressburg, Johann Daniel Herz műve Slovenčina: Korunovácia Márie Terézie, 1741, Pressburg, podľa Johanna Daniela... Еще
Costume NI Edot 400 C
Costumes of Voronegzh 1850x by Tulinov
Costumes of Voronegzh 1850x by Tulinov Русский: М. Тулинов из альбома "Костюмы Воронежской губернии" 1850-е гг.
Ausschnitt 23-659251B - A group of people standing next to each other
Der alten und neuen Manns- und Weiber-Tracht
Cravates - neckties etc. - Public domain illustration from Larousse du...
Cravates - neckties etc. - Public domain illustration from Larousse du XXème siècle 1932Éditions Larousse is a French publishing house specialising in reference works such as dictionaries. It was founded by Pi... Еще
Costumes religieux RELIGIOUS CLOTHING costumes habit historical christ...
Public domain colour illustration plate from the French encyclopedia Larousse du XXème siècle 1932: Historical religious clothing; costumes, habit, Christian, ancient Jews, liturgical, clerical, orders, monk... Еще
Greek fur cap - A drawing of a woman with long hair
Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: Griechische Pelzmütze
Deutsch: Schellentracht Public domain photograph related to the history of England, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wittig collection.manuscript 02.book of kimono designs.cranes design.d...
Scan of a hand-drawn kimono fabric design "pattern", of cranes and water, on the page-reverse of a printed(?) standard "template" kimono outline, showing a "detail view" of the fabric design; late Edo period, ... Еще
Blaeu 1649 - Toonneel des Aerdrycks - Public domain map
Français : Page de titre du Théatre du Monde, ou Nouvel Atlas (Toonneel des Aerdrycks, ofte Nieuwe Atlas) de Willem & Johannes Blaeu. Amsterdam. 1649
V. Ferdinánd megkoronázása
Coronation of Ferdinand V of Hungary in Pozsony, 1830. Magyar: V. Ferdinánd magyar király pozsonyi koronázása 1830-ban.
Particoloredhose - Fresco, public domain photograph
Detail from Francesco del Cossa, Triumph of May, Ferrara, about 1470. Particolored hose. Image from Men's Clothing in 15th Century Florence, http://www.florentine-persona.com/menflorence.html.
Costumes civils HISTORICAL CLOTHING OF FRANCE civilian costumes male f...
Public domain colour illustration plate from the French encyclopedia Larousse du XXème siècle 1932: Historical clothing of France and Europe; civilian dress, costumes, male and female fashion, c. 1640 – 1925 ... Еще
Cloak - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives
line art drawing of a cloak. Public domain photograph of a priest, clergy, bishop, portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Blaeu 1645 - Regiones sub Polo Arctico
Public domain image of a sailing ship, caravel, harbor, sea, naval battle, 16th-17th century maritime seascape, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Die Gartenlaube (1872) b 519
Bild aus Seite 519 in "Die Gartenlaube". Image from page 519 of book Die Gartenlaube ("The Garden Arbor"). Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Vom Großvater auf den Enkel. Originalzeichnung von Kleinmichel.“ English:... Еще
Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art 272
Русский: Кавказские народы. Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907). Примечание. Описания изображений были загружены автоматически, возможны неточности. Рекомен... Еще
Blaeu 1645 - Ducatus Limburgum - Public domain old map
Public domain scan of a page from geographical atlas, geography, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Der neue Altteutsche - Public domain portrait drawing
C.G.H. Geißler, "Der neue Altteutsche", "The new Old German", ink drawing from about 1820, Teutsch ist mein Sinn, und mein Gewand vom feinsten Tuch aus Engeland. "My mind is German, and my costume is made of ... Еще
Meyers b10 s0120a
Clothing I (Antiquity and Middle Ages). Deutsch: Tafel „Kostüme I (Altertum und Mittelalter)“ Ägyptischer König ("Egyptian King - Pharoah"). Ägyptische Königin ("Egyptian Queen"). Assyrer (1400 v. Chr.). Grie... Еще