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gothic architecture

8,171 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 82
The Cloisters - Capital, Catalonia, Spain

The Cloisters - Capital, Catalonia, Spain

Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Cloisters - Engaged Capital, Burgundy, France

The Cloisters - Engaged Capital, Burgundy, France

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Cloisters - Column Base, Languedoc, France

The Cloisters - Column Base, Languedoc, France

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Cloisters - Capital, Burgundy, France

The Cloisters - Capital, Burgundy, France

A stone column in a building with columns, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lion, from a Doorway - Public domain dedication museum photo

Lion, from a Doorway - Public domain dedication museum photo

A stone statue of a ram on a block, Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Старый собор Святого Павла в Лондоне, вид с востока

Старый собор Святого Павла в Лондоне, вид с востока

Wenceslaus Hollar (Bohemian, Prague 1607–1677 London) Public domain photograph of architecture design drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Руан из "Норси, его готическая архитектура и история: как иллюстрируют двадцать пять фотографий зданий в Руане, Кане, Манте, Байё и Фалезе. Скетч "

Руан из "Норси, его готическая архитектура и история: как иллюстрируют...

Изображение было взято из скана 000099 из книги "Northy, its Gothic Architecture and History: as illustrated by twenty-five photos from builds in Rouen, Caen, Mantes, Bayeux and Falaise. Эскиз ". Название и тем... Еще

Эглиз Сен-Пьер из "Норси, его готическая архитектура и история: как иллюстрируют двадцать пять фотографий зданий в Руане, Кане, Манте, Байё и Фалезе. Скетч "

Эглиз Сен-Пьер из "Норси, его готическая архитектура и история: как ил...

Изображение было взято из скана 000035 из книги "Northy, its Gothic Architecture and History: as illustrated by twenty-five photos from builds in Rouen, Caen, Mantes, Bayeux and Falaise. Эскиз ". Название и тем... Еще

Parma baptistery dome building. The ceiling of a building with a painting on it

Parma baptistery dome building. The ceiling of a building with a paint...

Architecture stock photograph: The ceiling of the church / The ceiling of a building with a painting on it.

View from dom cologne crane homes building.
A very tall building with a clock on it's side Gothic cologne dom building.

A very tall building with a clock on it's side Gothic cologne dom buil...

Architecture stock photograph: A large window in a building / A very tall building with a clock on it's side.

A view of a very tall building with many windows Gothic cologne dom building.

A view of a very tall building with many windows Gothic cologne dom bu...

Architecture stock photograph: A building with a large window and a roof / A view of a very tall building with many windows.

A group of statues on the side of a building. Reims cathedral sculptures, religion.

A group of statues on the side of a building. Reims cathedral sculptur...

Architecture stock photograph: A group of statues on a building with a clock tower / A group of statues on the side of a building.

Capital, Catalonia, Spain, The Cloisters

Capital, Catalonia, Spain, The Cloisters

A close up of a pillar with a statue on top of it, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Column Base, Languedoc, France - Public domain dedication museum photo

Column Base, Languedoc, France - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Public domain photo of Antique sculpture, Europe, medieval, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

A statue of a man with a hat on his head, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

A stone sculpture of a man sitting on a chair, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Engaged Double Capital, Burgundy, France

Engaged Double Capital, Burgundy, France

Public domain photo of Antique sculpture, Europe, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Double Capital, 14th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Double Capital, 14th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

A roman marble column with two ducks and a winged figure, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Column Shaft, 19th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Column Shaft, 19th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Capital, Burgundy, France, The Cloisters

Capital, Burgundy, France, The Cloisters

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Engaged Capital, Burgundy, France, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Engaged Capital, Burgundy, France, Metropolitan Museum of Art

A stone vase with a design of leaves and flowers, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

A statue of a man and a woman holding a shield, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A Knight of the d'Aluye Family - Public domain dedication museum photo

A Knight of the d'Aluye Family - Public domain dedication museum photo

A statue of a man laying on a stone block, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France

A roman stone urn, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baptismal Font, The Cloisters - Public domain dedication museum photo

Baptismal Font, The Cloisters - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a Medieval 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Abat sons 1 - Public domain architectural drawing

Abat sons 1 - Public domain architectural drawing

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Ange.cathedrale.Nevers, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Ange.cathedrale.Nevers, France

Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Appui.fenetre.rue.Grosse.Horloge.Rouen, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Appui.fenetre.rue.Grosse.Horloge.Rouen, France

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Arcature.ornement.Saint-Denis - gothic architecture

Arcature.ornement.Saint-Denis - gothic architecture

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Armoirie.bar, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Armoirie.bar, France

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Balustrade.cathedrale.Beziers, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Balustrade.cathedrale.Beziers, France

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Balustrade.cathedrale.Carcassonne.3 - gothic architecture

Balustrade.cathedrale.Carcassonne.3 - gothic architecture

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Bouche.a.feu.Bale, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Bouche.a.feu.Bale, France

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Chapiteau.Parthenon, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Chapiteau.Parthenon, France

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Crochets.tete.simple, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Crochets.tete.simple, France

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Penture.eglise.Saint.Jacques.Reims, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Penture.eglise.Saint.Jacques.Reims, France

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Pierre.calcaire.et.capillarite, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Pierre.calcaire.et.capillarite, France

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Rempart.gabionnades.et.palis, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Rempart.gabionnades.et.palis, France

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gothic Srchitecture: Sculpture.pierriere.cathedrale.Saint.Nazaire.Carcassonne, France

Gothic Srchitecture: Sculpture.pierriere.cathedrale.Saint.Nazaire.Carc...

Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117993)

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117993)

Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117972)

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117972)

Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117988)

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117988)

Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117887)

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117887)

Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117883)

Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117883)

Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm

An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture (1877) (14740200796)

An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture (1877) (1474020079...

Identifier: introductiontost00park_0 (find matches) Title: An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Parker, John Henry, 1806-1884 Subjects: Architecture, Gothic Publis... Еще

An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture (1877) (14760043411)

An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture (1877) (1476004341...

Identifier: introductiontost00park_0 (find matches) Title: An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Parker, John Henry, 1806-1884 Subjects: Architecture, Gothic Publis... Еще

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 0 - Anges exterminateurs (bgw17 0408)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 0 - Anges exterminateurs (bgw17 040...

Français : Panneau du registre inférieur de la verrière centrale (baie 0, Les anges exterminateurs) de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 0 - Décor d'architecture (bgw17 0381)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 0 - Décor d'architecture (bgw17 038...

Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la verrière centrale (baie 0) de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 0 - Henri II en prière, détail du milieu du corps (bgw17 0424)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 0 - Henri II en prière, détail du m...

Français : Panneau du soubassement de la verrière centrale (baie 0) de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Deux anges présentant les armes de France et trophée d'armes (bgw17 0742)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Deux anges présentant les armes...

Français : Montage présentant le soubassement de la baie 1 de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Décor d'architecture (bgw17 0780)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Décor d'architecture (bgw17 078...

Français : Panneau situé entre les deux registres de la baie 1 de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Nuée et trompette (bgw17 0768)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Nuée et trompette (bgw17 0768)

Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 1 (L'amertume des eaux) de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Trompette sur fond de paysage (bgw17 0792)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Trompette sur fond de paysage (...

Français : Panneau du registre inférieur de la baie 1 (L'obscurcissement des astres) de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 2 - Deux anges présentant les armes de France (détail) (bgw17 0494)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 2 - Deux anges présentant les armes...

Français : Panneau du soubassement de la baie 2 de l'abside. Public domain photograph of stained glass window, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - Décor d'architecture (bgw17 0830)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - Décor d'architecture (bgw17 083...

Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 3 de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - La mer et la terre (bgw17 0848)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - La mer et la terre (bgw17 0848)

Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 3 de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - Nuée (bgw17 0854)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - Nuée (bgw17 0854)

Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 3 de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie et un roi (bgw17 0812)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie e...

Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 3 de l'abside.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 4 - Nuée et trompettes (bgw17 0543)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 4 - Nuée et trompettes (bgw17 0543)

Français : Vitrail Public domain photograph of stained glass window, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 4 - Saint Franois d'Assise (détail) (bgw17 0560)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 4 - Saint Franois d'Assise (détail)...

Français : Vitrail Public domain photograph of stained glass window, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 4 - Tunique d'un ange (bgw17 0531)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 4 - Tunique d'un ange (bgw17 0531)

Français : Vitrail Public domain photograph of 15th-century, early renaissance art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 5 - Trophée d'armes (détail) (bgw17 1025)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 5 - Trophée d'armes (détail) (bgw17...

Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 5 du choeur.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 5 - Tête et aile d'un ange (bgw17 0991)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 5 - Tête et aile d'un ange (bgw17 0...

Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 5 du choeur.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 5 - Têtes des saints (bgw17 1007)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 5 - Têtes des saints (bgw17 1007)

Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 5 du choeur.

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 6 - Trophée d'armes (bgw17 0687)

Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 6 - Trophée d'armes (bgw17 0687)

Français : Montage présentant un détail du soubassement de la baie 6 du choeur.

Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art 438

Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art 438

Русский: Фрагменты церквей в Средние века. Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907).                Примечание. Описания изображений были загружены автоматически, возможны нето... Еще

Fig 14 -Plan of one bay of S. Michele of Pavia

Fig 14 -Plan of one bay of S. Michele of Pavia

Fig 14 -Plan of one bay of S. Michele of Pavia. From scan of book "Development and Character of Gothic Architecture" (1890) by Charles Herbert Moore.

Fig 169 -Statue of Transept, St. Denis

Fig 169 -Statue of Transept, St. Denis

Fig 169 -Statue of Transept, St. Denis, Development & Character of Gothic Architecture (1890)

Fig 53 -Portion of int of apse of St Remi of Reims

Fig 53 -Portion of int of apse of St Remi of Reims

Fig 53 -Portion of interior of the apse of St Remi of Reims. From scan of book "Development and Character of Gothic Architecture" (1890) by Charles Herbert Moore.

Fig 56 -Interior View of the Apsidal Aisle of St. Leu d’Esserent

Fig 56 -Interior View of the Apsidal Aisle of St. Leu d’Esserent

Fig 56 -Interior View of the Apsidal Aisle of St. Leu d’Esserent, Development & Character of Gothic Architecture, pg 79.

Fig 80 -Vaulting Conoid, Nave of Lincoln

Fig 80 -Vaulting Conoid, Nave of Lincoln

Fig 80 -Vaulting Conoid, Nave of Lincoln, Development & Character of Gothic Architecture (1890)

Fig 97 -Cross Section of St. Elizabeth at Marburg

Fig 97 -Cross Section of St. Elizabeth at Marburg

Fig 97 -Cross Section of St. Elizabeth at Marburg, Development & Character of Gothic Architecture (1890)

Handbook Lincoln Figure Arched Recess

Handbook Lincoln Figure Arched Recess

Lincoln Cathedral, arched recess in west front. Figure from: King, R.J. (1881) Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern Division, London: John Murray

Handbook Lincoln Plate 07 Angel Choir

Handbook Lincoln Plate 07 Angel Choir

Lincoln Cathedral. The Angel Choir from the South-Westt. Plate 7 from: King, R.J. (1881) Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern Division, London: John Murray

Handbook Lincoln Plate 01 West Front

Handbook Lincoln Plate 01 West Front

Lincoln Cathedral, west front. Plate 1 from: King, R.J. (1881) Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern Division, London: John Murray

Handbook Lincoln Plate 05 Transept Window

Handbook Lincoln Plate 05 Transept Window

Lincoln Cathedral. Circular window in the north transept, the "Dean's Eye". Plate 5 from: King, R.J. (1881) Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern Division, London: John Murray

A dictionary of architecture and building - biographical, historical, and descriptive (1902) (14592090309)

A dictionary of architecture and building - biographical, historical, ...

Identifier: dictionaryofarch02stur (find matches) Title: A dictionary of architecture and building : biographical, historical, and descriptive Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Sturgis, Russell, 1836-1909 Subjects... Еще

A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance (1901) (14597780850)

A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the...

Identifier: historyofarchit02cumm (find matches) Title: A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Cummings, Charles Amos, 1833... Еще

A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance (1901) (14597822709)

A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the...

Identifier: historyofarchit02cumm (find matches) Title: A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Cummings, Charles Amos, 1833... Еще

A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance (1901) (14598018007)

A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the...

Identifier: historyofarchit02cumm (find matches) Title: A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Cummings, Charles Amos, 1833... Еще

A history of real estate, building and architecture in New York City during the last quarter of a century (1898) (14587388567)

A history of real estate, building and architecture in New York City d...

Identifier: historyofrealest00durs (find matches) Title: A history of real estate, building and architecture in New York City during the last quarter of a century Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: Durst, Seymour B... Еще

An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, mouldings, roofs, arches, crosses, panels, buttresses, seats, screens, etc., and (14803572213)

An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards...

Identifier: analysisofgothi01bran (find matches) Title: An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, mouldings, roofs, arches, crosses... Еще

An analysis of Gothick architecture - illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, etc., and accompanied with remarks on the several details of an ecclesiastical (14761175006)

An analysis of Gothick architecture - illustrated by a series of upwar...

Identifier: analysisofgothic02branuoft (find matches) Title: An analysis of Gothick architecture : illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, etc., and accompanied with... Еще

An analysis of Gothick architecture - illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, etc., and accompanied with remarks on the several details of an ecclesiastical (14597474858)

An analysis of Gothick architecture - illustrated by a series of upwar...

Identifier: analysisofgothic02branuoft (find matches) Title: An analysis of Gothick architecture : illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, etc., and accompanied with... Еще

An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, mouldings, roofs, arches, crosses, panels, buttresses, seats, screens, etc., and (14783717865)

An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards...

Identifier: analysisofgothi01bran (find matches) Title: An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, mouldings, roofs, arches, crosses... Еще

Architectural sketches for cottages, rural dwellings, and villas, in the Grecian, Gothic, and fancy styles, with plans - suitable to persons of genteel life and moderate fortune - preceded by some (14767549115)

Architectural sketches for cottages, rural dwellings, and villas, in t...

Identifier: sketchesforcotta00luga (find matches) Title: Architectural sketches for cottages, rural dwellings, and villas, in the Grecian, Gothic, and fancy styles, with plans : suitable to persons of genteel... Еще

Architecture, classic and early Christian (1888) (14749898886)

Architecture, classic and early Christian (1888) (14749898886)

Identifier: architectureclas00smituoft (find matches) Title: Architecture, classic and early Christian Year: 1888 (1880s) Authors: Smith, Thomas Roger, d 1903 Slater, John Subjects: Publisher: London : Sam... Еще

Brick and marble in the Middle Ages- notes of a tour in the north of Italy (1855) (14578429120)

Brick and marble in the Middle Ages- notes of a tour in the north of I...

Identifier: brickmarbleinmid01stre (find matches) Title: Brick and marble in the Middle Ages: notes of a tour in the north of Italy Year: 1855 (1850s) Authors: Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881 Subjects: Arc... Еще

Brick and marble in the Middle Ages- notes of a tour in the north of Italy (1855) (14764792342)

Brick and marble in the Middle Ages- notes of a tour in the north of I...

Identifier: brickmarbleinmid01stre (find matches) Title: Brick and marble in the Middle Ages: notes of a tour in the north of Italy Year: 1855 (1850s) Authors: Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881 Subjects: Arc... Еще

Brick and marble in the middle ages- notes of tours in the north of Italy (1874) (14746729166)

Brick and marble in the middle ages- notes of tours in the north of It...

Identifier: brickmarbleinmid00stre (find matches) Title: Brick and marble in the middle ages: notes of tours in the north of Italy Year: 1874 (1870s) Authors: Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881 Subjects: Arch... Еще

Brick and marble in the middle ages- notes of tours in the north of Italy (1874) (14767290954)

Brick and marble in the middle ages- notes of tours in the north of It...

Identifier: brickmarbleinmid00stre (find matches) Title: Brick and marble in the middle ages: notes of tours in the north of Italy Year: 1874 (1870s) Authors: Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881 Subjects: Arch... Еще

Ceilings and Side Walls - Catalogue no 60 (1900) (14769935711)

Ceilings and Side Walls - Catalogue no 60 (1900) (14769935711)

Identifier: CeilingsSideWallsCatalogueNo60 (find matches) Title: Ceilings & Side Walls : Catalogue no 60 Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Subjects: Division 09 Finishes Ceilings Specia... Еще

Ceilings and Side Walls - Catalogue no 60 (1900) (14750093206)

Ceilings and Side Walls - Catalogue no 60 (1900) (14750093206)

Identifier: CeilingsSideWallsCatalogueNo60 (find matches) Title: Ceilings & Side Walls : Catalogue no 60 Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Subjects: Division 09 Finishes Ceilings Specia... Еще

Ceilings and Side Walls - Catalogue no 60 (1900) (14792984473)

Ceilings and Side Walls - Catalogue no 60 (1900) (14792984473)

Identifier: CeilingsSideWallsCatalogueNo60 (find matches) Title: Ceilings & Side Walls : Catalogue no 60 Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Subjects: Division 09 Finishes Ceilings Specia... Еще

Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture (1870) (14597799459)

Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture (1870) (14597799459)

Identifier: gri_33125008508794 (find matches) Title: Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Audsley, W. (William), 1833-1907 Audsley, George Ashdown, 1838-1925 Subjects: Architec... Еще

Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture (1870) (14782118454)

Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture (1870) (14782118454)

Identifier: gri_33125008508794 (find matches) Title: Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Audsley, W. (William), 1833-1907 Audsley, George Ashdown, 1838-1925 Subjects: Architec... Еще


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