The Cloisters - Capital, Catalonia, Spain
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Cloisters - Engaged Capital, Burgundy, France
Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Cloisters - Column Base, Languedoc, France
Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Cloisters - Capital, Burgundy, France
A stone column in a building with columns, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lion, from a Doorway - Public domain dedication museum photo
A stone statue of a ram on a block, Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France
Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France
Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Старый собор Святого Павла в Лондоне, вид с востока
Wenceslaus Hollar (Bohemian, Prague 1607–1677 London) Public domain photograph of architecture design drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Руан из "Норси, его готическая архитектура и история: как иллюстрируют...
Изображение было взято из скана 000099 из книги "Northy, its Gothic Architecture and History: as illustrated by twenty-five photos from builds in Rouen, Caen, Mantes, Bayeux and Falaise. Эскиз ". Название и тем... Еще
Эглиз Сен-Пьер из "Норси, его готическая архитектура и история: как ил...
Изображение было взято из скана 000035 из книги "Northy, its Gothic Architecture and History: as illustrated by twenty-five photos from builds in Rouen, Caen, Mantes, Bayeux and Falaise. Эскиз ". Название и тем... Еще
Parma baptistery dome building. The ceiling of a building with a paint...
Architecture stock photograph: The ceiling of the church / The ceiling of a building with a painting on it.
A very tall building with a clock on it's side Gothic cologne dom buil...
Architecture stock photograph: A large window in a building / A very tall building with a clock on it's side.
A view of a very tall building with many windows Gothic cologne dom bu...
Architecture stock photograph: A building with a large window and a roof / A view of a very tall building with many windows.
A group of statues on the side of a building. Reims cathedral sculptur...
Architecture stock photograph: A group of statues on a building with a clock tower / A group of statues on the side of a building.
Capital, Catalonia, Spain, The Cloisters
A close up of a pillar with a statue on top of it, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Column Base, Languedoc, France - Public domain dedication museum photo
Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France
Public domain photo of Antique sculpture, Europe, medieval, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France
A statue of a man with a hat on his head, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France
A stone sculpture of a man sitting on a chair, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Engaged Double Capital, Burgundy, France
Public domain photo of Antique sculpture, Europe, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Double Capital, 14th century - Public domain dedication museum photo
A roman marble column with two ducks and a winged figure, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Column Shaft, 19th century - Public domain dedication museum photo
Public domain photo of a 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Capital, Burgundy, France, The Cloisters
Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Engaged Capital, Burgundy, France, Metropolitan Museum of Art
A stone vase with a design of leaves and flowers, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France
A statue of a man and a woman holding a shield, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A Knight of the d'Aluye Family - Public domain dedication museum photo
A statue of a man laying on a stone block, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Double Capital, 14th century, Burgundy, France
A roman stone urn, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Baptismal Font, The Cloisters - Public domain dedication museum photo
Public domain photo of a Medieval 3d object, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Abat sons 1 - Public domain architectural drawing
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture: Ange.cathedrale.Nevers, France
Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture: Appui.fenetre.rue.Grosse.Horloge.Rouen, France
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Arcature.ornement.Saint-Denis - gothic architecture
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture:, France
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture: Balustrade.cathedrale.Beziers, France
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Balustrade.cathedrale.Carcassonne.3 - gothic architecture
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture: Bouche.a.feu.Bale, France
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture: Chapiteau.Parthenon, France
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture: Crochets.tete.simple, France
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture: Penture.eglise.Saint.Jacques.Reims, France
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture:, France
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture:, France
Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gothic Srchitecture: Sculpture.pierriere.cathedrale.Saint.Nazaire.Carc...
Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117993)
Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm
Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117972)
Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm
Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117988)
Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm
Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117887)
Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm
Der Geist der Gotik 1917 (141117883)
Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, 1917Opis fizyczny: 111, [1] strona, 107 stron tablic : ilustracje ; 23 cm
An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture (1877) (1474020079...
Identifier: introductiontost00park_0 (find matches) Title: An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Parker, John Henry, 1806-1884 Subjects: Architecture, Gothic Publis... Еще
An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture (1877) (1476004341...
Identifier: introductiontost00park_0 (find matches) Title: An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Parker, John Henry, 1806-1884 Subjects: Architecture, Gothic Publis... Еще
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 0 - Anges exterminateurs (bgw17 040...
Français : Panneau du registre inférieur de la verrière centrale (baie 0, Les anges exterminateurs) de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 0 - Décor d'architecture (bgw17 038...
Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la verrière centrale (baie 0) de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 0 - Henri II en prière, détail du m...
Français : Panneau du soubassement de la verrière centrale (baie 0) de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Deux anges présentant les armes...
Français : Montage présentant le soubassement de la baie 1 de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Décor d'architecture (bgw17 078...
Français : Panneau situé entre les deux registres de la baie 1 de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Nuée et trompette (bgw17 0768)
Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 1 (L'amertume des eaux) de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 1 - Trompette sur fond de paysage (...
Français : Panneau du registre inférieur de la baie 1 (L'obscurcissement des astres) de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 2 - Deux anges présentant les armes...
Français : Panneau du soubassement de la baie 2 de l'abside. Public domain photograph of stained glass window, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - Décor d'architecture (bgw17 083...
Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 3 de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - La mer et la terre (bgw17 0848)
Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 3 de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - Nuée (bgw17 0854)
Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 3 de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 3 - Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie e...
Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 3 de l'abside.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 4 - Nuée et trompettes (bgw17 0543)
Français : Vitrail Public domain photograph of stained glass window, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 4 - Saint Franois d'Assise (détail)...
Français : Vitrail Public domain photograph of stained glass window, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 4 - Tunique d'un ange (bgw17 0531)
Français : Vitrail Public domain photograph of 15th-century, early renaissance art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 5 - Trophée d'armes (détail) (bgw17...
Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 5 du choeur.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 5 - Tête et aile d'un ange (bgw17 0...
Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 5 du choeur.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 5 - Têtes des saints (bgw17 1007)
Français : Panneau du registre supérieur de la baie 5 du choeur.
Saint-Chapelle de Vincennes - Baie 6 - Trophée d'armes (bgw17 0687)
Français : Montage présentant un détail du soubassement de la baie 6 du choeur.
Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art 438
Русский: Фрагменты церквей в Средние века. Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907). Примечание. Описания изображений были загружены автоматически, возможны нето... Еще
Fig 14 -Plan of one bay of S. Michele of Pavia
Fig 14 -Plan of one bay of S. Michele of Pavia. From scan of book "Development and Character of Gothic Architecture" (1890) by Charles Herbert Moore.
Fig 169 -Statue of Transept, St. Denis
Fig 169 -Statue of Transept, St. Denis, Development & Character of Gothic Architecture (1890)
Fig 53 -Portion of int of apse of St Remi of Reims
Fig 53 -Portion of interior of the apse of St Remi of Reims. From scan of book "Development and Character of Gothic Architecture" (1890) by Charles Herbert Moore.
Fig 56 -Interior View of the Apsidal Aisle of St. Leu d’Esserent
Fig 56 -Interior View of the Apsidal Aisle of St. Leu d’Esserent, Development & Character of Gothic Architecture, pg 79.
Fig 80 -Vaulting Conoid, Nave of Lincoln
Fig 80 -Vaulting Conoid, Nave of Lincoln, Development & Character of Gothic Architecture (1890)
Fig 97 -Cross Section of St. Elizabeth at Marburg
Fig 97 -Cross Section of St. Elizabeth at Marburg, Development & Character of Gothic Architecture (1890)
Handbook Lincoln Figure Arched Recess
Lincoln Cathedral, arched recess in west front. Figure from: King, R.J. (1881) Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern Division, London: John Murray
Handbook Lincoln Plate 07 Angel Choir
Lincoln Cathedral. The Angel Choir from the South-Westt. Plate 7 from: King, R.J. (1881) Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern Division, London: John Murray
Handbook Lincoln Plate 01 West Front
Lincoln Cathedral, west front. Plate 1 from: King, R.J. (1881) Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern Division, London: John Murray
Handbook Lincoln Plate 05 Transept Window
Lincoln Cathedral. Circular window in the north transept, the "Dean's Eye". Plate 5 from: King, R.J. (1881) Handbook to the cathedrals of England. Eastern Division, London: John Murray
A dictionary of architecture and building - biographical, historical, ...
Identifier: dictionaryofarch02stur (find matches) Title: A dictionary of architecture and building : biographical, historical, and descriptive Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Sturgis, Russell, 1836-1909 Subjects... Еще
A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the...
Identifier: historyofarchit02cumm (find matches) Title: A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Cummings, Charles Amos, 1833... Еще
A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the...
Identifier: historyofarchit02cumm (find matches) Title: A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Cummings, Charles Amos, 1833... Еще
A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the...
Identifier: historyofarchit02cumm (find matches) Title: A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the renaissance Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Cummings, Charles Amos, 1833... Еще
A history of real estate, building and architecture in New York City d...
Identifier: historyofrealest00durs (find matches) Title: A history of real estate, building and architecture in New York City during the last quarter of a century Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: Durst, Seymour B... Еще
An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards...
Identifier: analysisofgothi01bran (find matches) Title: An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, mouldings, roofs, arches, crosses... Еще
An analysis of Gothick architecture - illustrated by a series of upwar...
Identifier: analysisofgothic02branuoft (find matches) Title: An analysis of Gothick architecture : illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, etc., and accompanied with... Еще
An analysis of Gothick architecture - illustrated by a series of upwar...
Identifier: analysisofgothic02branuoft (find matches) Title: An analysis of Gothick architecture : illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, etc., and accompanied with... Еще
An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards...
Identifier: analysisofgothi01bran (find matches) Title: An analysis of Gothic architecture. Illustrated by a series of upwards of seven hundred examples of doorways, windows, mouldings, roofs, arches, crosses... Еще
Architectural sketches for cottages, rural dwellings, and villas, in t...
Identifier: sketchesforcotta00luga (find matches) Title: Architectural sketches for cottages, rural dwellings, and villas, in the Grecian, Gothic, and fancy styles, with plans : suitable to persons of genteel... Еще
Architecture, classic and early Christian (1888) (14749898886)
Identifier: architectureclas00smituoft (find matches) Title: Architecture, classic and early Christian Year: 1888 (1880s) Authors: Smith, Thomas Roger, d 1903 Slater, John Subjects: Publisher: London : Sam... Еще
Brick and marble in the Middle Ages- notes of a tour in the north of I...
Identifier: brickmarbleinmid01stre (find matches) Title: Brick and marble in the Middle Ages: notes of a tour in the north of Italy Year: 1855 (1850s) Authors: Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881 Subjects: Arc... Еще
Brick and marble in the Middle Ages- notes of a tour in the north of I...
Identifier: brickmarbleinmid01stre (find matches) Title: Brick and marble in the Middle Ages: notes of a tour in the north of Italy Year: 1855 (1850s) Authors: Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881 Subjects: Arc... Еще
Brick and marble in the middle ages- notes of tours in the north of It...
Identifier: brickmarbleinmid00stre (find matches) Title: Brick and marble in the middle ages: notes of tours in the north of Italy Year: 1874 (1870s) Authors: Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881 Subjects: Arch... Еще
Brick and marble in the middle ages- notes of tours in the north of It...
Identifier: brickmarbleinmid00stre (find matches) Title: Brick and marble in the middle ages: notes of tours in the north of Italy Year: 1874 (1870s) Authors: Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881 Subjects: Arch... Еще
Ceilings and Side Walls - Catalogue no 60 (1900) (14769935711)
Identifier: CeilingsSideWallsCatalogueNo60 (find matches) Title: Ceilings & Side Walls : Catalogue no 60 Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Subjects: Division 09 Finishes Ceilings Specia... Еще
Ceilings and Side Walls - Catalogue no 60 (1900) (14750093206)
Identifier: CeilingsSideWallsCatalogueNo60 (find matches) Title: Ceilings & Side Walls : Catalogue no 60 Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Subjects: Division 09 Finishes Ceilings Specia... Еще
Ceilings and Side Walls - Catalogue no 60 (1900) (14792984473)
Identifier: CeilingsSideWallsCatalogueNo60 (find matches) Title: Ceilings & Side Walls : Catalogue no 60 Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Subjects: Division 09 Finishes Ceilings Specia... Еще
Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture (1870) (14597799459)
Identifier: gri_33125008508794 (find matches) Title: Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Audsley, W. (William), 1833-1907 Audsley, George Ashdown, 1838-1925 Subjects: Architec... Еще
Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture (1870) (14782118454)
Identifier: gri_33125008508794 (find matches) Title: Cottage, lodge, and villa architecture Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Audsley, W. (William), 1833-1907 Audsley, George Ashdown, 1838-1925 Subjects: Architec... Еще