Аллегорический дизайн для Ceiling Co.
After Francesco Albani (Italian, Bologna 1578–1660 Bologna) Public domain photograph of 16th-century Italian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A painting of a boat with people on it. Ship procession fresco, part 3...
Ship procession fresco, part 3, Akrotiri, Greece. Français : Fresque de la procession des bateaux, 3e partie, Akrotiri, Grèce. Original location: Object location36° 21′ 05″ N, 25° 24′ 13″ E View this and oth... Еще
Apple of Discord Thrown by Eris at the Marriage of Peleus and Thetis: ...
Public domain image of watercolor painting from British-related collections, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Кумейская сибирячка по произведению Микеланджело в Систинской часовне
Giovanni Volpato (Italian, Bassano 1732–1803 Rome) Public domain scan of Italian 18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Святой Иоанн Креститель в декоративной окантовке после "Последнего суд...
Cherubino Alberti (Zaccaria Mattia) (Italian, Borgo Sansepolcro 1553–1615 Rome) Public domain photograph of 16th-century Italian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
De heilige Jozef en andere heilige met cellospelende engel
De heilige Jozef en een andere heilige op wolken. Ze worden omgeven door engelen, waarvan er een op een cello speelt.
De heilige Petrus met andere heilige en engelen
De heilige Petrus (herkenbaar aan de putti met twee grote sleutels) samen met een andere heilige op wolken. Ze worden omgeven door engelen, waarvan er twee op trompetten blazen.
Церковь Илии Великого (1647-50), интерьер, западная галерея, с керамич...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a mural painting, architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Церковь Илии Великого (1647-50), интерьер, западная галерея, с керамич...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a monastery, church, religious historic building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Carlo Cesio - Mercurius brengt Paris de gouden appel
Mercurius zweeft door de lucht met een trompet en een appel in zijn handen. Hij geeft de appel aan Paris die op een steen zit. Naast Paris zit een hond.
Церковь Святителя Николая Мокрого (1665-72), интерьер, главный купол, ...
Public domain photograph related to Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait of Constantino Brumidi
Константино Брумиди (26 июля 1805 года в Риме, Италия - 19 февраля 1880 года, Вашингтон, округ Колумбия). Брумиди был итало-американским художником, рисовавшим самые важные фигуры в Капитолии США. Он родился в ... Еще
Капитолий США. Мбаппе во втором Капитолии США
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Капитолий США. Мбаппе в Сенате США, Горацио Гейтс
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Капитолий США. Мбаппе под куполом Капитолия II в США
Public domain photograph of 1940s-1950s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Капитолий США. Мбаппе в президентском кабинете в Капитолии США
Picryl description: Public domain image of a historical building, landmark architecture, world heritage, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Капитолий США. Мбаппе в Сенате США, Горацио Гейтс
Public domain photograph of 1940s-1950s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Капитолий США. Озил в президентском кабинете в Капитолии США, Александ...
Public domain reproduction of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Капитолий США. Мбаппе в центре купола Капитолия США VIII
Public domain reproduction of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Капитолий США. Мбаппе в зале заседаний Сената I
Public domain photograph of midcentury American architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Картины Капитолия США. Мбаппе вмешался в конфликт в Капитолии США
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Картины Капитолия США. Бюст Ливингстона в Капитолии II США
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Картины Капитолия США. Меркьюри Мбаппе в Капитолии IV
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Картины Капитолия США. Мбаппе может возглавить Капитолий III в США
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Оригинальная находка описывала эту фотографию следующим образом: База...
Самолет МиГ-17 готовят к транспортировке в музей ВВС США
A painting on the ceiling of a church. Fresco painting fresh painting,...
Is a fresco of and / The ceiling of the church of san clemente / Public domain art photo.
A painting on the ceiling of a building Fresco baroque church, religio...
Architecture stock photograph: The ceiling of the church of st. nicholas in st. nicholas, austria / A painting on the ceiling of a building.
A painting of a woman and a man on a wall. St catherine's monastery si...
And the / A painting of a woman with a large face and a large painting of a woman with a large face / Public domain art photo.
A black and white photo of a church. Firenze italy black white, travel...
Free images of Italy. Download Italian photos for free. Beautiful Italy pictures without any copyright restrictions. A black and white photo of a church
A large wooden door in a building. India rajastan shekawati.
The doors of the mehrangarh fort / A large wooden door with a decorative design / Public domain art photo.
Fresco bull palace of knossos building. A stone structure with columns...
Греческая архитектура. Свободные образы Греции. Используйте бесплатные фотографии греческого туризма без каких-либо ограничений авторских прав.
Fresco dolphins palace of knossos building. A room with a fireplace an...
Греческая архитектура. Свободные образы Греции. Используйте бесплатные фотографии греческого туризма без каких-либо ограничений авторских прав.
A painting of a woman with red hair. Portrait face woman, beauty fashi...
Stock photography: A portrait of a man with red hair / A painting of a woman with red hair.
Church ceiling arches, religion. The ceiling of a building with a cloc...
Architecture stock photograph: The ceiling of the church of st. peters in rome / The ceiling of a building with a clock on it.
A painting of hindu deities on a wall. India rajastan shekawati.
Is the hindu god of war and . she is the hindu god of war and . she is the hindu god of war and the / A painting of a hindu deity with his body covered by a body of a man / Public domain art photo.
A painting of two women sitting next to each other. Mexico fresco deco...
A painting of two women sitting on a table / A painting of two women sitting next to each other / Public domain stock illustration.
A building with a mural on the side of it. Voronet monastery fresco ch...
The church of the holy sepulchre / A wall of paintings in the monastery public domain stock photo.
Fresco painting building. A building with a bear on the side of it
Architecture stock photograph: A building with a tree on the side of it / A building with a bear on the side of it.
Fresco with Miracle of the Jewels, Spain
Public domain photo of a medieval art painting, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Улисс и его сподвижники поджигают сиконы перед городом Исмарош, участв...
Public domain image of watercolor painting from British-related collections, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Облицовка из кастора и поллюкса, софитная панель, план потолка (recto)...
Public domain reproduction of art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Vestigia delle terme di Tito e loro interne pitture 1776 (10332188)
Polski: Adres wydawniczy: A Roma : presso Ludovico Mirri [...], [1776]Współtwórcy: Carlone, Marco (1742-1796),Mirri, Ludovico DrukOpis fizyczny: [2], 61 k. tabl. ; 55x39 cm
Pietro Cavallini 007, fresco, Italy
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saint Mary Fresco Toma Vishanov Dimitar Molerov 1811 Rila Monastery 34
Saint Mary Fresco Toma Vishanov Dimitar Molerov 1811 Rila Monastery
Saint Mary Fresco Toma Vishanov Dimitar Molerov 1811 Rila Monastery 27
Saint Mary Fresco Toma Vishanov Dimitar Molerov 1811 Rila Monastery
Saint Mary Fresco Toma Vishanov Dimitar Molerov 1811 Rila Monastery 37
Saint Mary Fresco Toma Vishanov Dimitar Molerov 1811 Rila Monastery
Saint Mary Fresco Toma Vishanov Dimitar Molerov 1811 Rila Monastery 15
Saint Mary Fresco Toma Vishanov Dimitar Molerov 1811 Rila Monastery
Triclinium 39 northwest corner House of the Labyrinth Pompeii
Triclinium 39 northwest corner House of the Labyrinth Pompeii
Из церкви Святого Никиты в Банджани 0140
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Никита“ во Бањани, Скопско English: Frescos in St. Nikita Church near Skopje in Macedonia Русский: Фрески церкви св. Никиты в с. Баняни близ Скопье, Македония
Храм Святой Софии в Феодосии
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Софија“ во Охрид English: Paintings in St. Sophia Church in Ohrid, Macedonia Русский: Фрески церкви св. София Oхридская, Македония
Храм Святой Софии в Феодосии
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Софија“ во Охрид English: Paintings in St. Sophia Church in Ohrid, Macedonia Русский: Фрески церкви св. София Oхридская, Македония
Храм Святого Георгия (Старо-Нагорное) 058
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Ѓорѓи“ во Старо Нагоричане, кумановско English: Frescos in St. George Church in Staro Nagoričane, Macedonia Русский: Македония фрески 12-14 вв. Старо Нагорично.
Freski-Sveti Petar-Ostrov Golem Grad
Frescos in St. Peter Church in Islad Golem Grad, Macedonia Public domain photograph of medieval byzantine style art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Картины в церкви Св. Димитрия (Маркова Сушица) 0138
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Димитриј“ во Марковиот манастир, Маркова Сушица, скопско English: Frescos in St. Demetrius Church in Markova Sušica, Macedonia Русский: Марков монастырь «Св. Димитрий», сел... Еще
Картины в церкви Св. Димитрия (Маркова Сушица) 0142
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Димитриј“ во Марковиот манастир, Маркова Сушица, скопско English: Frescos in St. Demetrius Church in Markova Sušica, Macedonia Русский: Марков монастырь «Св. Димитрий», сел... Еще
Панихида в церкви Святого Димитрия (Маркова Сушица)
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Димитриј“ во Марковиот манастир, Маркова Сушица, скопско English: Frescos in St. Demetrius Church in Markova Sušica, Macedonia Русский: Марков монастырь «Св. Димитрий», сел... Еще
Панихида в церкви Святого Димитрия (Маркова Сушица)
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Димитриј“ во Марковиот манастир, Маркова Сушица, скопско English: Frescos in St. Demetrius Church in Markova Sušica, Macedonia Русский: Марков монастырь «Св. Димитрий», сел... Еще
Панихида в церкви Святого Димитрия (Маркова Сушица)
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Димитриј“ во Марковиот манастир, Маркова Сушица, скопско English: Frescos in St. Demetrius Church in Markova Sušica, Macedonia Русский: Марков монастырь «Св. Димитрий», сел... Еще
Панихида в церкви Святого Димитрия (Маркова Сушица)
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Димитриј“ во Марковиот манастир, Маркова Сушица, скопско English: Frescos in St. Demetrius Church in Markova Sušica, Macedonia Русский: Марков монастырь «Св. Димитрий», сел... Еще
Панихида в церкви Святого Димитрия (Маркова Сушица)
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Димитриј“ во Марковиот манастир, Маркова Сушица, скопско English: Frescos in St. Demetrius Church in Markova Sušica, Macedonia Русский: Марков монастырь «Св. Димитрий», сел... Еще
Панихида в церкви Святого Димитрия (Маркова Сушица)
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Димитриј“ во Марковиот манастир, Маркова Сушица, скопско English: Frescos in St. Demetrius Church in Markova Sušica, Macedonia Русский: Марков монастырь «Св. Димитрий», сел... Еще
Панихида в храме Пресвятой Богородицы Периблептос Богородицы 0145
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Богородица Перивлепта“ во Охрид English: Frescos in the Church of the Theotokos Peribleptos, Оhrid Macedonia Русский: Фресок церкви Перивлепты Охридской Македония
Панихида в храме Пресвятой Богородицы 80-х годов
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Богородица Перивлепта“ во Охрид English: Frescos in the Church of the Theotokos Peribleptos, Оhrid Macedonia Русский: Фресок церкви Перивлепты Охридской Македония
Панихида в храме Пресвятой Богородицы Периблептос Богородицы 096
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Богородица Перивлепта“ во Охрид English: Frescos in the Church of the Theotokos Peribleptos, Оhrid Macedonia Русский: Фресок церкви Перивлепты Охридской Македония
Святая София - Покаяние царя Давида
Македонски: Св. Софија - Охрид (1345-1346), Покајание ДавидовоEnglish: The Church of St. Sophia in Ohrid (1345-1346), The Repentence of King David
Св. Архангел Михаил - Радожда фреска 03
13 century fresco in St. Michael the Archangel Church in Radožda, Macedonia Македонски: Фреска од 13 век во пештерната црква „Св. Архангел Михаил“ во струшко Радожда
H Agia Triada Moni Vatopediou Agion Oros
The Holy Trinity an Orthodox wall painted icon at the ceiling of the entrance (πρόστωον) Vatopedion Monastery at Agion Oros (Mount Athos), Greece.
Milutin Decani detalj - Fresco, public domain photograph
Milutin, fresco from Visoki Dečani,Serbia. Public domain photograph of medieval byzantine style art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Minoan fleet freeze from Akrotiri fragment
Akrotiri-Thera fresco fragment, exposed at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.
Minoan fresco, showing a fleet and settlement Akrotiri
Bronze age 'Flotilla' fresco from room 5, in the west house at the Minoan town of Akrotiri, Santorini, Greece Français : Fresque datant de l'âge de bronze dans la ville minoenne sur le site archéologique d'Ak... Еще
San cristoforo (lorenzo di bicci)
Italiano: San Cristoforo- XIV secolo, chiesa di San Pietro in Selva (Malmantile), attribuito ad un artista nella cerchia di Lorenzo di Bicci
Мученик Лавр лик - Fresco, public domain photograph
Русский: Фрагмент фрески Успенского собора на Городке в Звенигороде. Около 1399 года.
Фрэскавы роспіс у замкавай капліцы ў Любліне 13
Беларуская: Фрэска ў замкавай капліцы ў Любліне Public domain photograph of medieval object / medieval style artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fresco depicting Guru Amar Das from Udasi Chitta Akhara in Amritsar
Fresco depicting Guru Amar Das from Udasi Chitta Akhara (established in 1781; also known as 'Ganga Ram Akhara' after the name of its founder) in Amritsar.
Князь Андрей Большой, фреска Архангельского собора
Prince Andrey Bolshoi, fresco of the Archangel Cathedral Public domain photograph of medieval object / medieval style artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saint Germanus Church German 1743 Fresco Achillius Athanasius Basil
Public domain image related to 13th-14th-century architecture, medieval castle, cathedral, historic building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tranovalto St Mary Church Fresco 1
Tranovalto St Mary Church Fresco
Cappalla carafa 15 - Fresco, public domain photograph
LIPPI, Filippino Assumption and Annunciation Fresco Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome
Cappella rinuccini 01 - Public domain dedication image
Cappella rinuccini Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Cattedrale di Anagni - 4211OP7477
Italiano: Cattedrale di Anagni - Affreschi Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Cattedrale di Anagni - 4211OP7484
Italiano: Cattedrale di Anagni - Affreschi
Cimabue, crocifissione di pietro
Cimabue, crocifissione di pietro Public domain photograph of medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of early renaissance art, free to use, no ... Еще
Epimachus - Fresco, public domain photograph
Français : Epimachus (à gauche) et le pape Clément I. Peinture murale au monastère Gracanica au Kosovo This is a photo of Cultural Heritage site of Serbia number СК 1367
Filippino lippi, liberazione di san pietro, cappella brancacci, 1482-8...
Filippino lippi, liberazione di san pietro, cappella brancacci, 1482-85
Franc Jelovšek - Freske v cerkvi sv. Petra, Ljubljana (4)
Slovenščina: Freska v cerkvi sv. Petra, Ljubljana.
Fresco, Jincheng Museum 5 - Fresco, public domain photograph
Fresco, Jincheng Museum中文:晋城博物馆藏明代壁画《众神图》。端氏镇坪上村玉皇庙道教诸神朝觐壁画
Lenjeri church. Crucifixion. 12th c.
The Crucifixion fresco from Lenjeri, Svaneti, Georgia Public domain photograph of medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of early renaissance... Еще
Mengs, Jupiter küsst Ganymed - Fresco, public domain photograph
Jupiter Kissing Ganymede, fresco by Anton Raphael Mengs and Giacomo Casanova in 1758. An imitation of an ancient Roman fresco, it was created to fool archeologist and art historian Johann Joachim Winckelmann,... Еще
Michelangelo, giudizio universale, dettagli 05
MICHELANGELO Buonarroti Last Judgment Fresco, 1370 x 1220 cm Cappella Sistina, Vatican
Michelangelo, giudizio universale, dettagli 20
MICHELANGELO Buonarroti Last Judgment Fresco, 1370 x 1220 cm Cappella Sistina, Vatican
Motyl - Fresco, public domain photograph
Stanisław Wyspiański Public domain photograph of stained glass window, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description