Самый большой мировой архив общественного достояния

frederick law

3,836 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 39
Frederick Law Olmsted, Brookline Mass photograph collection

Frederick Law Olmsted, Brookline Mass photograph collection

Public domain photograph - New England history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at the University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at ...

Название, дата, тема и ключевые слова, предоставленные фотографом. Кредитная линия: The George F. Figger of Alabama 's America, Library of Congress, Prints and Graphs Division. Подарок; Джордж Ф. Фаггер; 2010; ... Еще

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: 1975 Addition, 1821-1924; Subject file; World 's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill.; Maps

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: 1975 Addition, 1821-1924; Subject file; ...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a plan, map, park, birds' eye view, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Art of Landscape - National Parks Gallery

Art of Landscape - National Parks Gallery

Рангер Селена Фацци со студентами-ландшафтниками на территории национального парка Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда

Пешеходный мост на реке Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда

Пешеходный мост на реке Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда

Picryl description: Public domain image of a bridge over a water stream, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Чертежный стол на Национальном сайте имени Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда

Чертежный стол на Национальном сайте имени Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда

Коробка с цветными карандашами и учебник для драматургов сидят на столе в драматургической комнате Национального музея Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда. Эти материалы отражают период, в течение которого Фредерик Лоу Олмс... Еще

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at the University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at ...

Название, дата, тема и ключевые слова, предоставленные фотографом. Кредитная линия: The George F. Figger of Alabama 's America, Library of Congress, Prints and Graphs Division. Подарок; Джордж Ф. Фаггер; 2010; ... Еще

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at the University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at ...

Название, дата, тема и ключевые слова, предоставленные фотографом. Кредитная линия: The George F. Figger of Alabama 's America, Library of Congress, Prints and Graphs Division. Подарок; Джордж Ф. Фаггер; 2010; ... Еще

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at the University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at ...

Название, дата, тема и ключевые слова, предоставленные фотографом. Кредитная линия: The George F. Figger of Alabama 's America, Library of Congress, Prints and Graphs Division. Подарок; Джордж Ф. Фаггер; 2010; ... Еще

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at the University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at ...

Название, дата, тема и ключевые слова, предоставленные фотографом. Кредитная линия: The George F. Figger of Alabama 's America, Library of Congress, Prints and Graphs Division. Подарок; Джордж Ф. Фаггер; 2010; ... Еще

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: 1975 Addition, 1821-1924; Subject file; World 's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill.; Maps

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: 1975 Addition, 1821-1924; Subject file; ...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a plan, map, park, birds' eye view, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Spectacs forsythia (Forsythia intermedia), Национальный парк Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда, 2015.

Spectacs forsythia (Forsythia intermedia), Национальный парк Фредерика...

Это растение обязано своим происхождением садоводству: саженец был обнаружен в ботаническом саду в Германии в 1878 году и официально описан и назван гипотезой в 1885 году. Этот культивар был введен в США в 1889 году.

Японский барбарис (Berberis thunbergii), Национальный парк Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда, 2015 год.

Японский барбарис (Berberis thunbergii), Национальный парк Фредерика Л...

Этот барбарис, родом из Японии и Восточной Азии, может быть известен как японский барбарис, барбарис Тунберга или красный барбарис. Не путайте его с американским барбарисом (B. canfensis) или другими видами бар... Еще

Китайская айва (Chaenomeles specialis), Национальный парк Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда, 2015 год.

Китайская айва (Chaenomeles specialis), Национальный парк Фредерика Ло...

Все виды Chaenomeles родом из Японии, Кореи, Китая, Бхутана или Бирмы. Этот конкретный вид, C. specialis, родом из Китая и Кореи и имеет твердые зеленые яблоневые плоды с цветами от оттенков красного до белого ... Еще

Горный лавровый лист (Kallatifolia) в цвету, Национальный парк Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда, 2015 год.

Горный лавровый лист (Kallatifolia) в цвету, Национальный парк Фредери...

Горный лавровый лист, который в народе называют калико-ложечкой или ложечкой, относится к семейству эрикацеев. Этот вечнозеленый саван производит круглые цветки, варьирующиеся по цвету от светло-розового до бел... Еще

Мбаппе (Малус), Национальный парк Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда, 2015 год.

Мбаппе (Малус), Национальный парк Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда, 2015 год.

Баппи относятся к роду Malus и являются уроженцами умеренной зоны Северного Гемисфера. Паштеты маленькие и кислые по вкусу, они похожи на небольшое яблоко и обычно красные, хотя и не всегда.

Frederick Law Olmsted. - Public domain portrait print

Frederick Law Olmsted. - Public domain portrait print

Public domain scan of newspaper clippings, periodicals, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at the University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama

Frederick Law Olmsted designed the landcaping, ampitheatre and art at ...

Название, дата, тема и ключевые слова, предоставленные фотографом. Кредитная линия: The George F. Figger of Alabama 's America, Library of Congress, Prints and Graphs Division. Подарок; Джордж Ф. Фаггер; 2010; ... Еще

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: 1975 Addition, 1821-1924; Subject file; World 's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill.; Maps

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: 1975 Addition, 1821-1924; Subject file; ...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a plan, map, park, birds' eye view, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Фредерик Лоу Олмстед / Энтони Джонсон; с фотографии Джеймса Нотмана.

Фредерик Лоу Олмстед / Энтони Джонсон; с фотографии Джеймса Нотмана.

Фредерик Лоу Олмстед, портрет в половину длины, лицом налево. Илсиньо. в: Ежемесячный иллюстрированный журнал "Век". New York: The Century Co., 1893 Oct.

Frederick Law Olmsted - Public domain portrait print

Frederick Law Olmsted - Public domain portrait print

Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ложная печать Соломона (Maianthemum racemosum), Национальный парк Фредерика Лоу Олмстеда, 2015 год.

Ложная печать Соломона (Maianthemum racemosum), Национальный парк Фред...

Этот травянистый многолетник, который также называют фейерверком ложной лилии, шлейфом Соломона, колючей ягодой или ложным шпинатом, дает зеленые плоды, которые в конце лета становятся круглыми и красными.

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); Clippings

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York...

Public domain scan of newspaper clippings. Free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1861, June
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1887-1888
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); Clippings

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York...

Public domain scan of newspaper clippings. Free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Maps and drawings
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1859, July-Aug
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1873
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1864-1867
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1859, Jane Apr
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1880-1882
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1873
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Undated (1 of 4)
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Undated (2 of 4)
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y.; Central Park; Salary issue, 1875-1877, unded
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Undated (3 of 4)
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1861, May
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1861, June
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1862
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1880-1882
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1861, Jan
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1887-1888
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: 1975 Addition, 1821-1924; Subject file; Central Park, New York, N.Y., 1874, under
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1889
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1887-1888
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Undated (4 of 4)
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1864-1867
Фредерик Лоу Олмстед Паперс: Subject File, 1857-1952; Парки; Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк (включая Центральный парк); Мбаппе, Септи О.
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1875, June-November, under
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y.; Central Park; Annual Report, Board of Composers, 1865-1870
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1871-1872
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Undated (2 of 4)
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y.; Central Park; Annual Report, Board of Composers, 1865-1870
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Undated (3 of 4)
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1861, May
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1883-1886
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Undated (3 of 4)
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1873
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1861, Feb
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1889
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1880-1882
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y.; Central Park; Annual Report, Board of Composers, 1865-1870
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y.; Central Park; Annual Report, Board of Composers, 1865-1870
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1861
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1883-1886
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1861, Jan
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1875, June-November, under
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1889
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Undated (1 of 4)
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); Undated (2 of 4)
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1880-1882
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1859, Sept<unk> Dec
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1873
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1875, Jane 'Mar
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1861, Jan
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1874, Jane May
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); Clippings

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York...

Public domain scan of newspaper clippings. Free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1859, Sept<unk> Dec
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1861, May
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1861, Jan
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, NY (including Central Park); 1889
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park);
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1859, Jane Apr
Frederick Law Olmsted Papers: Subject File, 1857-1952; Parks; New York, N.Y. (including Central Park); 1874, June-Dec

of 39

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