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[Павильон Перуссон, выставка кирпича, эмали, терракоты и керамики, для М. Перуссона и Дефонтена, архитектора Т. Ферре, расположенный недалеко от основания Эйфелевой башни, Парижская выставка, 1889 г.]

[Павильон Перуссон, выставка кирпича, эмали, терракоты и керамики, для...

Originals in PR12, LOT 6634. Public domain photograph of Paris Exposition Universelle, 1889, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Chapiteaux de faisceau de colonnettes engagées avec feuilles à crochets

Chapiteaux de faisceau de colonnettes engagées avec feuilles à crochet...

Deux chapiteaux engagés avec départ des deux colonnettes. Élément fixé au AP356. Numéro d'inventaire - A l'encre noire, sur vernis : "AP208". Inscription - Gravé sur la partie supérieure : "89". Les chapiteaux ... Еще

Рельеф, вырезанный с помощью бутонов папируса и цветов

Рельеф, вырезанный с помощью бутонов папируса и цветов

Public domain photo of Egyptian sculpture, ancient civilizations, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Fragment d'un tympan où figurait le tétramorphe

Fragment d'un tympan où figurait le tétramorphe

Fragment d'un tympan où figurait le tétramorphe dont il ne reste que le lion de saint Marc, la tête revelée. Numéro d'inventaire - A l'encre noire, sur vernis : "AP144". Fragment d'un tympan où figurait le tétr... Еще

Corbeau décoré d'un buste de moine

Corbeau décoré d'un buste de moine

Corbeau décoré d'un buste de moine sortant d'un gros crochet fleuri, la main gauche sur la poitrine. Inscription - A l'encre rouge : "347". Corbeau décoré d'un buste de moine sortant d'un gros crochet fleuri, l... Еще

Tête de moine à la coiffure en écuelle

Tête de moine à la coiffure en écuelle

Tête au nez cassé et présentant une tonsure (caractéristique du clerc). Numéro d'inventaire - Au revers, sur une cassure, à l'encre noire sur vernis : " AP Tête au nez cassé et présentant une tonsure (caractéri... Еще

Chapiteau de colonne d'angle - Public domain museum image. A black and white photo of a sculpture

Chapiteau de colonne d'angle - Public domain museum image. A black and...

Chapiteau de colonne d'angle, décoré de longues feuilles et de crochets. Numéro d'inventaire - Gravé sur le revers : "AP333". Chapiteau de colonne d'angle décoré de longues feuilles.

MedalObverse: Конный портрет императора Константина (r. 307-337)

MedalObverse: Конный портрет императора Константина (r. 307-337)

A bronze medal of the duke of york, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Геомантические таблицы из BL Add 18210, f. 93

Геомантические таблицы из BL Add 18210, f. 93

Таблицы точек, представляющих модели, интерпретированные в трактате о геомантии. Изображение взято из ф. 93 "Трактатов о пальмистике" (ff. 85-86v), спатуломантия (ff. 86v-89), геомантия (ff. 89v-102) и гематоск... Еще

Part I: Carolo III.  Lotharingiae et Barri Duci. . .Dix grande Tables, contenantes les pourtaictz des pompe funebres

Part I: Carolo III. Lotharingiae et Barri Duci. . .Dix grande Tables,...

Frédéric Brentel (German, 1580–1651 (active Strasbourg)) Public domain scan of German 16th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Column Shaft, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Column Shaft, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Languedoc Engaged Column Shaft - Public domain dedication museum photo

Languedoc Engaged Column Shaft - Public domain dedication museum photo

Made in Languedoc, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyri... Еще

Column Shaft, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Column Shaft, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Made in Languedoc, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyri... Еще

Capital, 11th century, Burgundy, France

Capital, 11th century, Burgundy, France

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Glass Fragment, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Glass Fragment, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Glass Fragment, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Glass Fragment, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Glass Fragment, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Glass Fragment, 11th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Capital, 11th century, Burgundy, France

Capital, 11th century, Burgundy, France

Public domain photo of a 3d object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Champlevé Chasse, 11th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Champlevé Chasse, 11th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Made in Limoges, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyrigh... Еще

Chapiteau : corbeille divisée en deux parties

Chapiteau : corbeille divisée en deux parties

Chapiteau dont la corbeille est divisée en deux parties. En bas, zone de personnages dont il ne reste que les jambes. Des agrafes métalliques ont été placées pour maintenir les fragments entre eux. Numéro d'inv... Еще

Denier de Philippe II Auguste, 1180-1223

Denier de Philippe II Auguste, 1180-1223

Relief, droit et revers Légende - Au droit circulaire commençant à gauche : "PHILIPVS REX" ; dans le champ : "FRA/OCN" ; au revers circulaire : "PERONNE". Droit : inscription sur deux lignes ; revers : une croix.

Walter Map and Henry II from BL Add 17443, f. 62

Walter Map and Henry II from BL Add 17443, f. 62

Миниатюра чернилами Вальтера Карта, написавшая последнюю часть легенды, следуя инструкциям Генриха II. Изображение взято из фр. 62 Фелот-Грейл. Венгер по-французски.

Virgin, 12th century Normandie - Public domain dedication museum photo

Virgin, 12th century Normandie - Public domain dedication museum photo

Made in Normandy (?), France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no cop... Еще

Chasse, Limoges, France, Limousin, Occitania, France

Chasse, Limoges, France, Limousin, Occitania, France

Public domain photo of a golden object, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Champlevé Censer, 12th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Champlevé Censer, 12th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Made in Limoges, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyrigh... Еще

Тухель поднялся с BL Royal 16 F II, f. 188

Тухель поднялся с BL Royal 16 F II, f. 188

Detail of a Tudor rose in the lower left corner of the folio. Image taken from f. 188 of Poems; Art d'amour; Les demands d'amour; Le liver dot grace entire sure le fait du government d'un prince. Written in Fre... Еще

Champlevé Chasse, 12th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Champlevé Chasse, 12th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Made in Limoges, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyrigh... Еще

Champlevé Band, 12th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Champlevé Band, 12th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Made in Limoges, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyrigh... Еще

Queen and monk from BL Harley 4399, f. 2v

Queen and monk from BL Harley 4399, f. 2v

Detail of a miniature of a queen and a monk. Image taken from f. 2v of Pèlerinage de vie humaine (index Pelerinage de vie humaine, Pilgrimage of the life of man). Written in French. The "BL Harley Manuscript" ... Еще

Вивьен и его мать прибывают в Люцерн из BL Royal 20 D XI, f.

Вивьен и его мать прибывают в Люцерн из BL Royal 20 D XI, f.

Miniature of Vivien and his mother arriving to Luserne, at the beginning of 'Les Enfances Vivien'. Image taken from f. 124v of Chansons of the cycle of Guillaume d'Orange. Written in French. The BL Royal Manus... Еще

Idolatrous dance from BL Royal 17 F III, f. 54

Idolatrous dance from BL Royal 17 F III, f. 54

Detail of a miniature of a group of men dancing around an idol, at the beginning of book 2. Image taken from f. 54 of City of God (La cité de Dieu). Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also ... Еще

Битва при Кастийоне-сюр-Дордонь от BL Royal 20 C IX, f. 263

Битва при Кастийоне-сюр-Дордонь от BL Royal 20 C IX, f. 263

Detail of a miniature of the battle of English and French at Castillon-sur-Dordogne. Image taken from f. 263 of Grandes Chroniques de France (Chronique de Charles VII). Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscri... Еще

Giovanni Boccaccio - Sempronia from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 121, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Sempronia from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 121, illuminat...

Detail of a miniature of Sempronia, wife of a Roman consul, with a book, desk, and musical instruments, being embraced by a man. Image taken from f. 121 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in a... Еще

Нападение на Яффу со стороны BL Royal 15 E I, f. 161v

Нападение на Яффу со стороны BL Royal 15 E I, f. 161v

Миниатюра нападения на Яффо. Изображение взято из f. 161v fabria rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum, на французском языке, с продолжением до 1231 года. Венгер по-французски.

Black Horse from BL Royal 19 B XV, f. 10

Black Horse from BL Royal 19 B XV, f. 10

Miniature of John with a symbol of Luke and the vision of the Black Horse, a portent of famine, illustrating the opening of the Third Seal (Revelation 6: 5). Image taken from f. 10 of Apocalypse, with commentar... Еще

'Estienne Houet' from BL Harley 5301, f. 22

'Estienne Houet' from BL Harley 5301, f. 22

Arms of 'Estienne Houet', surrounded by the collar of the order: the rosary with a gold pendant in the shape of the Virgin and Child. Image taken from f. 22 of Statuts et armoiries des chevaliers de la Table Ro... Еще

Герцоги Эксетер и Солсбери из BL Harley 1319, f. 25

Герцоги Эксетер и Солсбери из BL Harley 1319, f. 25

Miniature of the Dukes of Exeter and Salisbury, sent to confer about the differences between Richard and other nobles. Image taken from f. 25 of La Prinse et mort du roy Richart (Book of the Capture and Death o... Еще

Армейский из BL Royal 16 G IX, ф. 42в

Армейский из BL Royal 16 G IX, ф. 42в

Detail of a miniature of Cyrus and his army marching off to war. Image taken from f. 42v of Cyropaedia (Cyropédie). Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal Collection, co... Еще

Турнир из BL Royal 14 E IV, ф. 81 год

Турнир из BL Royal 14 E IV, ф. 81 год

Detail of a miniature of the joust between Nicholas Clifford and a Frenchman, at the beginning of chapter 8 of book 2. Image taken from f. 81 of Recueil des croniques d’Engleterre. Written in French. The BL Ro... Еще

Ударив Феллайни штангой из BL Add 10293, f 332v

Ударив Феллайни штангой из BL Add 10293, f 332v

Миниатюра танцовщика, бьющего по голове посохом в павилионе. Изображение взято из фр. 332v Фало дю Лак. Венгер по-французски.

Танец Водолея из BL Harley 4380, ф. 1

Танец Водолея из BL Harley 4380, ф. 1

Miniature of the dance of the Wodewoses. Image taken from f. 1 of Chroniques, Vol. IV, part 2. Written in French. The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a collection of medieval manuscripts held in the British L... Еще

Creation from BL Harley 334, f. 1

Creation from BL Harley 334, f. 1

Detail of a miniature of God creating animals and birds. Image taken from f. 1 of Image du Monde (Le livre de clergie en roumans) (index Mappe Monde). Written in French. The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a ... Еще

Knight and Imagination from BL Royal 19 C VIII, f. 3

Knight and Imagination from BL Royal 19 C VIII, f. 3

Miniature of the knight kneeling and addressing Lady Imagination, with the city of Halle in the background, with a full trompe l'oeil border, including flowers, fruit, and the royal arms of England. Image taken... Еще

Жизнь Цезаря из BL Royal 16 G VII, f. 219

Жизнь Цезаря из BL Royal 16 G VII, f. 219

Four-part miniature of the life of Julius Caesar. Image taken from f. 219 of Les anciennes hystoires rommaines (A compilation of ancient history in two parts, each preceded by a table of contents: Part 1, l'His... Еще

Ахилл, Кальхас и Агамемнон из BL Royal 16 F IX, ф. 28 год

Ахилл, Кальхас и Агамемнон из BL Royal 16 F IX, ф. 28 год

Detail of a miniature of Achilles bringing Calchas to Agamemnon. Image taken from f. 28 of Historia destructionis Troiae in a French translation. Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also kno... Еще

Orpheus, Eurydice, and fiends from BL Royal 17 E IV, f. 155

Orpheus, Eurydice, and fiends from BL Royal 17 E IV, f. 155

Detail of a miniature of Orpheus, Eurydice, and fiends. Image taken from f. 155 of Metamorphoses, second anonymous French translation (Ovide moralisé). Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, al... Еще

Вильгельм Завоеватель и Вильям Руфус из BL YT 33, f. 176

Вильгельм Завоеватель и Вильям Руфус из BL YT 33, f. 176

Detail of a miniature of the funeral of William the Conqueror in the Abbaye aux hommes at Caen; on the right, a miniature of Lanfranc crowning William Rufus before a watching group of men, from the Grande Chron... Еще

Мбаппе и его потомки из BL Royal 14 B VI, Membrane 5

Мбаппе и его потомки из BL Royal 14 B VI, Membrane 5

Detail from the roll of the dukes of Normandy: Rollo, William, and Richard, with seven roundels showing Richard's children. Image taken from Membrane 5 of Genealogical roll of the kings of England. Written in ... Еще

Glass Fragment, 12th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Glass Fragment, 12th century - Public domain dedication museum photo

Made in Bourges, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyrigh... Еще

Аркады монастыря с двойными капителями

Аркады монастыря с двойными капителями

Made in Pyrénées-Aquintaine, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use,... Еще

Мбаппе из BL Sloane 1977, ф.

Мбаппе из BL Sloane 1977, ф.

Image taken from f. 7 of Chirurgia. Written in French. Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753) was a physician and naturalist who played a crucial role in the development of British museums and libraries. Sloane was a fel... Еще

Благовещение, Благовещение и Рождество от БЛ Слоун 1977, ф. 2

Благовещение, Благовещение и Рождество от БЛ Слоун 1977, ф. 2

Detail of full-page miniature of the upper register of the Annunciation, Visitation, and Nativity. Image taken from f. 2 of Chirurgia. Written in French. The Annunciation is a biblical event in which the angel... Еще

Мбаппе из BL Royal 15 E I, f. 438

Мбаппе из BL Royal 15 E I, f. 438

Миниатюра осады Иерусалима Саладином. Изображение взято из фр. 438 "a rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum" на французском языке, с продолжением до 1231 года. Венгер по-французски.

Озил из BL Sloane 1977, f. 2v

Озил из BL Sloane 1977, f. 2v

Cranial surgical procedure. Image taken from f. 2v of Chirurgia. Written in French. Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753) was a physician and naturalist who played a crucial role in the development of British museums an... Еще

Покаяние, отвращение и созерцание из BL YT 11, f. 29

Покаяние, отвращение и созерцание из BL YT 11, f. 29

Detail of a miniature divided in four compartments: a nun's vision of the Trinity. Image taken from f. 29 of 'La Sainte Abbaye' (ff. 2-7); a treatise on love (ff. 7-28); Livres de l'estat de l'ame (ff. 28v-51v)... Еще

Battle of Hastings from BL YT 33, f. 167

Battle of Hastings from BL YT 33, f. 167

Detail of a miniature of the aftermath of the Battle of Hastings, including relatives seeking their dead, four monks carrying Harold's body to Waltham Abbey, and victorious Normans issuing from their pavilions,... Еще

Ахилл из BL Royal 16 F IX, f. 47

Ахилл из BL Royal 16 F IX, f. 47

Detail of a miniature of Achilles. Image taken from f. 47 of Historia destructionis Troiae in a French translation. Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal Collection, co... Еще

Меч Поммеля с оружием Пьера де Дрё (прим. 1187-1250), герцог Бриттани и граф Ричмонд

Меч Поммеля с оружием Пьера де Дрё (прим. 1187-1250), герцог Бриттани ...

A bronze shield with a crest on it, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Champlevé Pyx, 13th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Champlevé Pyx, 13th century, Limousin, Occitania, France

Made in Limoges, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyrigh... Еще

Medallion with Youth Leading Long-necked Animal, Limousin, Occitania, France

Medallion with Youth Leading Long-necked Animal, Limousin, Occitania, ...

Made in Limoges, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyrigh... Еще

Doorway from Moutiers-Saint-Jean

Doorway from Moutiers-Saint-Jean

Public domain photo of Antique sculpture, Europe, medieval, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Генрих I из BL Royal 14 B V, Membrane 5

Генрих I из BL Royal 14 B V, Membrane 5

Detail from the roll of king Henry I, his wife Maud (or Matilda), their son William and daughter Maud (or Matilda). Image taken from Membrane 5 of Genealogical chronicle of the English Kings. Written in French.... Еще

Шарлемань и его бароны из BL Royal 16 G II, f. 40v

Шарлемань и его бароны из BL Royal 16 G II, f. 40v

Detail of a miniature of Charlemagne enthroned consulting his barons, with a partial border, a foliate initial 'E'(n ceste), and an instruction to illuminator reading 'Icy soit fait ung palaiz ou le roy Charlem... Еще

Явление Христа из BL Royal 20 B IV, ф. 157в

Явление Христа из BL Royal 20 B IV, ф. 157в

Миниатюрная фигура Христа, явившаяся 500 братьям. Изображение взято из f. 157v Meditationes vitae Christi (Le Livre doré des meditations de la vie de nostre seigneur Jesu Christ). Венгер по-французски.

Fireplace, 14th century Normandie, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Fireplace, 14th century Normandie, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Made in Alençon, Normandy, France Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, n... Еще

Мбаппе: Преподаватели и студенты BL YT 19, f. 3

Мбаппе: Преподаватели и студенты BL YT 19, f. 3

Miniature of man teaching students, and decorated initial 'C'(his), in Brunetto Latini's Le Livre du Trésor. Image taken from f. 3 of Li Livres dou Tresor. Written in French. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) w... Еще

Ариадна из BL Harley 4867, f. 74v

Ариадна из BL Harley 4867, f. 74v

Miniature of Adriane, asleep in bed on an island, surounded by a lion, a wolf, a griffin and a dragon, with an illuminated initial 'J'(ay plus trouvé de clemence et pitié). Image taken from f. 74v of Heroides (... Еще

Gaheriat and Fedan le Noir from BL Royal 20 D IV, f. 187

Gaheriat and Fedan le Noir from BL Royal 20 D IV, f. 187

Detail of a miniature of the combat between Gaheriat and Guidan le Noir, with a woman behind Gaheriat. Image taken from f. 187 of Lancelot du Lac. Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also kn... Еще

Христос исцеление от BL Royal 20 B IV, f. 94v

Христос исцеление от BL Royal 20 B IV, f. 94v

Миниатюра Христа, исцеляющего слепого от рождения. Изображение взято из f. 94v Meditationes vitae Christi (Le Livre doré des meditations de la vie de nostre seigneur Jesu Christ). Венгер по-французски.

Les quarante martyrs de Sébaste

Les quarante martyrs de Sébaste

Date et signature - Signé et daté dans la partie inférieure : '"XATZINIKITAREA", 11 avril 171(1?)' Inscription - Inscriptions en haut, de part et d'autre du Christ Les quarante martyrs debout, les pieds reposan... Еще

Бой с BL Royal 15 E I, f. 273v

Бой с BL Royal 15 E I, f. 273v

Мбаппе о битве между императором Конрадом и турками с фолиантовой начальной буквой "Т" (andis). Изображение взято из f. 273v Fabria rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum, на французском языке, с продолжением ... Еще

Париж и Елена из BL Harley 4376, f. 90

Париж и Елена из BL Harley 4376, f. 90

Miniature of Paris and Helena meeting Priam outside Troy, at the beginning of book 2; initial and borders. Image taken from f. 90 of Chronique de la Bouquechardière. Written in French. The "BL Harley Manuscrip... Еще

Венера из BL Royal 19 C I, f. 41v

Венера из BL Royal 19 C I, f. 41v

Detail of a miniature of Venus with a mirror, swimming. Image taken from f. 41v of Breviari d'Amor. Written in French (Occitan) (Provencal). The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal Collecti... Еще

Illuminated initial from BL Lansdowne 474, f. 17

Illuminated initial from BL Lansdowne 474, f. 17

Illuminated initial 'C' (um) at the beginning of the statutes of Edward III. Изображение взято из f. 17 Nova Statuta (указатель Statutes of England, Statuta Angliae, Statute book), несовершенных и других тексто... Еще

Ангел и змея из BL Royal 15 D II, f. 194

Ангел и змея из BL Royal 15 D II, f. 194

Detail of a miniature of John witnessing the angel binding the serpent, and casting him into the abyss, in illustration of Revelation 20:2-3. Image taken from f. 194 of La lumiere as lais; Apocalypse (the 'Well... Еще

Артур из BL Add 38127, f. 73v

Артур из BL Add 38127, f. 73v

Мбаппе исторически изначального "О" Артура, извлекающего меч из камня. Изображение взято из f. 73v Джозефа д "Аримати (ff. 1-18), Le Livre de Merlin (ff. 18v-74), Suite de Merlin (ff. 74-226), ("Рукопись Хута")... Еще

Сотворение Евы из BL Royal 15 D II, f. 1v

Сотворение Евы из BL Royal 15 D II, f. 1v

Detail of a miniature of the creation of Eve from Adam's rib. Image taken from f. 1v of La lumiere as lais; Apocalypse (the 'Welles Apocalypse'). Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also kno... Еще

Ангел на солнце от BL Royal 15 D II, f. 192v

Ангел на солнце от BL Royal 15 D II, f. 192v

Detail of a miniature of John witnessing the angel standing on the sun, summoning birds to feed on the flesh of men and horses, Revelation 19:17-21. Image taken from f. 192v of La lumiere as lais; Apocalypse (t... Еще

Бог, Агнец и толпы из BL Royal 15 D II, f. 133v

Бог, Агнец и толпы из BL Royal 15 D II, f. 133v

Miniature of God enthroned in a mandorla, with the Lamb and a book; in the upper register are the multitude, holding palm branches, in the lower register are rows of angels, in illustration of Revelation 7:9. I... Еще

Землетрясение и сокрытие королей от BL Royal 15 D II, f. 131

Землетрясение и сокрытие королей от BL Royal 15 D II, f. 131

Detail of a miniature of John witnessing the opening of the sixth seal and unleashing a great earthquake, from which the kings and nobles of the earth hide in caves, in illustration of Revelation 6:11-15. Image... Еще

Virgin and Child, sculpture collection Rijksmuseum

Virgin and Child, sculpture collection Rijksmuseum

Начиная с XIII века, статуи Богородицы и Младенца в натуральную величину были найдены по всей Европе. По форме они отражали монументальные статуи в больших французских катедрах в таких городах, как Париж, Шартр... Еще

Ведьмы из BL Royal 16 G VI, f. 64

Ведьмы из BL Royal 16 G VI, f. 64

Detail of a miniature of witches being burnt and tortured, Mummolus hanged, and Fredegunda melting her child's plate, at the beginning of chapter 20 of book 3. Image taken from f. 64 of Chroniques de France ou ... Еще

Филипп и Джон из BL Royal 16 G VI, f. 362v

Филипп и Джон из BL Royal 16 G VI, f. 362v

Detail of a miniature of John, king of England, doing homage to Philip Augustus. Image taken from f. 362v of Chroniques de France ou de St Denis. Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also kno... Еще

Charlemagne from BL Royal 16 G VI, f. 175v

Charlemagne from BL Royal 16 G VI, f. 175v

Detail of a miniature of Charlemagne granting privileges to Compostella, and Charlemagne worshipping at the tomb of James. Image taken from f. 175v of Chroniques de France ou de St Denis. Written in French. Th... Еще

Пешие солдаты и кавалерия из BL Royal 16 G VI, f. 381

Пешие солдаты и кавалерия из BL Royal 16 G VI, f. 381

Detail of a miniature of foot soldiers and cavalry. Image taken from f. 381 of Chroniques de France ou de St Denis. Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal Collection, co... Еще

Мангонель из BL Royal 19 D I, f. 111

Мангонель из BL Royal 19 D I, f. 111

Detail of a miniature of a mangonel devised by Nicholas Polo, his brother, and his son, for the siege of Saianfu. Image taken from f. 111 of Historia de proeliis, translated in French as La vraie ystoire dou bo... Еще

Ковчег из BL Royal 19 D II, f. 13v

Ковчег из BL Royal 19 D II, f. 13v

Detail of a miniature of the entry into the Ark. Image taken from f. 13v of Bible historiale complétée moyenne (the 'Bible Historiale of John the Good'). Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, ... Еще

Аман из BL Royal 19 D II, ф. 237в

Аман из BL Royal 19 D II, ф. 237в

Detail of a miniature of Haman being hanged, and the king, queen, and Mordecai at a table. Image taken from f. 237v of Bible historiale complétée moyenne (the 'Bible Historiale of John the Good'). Written in Fr... Еще

Humility and Pride from BL Royal 19 C II, f. 52

Humility and Pride from BL Royal 19 C II, f. 52

Detail of a miniature of Humility holding a disk with a lamb and Ahaziah falling from a tower, representing Pride. Image taken from f. 52 of La somme le roi, with Gospels and the Complainte de Notre Dame. Writt... Еще

Крестный ход Филиппа ле Беля из BL Royal 20 C VII, f. 49

Крестный ход Филиппа ле Беля из BL Royal 20 C VII, f. 49

Detail of a miniature of the funeral procession of Philippe le Bel. Image taken from f. 49 of Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (from 1270 to 1380). Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, als... Еще

Третий крестовый поход пастухов из BL Royal 20 C VII, f. 55v

Третий крестовый поход пастухов из BL Royal 20 C VII, f. 55v

Detail of a miniature of the Third Crusade of Pastoureaux; Jews throwing their children from a tower. Image taken from f. 55v of Chroniques de France ou de St Denis (from 1270 to 1380). Written in French. The ... Еще

Орфей и Эвридика из BL Harley 4431, f. 126v

Орфей и Эвридика из BL Harley 4431, f. 126v

Miniature of Orpheus looking back as he leads Eurydice from Hell, in 'L'Épître Othéa'. Image taken from f. 126v of Various works (also known as 'The Book of the Queen'), including 'Cent balades' (ff. 4-21), 'Le... Еще

Три пары влюбленных из BL Harley 4431, f. 71v

Три пары влюбленных из BL Harley 4431, f. 71v

Detail of a miniature of three pairs of lovers being presented to Jean de Werchin, Seneschal of Hainault, in 'Le Livre des iii jugements'. Image taken from f. 71v of Various works (also known as 'The Book of th... Еще

Нарцисс из BL Harley 4431, f. 104

Нарцисс из BL Harley 4431, f. 104

Detail of a miniature of Narcissus gazing at his own reflection, in 'L'Épître Othéa'. Image taken from f. 104 of Various works (also known as 'The Book of the Queen'), including 'Cent balades' (ff. 4-21), 'Le D... Еще

BL Harley 4431, f. 135v

BL Harley 4431, f. 135v

Detail of a miniature of King Ninus besieging the city of Babylon, in 'L'Épître Othéa'. Image taken from f. 135v of Various works (also known as 'The Book of the Queen'), including 'Cent balades' (ff. 4-21), 'L... Еще

15th century from "Paris à travers les siècles. Histoire nationale de Paris et des Parisiens depuis la fondation de Lutèce jusqu'à nos jours, etc"

15th century from "Paris à travers les siècles. Histoire nationale d...

Это изображение взято из скана 000071 из тома 02 книги "Paris a travers les sie". Histoire de Paris et des Parisiens depuis la dation de Lute jusqu 'a nos jours, etc ". Название и тематика этого изображения был... Еще

Duke of True Love and companies from BL Harley 4431, f. 145

Duke of True Love and companies from BL Harley 4431, f. 145

Detail of a miniature of the Duke of True Love and his companions entertaining ladies in a garden, in 'Le Duc des vrais amants'. Image taken from f. 145 of Various works (also known as 'The Book of the Queen'),... Еще

Дэвид и певцы из BL Royal 15 D III, f. 271

Дэвид и певцы из BL Royal 15 D III, f. 271

Miniature of David and singers. Image taken from f. 271 of Bible historiale, the early version. Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal Collection, consists of over 2,000... Еще

Персей из BL Harley 4431, f. 120v

Персей из BL Harley 4431, f. 120v

Detail of a miniature of Perseus battling the Gorgon, in 'L'Épître Othéa'. Image taken from f. 120v of Various works (also known as 'The Book of the Queen'), including 'Cent balades' (ff. 4-21), 'Le Débat du li... Еще

Актеон из BL Harley 4431, ф. 126

Актеон из BL Harley 4431, ф. 126

Detail of a miniature of Actaeon surprising Diana at her bath; he is turned into a stag as punishment, in 'L'Épître Othéa'. Image taken from f. 126 of Various works (also known as 'The Book of the Queen'), incl... Еще


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