Cornelis Springer Fischerleute am Pier
Fischerleute am Pier, monogrammiert (ligiert) CS, undeutlich datiert, Öl auf Holz 23,5 x 19 cm
Ludwig Dill - Heimbringen des Fanges
Public domain scan of print depicting a sailboat or small ship, seascape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig Dill - Fischerboote in Venedig
Public domain scan of print depicting a sailboat or small ship, seascape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Francesco Fidanza painting1
Mediterranean scene with fishermen in front of a cannon shooting galley, Oil on canvas (139 x 170 cm). Deutsch: Südländische Hafenszene mit Fischern vor Kanonen feuernder Galeere, Öl auf Leinwand Öl auf Leinw... Еще
Glaspalast 1888 111 - A black and white drawing of people on the beach
Glückliche Heimkehr Public domain photograph of a ship, sailing ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
FMIB 33024 Ninevites Fishing
Ninevites Fishing Subject: Nineven (Extinct city), Traditional fishing Geographic Subject: Iraq--Nineveh (Extinct city) Tag: Expositions, Traditional Fisheries
Đ.Krstić Babakaj 1892 - A painting of a boat in a body of water
Српски / srpski: Фотографија слике Ђорђе Крстић Бабакај 1892, пренето са сајта: Овде
Along the Tiber (1881), by Enrico Coleman
Along the Tiber (1881), by Enrico Coleman
Jacob Maris - Aankomst der boten
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Adventures in the wilderness = Camp-life in the Adirondacks (1869) (17...
Title: Adventures in the wilderness = Camp-life in the Adirondacks Identifier: adventuresinwild01murr (find matches) Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Murray, W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison), 1840-1904 Subjects: ... Еще
Adventures in the wilderness = Camp-life in the Adirondacks (1869) (17...
Title: Adventures in the wilderness = Camp-life in the Adirondacks Identifier: adventuresinwild01murr (find matches) Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Murray, W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison), 1840-1904 Subjects: ... Еще
Adventures in the wilderness = Camp-life in the Adirondacks (1869) (17...
Title: Adventures in the wilderness = Camp-life in the Adirondacks Identifier: adventuresinwild01murr (find matches) Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Murray, W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison), 1840-1904 Subjects: ... Еще
Scott and Bowne (3092712197) - Drawing. Public domain image.
: tradecards,80 Subject (TGM): Children; Boys; Sailors; Fish; Trout; Boats; Fishermen; Waterfronts; Medicine; Medicines; Patent medicines; Pharmacists; Drugstores; Nets Keywords: Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver ... Еще
Falls of the Conway, near Bettws y Coed, Wales
Вид на водопады в районе Бетвс-и-Код, изображающий пожарного и туриста.
Franz Ludwig Catel - Neapolitanische Fischerfamilie
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gurney-008-98304 - Public domain drawing
Babbicombe the bay - Page from 'Sketches by Richenda Cunningham at Torquay & its neighbourhood in April & May 1854, Vol.1'. Выставленный на продажу компанией Abbott and Holder в марте 2020 года, он был описан к... Еще
Charles Giraud, Pêche de nuit dans un lagon, 1840
Français : Titre: Pêche de nuit dans un lagon Description: Années 1840 Auteur: Giraud Sébastien Charles (1819-1892) Crédit photographique: (C) RMN / Daniel Arnaudet Période: 19e siècle, période contemporaine ... Еще
FMIB 32617 Big Day on the Grimersta
Big Day on the Grimersta Subject: Fishing Tag: Sport Fishing
De Visser, gevelsteen
De Visser, gevelsteen.
Artgate Fondazione Cariplo - Pratella Attilio, Pescatori sul molo
Picryl description: Public domain photo of an Italian art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Pieter Stevens II - A wooded river landscape with fishermen by cottage...
Public domain photo of landscape art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Wenceslas Hollar - Salmon fishing (State 1)
Public domain reproduction of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
David Cox (I) - Fishermen and their Boats at Millbank on the Thames
Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fish stories alleged and experienced (Plate 1) (7644327336)
Paul Cézanne - Les Pêcheurs (scène fantastique)
Public domain photograph of picnic, leisure time, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Adventures in the wilderness, or, Camp-life in the Adirondacks (1869) ...
Title: Adventures in the wilderness, or, Camp-life in the Adirondacks Identifier: adventuresinwild00inmurr (find matches) Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Murray, W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison), 1840-1904; Fenn... Еще
The world- historical and actual (1886) (14780568981)
Identifier: worldhistoricala00gilb (find matches) Title: The world: historical and actual Year: 1886 (1880s) Authors: Gilbert, Frank, 1839-1899. (from old catalog) Subjects: World history Publisher: Chicag... Еще
Pendineas wpr00017 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Views of landmarks mostly in and around Aberystwyth (Wales). Pendinas Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions i... Еще
Ludwig Dill - Fischerboot (02)
Public domain scan of print depicting a sailboat or small ship, seascape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Controle de pêche - French postcard, Public domain image
Français : Le garde champêtre effectuant un contrôle de pêche en bordure de rivière avant verbalisation
Marée, Hans von (1837-1887) - La partenza dei pescatori 2 - NA - Acqua...
detail Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Бодлеевские библиотеки, век довольных или, правильные дороги и неправи...
Игра 1848 года под названием "Век контента: или, правильные дороги и неправильные пути; правильные дороги и неправильные пути; юмористическая игра; век контента: или, правильные дороги и неправильные пути"
Володи́мир Д. Орло́вський - Починка рибальські мережі
Picryl description: Public domain image of a landscape with water, mountains, and sky, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
I. E. C. Rasmussen - Far og Søn røgter Garn
Picryl description: Public domain image of fishing, fishing boat, river, lake, nature, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Au bord du fleuve sous les premières neiges (détail) par Zhao Gan
Français : Au bord du fleuve sous les premières neiges, section d'un rouleau portatif. Encre et couleurs sur soie, vers 950. (25,9X376,5cm), par le peintre chinois Zhao Gan. Musée national du palais impérial, ... Еще
FMIB 48396 Peche a la ligne dit Koen-keau
Kreyòl ayisyen : Peche a la ligne dit Koen-keau English: *Subject: Fishers, Fisheries--Technique Tag: Fisheries Techniques
FMIB 51643 Halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Linnaeus) Sp Paul Islan...
Halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Linnaeus). Sp Paul Island, Bering Sea Subject: Halibut, Atlantic halibut, Fishers Tag: Fish
Adrien Manglard, A harbor with figures on a quay and a hill town beyon...
A harbor with figures on a quay and a hill town beyond, oil on canvas, 18 1/2 x 27 3/4in (47 x 70.5cm).
Michael Ancher - Vil han klare pynten - 1885
The experts at Bruun Rasmussen saw this painting as a repeat - by popular demand - of Ancher's larger 1879 painting with the same title. That version was bought by king Christian IX of Denmark and still belongs... Еще
Pólya Fishermen of the Tisza 1935
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wladyslaw Wanke Wankie Fishermen at the shore
Wladyslaw Wanke Wankie, Fishermen at the shore. Oil on canvas 66x100 cm.
Dronningens Vagtmester 45
Dansk: Illustration af Poul Steffensen til Carit Etlars roman Dronningens Vagtmester, der foregår under den Anden Karl Gustav-krig i 1658-1660. Ib Abelsøn er blevet fanget af de svenske soldater på Gjorslev Sl... Еще
'Fishing in Hawaii', hand colored etching by Charles W. Bartlett, c. 1...
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a boat, water, fishing, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Bazille - Pêcheur à l'épervier - Public domain scenic drawing
Public domain image of drawing or print depicting the male nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
De visser - Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen - Edouard Manet
Português: Desenho em aquarela de Edouard Manet do acervo do Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, em Roterdão, Holanda
Marée Basse
Français : Marée basse, le pêcheur de crevettes (1879) par Albert-Frédéric-Alexandre Mittenhoff, huile sur toile, 78 x 122cm
Beppe Ciardi Die Ankunft der Fischer
Deutsch: “Die Ankunft der Fischer”, signiert Beppe Ciardi, rückseitig am Keilrahmen betitelt und signiert, Öl auf Leinwand, 128 x 118 cm
Benton Castle, Pembroke-Shire, Wales
Пожарные тянут сети, фигуры плавают в реке.
This View of Chepstow Bridge on the River Wye - is by the greatest res...
Вид на мост через реку Уай в Чепстове, изображающий мужчин с лодками на переднем плане, и здания на противоположном берегу реки.
2 - Grenier de Saint-Martin - Familles de pêcheurs sur la plage
Français : François GRENIER de SAINT-MARTIN (Paris, 1793 - 1867) Familles de pêcheurs sur la plage Aquarelle Signée et datée 'f. Grenier. 1825' en bas à droite 14,60 x 18,30 cm. Oeuvre incluse dans l'album r... Еще
Hermann Schmidtmann Fischersleute am Strand
Deutsch: Fischersleute am Strand. Signiert H. Schmidtmann. Öl auf Leinwand. 60 x 80 cm.
Indians in North Carolina fishing with traps, spears, and nets, 1885 -...
General notes: Artwork Public domain photograph of US government agency meeting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Eureka Silk (3093781446)
3393 Subject (TGM): Men; Children & adults; Boys; Fish; Fishermen; Fishing; Eels; Sea monsters; Humorous pictures; Thread industry; Sewing equipment & supplies;
Glaspalast 1888 161 - A group of people walking on a beach next to the...
Fischverkauf am holländischen Strand
FMIB 37796 Heaving Up the Trawl
Heaving Up the Trawl Subject: Trawls and trawling, Fishing nets, Sailors Tag: Fisheries Techniques
FMIB 51645 Fishing for Ayhu in the Tanagawa, Japan Emptying the pouch ...
Fishing for Ayhu in the Tanagawa, Japan. Emptying the pouch of the cormorant Subject: Fishing--Japan, Cormorants, Ayu--Fisheries Tag: Traditional Fisheries
Boucher le pecheur-galant - A painting of a man and a woman on a bridg...
Public domain photo of landscape art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Eduardo Dalbono - Pescadores de Nápoles
Picryl description: Public domain photo of an Italian art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
José Navarro Llorens - Llegada de la pesca
Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Bruno, Giuseppe (1836-1904) - Pescatore siciliano - Timbrata sul retro
Italiano: Giuseppe Bruno (1836-1904), Pescatore siciliano. Timbrata sul retro. Questa foto ha un destino attributivo abbastanza complicato. Di solito è nota come opera di Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856-1931), che la... Еще
'New England Fisherman at Rest', black ink etching by Joseph Margulies
New England Fisherman at Rest, black ink etching by Joseph Margulies, undated, private collection
Rudolf Jordan Junge Fischer spielen mit dem Fang 1845
Deutsch: Junge Fischer spielen mit dem Fang. Öl auf Leinwand, 39 x 37,5 cm. Monogrammiert in Ligatur und datiert unten rechts ‚RJ 1845‘
Jacob Abels - Weids riviergezicht met vissers bij nacht
Picryl description: Public domain image of a harbor, sailing ship, boat, city building, 19th-century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Naya, Carlo (1816-1882) - n. 056 - Paris Bordone - Il Pescatore - Vene...
Italiano: "Paris Bordone - Il pescatore <dona l'anello al Doge> - Venezia"English: "Paris Bordone - The fisherman <presents the ring to the Doge> - Venice"
Pauvre pêcheur de Concarneau-Achille Granchi-Taylor mg 8182
Français : Pauvre pêcheur de Concarneau
Monumento al Pescador Tamiahua
El Pescador monument Español: Monumento al Pescador, Tamiahua, Veracruz
Adventures in the wilderness = Camp-life in the Adirondacks (1869) (17...
Title: Adventures in the wilderness = Camp-life in the Adirondacks Identifier: adventuresinwild01murr (find matches) Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Murray, W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison), 1840-1904 Subjects: ... Еще
Adventures in the wilderness, or, Camp-life in the Adirondacks (1869) ...
Title: Adventures in the wilderness, or, Camp-life in the Adirondacks Identifier: adventuresinwild00inmurr (find matches) Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Murray, W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison), 1840-1904; Fenn... Еще
Annual report (1903) (14751618032)
Identifier: annualreport101112190newy (find matches) Title: Annual report Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: New York (State). Forest, Fish and Game Commission Subjects: Forests and forestry Fisheries Game and gam... Еще
Reading and Literature First Reader (1911) (14596855249)
Identifier: readlit1stread01free (find matches) Title: Reading and Literature First Reader Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Treadwell, Garuuette Taylor and Margaret Free Subjects: reading Publisher: Chicago: Ro... Еще
Karl Raupp Chiemseefischer. Painting sold at Dorotheum
Deutsch: Chiemseefischer, Öl auf Leinwand, 90 x 65 cm
Louis Hoguet Fischer an der Küste der Normandie
Deutsch: Fischer an der Küste in der Normandie, monogrammiert LH, Öl auf Holz, 18 x 13,5 cm
1852 г. Карта департамента Луара Инферюр, Франция (регион Мускат Вин) ...
Это увлекательная карта французского департамента Луара-Инферюр 1852 года (в настоящее время известного как Луара-Инферюр). Эта область Франции является частью винодельческого региона долины Луары и особенно из... Еще
Фрэнсис Уитли - старушка с двумя женщинами, копающими для приманки - G...
Public domain image of painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Название: Часть 1, раздел 2, табличка 35 Описание: Fig.
No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Alternative Title: Part 1, Section 2, Plate 35 Descrip... Еще
Heinrich Vogeler Der Fischer 1899
Der Fischer. Radierung, Aquatinta und Kaltnadel auf gelblichem Kupferdruckpapier. 15,4 x 15,7 cm (Plattenrand). Signiert
Lovis Corinth Im Fischerhaus 1886
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fiske. List mot list lif mot lif oviss vinning
Picture of detail on Nordiska museet depicting fishing Svenska: Foto av detalj på Nordiska museet föreställande fiske. "List mot list lif för lif oviss vinning" lyder texten.
FMIB 35619 Sponge Dinghy
Sponge Dinghy Subject: Sponge fisheries, Fishing boats Tag: Vessels
FMIB 37799 Pulling in the Net - Drawing. Public domain image.
Pulling in the Net Subject: Fishing nets, Trawls and trawling Tag: Fisheries Techniques
FMIB 41781 Casting for Bluefish
Casting for Bluefish Subject: Fishers, Fishing, Bluefish fisheries Tag: Sport Fishing
FMIB 48279 Surf-Fishing for Bass
Surf-Fishing for Bass Subject: Fishing, Bass fishing, Fishers, Surf fishing Tag: Sport Fishing
Eduard Hildebrandt Capri
Picryl description: Public domain photo of landscape art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Hambüchen Fischervolk von Katwijk
Öl auf Leinwand, 60 x 80 Public domain photograph of sailboat, sailing, sail, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Leo Gestel Nettendragers 1924
Nettendragers. Signed, dated and inscribed Leo Gestel 1924/Positano, and signed twice again, dated again and inscribed with title on the reverse. Oil on canvas 77 x 102 cm
Frederik Collett - Two Fishermen - NG.M.03073 - National Museum of Art...
Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Édouard Manet - Fishing, France, 19th century
Picryl description: Public domain image of a fishing boat, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
A Fisherman At Home, Peter Henry Emerson, 1887
In the 1887 book ‘Pictures From Life In Field And Fen,’ photographer Peter Henry Emerson observes and records scenes of country life in East Anglia, England. 'A Fisherman At Home,’ depicts a figure polishing ... Еще
Crupi, Giovanni (1861-1925) - n. 0010C recto - Cm 23,4x17,4 - Timbrata
Italiano: Giovanni Crupi (1861-1925), Barca per la pesca del pesce spada, con pescatori. Numero di catalogo: 0010 C. Cm 23,4x17,4. Timbrata. English: Giovanni Crupi (1861-1925), Boat for fishing swordfish, wi... Еще
Bocion - Pêcheur à la ligne
Public domain photograph of 19th-century French painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fall of The Purthen - near Pont Neath Vaughan, Brecknockshire, Wales
Picryl description: Public domain image of a waterfall, cascade, water stream, free to use, no copyright restrictions.