Beskrivelse over den tilforn meget prægtige og vidtberømte Dom-Kirke i...
Norsk bokmål: Illustrasjon hentet fra boken "Beskrivelse over den tilforn meget prægtige og vidtberømte Dom-Kirke i Throndhjem, egentligen kaldet Christ-Kirken" av Schøning, Gerhard og utgitt av Trykt hos Jens ... Еще
William Gardiner coat of arms - Public domain drawing
drawing of William Gardiner's coat of arms
Bangor Cathedral Church, Wales - Drawing. Public domain image.
Вид на Кафедральный собор Святого Диола в Бангоре, на котором также изображены гербы епископа Бангорского.
Бодлеянские библиотеки, Афиша Театра Его Величества, вторник 13 декабр...
Афиша Театра Его Величества, вторник 13 декабря [1768], объявляющая Le donne vendificent & c.; Donne vendificent; [Афиша Театра Его Величества, вторник 13 декабря [1768], объявляющая Le donne vendificent & c.]
Count László Szőgyény-Marich de Magyar-Szőgyén et Szolgaegyháza - 1839...
Jósika Miklós – A' csehek Magyarországban, Heckenast Gusztáv tulajdona, Pesten, 1839 Magyarszőgyényi és szolgaegyházi Szőgyényi László. Ex libris. Property tag (SM) Szőgyény-Marich de Magyar-Szőgyén et Szolga... Еще
Kupferstich - Exlibris - Wappen - Rößler
Deutsch: Kupferstich - Exlibris - Wappen
OA Balingen C 259 - A black and white drawing of a coat of arms
Beschreibung des Oberamts Balingen Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica - (1881) (14783254065)
Identifier: miscellaneagenea03unse (find matches) Title: Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica : Year: 1881 (1880s) Authors: Subjects: Heraldry Publisher: London, England : (s.n.) Contributing Library: All... Еще
The Herald and genealogist (1866) (14780810811)
Identifier: heraldgenealogis03nich_0 (find matches) Title: The Herald and genealogist Year: 1866 (1860s) Authors: Nichols, John Gough, 1806-1873 Subjects: Heraldry Publisher: London : John Bowyer Nichols a... Еще
Wappen Baindt Abtei - A drawing of a coat of arms with flowers on it
Deutsch: Die Abtey Baindt, Kupferstich von Reilly, 1789, etwa 7,5 x 6,5 cm
Simrishamns vapen, Nordisk familjebok
Public domain scan of the book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Le poinct de France et les centres dentelliers au XVIIe et au XVIIIe s...
Identifier: lepoinctdefrance00lapr (find matches) Title: Le poinct de France et les centres dentelliers au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècles; ouvrage orné de quarante-trois illustrations Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: ... Еще
The art of lying and rebelling, taught by the Whigs, in an infamous li...
Fleuron from book: The art of lying and rebelling, taught by the Whigs, in an infamous libel, entitled, The judgment of whole kingdoms and nations, &c. Or, a detection of many notorious falshoods and palpable ... Еще
Lucio Marineo Sículo (1539) De las cosas memorables de España
Español: Portada del libro "De las cosas memorables de España" de Lucio Marineo Sículo. Impreso en Alcalá de Henares por Juan de Brocar, en 1539.
Jacinto de Alcázar Arriaza (1646) Medios políticos para el remedio úni...
Español: Portada del libro titulado Medios politicos para el remedio unico, y uniuersal de España librados en la execucion de su practica, publicado por Jacinto de Alcázar Arriaza en Madrid en 1646.
Wappen Sulzheim - A black and white picture of a coat of arms
blason de sulzheim
Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales; c...
Identifier: annalsantiquitie01nich (find matches) Title: Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales; containing a record of all ranks of the gentry ... with many ancient pedigrees and... Еще
Histoire de la pharmacie à Avignon du XIIe siècle a la révolution (not...
Identifier: histoiredelaphar00gran (find matches) Title: Histoire de la pharmacie à Avignon du XIIe siècle a la révolution (notes et documents inédits) ... Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Granel, Henri, 1874- Su... Еще
Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica - (1881) (14780877074)
Identifier: miscellaneagenea03unse (find matches) Title: Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica : Year: 1881 (1880s) Authors: Subjects: Heraldry Publisher: London, England : (s.n.) Contributing Library: All... Еще
The McCauslands of Donaghanie and allied families (1911) (14781578342)
Identifier: mccauslandsofdon00marv (find matches) Title: The McCauslands of Donaghanie and allied families Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Marvin, Merze, 1887- Subjects: Publisher: (Shenandoah? Ia.) Contributi... Еще
The peerage of the British Empire as at present existing - arranged an...
Identifier: peerageofbritish00lodg (find matches) Title: The peerage of the British Empire as at present existing : arranged and printed from the personal communications of the nobility Year: 1848 (1840s) Aut... Еще
Armorial bearings in stone, now inserted in the Garden Wall at Courtrh...
Вид на четыре герба над аркой.
Jenichen Portrait Virgil Solis - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Porträt des Virgil Solis, Kupferstich von Balthasar Jenichen, Text: Virgilius Solis war ich gnant – Mein Kunst in aller Welt bekant Mit meiner Hant ich erfür bracht – Das mancher Künstler wart gemach... Еще
Schlaeger Stellung der Deutschen Wappen
Coat of Arms from E. Schlaeger's Die sociale und politische Stellung der Deutschen in den Vereinigten Staaten
Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica - (1881) (14803088573)
Identifier: miscellaneagenea03unse (find matches) Title: Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica : Year: 1881 (1880s) Authors: Subjects: Heraldry Publisher: London, England : (s.n.) Contributing Library: All... Еще
Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica - (1881) (14596582799)
Identifier: miscellaneagenea03unse (find matches) Title: Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica : Year: 1881 (1880s) Authors: Subjects: Heraldry Publisher: London, England : (s.n.) Contributing Library: All... Еще
Patria Esercito Re p118, Italy
Image from book: Leopoldo Pullè, Patria Esercito Re, Ulrico Hoepli, Milan, 1908. Italiano: Immagine dal libro: Leopoldo Pullè, Patria Esercito Re, Ulrico Hoepli, Milano, 1908.
Pobóg-Paprocki-1584 - A drawing of a coat of arms with a goat on it
Polski: Herb Wieniawa z "Herbów rycerztwa.. .." B. Paprockiego
Life, letters and speeches of James Louis Petigru, the Union man of So...
Identifier: lifelettersspeec00peti (find matches) Title: Life, letters and speeches of James Louis Petigru, the Union man of South Carolina Year: 1920 (1920s) Authors: Petigru, James Louis, 1789-1863 Carson,... Еще
Observations on the architecture of England during the reigns of Queen...
Identifier: observationsonar00rich (find matches) Title: Observations on the architecture of England during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. & c. & c Year: 1837 (1830s) Authors: Richardson, C.... Еще
The South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine (1900) (147551...
Identifier: southcarolinahis12sout (find matches) Title: The South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: South Carolina Historical Society Subjects: Publisher: Charlesto... Еще
PL Jan Sygański-Nowy Sącz Szkic Historyczny 011b
Polski: grafika z książki PL Public domain photograph - coat of arms, Poland, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wapen 1545 Thusis (Freiherrn, Zuordnung unklar, evtl. der Schweizer Or...
Jacob Koebel (Vorrede): Wapen. Des Heyligen Römischen Reichs Teutscher nation. Gedruckt bei Cyriacus Jacob (evtl. auch Herausgeber/Autor), Frankfurt am Main 1545, Holzschnitte von Jacob Kallenberg. Zu Angaben z... Еще
Illustration to Francis Sandford's Genealogical History 1677
Illustration to Francis Sandford's "Genealogical History" of 1677 showing Henry VIII on the throne and on horseback. Dedication to Samuel Pepys. Engraving. 278 mm x 142 mm. Courtesy of the British Museum, London.
Rembert Dodoens01 coat of arms - Public domain portrait engraving
Rembert Dodoens (1517 – 1585), Flemish physician and botanist
Wappenbuch Circulus Suevicus 36
'Wappenbuch. 2. Circulus Suevicus. Schmuck, Strassburg c. 1680. Wappen "Dominus in Mundelheim" (Herren von Mundelheim? Mindelheim?)
Wappen der Edelfreien von Dornberg
Deutsch: Wappen der Edelfreien von Dornberg
Wappen-imlin - A black and white drawing of a coat of arms
Wappen der Heilbronner Patrizier Imlin Public domain photograph - coat of arms, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wappen-weinmann - A black and white drawing of a coat of arms
Wappen der Heilbronner Patrizier Weinmann Public domain photograph - coat of arms, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Zentralbibliothek Zürich - Scheibenriss für Probst Hercules Göldli ode...
Deutsch: Unten die Stifterinschrift "Hercules Göldlin von Zürich Thumher und Senger dess/ Thumgstifftz zu costentz propst zu Byschoffs Zell", In der Mitte das von einem Propsthut bekrönte geistliche Wappen, lin... Еще
Библиотеки Бодляна, рукопись г-на Стены
Handbill of Walls, Mr; date and notes on performer in MSS: "I saw this little woman July 25th - her legs & feet was in the nicest proportion and agreable to all the other parts of her body. Самое удивительное в... Еще
Wappen Ochsenkopf Widderkopf - Engraving, Public domain image
Wappen (?) mit Ochsenkopf und Widderkopf). anonyme Radierung im Oval, wohl 17. Jh. 13 x 16 cm.
Wappen-spoelin - A black and white drawing of a coat of arms
Wappen der Heilbronner Patrizier Spölin Public domain photograph - coat of arms, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Army letters, 1861-1865. Being extracts from private letters to relati...
Identifier: armyletters1861100nort (find matches) Title: Army letters, 1861-1865. Being extracts from private letters to relatives and friends from a soldier in the field during the late Civil War, with an ap... Еще
Collections for a history of Staffordshire (1882) (14593119508)
Identifier: collectionsforhi03staf (find matches) Title: Collections for a history of Staffordshire Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Staffordshire Record Society Subjects: Publisher: Birmingham, Eng. : Houghton... Еще
Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica - (1881) (14780123841)
Identifier: miscellaneagenea03unse (find matches) Title: Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica : Year: 1881 (1880s) Authors: Subjects: Heraldry Publisher: London, England : (s.n.) Contributing Library: All... Еще
The Herald and genealogist (1874) (14804878383)
Identifier: heraldgenealogis08nich_0 (find matches) Title: The Herald and genealogist Year: 1874 (1870s) Authors: Nichols, John Gough, 1806-1873 Subjects: Heraldry Publisher: London : John Bowyer Nichols a... Еще
Arms and Autograph—Digges of Reigate (Surrey Archaeological Collection...
Arms and Autograph—Digges of Reigate, as published in Surrey Archaeological Collections, volume 1
Coat of arms Longueuil 04 - A drawing of a coat of arms
Image taken from: Title: "Histoire de Longueuil et de la famille de Longueuil. Avec gravures et plans" Author: JODOIN, Alex - and VINCENT (J. L.) Contributor: VINCENT, J. L. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10... Еще
Peder Paus COA by Hans Krag 1728
Peder Paus COA (1728) by Hans Krag
Wapen 1545 Aldenwalden (Freiherrn, Zuordnung unklar)
Jacob Koebel (Vorrede): Wapen. Des Heyligen Römischen Reichs Teutscher nation. Gedruckt bei Cyriacus Jacob (evtl. auch Herausgeber/Autor), Frankfurt am Main 1545, Holzschnitte von Jacob Kallenberg. Zu Angaben z... Еще
Bookplate of Epes Sargent by Paul Revere
"Bookplate of Epes Sargent," by the American silversmith Paul Revere. Engraving. 3 1/2 in. x 2 3/4 in. Yale University Art Gallery, Mabel Brady Garvan Collection. Courtesy of Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Orbis Poloni 079 Brodzic 01
Brodzic coat of arms
Sanden-Wappen coat of arms
Coat of arms of the german family „von Sanden“
Escudo de Diego Castrillo, Arzobispo de Zaragoza
Español: Escudo de Diego Castrillo, Arzobispo de Zaragoza Lumbier, R. Noticia de las sesenta y cinco proposiciones nuevamente condenadas por Nuestro Santissimo Padre Innocencio XI ... ; tomo tercero ... En Zar... Еще
Herb Wieniawa Piekosinski
Polski: Herb Wieniawa z Heraldyki polskiej wieków średnichEnglish: Coat of arms Wieniawa from Heraldyka polska wieków średnich
Débuts de l'imprimerie en France - l'Imprimerie nationale, l'Hôtel de ...
Identifier: dbutsdelimpri00chri (find matches) Title: Débuts de l'imprimerie en France : l'Imprimerie nationale, l'Hôtel de Rohan Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Christian, Arthur Claretie, Jules, 1840-1913 Im... Еще
Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l’époque carlovingienne ...
Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'époque carlovingienne à la Renaissance - illustration Tome 5
Bodowen Chapel coat of arms, Wales
Печать состоит из двух изображений: герба сэра Артура Оуэна, баронета; герба церкви, двух лиц и масштаба.
Библиотеки Бодлея, буклет для комнаты Фанточини
Ручка для комнаты Фанточини; модель Лондона и Вестминстера. Синьор Гримани, профессор философии, просит прощения, чтобы ознакомить общественность с тем, что он завершил, после трех лет работы, модель Лондона и ... Еще
A new and universal practice of mercantile arithmetick- in which Fleur...
Latina: Nobilis iraEnglish: Fleuron from book: A new and universal practice of mercantile arithmetick: in which, what has hitherto appear'd obscure, is explain'd by such easie and familiar Rules, that the Lea... Еще
Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'époque carlovingienne ...
Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'époque carlovingienne à la Renaissance - illustration Tome 5
Wappen-Paul-Karl-Uhde - A sand drawing of a flower and two birds
Coat of arms of Paul Karl von Uhde, prussian lieutenant general
The Robinsons and their kin folk (1912) (14597130577)
Identifier: robinsonstheirki12robi_0 (find matches) Title: The Robinsons and their kin folk Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Robinson Genealogical Society Robinson Family Genealogical and Historical Association S... Еще
The visitation of Yorkshire in the years 1563 and 1564 - made by Willi...
Identifier: visitationofyork1618flow (find matches) Title: The visitation of Yorkshire in the years 1563 and 1564 : made by William Flower, esquire, Norroy king of arms Year: 1881 (1880s) Authors: Flower, Wi... Еще
Coat of arms Longueuil 01 - A drawing of a coat of arms with a crown
Image taken from: Title: "Histoire de Longueuil et de la famille de Longueuil. Avec gravures et plans" Author: JODOIN, Alex - and VINCENT (J. L.) Contributor: VINCENT, J. L. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10... Еще
Colophone of Octoechos, Russian Empire
Colophone of Octoechos Public domain photograph related to Polish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Coat of Arms, Prussian Branch, circa 1820
Juan del Castillo Sotomayor (1603) Quotidianarum controversiarum juris...
Español: Portada del libro "Quotidianarum controversiarum juris, liber primus". Publicado en latín por Juan del Castillo Sotomayor en Alcalá de Henares, en 1603, en la imprenta de la viuda de Juan Gracián (Mar... Еще
The Herald and genealogist (1866) (14783959075)
Identifier: heraldgenealogis03nich_0 (find matches) Title: The Herald and genealogist Year: 1866 (1860s) Authors: Nichols, John Gough, 1806-1873 Subjects: Heraldry Publisher: London : John Bowyer Nichols a... Еще
Бодлеевские библиотеки, Купеческий зал, 1739 год, "Лев, львицы, львицы...
Ручка Купеческого зала, [1739], объявляющая Льва, львиц, львиц и т.д. ; "с несколькими другими раритетами, слишком скучными для упоминания"; 1739 (рукопись); Лион; Две большие львицы, или львицы; Большой тигр; ... Еще
Guillaume de longin Grimbergen
Français : Sépulture de Guillaume de Longin et de son épouse Madaleine van den Driessche dans l'abbaye de Grimbergen. (Armes des familles de Longin, Heylweghe, Teelant, Parmentier, van den Driessche, van der G... Еще
Martin - Histoire des églises et chapelles de Lyon, 1908, tome I 0191b
Français : Illustration pour l'Histoire des églises et chapelles de Lyon
Nisbetilkarms coat of arms
Arms of Nisbet of that Ilk
Oxford coat of arms - A black and white drawing of a coat of arms
1574 woodcut showing the coat of arms of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, with Latin canting motto Vero Nihil Verius ("Nothing more true than truth"), second page of the above-named work.
Francisco Correa de Araujo (1626) Libro de tientos y discursos de musi...
Español: Portada del "Libro de tientos y discursos de música practica y teórica de órgano". Publicado por Francisco Correa de Araujo, en Alcalá de Henares, en 1626.
COA Mermoser ci311 - A drawing of a vase with a hat on top of it
Coat of Arms of Mermoser (16th cent.)Deutsch: Wappen der Mermoser (16. Jahrh.)
Tafel Caspar II - Public domain photograph
Picryl description: Public domain image of coat of arms, free to use, no copyright restrictions
Wappen-Hans Albrecht - A black and white drawing of two angels on a sh...
Wappen der Heilbronner Patrizier Albrecht
The Visitacion of Staffordschire (1883) (14596825488)
Identifier: visitacionofstaf00graz (find matches) Title: The Visitacion of Staffordschire Year: 1883 (1880s) Authors: Grazebrook, H. Sydney (Henry Sydney), 1836-1896 Glover, Robert, 1544-1588 Subjects: Visi... Еще
The Visitacion of Staffordschire (1883) (14596756370)
Identifier: visitacionofstaf00graz (find matches) Title: The Visitacion of Staffordschire Year: 1883 (1880s) Authors: Grazebrook, H. Sydney (Henry Sydney), 1836-1896 Glover, Robert, 1544-1588 Subjects: Visi... Еще
Wiltshire notes and queries (1904) (14767588854)
Identifier: wiltshirenotesqu42unse (find matches) Title: Wiltshire notes and queries Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: (Devizes : s.n.) Contributing Library: Allen County Public Library Gen... Еще
Anton Seder Zaunrübe Paradiesapfel
Lithography by Anton Seder, Botanical Art Nouveau Public domain scan of drawing, botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Pregmaticadelpan coat of arms, Catalonia, Spain
Español: Pragmàtica, 1539-10-11: "En la villa de Madrid a onze dias del mes de Octubre de mil quinientos y trenta y nueve años
St Athanasius's four orations against the Arians, and his oration agai...
Fleuron from book: St Athanasius's four orations against the Arians, and his oration against the Gentiles. Translated from the original by Mr Samuel Parker. In Two Volumes. To which the translator has prefixed... Еще
Francisco Coello (1847-1870) Atlas de España y sus posesiones de ultra...
Español: Portada del libro "Atlas de España y sus posesiones de ultramar". Colección de 46 láminas publicada por Francisco Coello en Madrid, entre 1847 y 1870.[1]
Coat-of-Arms Prussian Forcade de Biaix
Coat-of-Arms, Forcade, Marquies de Biaix, Prussian Branch, pre-1856
Wappen David Kugler - A black and white drawing of a coat of arms
Deutsch: Wappen des David Kugler, Bürgermeister HeilbronnsEnglish: Coat of arms of David Kugler, mayor of Heilbronn
Daniel Gookin, 1612-1687, assistant and major general of the Massachus...
Identifier: danielgookin161201gook (find matches) Title: Daniel Gookin, 1612-1687, assistant and major general of the Massachusetts Bay Colony; Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Gookin, Frederick William Subjects:... Еще
Visitation of England and Wales (1893) (14581630479)
Identifier: visitationofengl15howa (find matches) Title: Visitation of England and Wales Year: 1893 (1890s) Authors: Howard, Joseph Jackson, 1827-1902 Crisp, Frederick Arthur, 1851-1922 College of Arms (Grea... Еще
Von Eberstein eberhardus 1451
1451 eberhardus d eberstein Taken from a picture book full of pictures about Von Ebersteins, published in the late 1800s. Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse This file is in the public domain becaus... Еще
Библиотеки Бодлея, реклама Звездного Ярда, 1783 год, объявление о прек...
Реклама Star-Yard, [1783], объявляющая о красивом льве из Алжира; 1783; льве из Алжира; тигре-охотнике; дикобразе; удивительном большом черном волке; акте Луны; фараоне; самке сатыра; двух симпатичных обезьянах... Еще
Бодлеянские библиотеки, по авторитету. В Talbot-Inn, рядом с Maypole, ...
Handbill (faceble) of Talbot Inn, объявляющий высокого немецкого исполнителя; Faceble; High German performer; Semper eadem; By authority. В Talbot-Inn, рядом с Maypole, теперь можно увидеть высокого немецкого и... Еще
Tully's Lælius- or, discourse upon friendship. Translated from the Lat...
Fleuron from book: Tully's Lælius: or, discourse upon friendship. Translated from the Latin.
Portada Manuscrito Chacón, title page
Portada del Manuscrito Chacón de las obras de Luis de Góngora
Ancestry of Mrs. Augusta Ann Norton Hall traced back, on all lines, fr...
Identifier: ancestryofmrsaug00andr (find matches) Title: Ancestry of Mrs. Augusta Ann Norton Hall traced back, on all lines, from George Norton Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: Andrews, Herbert Cornelius Subjects... Еще
The ancestry of Abraham Lincoln (1909) (14778434882)
Identifier: ancestryofabr1284leaj (find matches) Title: The ancestry of Abraham Lincoln Year: 1909 (1900s) Authors: Lea, J. Henry (James Henry), 1846-1914 Hutchinson, J. R. (John Robert), 1858-1921 Subjects:... Еще
Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Soci...
Identifier: transactionsofsh35shro (find matches) Title: Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History So... Еще
Библиотеки Бодлея, исторические и литературные курии Смита
Реклама The Globe, [1716? ], объявляя немца, родившегося без рук, ног или воров; немца, родившегося без рук, ног или воров; [Реклама The Globe, [1716? ], объявив, что немец родился без рук, ног или воров.
Бодлеянские библиотеки, Парикмахерская, объявляющая танец
Мбаппе Парикмахерского зала, объявляющий танец; Танец; [Мбаппе Парикмахерского зала, объявляющий танец]