Легкие рельсы египетской Дельты - Kr2-4-0T № 38 в Эль-Амаре
Легкие рельсы египетской Дельты: Kr2-4-0T № 38 в сельской местности в поезде в Эль-Амаре, 21 мая 1945 года
608 - Иерусалим - Церковь Богородицы
Public domain image related to 13th-14th-century architecture, medieval castle, cathedral, historic building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Деревня Дель-Медина очищается египетскими рабочими (Архив Б. Брюйера, ...
Деревня Дель-Медина очищается египетскими рабочими (Архив Б. Брюйера, Французский археологический институт в Каире, IO)
Abdel Khalek Sarwat - Attorney General - 1913
Abdel Khalek Sarwat, future Prime Minister of Egypt, was at the time this picture was taken, Attorney General of Egypt. He was on a tour of prosecution offices in Upper Egypt. He is standing in front a pharaon... Еще
Abu Ja'far al-Mansur, Sayr mulhimah min al-Sharq wa-al-Gharb
العربية: رسمٌ للخليفة العبَّاسي أبي جعفر المنصور. English: A Sketch representing the Abbasid Caliph Abu Ja'far al-Mansur.
Abdel Khalek Sarwat Pasha and the Adly Coalition Cabinet 1927
Coalition Cabinet of Adly Yakan Pasha in Abdine Palace, to celebrate end of Ramadan. Early April 1927, two weeks before it resigned. Left to right: Adly Yakan Pasha, Abdel Khalek Sarwat Pasha, Abou El Sououd ... Еще
Al-Ghazālī, Sayr mulhimah min al-Sharq wa-al-Gharb
العربية: رسمٌ تخيُّليّ يُصوِّرُ الإمام أبا حامد الغزالي. English: An imaginary sketch representing Imam Abū Ḥāmid Al-Ghazālī.
Al-Mutanabbī, Sayr mulhimah min al-Sharq wa-al-Gharb
العربية: رسمٌ تخيُّليّ لِلشاعر العربي أبو الطيِّب المُتنبي. English: An imaginary sketch representing Arab poet Abū al-Ṭayyib Al-Mutanabbī.
Iran Over Volcano - Oil pipes in the deserts and mountains
العربية: أنابیب البترول عبر الصحاری و الجبال
Iran Over Volcano - Ziaeddin Tabatabai
العربية: ضیاءالدین طباطبائی... جمهوری یخشاه شاه
Iran Over Volcano - Tudeh demonstration
العربية: مظاهرات حزب توده تبرز الی شوارع طهران
Jibran Khalil - Al-Alam, V2, P 114
A portrait of Jibran Khalil from Al-Alam by al-Zirikli
Khalil Sa'adah - Al-Alam, V2, P 426
A portrait of Khalil Sa'adah from Al-Alam by al-Zirikli
WW1 Generals Maxwell, Birdwood and Bridges with Sir George Reid at Men...
I found these 2 photos on ebay and they intrigued me so I had to find out more. Major General Bridges was the Commander of the Australian forces in Egypt during WW1. Sir John Maxwell was Commander-in-Chief of t... Еще
The Man Who Lost His Shadow
1968 film poster
الأهلي 1918
العربية: الأهلي 1918
الأهلي بطل كأس مصر وكأس السلطان 1923
العربية: الصورة لأعضاء الأهلى مع أول كؤوس النادي الأهلي عام 1923
الزمالك 1984
نادي الزمالك حصل علي أول بطولة w:ar:دوري أبطال أفريقيا 1984
المصري بطل كأس السلطان حسين 1933
العربية: المصري بطل كأس السلطان حسين 1933
على السفود (1930) - العقاد غلاف الصورة
العربية: صورة في غلاف على السفود (1930)
لقطة من مبارة الزمالك والأولمبي 1928
العربية: لقطة من مبارة الزمالك والأولمبي 1928
1 Livre Kingdom of Egypt stamp Fouad I
1 Livre Kingdom of Egypt stamp Fouad I Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1 NZ General Hospital, Helmieh. (New Zealand Army Official) 1940s
1 NZ General Hospital, Helmieh. (New Zealand Army Official) 1940s
135 MU. Gebel Hamzi 37 - Egypt
135 MU Gebel Hamzi
135 MU. Gebel Hamzi 42 - Egypt
135 MU. Gebel Hamzi
1883 Cholera epidemic 4 - Egypt
1883 Cholera epidemic in Egypt Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
6th of October Panorama, part 6
Part of the 6th of October Panorama, Cairo.
A map of the world based on a description by Claudius Ptolemaeus of Al...
A map of the world from the Bologna Ptolemy, based on a description by Claudius Ptolemaeus of Alexandria (Ptolemy), who lived in the early second century of our era. The Arabian Peninsula and the Red Sea lie j... Еще
A public reception of Abdel Nasser in India (05)
A public reception of Abdel Nasser in India.
A public reception of Abdel Nasser in India (16)
A public reception of Abdel Nasser in India.
Abdel Nasser at the Bandung Conference with Prime Minister Jawaharlal ...
Abdel Nasser at the Bandung Conference with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India
Abdel Nasser receives the Indian journalists delegation (11)
Abdel Nasser receives the Indian journalists delegation.
Abdel Nasser’s visit to India, 1960 (29)
Abdel Nasser’s visit to India.
Abdel Nasser’s visit to India, 1960 (73)
Abdel Nasser’s visit to India.
Abdel Nasser’s visit to India, 1960 (96)
Abdel Nasser’s visit to India. Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Afaf Radi (02) - Egypt - A woman in a red shirt posing for a picture
Afaf Radi, 1970s (02) Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ahmed Abdel Aziz photo - Egypt
Ahmed Abdel Aziz photo
Ahmed Salem - Egypt - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Salem in a shot of the film "Dumu' el Farah". العربية: أحمد سالم في لقطة من فيلم "دموع الفرح".
Al-Jabarti stamp, Eygpt 1973 - public domain postal stamp scan
العربية: طابع عبد الرحمن الجبرتي، إصدار سنة 1974 في مصر.
Al-Kaher-3 rear in parade4 - Egypt
Al-Kaher-3 rear in parade4
Almaza display Sep 1956 - Egypt
During the display in Almaza (Heliopolis, Cairo), probably in September 1956, all the new types of aircraft purchased from Czechoslovakia and the USSR were shown, including - clockwise: MiG-17F, MiG-15bis, Il-... Еще
Anwar Sadat-Egyptian Parliament-1977 (06)
العربية: الرئيس المصري محمد أنور السادات يفتتح دورة البرلمان الجديدة عام 1977، القاهرة، مصر.
Assuit Grand Hotel - Rear View Flickr
Assuit Grand Hotel - Rear View Flickr Public domain photograph of a hotel building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Aswan Dam across River Nile Flickr
Aswan Low Dam Public domain photograph of a monument, memorial, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Barsoum Looking for a Job (1923 film) 22
Barsoum Looking for a Job (1923 film), image extracted from film
Barsoum Looking for a Job (1923 film) 25
Barsoum Looking for a Job (1923 film), image extracted from film
Barsoum Looking for a Job (1923 film) 30
Barsoum Looking for a Job (1923 film), image extracted from film
Bassily Nasser - Egypt - A black and white photo of a group of men and...
العربية: اسطفان باسيلي مع جمال عبد الناصر
Bischri, Egypt - Egypt
Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description
Boulac Railway Workshops - Egypt
Boulac Workshops Glass negative –Boulac workshops Design for Railways, Telegraphs and Alexandrie Harbour Administration Those are the workshops where locomotives used to be repaired. According to Lionel Wien... Еще
British occupation of Egypt - Egypt
British occupation of Egypt
Child mariage arabe 1894. jpg - Public domain portrait photograph
Child mariage arabe 1894. jpg Public domain image of 19th-century Egypt architecture, historical building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Confessions of Abu Nuwas 4 - Egypt
العربية: الشاعر والبة بن الحبَّاب يشهر خنجره على أبي نوَّاس وخلفه جارية، وذلك في إحدى مجالس الشُرب التي اعتادا حُضُورها.
Demonstrations1919, tram in cairo
Demonstrations1919, tram in cairoالعربية: مظاهرات ثورة 1919 ويظهر الترام أثناء تعطيله عن السير
Description of Egypt. 2nd edition. 1822. Vol. 4. Pl. 21 (Dendera Circu...
Русский: Описание Египта. 2-е издание. 1822. Т. 4. Пл. 21. Круглый Дендерский зодиак. English: Description of Egypt. 2nd edition. 1822. Vol. 4. Pl. 21. Dendera Circular Zodiac. Français : Description de l’Ég... Еще
Egypt 1967 Sallem at the Army - Egypt, Israel
Israel 1967 7" record lp Kol Haraam anti Egypt propaganda RTA ltd. six day war
Egypt propaganga 1967 9 - Egypt
"The barricades of Tel Aviv," Al-Jundi Al Arabi , Damascus, June 6, 1967
Egyptian al-Kaher-1 - Egypt
Egyptian al-Kaher-1
Egyptian Delta Railways - Bagnall 4-4-0T No 8 (1526-1898) at the Tanta...
Egyptian Delta Railways Public domain image of Swedish railroads works, train yard, workshop, tracks, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Egyptian-Stick-Fencing - Egypt
Egyptian-Stick-Fencing Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Europeans fleeting Alexandria in first clashes in 1881
Europeans fleeting Alexandria in first clashes in 1881
Farouk I in the Royal Train 1947
العربية: فاروق الأول في القطار الملكي سنة 1947. English: Farouk I in the Royal Train 1947.
Farouk I of Egypt & Abdulaziz Al Saud
العربية: ملك مصر والسودان فاروق الأوَّل إلى جانب الملك عبد العزيز آل سعود، عند زيارة العاهل المصريّ إلى الأراضي المُقدَّسة سنة 1945م. English: King Farouk I of Egypt and Sudan alongside King Abdulaziz Al Saud... Еще
Fawzia-ismail - Egypt - A black and white photo of a man and a woman
Princess Fawzia of Egypt with 2nd husband Ismail Chirine 1949 Public domain photograph - family portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fedaeyyin war 1952-1954 3 - Egypt
Psychological warfare in Egypt during Fedaeyyin war 1952-1954
Femmes arabes sur baudets 1860 - Egypt
Français : Femmes arabes sur baudets 1860 Public domain image of 19th-century Egypt architecture, historical building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fouad al-Mohandes - Egypt
Fouad el-Mohandes العربية: فؤاد المهندس
Free Officers, 1953 - Egypt
The Egyptian Free Officers in 1953. From left to right: Zakariya Mohieddine, Abdel Latif Boghdadi, Kamel el-Din Hussein (standing), Gamal Abdel Nasser, Abdel Hakim Amer (standing), Muhammad Naguib and Ahmad Shawki
Giochi del Mediterraneo Alessandria d'Egitto 1951 - Stadio Nautico - G...
Italiano: I Giochi del Mediterraneo 1915 di Alessandria d'Egitto 1951 - Grande Piscina
Helwan Sulphur Baths - Egypt
Helwan Sulphur Baths A group of three men standing next to a pool. A group of men standing next to each other in a pool. Public domain postcard scan.
Henry Byroade with Nasser - Egypt
Egyptian President receiving US Ambassador Henry A. Byroade in Cairo
Ibrahim al-Dabbagh (02) - Egypt
A 1925-published picture of Palestinian poet Ibrahim al-Dabbagh (1880 - 1946)
Kamal at Taweel - Egypt
العربية: عبد الحليم حافظ (على اليمين) مع كمال الطويل في يوم لقاءهما الأول. English: Abdel Halim Hafez (right) with Kamal at Taweel meeting for the first time.
King Fouad I Egyptian scout celeberation 1929
King Fouad I Egyptian scout celeberation 1929
La galerie au Khan Khalili- Le Caire 1950 (2)
La galerie au Khan Khalili- Le Caire 1950
Liberation Organisation 1954 Egyptian demonstrations
A large crowd storms into the Ministry Council Headquarters 28 March 1954 in Cairo, during a demonstration supporting the revolutionary regime. AFP/Getty Images
M Nageeb 14-11-1954 - Egypt
Mohammed Nageeb exclusion from office 14-11-1954
Mahmoud Fawzy - Egypt - A black and white photo of a man in a suit and...
Mahmoud Fawzy (1900-1981) Egyptian Politician Public domain photograph of politician, government and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mariam Fakhr Eddine - Egypt
Mariam Fakhr Eddine, Egyptian actress Public domain photograph - 1950s female portrait, actress, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mirage III Shot Down By Mi G 21 2 - Egypt
Gun Camera footage of a Israeli Mirage III fighter jet shot down by Egyptian MiG-21 at a unknown date.
Mirage III Shot Down By Mi G 21 - Egypt
Israeli Mirage III fighter jet shot down by Egyptian MiG-21
Icon Miriam fakhr adean, public domain photograph
A picture for Mariam Fakhr Eddine (born 1933), an egyptian actress.
Modern Egypt Ahmad Zaki Pasha, PRS 4536 1
Ahmad Zaki Pasha (1867–1934) in traditional Arab clothes. The photograph was published in Al-Hilāl magazine on 1 August 1934 following his death. العربية: صورة فقيد العروبة أحمد زكي باشا. Ahmad Zaki Pasha (... Еще
Modern Egypt Opening of Luxor-Aswan rail line, Album-2-BAL-00000606-00...
Opening ceremony of the Luxor-Aswan rail line 1926 العربية: مجموعة من ضباط الاورطة التاسعة من الجيش المصري يتوسطهم حكمدار أسوان، ولفيف من كبار أعيان المدينة.
Modern Egypt Opening of Luxor-Aswan rail line, Album-2-BAL-00000606-00...
Opening ceremony of the Luxor-Aswan rail line 1926 العربية: من اليمين إلى اليسار علي الشمسي بك، عدلي يكن باشا، خلفه أحمد بك خشبة، محمد نجيب الغرابلي باشا، حسين رشدي باشا، خلفه محمد محمود باشا، ثروت باشا، فتح ... Еще
Modern Egypt Opening of Luxor-Aswan rail line, Album-2-BAL-00000606-00...
Opening ceremony of the Luxor-Aswan rail line 1926 العربية: مجموعة من الأسوانيات في استقبال ضيوف حفل افتتاح خط الأقصر – أسوان.
Modern Egypt Opening of Luxor-Aswan rail line, Album-2-BAL-00000606-00...
Opening ceremony of the Luxor-Aswan rail line 1926 العربية: مظاهر الاحتفالات والعروض المقامة بمناسبة افتتاح خط الأقصر – أسوان عام 1926 م.
Modern Egypt Opening of Luxor-Aswan rail line, Album-2-BAL-00000606-00...
Opening ceremony of the Luxor-Aswan rail line 1926 العربية: حسين رشدي باشا، ومرقص حنا باشا، وخلفهم محمد نجيب الغرابلي، ثم علي الشمسي بك خلال نزولهم من القطار في محطة الشلال.
Modern Egypt Opening of Luxor-Aswan rail line, Album-2-BAL-00000606-00...
Opening ceremony of the Luxor-Aswan rail line 1926 العربية: اثنان من ضيوف حفل افتتاح خط الأقصر – أسوان يسترحان عقب زيارتهم لمعبد أنس الوجود.
Modern Egypt Opening of Luxor-Aswan rail line, Album-2-BAL-00000606-00...
The Winter Palace Hotel during the inauguration of the Luxor-Aswan rail line in 1926. العربية: جانب من مظاهر الاحتفال بافتتاح خط الأقصر – أسوان.
Mohamed Fawzi - Egypt
العربية: محمد فوزيEnglish: Mohamed Fawzi
Muhammed Naguib out of office - Egypt
Muhammed Naguib out of office
Nadia Gamal - Egypt, actress. Black and white portrait photograph
Арабский: Надя Гамаль: египетская танцовщица и актриса. Английский: Надя Гамаль: египетская исполнительница танца живота и актриса.
Naguib and his family - Egypt
Naguib and his sons
Nasser Gaddafi 1969 - Egypt
President Gamal Abdal Nasser of Egypt (right) with the Leader of the Libyan Revolution, Muammar al-Gaddafi, 1969
Nasser in Mansoura, 1960 - Egypt
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser waving to crowds in Mansoura from a train car
Nasser Poster - Egypt - A poster with a picture of a man on it
Nasser receiving Krishna Menon from India, 1956 (04)
Nasser receiving Krishna Menon from India
Nasser receiving the Indian journalist Karanjia and his wife (9)
Nasser receiving the Indian journalist Karanjia and his wife.