Dutch folly fort - A painting of boats in a body of water
China trade painting of the Dutch folly fort with river commerce.
Canton map 1857 - Public domain vintage map
Sketch map of Canton (Guangzhou) drawn during the Second China War (2nd Opium War). The area where the foreign factories were grouped is visible on the left. The factories were destroyed during the war and th... Еще
Закатное небо, круглый форт с остроконечной башней на острове; Юнк спр...
Закатное небо, круглый форт с остроконечной башней на острове; Junk справа RMG PW94 Китайская война 1857 года. Взяв форт около города без особых усилий, британская армия атаковала и оккупировала Кантон в конце 1857 года.
Dutch Folly Fort, Canton, 1832 by George Chinnery - Oct 1927 CA
Drawing "Dutch Folly Fort, Canton, 1832," by George Chinnery, pen and ink drawing, 7 in. by 9.75 in., on page 239 of the October 1927 Creative Art. Part of the Dutch Folly Fort in the Canton river near the com... Еще
Junks and Sampans on the Pearl River, with the Dutch Folly Fort and Ca...
Junks and Sampans on the Pearl River, with the Dutch Folly Fort and Canton beyond Chinese School, early 19th Century Lot number: Live Auction 5674 lot 117 Sale 6 Apr 2011. CSK_05674_0117_(020039)
Part of the Destroyed Walls of Canton, from the Dutch Folly Fort, 1857
Part of the destroyed walls of Canton, from the Dutch Folly Fort. From a sketch by an officer engaged in the operations.
Interior of the Dutch Folly Fort, 1857
Opium Wars: The Dutch Folly Fort was captured in 1857. 中文(繁體):英法聯軍:被佔據的海珠砲台內側,1857年。 中文(中国大陆):英法联军:侵占海珠炮台,内侧,1857年。 日本語: アロー戦争に関して占領された海珠砲台(ダッチフォリーフォート)の内部。
Dutch Folly Fort circa 1830 - Public domain old map
Dutch folly fort in Canton painted circa 1830 by unknown artist. Painting at the British Museum.Español: Cuadro del British Museum, pintado alrededor de 1830 por autor desconocido, representa el fuerte holand... Еще
Boats Dutch Folly Fort-ca1785-Thomas Daniell
Watercolor depicting boats, Pearl river and Dutch folly fort in Canton circa 1785 by English artist Thomas Daniell (1749-1840). From the Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection.Español: Acuarela m... Еще
The Dutch Folly Fort, Canton River, 1857
CHINA: The Dutch Folly Fort, Canton River, 1857. The War with China. Illustration for The Illustrated London News, 17 January 1857. Complete page in the ILN 中文(繁體):海珠砲台,1857年。
Dutch Folly, a fort in the Tigris, near Canton RMG PW8543
Голландская глупость, форт в Тигрисе, недалеко от Кантона Dutch Folly Fort был овальным фортом, построенным голландцами на песчаном баре в реке Кантон. Он лежал примерно в 800 метрах к востоку от иностранных по... Еще
Pearl of the Sea (Dutch Folly) Fort
The Pearl of the Sea (Dutch Folly) Fort, Canton.
George Chinnery - Dutch Folly Fort, Canton
Dutch Folly Fort. 中文:廣州的海珠砲台(Dutch Folly Fort),1832年。砲台位於廣州珠江東河道的海珠石上[1]。
Plan of Action of 6 Nov 1856 - Public domain old map
Barracouta and Calcutta's pinnace engaging Mandarin junks and the French Folly Fort in the Canton River on 6 November 1846.
Dutch Folly, Canton - Twelve Years in China, the people, the rebels, a...
Plate from Twelve Years in China, the people, the rebels, and the Mandarins by a British Resident (1860), with illustrations, by John Scarth Publisher: Edinburgh: Thomas Constable and Co., London: Hamilton, Ad... Еще