Tourist Attraction - Tumacacori dome detail
Tumacacori dome detail Public domain photograph by National Parks Administration, nature conservation, tourism, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tourist Attraction - Tumacacori dome detail
Tumacacori dome detail, bright white Public domain photograph by National Parks Administration, nature conservation, tourism, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Peruvian Hammered Copper Half Dome
Peru Public domain photograph of archaeological object, Peru, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Вид на Дом инвалидов в Париже
Public domain scan of 17th-18th century French print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Veue du dôme de Florence, ditte la Madone dellé Fioré
France Public domain scan of French 17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain scan of Italian 17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictio... Еще
Церковь Ильи Муромца (1647-50), интерьер, центральный купол, с изображ...
Picryl description: Public domain image of an architectural element, dome, cathedral, classical architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Купол Капитолия США, эскиз предлагаемого подъемного устройства для уст...
Drawing. This record contains unverified data from caption card. The original U.S. Capitol building, known as the "Old Capitol," was a small brick building that was completed in 1800. It served as the Capitol ... Еще
План скрещивания, стяжки и соединительные пластины в столбах барабана ...
Капитолий США (рисунок). Эта запись содержит данные из карточки подписчика.
Plan of dome, Washington, D.C. - Public domain architectural drawing
Капитолий США (рисунок). Эта запись содержит данные из карточки подписчика.
Столбы в столбах барабана купола
Капитолий США (рисунок). Эта запись содержит данные из карточки подписчика.
[Капитолий США (Вашингтон, округ Колумбия). Купол. Основные ребра. Нар...
Scaled and dimensioned. No. 1892. The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) is the federal agency responsible for the maintenance, operation, development, and preservation of the United States Capitol Complex, which ... Еще
Стереобильд, панорамы, Санкт-Марк, Венедиг.
Stereobild, panoramavy, St. Marc, Venedig. Public domain image of 18th-19th-century Venice, Italy, architecture, palace, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Вверх по долине, Северный купол в центре, Сентинел слева
Carleton E. Watkins (American, 1829–1916) The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg whites an... Еще
Международная выставка 1862 года Наив, с восточного купола.
Stereograph showing interior of exhibition hall with elaborate fountain in foreground. No. 28.
Королевские арки и Северный купол, из головы вампира
4445 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 1228. Part of series: California - Views in the Yo-Semite Valley.
Южный или полукупол с рельсов
Part of series: Glories of the Yosemite, California. No. 81. The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixt... Еще
Южный купол, 6000 футов, Йосемит
Attributed to Carleton E. Watkins (American, 1829–1916) The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of... Еще
The International Exhibition, Sydney, from Lady Macquarie's Chair, 187...
Format: Photograph. .Notes: Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 412581 ( http://412581 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From t... Еще
[Люди прогуливались по партеру, на заднем плане Центральный купол, Пар...
Originals in PR12, LOT 6634. Public domain photograph of Paris Exposition Universelle, 1889, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Библиотека Конгресса (Вашингтон, округ Колумбия). Большие полупрозрач...
Рабочий чертеж, показывающий работу фонарей здания Томаса Джефферсона в деталях. Подпись: "Бернард Р. Грин, суперинтендант и инженер", и "Ф.К.С". Нет. 565, новый рисунок заменяет 556.
Icon Dome of the U.S. Capitol, public domain photograph
Copyright by C.E. Bolles, Brooklyn, N.Y. The original U.S. Capitol building, known as the "Old Capitol," was a small brick building that was completed in 1800. It served as the Capitol building until the curre... Еще
Район Оле. Иерусалим. Купол скалы. (Южный фасад, показывающий аббатств...
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Иерусалим (Эль-Кудс). Омар [ибн., Купол скалы] с северо-запада
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Фабрегас, рок-н-ролл и барабанный бой
Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Солдаты перед мечетью Омара [ибн., Купол Скалы], Иерусалим.
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Иерусалим (Эль-Кудс). Скала в скале Омара [ibid., Купол скалы]
Picryl description: Public domain image of a chamber, cell, interior, underground vault architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Омар [ибн., Купол скалы] от Н.
Picryl description: Public domain image of a historical building, landmark architecture, world heritage, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Мечеть Омара [т. Е. Купол Скалы] с видом на ротонду.
Public domain photograph of mosque building, Islam, Islamic architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Купол Вознесения Господня в Иерусалиме
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
[Massachusettsachusetts State Capitol, the gilded dome at night, Bosto...
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Район Оле, Омар [ибн., Купол Скалы] и т.д. Куски одежды в качестве обе...
Public domain photograph of mosque building, Islamic architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Район Оле, Омар [ибн., Купол Скалы] и т.д. Fount of Kait Bey.
Picryl description: Public domain image related to Hindu, India, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Район Оле, Омар [ибн., Купол Скалы] и т.д. Золотой Гейт с востока
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Район Оле, Омар [ибн., Купол Скалы] и т.д. Дублем отметились Кейт Бей ...
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Район Оле, Омар [ибн., Купол Скалы] и т.д. Аль-Акса [ибн., аль-Акса], ...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a park, trees, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Офис Озил; E. Chickering & Co.; 13 ноября 1903; DLC / PP-1903: 41972.
Панорамный вид из бостонского театра Collection Theatre of Boston Common на купол Государственного дома вдали и улицу Тремонта H38066 США На лицевой стороне: "E. Chickering & Co., 1903, репродукция запрещена".
General Motors Center, Уоррен, Мичиган, 1945; Купол
Picryl description: Public domain image of a historical building, landmark architecture, world heritage, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Public domain photograph of Industrial building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Храм Гроба Господня и Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы. Храм Гроба Господн...
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Экспонаты Капитолия США. Купол Капитолия США ночью зимой I
Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Экспонаты Капитолия США. Купол Капитолия США ночью зимой II
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a historic Capitol building, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Экспонаты Капитолия США. Купол Капитолия США сквозь деревья
Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Экспонаты Капитолия США. Купол Капитолия США ночью с шестым президенто...
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Экспонаты Капитолия США. Купол Капитолия США и покрытый снегом храм
Picryl description: Public domain image of a park, trees, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Верховный суд США выносит оправдательный приговор. Верховный суд США с...
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a historic courthouse building, court, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Interior of Capp. Купол, [Вашингтон, округ Колумбия]
Public domain photograph of building, stairs, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Уилл Х. Хейс, бывший председатель Республиканской партии и генерал-поч...
A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Интерьеры Капитолия США. Интерьер купола Капитолия США с юга на север ...
Picryl description: Public domain image of an architectural element, dome, cathedral, classical architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Здание Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co. Строящееся здание Acacia Mutua...
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a historic Capitol building, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Купол Скалы (близко) с изображением Купола цепи
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
A black and white photo of a wooden fence. Great Depression and World ...
Public domain photograph of building construction site, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A black and white photo of a city street. Grea Depression era FSA/OWI ...
Picryl description: Public domain historical photograph of 1930s America during the Great Depression, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Wants to be G-man to stop shipping graft. Ewing Y. Mitchell, ousted As...
A group of men standing around a table. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Скала Мориа [Купол Скалы]
Public domain photograph of mosque building, Islam, Islamic architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
An old black and white photo of a house, Washington DC. Farm Security ...
Этот снимок является одним из снимков, сделанных фотографами, работающими в подразделении Stryker, как оно существовало в преемственности правительственных учреждений: Управление по переселению (1935-1937). Фот... Еще
Купол скалы. Экспортеры, общий вид
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
AS12-46-6787 - Apollo 12 - Apollo 12 Mission image - Alan Bean moves d...
Первоначальная база данных описывает это следующим образом: Описание: Алан Л. Бин, пилот лунного модуля (LM), передвигает купол из топливной бочки радиоизотопного термоэлектрического генератора (РТГ) лунной по... Еще
Dome of Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, Washington, D....
Цифровое изображение, спродюсированное Кэрол М. Хайхет для представления ее оригинальной прозрачности фильма; некоторые детали могут отличаться между фильмом и цифровыми изображениями. Название, дата и ключевые... Еще
MSGT Бернард Хемман (справа) и SSGT Брюс Адам из 119-й секции Camron (...
Оригинальная находка описывала эту фотографию следующим образом: Тема / серия: COPPER AG База: Tyndall Air Force Base Штат: Флорида (Флорида) Страна: Соединенные Штаты Америки (США) Оператор сцены: Неизвес... Еще
Вид форпоста эсминца USS CARON (DD-970). На мосту установлена система ...
Оригинальная находка описывала эту фотографию следующим образом: База: Norfolk Штат: Вирджиния (Вирджиния) Страна: Соединенные Штаты Америки (США) Оператор сцены: Дон С. Монтгомери Статус релиза: Обнародов... Еще
Оригинальная находка описывала эту фотографию следующим образом: Тема...
Он принимает участие в учениях COBBLER FREE '87 - учениях сил быстрого реагирования в холодную погоду, проводимых Военно-воздушными силами США.
Оригинальная находка описывала эту фотографию следующим образом: Стра...
Один из членов экипажа стоит под куполом радара на борту атомного авианосца USS ABHAM COLN (CVN-72) во время его кругосветного путешествия по Южной Америке.
Оригинальная находка описывала эту фотографию следующим образом: Base...
(Точная дата выстрела неизвестна)
[Статуя Свободы установлена перед Капитолием США после ее снятия с куп...
Date from caption information for contact sheet ROLL CALL-1993-319 or corresponding negative sleeve. Contact sheet available for reference purposes: ROLL CALL-1993-319, frame 34. Contact sheet or negative slee... Еще
Оригинальная находка описывала эту фотографию следующим образом: База...
Два радиолокационных светильника SPG-62 находятся на верхней палубе, справа - QE-82 для WSC-3 UHF SATCOMM. Две панели в палубном домике - это стационарная радиолокационная станция SPY-1A.
Yosemite National Park - Half Dome
[Half Dome and El Capitan], N Montanus November 1996, YPCC Picryl description: Public domain photograph of Yosemite National Park, nature, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Yosemite National Park - Half Dome
[Half Dome], N Montanus November 1996, YPCC Picryl description: Public domain photograph of Yosemite National Park, nature, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Sacré-coeur basilica paris building. The ceiling of a church with stai...
Architecture stock photograph: The ceiling of the cathedral of saint - denis / The ceiling of a church with stained glass windows.
Jerusalem dome of the rock israel. A large building with a golden dome...
Architecture stock photograph: The dome of the rock / A large building with a golden dome on top of it.
Cathedral florence dome, religion. A very tall building with a clock o...
Architecture stock photograph: The cathedral of siena, italy / A very tall building with a clock on it's side.
A view of the inside of a building. Century hall dome poland.
The dome of the central station / The ceiling of the dome public domain stock photo.
A very tall building with a clock on it's side. Florence dome church, ...
The facade of the cathedral of san gimignano / A close up of a building with many different colored stone details public domain stock photo.
A tall building with a clock on the front of it. Florence dome church,...
The cathedral of siena, italy / A large cathedral with many statues on the front public domain stock photo.
The ceiling of a building with a painting on it. Dome santa maria del ...
Architecture stock photograph: The ceiling of the louvre museum / The ceiling of a building with a painting on it.
Cyprus kiti ayios kyriakos, religion. A building with a cross on top o...
Architecture stock photograph: A dome with a cross on top of it / A building with a cross on top of it.
Italy padua belfry. A clock tower with a statue on top of it
Architecture stock photograph: A large dome with a statue on top of it / A clock tower with a statue on top of it.
Tourist Attraction - Couple bazar dome bazar. A large building with a ...
Architecture stock photograph: Dome of the old city of bukhara / A large building with a dome on top of it.
A building that has some lights on it Tourist Attraction - Darmstadt h...
Architecture stock photograph: A large building with a dome and a fountain in the foreground / A building that has some lights on it.
Tourist Attraction - Cyprus sotira church, religion. A large building ...
Architecture stock photograph: The church of the holy sepulchre / A large building with arches and a dome on top.
A large church with a lot of chairs. Malta mosta cathedral, religion.
Architecture stock photograph: The interior of the church of the holy sepulchre / A large church with a lot of chairs.
Tourist Attraction - Duomo florence italy, religion. A tall building w...
Architecture stock photograph: A large dome on top of a building / A tall building with a clock on top of it.
Carol M. Highsmith - U.S. Capitol dome, Washington, D.C.
Цифровое изображение, спродюсированное Кэрол М. Хайхет для представления ее оригинальной прозрачности фильма; некоторые детали могут отличаться между фильмом и цифровыми изображениями. Название, дата и ключевые... Еще
Tourist Attraction - Florence church cathedral, religion. A tall tower...
Architecture stock photograph: The cathedral of the holy cross / A tall tower with a clock on top of it.
The russian orthodox church dome golden building. A large white buildi...
Architecture stock photograph: The golden domes of the russian orthodox church / A large white building with gold domes on top of it.
Firenze florence italy building. A large building with a clock on top ...
Свободные образы Италии. Итальянские фотографии бесплатно. Италия фотографии без каких-либо ограничений авторских прав.
A large building with a green dome on top of it Berlin dom old buildin...
Architecture stock photograph: A large building with a dome and people walking in front of it / A large building with a green dome on top of it.
St peters dome rome building. The dome of a building with a clock on i...
Свободные образы Италии. Итальянские фотографии бесплатно. Италия фотографии без каких-либо ограничений авторских прав.
A view of a building through a hole in a stone wall. Tourist Attractio...
A stone building with a dome on the top / A building that has a dome on the outside of it / Public domain stock photo.
Basilica of lisieux ceiling dome, religion. The ceiling of a large bui...
Architecture stock photograph: The dome of the church of the holy sepulchre / The ceiling of a large building with a dome.
Tourist Attraction - Church fresh ceiling, religion. A dome with a pai...
Architecture stock photograph: The dome of the church of san gimignano, rome, italy / A dome with a painting on it in a building.
Moscow golden domes church, religion. A church with golden domes on a ...
Architecture stock photograph: A large white building with gold domes and crosses / A church with golden domes on a clear day.
Tourist Attraction - Mantova italy sant'andrea, religion. The ceiling ...
Architecture stock photograph: The dome of the church of the holy sepulchre / The ceiling of a large building with a painting on it.
Tourist Attraction - Church orthodox religion, religion. A large build...
Architecture stock photograph: The dome of the church of the holy sepulchre in jerusalem / A large building with a cross on top of it.
Cyprus sotira church, religion. A church with a clock on the front of ...
Architecture stock photograph: A church with a dome and a cross on top of it / A church with a clock on the front of it.
Duomo florence italy. A large cathedral with a clock on it's side
Свободные образы Италии. Итальянские фотографии бесплатно. Италия фотографии без каких-либо ограничений авторских прав.
Tourist Attraction - Church golden dome, religion. A large white build...
Architecture stock photograph: The cathedral of the annunciation in kiev / A large white building with gold domes on top of it.
Dom salzburg church, religion. The ceiling of a church with a clock on...
Architecture stock photograph: The ceiling of the church of the holy spirit / The ceiling of a church with a clock on it.