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description and travel

221,023 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 2211
John Ogilby - Views of the Greatest Pyramid.

John Ogilby - Views of the Greatest Pyramid.

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

John Ogilby - The bringing up of the Children.

John Ogilby - The bringing up of the Children.

Public domain photo of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Sculptured stone jamb. - Public domain dedication image

Sculptured stone jamb. - Public domain dedication image

Public domain reproduction of illuminated book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ornament over a doorway. - Engraving, Public domain image

Ornament over a doorway. - Engraving, Public domain image

Picryl description: Public domain image related to Central America History, Aztec, Mesoamerica, Mexico, Pre-Columbus America free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Интерьер дворца Шаух Шуджа Ул Мулка, покойного короля Кабула

Интерьер дворца Шаух Шуджа Ул Мулка, покойного короля Кабула

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

List of subscribers [1] - Public domain architecture drawing

List of subscribers [1] - Public domain architecture drawing

Public domain scan of a portrait print, bust portrait drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Town and citadel of Ghuznee - Public domain  drawing

Town and citadel of Ghuznee - Public domain drawing

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Главный палач и помощник его величества покойного Шаха; Магомед Наиб Шурриф, знаменитый куззилбахский вождь Каубула, и его пешхиды, или главы

Главный палач и помощник его величества покойного Шаха; Магомед Наиб Ш...

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Афганские пехотинцы в зимней одежде

Афганские пехотинцы в зимней одежде

Public domain scan of technical drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gorod Olekminsk na reke Lene. - Public domain book scan / drawing

Gorod Olekminsk na reke Lene. - Public domain book scan / drawing

Picryl description: Public domain illustrated book page scan, drawings, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

V'iuchnyia loshadi. - Public domain book scan / drawing

V'iuchnyia loshadi. - Public domain book scan / drawing

Picryl description: Public domain illustrated book page scan, drawings, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

1-Бродячий. 2-й Оленный переулок.

1-Бродячий. 2-й Оленный переулок.

Picryl description: Public domain illustrated book page scan, drawings, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

Trajes Ficanos = Костюмы Ficains = Мехико.

Trajes Ficanos = Костюмы Ficains = Мехико.

Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Panoramic View of Chapultepec, Mexico

Panoramic View of Chapultepec, Mexico

Public domain scan of 19th-19th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Trajes mexicanos = Costumes mexicains = Mexican dresses.

Trajes mexicanos = Costumes mexicains = Mexican dresses.

Public domain image of a 19th century fashion, costume design, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Город Такубая, снятый с высоты птичьего полета по дороге в Толуку = La ville de Tacubaya, vue Prize à vue d'oiseau sur le chemin de Toluca = Город Такубая, снятый с высоты птичьего полета с дороги Толуки.

Город Такубая, снятый с высоты птичьего полета по дороге в Толуку = La...

Public domain scan of print / book page depicting birds, ornithology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Barbados - West Indies - Public domain dedication image

Barbados - West Indies - Public domain dedication image

Public domain photograph of industrial architecture, factory building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

1. Fours Egyptiens. 2. Quartier général dans des tombeaux près Nagadi.

1. Fours Egyptiens. 2. Quartier général dans des tombeaux près Nagadi.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gods, Egyptian - Egypt

Gods, Egyptian - Egypt

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

1. Руины храма близ Чнубиса. 2. Взгляд на Омбо. 3. Вид на руины Чнубиса.

1. Руины храма близ Чнубиса. 2. Взгляд на Омбо. 3. Вид на руины Чнубис...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Исторические барельефы из храма недалеко от Мединет-абу в Фивах.

Исторические барельефы из храма недалеко от Мединет-абу в Фивах.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Antiquités Egyptiennes. - Egypt

Antiquités Egyptiennes. - Egypt

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Divinités Egyptiennes. - Egypt

Divinités Egyptiennes. - Egypt

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Book illustration - [Terrace and building.] Book by John Lloyd Stephens 1805-1852
Book illustration - Labphak. [Xlapak]. Book by John Lloyd Stephens 1805-1852

Book illustration - Labphak. [Xlapak]. Book by John Lloyd Stephens 180...

Public domain scan of 19th-19th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cyclopean arch. - Public domain dedication image
Book illustration - Gothic arch. Book by John Lloyd Stephens 1805-1852
Odeianie tungusov. - Public domain book scan / drawing

Odeianie tungusov. - Public domain book scan / drawing

Picryl description: Public domain illustrated book page scan, drawings, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

North part of Hempstead, Queens Co. L.I.

North part of Hempstead, Queens Co. L.I.

Public domain scan of a vintage map, city plan, atlas, cartoghraphy, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Vue de Ras Muhammed, prise de l'ouest (Mer Rouge); Vue de Ras Muhammed, prise de Cherm el Bir (Mer Rouge).

Vue de Ras Muhammed, prise de l'ouest (Mer Rouge); Vue de Ras Muhammed...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to travels, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Вид на Старый Каир и пирамиду, насколько хватит глаз.

Вид на Старый Каир и пирамиду, насколько хватит глаз.

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

Течение Нила и места, расположенные на его берегах, от Дерри в Нубии до дельты, согласно наблюдениям, сделанным с ноября 1737 года до конца февраля 1738 года, какое время или время Нила воды самые низкие.

Течение Нила и места, расположенные на его берегах, от Дерри в Нубии д...

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

Premier Partie de la Carte du cours du Nil, contenant la Situation des ses bords, depuis le Vieux Cayre, jusqu'a Deir Abusaiffen.

Premier Partie de la Carte du cours du Nil, contenant la Situation des...

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

Округ Каюга, лист 2 правой страницы

Округ Каюга, лист 2 правой страницы

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Инжир. 1. Фиговое дерево Адама, вульгарно баннаны; Инжир. 2а. Бо Купрес, в Старом Каире, р. Курица фараона, предназначенная для ибиса.

Инжир. 1. Фиговое дерево Адама, вульгарно баннаны; Инжир. 2а. Бо Купре...

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

Descent upon the valley of the Jordan, The Holy land, Syria...

Descent upon the valley of the Jordan, The Holy land, Syria...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Раздел Второй пирамиды Мемфиса с каналами и гробницами. (а. Ложный портал, б. Первый канал, в. Принудительный доступ, г. Второй канал, д. Третий канал, е. Четвертый канал или коридор, г. Прихожая, д. Пятый канал, I. Царская гробница, к. Саркофаг [sic], л. Гробница внизу, м. Колодец.)

Раздел Второй пирамиды Мемфиса с каналами и гробницами. (а. Ложный пор...

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

Vue générale, prise du sud-est (Petra).

Vue générale, prise du sud-est (Petra).

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to travels, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Общий вид с северо-востока (Петра).

Общий вид с северо-востока (Петра).

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to travels, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jaffa, The Holy land, Syria... - Egypt

Jaffa, The Holy land, Syria... - Egypt

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Инжир. A. Вид на пирамиды Дагджура [Дахшура], которые являются третьими, которые можно найти в [из Каира. Они возвышаются между Шюмом, Месгуной и Дагджуром.] Рис. Б. Пирамиды в сторону Дагджура [Дахшура].

Инжир. A. Вид на пирамиды Дагджура [Дахшура], которые являются третьим...

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

Ramla, ancient Aramathea, The Holy land, Syria...

Ramla, ancient Aramathea, The Holy land, Syria...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Фонтана д'ель Адхаут в пустыне между Кенеком и Коссейром; Прибытие французов в Коссейр.

Фонтана д'ель Адхаут в пустыне между Кенеком и Коссейром; Прибытие фра...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sidon, looking towards Lebanon, The Holy land, Syria...

Sidon, looking towards Lebanon, The Holy land, Syria...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Змея, псиллиды которой мы используем; Три головы арабов; Главы лавочников Мекки.

Змея, псиллиды которой мы используем; Три головы арабов; Главы лавочни...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Руины храма возле Чнубиса; Вид на Омбос; Вид на руины Чнубиса.

Руины храма возле Чнубиса; Вид на Омбос; Вид на руины Чнубиса.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bethany, The Holy land, Syria...

Bethany, The Holy land, Syria...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vue de Rejeyna et de ses environs. (a. Schech Haridi, b. la Chapelle du Serpent)

Vue de Rejeyna et de ses environs. (a. Schech Haridi, b. la Chapelle d...

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

El Deir. Petra, The Holy land, Syria...

El Deir. Petra, The Holy land, Syria...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Инжир. 1. Первый взгляд на руины Карнака [Karnak]; Инжир. 2. Второй вид тех же руин.

Инжир. 1. Первый взгляд на руины Карнака [Karnak]; Инжир. 2. Второй ви...

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

Tempio de Latopoli a Esnè; Contra Latopoli.

Tempio de Latopoli a Esnè; Contra Latopoli.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Палатка арабов; Портик храма Латополи и его план.

Палатка арабов; Портик храма Латополи и его план.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Restes d'un portique admirable de l'ancienne Thebes.

Restes d'un portique admirable de l'ancienne Thebes.

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

Vue et perspective sur l'Isle Ell Heiff anciennement Phile.

Vue et perspective sur l'Isle Ell Heiff anciennement Phile.

Public domain photo of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Иероглифы, существующие в храме Тентиры.

Иероглифы, существующие в храме Тентиры.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Исторический барельеф в храме Карнак в Фивах.

Исторический барельеф в храме Карнак в Фивах.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Approach to the temple of Wady Saboua, Nubia, The Holy land, Syria...

Approach to the temple of Wady Saboua, Nubia, The Holy land, Syria...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

At Luxor. Thebes, The Holy land, Syria...

At Luxor. Thebes, The Holy land, Syria...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

View from under the portico of the temple of Dendera, The Holy land, Syria...

View from under the portico of the temple of Dendera, The Holy land, S...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bazaar of the coppersmiths, Cairo, The Holy land, Syria...

Bazaar of the coppersmiths, Cairo, The Holy land, Syria...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Minaret of the mosque El Rhamree, The Holy land, Syria...

Minaret of the mosque El Rhamree, The Holy land, Syria...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Journal, Cora A. Berliner - Public domain document scan of drawing

Journal, Cora A. Berliner - Public domain document scan of drawing

Рукописные; только 38 страниц содержат письменность; 8 свободных страниц вставлены в журнал. Содержит вставленный карандашный рисунок доктора Тэйна работы Оле. Журнал Коры А. Мбаппе о поездке ее семьи на борту ... Еще

Martin Van Buren Papers: Series 2, General Correspondence, 1787-1868; 1844; 1844, February 17 - Apr. 22
Ruines du Mexique et types mexicains

Ruines du Mexique et types mexicains

Название с обложки альбома. Мбаппе из 52 фотографий: 42 мексиканских руин (Чарная) и 10 "Тицианов" Хулио Мишо. Изображения Чарни снабжены рукописными подписями на французском языке; изображения Мишо снабжены по... Еще

Руины Мексики и мексиканских типов

Руины Мексики и мексиканских типов

Название с обложки альбома. Мбаппе из 52 фотографий: 42 мексиканских руин (Чарная) и 10 "Тицианов" Хулио Мишо. Изображения Чарни снабжены рукописными подписями на французском языке; изображения Мишо снабжены по... Еще

Письма Огдена с Запада, 1821-1823

Письма Огдена с Запада, 1821-1823

"Переиздание оригинального издания: New Beat, 1823". --p. [19]. Включает в себя факсимиле нового библейского издания 1823 года с заголовком: "Письма с Запада", состоящее из тура по западной стране и резиденции ... Еще

The Haram es-Sherif., Dorot Jewish Books Division

The Haram es-Sherif., Dorot Jewish Books Division

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Вид на южные ворота Харам эш-Шерифа (Баб эль-Хулда).

Вид на южные ворота Харам эш-Шерифа (Баб эль-Хулда).

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

План и участок земли вокруг храма Воскресения Христова и больницы Святого Иоанна.
Вид на гробницы судей и другие гробницы к северу от Иерусалима.

Вид на гробницы судей и другие гробницы к северу от Иерусалима.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Древняя еврейская синагога в Долине Кидрона на севере.

Древняя еврейская синагога в Долине Кидрона на севере.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Девятая и заключительная часть Америки. Qva природы elementorvm: из Нового Света в natura: svperstitiosis поклонения, необходимого для hvivs incolarvm: déq; форма Политики и переиздание. ... ... После того, как их лечили, пришло направление навигации, корабли Hollandicae более 5 лет 1598 через Магелланов пролив ... попробовали: Как ... Капитан Себальт де Верт ... После нескольких месяцев currentes прогнали. .. мизер ... или. 1600 вернулся домой на [Bernhardvm Jansz.] В дополнение к недавнему третьему рейсу, которым он командовал 4 navivm Olevier à Noort ... ... получил от German Refutatione всех получателей и фигурки bronze coornata editaq;

Девятая и заключительная часть Америки. Qva природы elementorvm: из Но...

31 Также доступна в цифровой форме на веб-сайте Библиотеки Конгресса. Pts. 2, 3 и 4. имеют также специальные титульные страницы. Первая часть, De Novi Orbis natura, написана Хосе де Акостой. Первое изд. Cf. Цер... Еще

Dr. Abdou's travels in America: [and commercial directory of the Arabic speaking people of the world]

Dr. Abdou's travels in America: [and commercial directory of the Arabi...

Picryl description: Public domain illustrated travel, exploration, and geography book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Америка, историческая, статистическая и описательная. Букингемский дворец

Америка, историческая, статистическая и описательная. Букингемский дво...

Также имеется в цифровой форме на веб-сайте Библиотеки Конгресса.

Americae nona & postrema pars. Qva de ratione elementorvm: de Novi Orbis natvra: de hvivs incolarvm svperstitiosis cultibus: déq; forma politiae ac reipubl. ipsorum ... pertractatur ... His accessit designatio illivs navigationis, qvam 5 naues Hollandicae anno 1598, per Fretum Magellanum ... tentarunt: quomodo ... capitaneus Sebalt de Weert ... postquam plurimis mensibus in Freto ... miserè iactatus fuisset ... an. 1600 domum reuersus sit [per Bernhardvm Jansz.] Addita est tertio navigatio recens, qvam 4 navivm praefectus Olevier à Noort ... suscepit ... Omnia è Germanico Latinitate donata, & figuris aeneis coornata editaq́;

Americae nona & postrema pars. Qva de ratione elementorvm: de Novi Orb...

31 Также доступна в цифровой форме на веб-сайте Библиотеки Конгресса. Pts. 2, 3 и 4. имеют также специальные титульные страницы. Первая часть, De Novi Orbis natura, написана Хосе де Акостой. Первое изд. Cf. Цер... Еще

Americae nona & postrema pars. Qva de ratione elementorvm: de Novi Orbis natvra: de hvivs incolarvm svperstitiosis cultibus: déq; forma politiae ac reipubl. ipsorum ... pertractatur ... His accessit designatio illivs navigationis, qvam 5 naues Hollandicae anno 1598, per Fretum Magellanum ... tentarunt: quomodo ... capitaneus Sebalt de Weert ... postquam plurimis mensibus in Freto ... miserè iactatus fuisset ... an. 1600 domum reuersus sit [per Bernhardvm Jansz.] Addita est tertio navigatio recens, qvam 4 navivm praefectus Olevier à Noort ... suscepit ... Omnia è Germanico Latinitate donata, & figuris aeneis coornata editaq́;

Americae nona & postrema pars. Qva de ratione elementorvm: de Novi Orb...

31 Также доступна в цифровой форме на веб-сайте Библиотеки Конгресса. Pts. 2, 3 и 4. имеют также специальные титульные страницы. Первая часть, De Novi Orbis natura, написана Хосе де Акостой. Первое изд. Cf. Цер... Еще

Brooklyn Daily Eagle Long Island automobile guide

Brooklyn Daily Eagle Long Island automobile guide

Public domain scan of a vintage map, plan, atlas, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Brooklyn Daily Eagle Long Island

Brooklyn Daily Eagle Long Island

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The man-eaters of Tsavo : and other East African adventures

The man-eaters of Tsavo : and other East African adventures

Picryl description: Public domain illustrated travel, exploration, and geography book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

The man-eaters of Tsavo : and other East African adventures

The man-eaters of Tsavo : and other East African adventures

Picryl description: Public domain illustrated travel, exploration, and geography book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Cincinnati in 1826 Geography and Description, Cincinnati Ohio

Cincinnati in 1826 Geography and Description, Cincinnati Ohio

Picryl description: Public domain illustrated travel, exploration, and geography book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers (Page I) BHL31808016

Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri...

Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers [House Report: Ex. doc. no.: 41] /By Lieut. Col. W... Еще

Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers BHL31807888

Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri...

Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers [House Report: Ex. doc. no.: 41] /By Lieut. Col. W... Еще

Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers BHL31808324

Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri...

Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers [House Report: Ex. doc. no.: 41] /By Lieut. Col. W... Еще

Notes of military reconnoissance BHL32490270

Notes of military reconnoissance BHL32490270

Notes of a military reconnoissance :from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers [Senate Report: Ex. doc. no.: 7] /By W. H. Emory,... Еще

Notes of military reconnoissance BHL32490357

Notes of military reconnoissance BHL32490357

Notes of a military reconnoissance :from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers [Senate Report: Ex. doc. no.: 7] /By W. H. Emory,... Еще

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway (1885) (14755452506)

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom",...

Identifier: dayinancientrome00lohruoft (find matches) Title: A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway .. Year: 1885 (1880s) Autho... Еще

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway (1885) (14775331181)

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom",...

Identifier: dayinancientrome00lohruoft (find matches) Title: A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway .. Year: 1885 (1880s) Autho... Еще

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway (1885) (14778468025)

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom",...

Identifier: dayinancientrome00lohruoft (find matches) Title: A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway .. Year: 1885 (1880s) Autho... Еще

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway (1885) (14798386273)

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom",...

Identifier: dayinancientrome00lohruoft (find matches) Title: A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway .. Year: 1885 (1880s) Autho... Еще

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway (1885) (14778514505)

A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom",...

Identifier: dayinancientrome00lohruoft (find matches) Title: A day in ancient Rome; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom", with numerous illustrations, by Edgar S. Shumway .. Year: 1885 (1880s) Autho... Еще

A diary in the East - during the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales (1869) (14576462689)

A diary in the East - during the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wa...

Identifier: diaryineastdurin01russ (find matches) Title: A diary in the East : during the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Russell, William Howard, Sir, 1820-1907 Subjects... Еще

A home geography of New York city (1905) (14780601314)

A home geography of New York city (1905) (14780601314)

Identifier: homegeographyofn00stra (find matches) Title: A home geography of New York city Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Straubenmuller, Gustave Subjects: New York (N.Y.) -- Description and travel New York (N... Еще

A pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary of the Philippine Islands, United States of America with maps, charts and illustrations (1902) (14777939262)

A pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary of the Philippine ...

Identifier: pronouncinggazet00unitrich (find matches) Title: A pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary of the Philippine Islands, United States of America with maps, charts and illustrations Year: 1... Еще

A ride to India across Persia and Baluchistan (1891) (14761419246)

A ride to India across Persia and Baluchistan (1891) (14761419246)

Identifier: ridetoindiaacros00dewirich (find matches) Title: A ride to India across Persia and Baluchistan Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: De Windt, Harry, 1856-1933 Subjects: India -- Description and travel Ir... Еще

A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise (1907) (14598513259)

A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise (1907) (1459...

Identifier: triptoorientstor00jacorich (find matches) Title: A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Jacob, Robert Urie Subjects: Middle East -- Description and... Еще

A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise (1907) (14782016721)

A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise (1907) (1478...

Identifier: triptoorientstor00jacorich (find matches) Title: A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Jacob, Robert Urie Subjects: Middle East -- Description and... Еще

A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise (1907) (14598517578)

A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise (1907) (1459...

Identifier: triptoorientstor00jacorich (find matches) Title: A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Jacob, Robert Urie Subjects: Middle East -- Description and... Еще

A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise (1907) (14784764102)

A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise (1907) (1478...

Identifier: triptoorientstor00jacorich (find matches) Title: A trip to the Orient; the story of a Mediterranean cruise Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Jacob, Robert Urie Subjects: Middle East -- Description and... Еще

A university tramp (1889) (14777924764)

A university tramp (1889) (14777924764)

Identifier: universitytramp00hubb (find matches) Title: A university tramp Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Hubbell, Orrin Z Subjects: Europe -- Description and travel Publisher: Elkhart, Ind. : G. W. Butler Co... Еще


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