Самый большой мировой архив общественного достояния

collections of the vanderbilt university fine arts gallery

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Standing female figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.492

Standing female figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.492

Standing female figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.492  Standing female figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.492 

Kogo (Incense Container) - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1992.480

Kogo (Incense Container) - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1992.480

Kogo (Incense Container), ceramics by Artist Unknown 1992.480  Kogo (Incense Container), ceramics by Artist Unknown 1992.480 

Christ from a Crucifix - black background - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1969.003

Christ from a Crucifix - black background - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Galle...

Christ from a Crucifix - black background, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1969.003  Christ from a Crucifix - black background, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1969.003 

Head of a boy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012Pd

Head of a boy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012Pd

Head of a boy - side, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Head of a boy - side, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Ivory seal with a design of a seated deity holding a lotus - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1978.008

Ivory seal with a design of a seated deity holding a lotus - Vanderbil...

Ivory seal with a design of a seated deity holding a lotus, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1978.008  Ivory seal with a design of a seated deity holding a lotus, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1978.008 

Over The Top For You; Buy Gov't Bonds, Third Liberty Loan - lighter photograph - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1211P
Figure vessel - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1014

Figure vessel - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1014

Figure vessel, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Figure vessel, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Kogo (Incense Container) - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1992.483

Kogo (Incense Container) - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1992.483

Kogo (Incense Container), ceramics by Artist Unknown 1992.483  Kogo (Incense Container), ceramics by Artist Unknown 1992.483 

Bolognese Virgin - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1973.001

Bolognese Virgin - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1973.001

Bolognese Virgin, sculpture attributed to Giuseppe Maria Mazza  Bolognese Virgin, sculpture attributed to Giuseppe Maria Mazza 

Saint Barbara (reliquary) - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1983.021

Saint Barbara (reliquary) - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1983.021

Saint Barbara (reliquary), sculpture by Artist Unknown  Saint Barbara (reliquary), sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Stone handle - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1023P 2

Stone handle - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1023P 2

Stone handle, stone by Artist Unknown  Stone handle, stone by Artist Unknown 

Tomb Model- House - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2002.038

Tomb Model- House - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2002.038

Tomb Model: House, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Tomb Model: House, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Head of Buddha - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1985.066

Head of Buddha - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1985.066

Head of Buddha, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1985.066  Head of Buddha, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1985.066 

U.S. Marines Active Service on Land and Sea - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1214P
Ivory seal with an impression of a seated deity - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1978.007

Ivory seal with an impression of a seated deity - Vanderbilt Fine Arts...

Ivory seal with an impression of a seated deity, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Ivory seal with an impression of a seated deity, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Figure with one hand on chest - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.534

Figure with one hand on chest - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.53...

Figure with one hand on chest, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Figure with one hand on chest, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Standing figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1969.049

Standing figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1969.049

Standing figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1969.049  Standing figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1969.049 

Sculpture fragment - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1975.064

Sculpture fragment - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1975.064

Sculpture fragment, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Sculpture fragment, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Head of a boy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012Pa

Head of a boy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012Pa

Head of a boy - side, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Head of a boy - side, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Vase - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0532P

Vase - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0532P

Vase, work of art by Artist Unknown  Vase, work of art by Artist Unknown 

Jar - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1978.038

Jar - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1978.038

Jar, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Jar, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Seated female figure with child - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.364

Seated female figure with child - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994....

Seated female figure with child, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.364  Seated female figure with child, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.364 

Seated female figure with cloth skirt - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.422

Seated female figure with cloth skirt - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery -...

Seated female figure with cloth skirt, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Seated female figure with cloth skirt, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Mephistopheles in the Air - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1983.004 copy
Pipe bowl in the shape of a seated human - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0415P

Pipe bowl in the shape of a seated human - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Galler...

Pipe bowl in the shape of a seated human, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Pipe bowl in the shape of a seated human, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Fish with pattern scales - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.377

Fish with pattern scales - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.377

Fish with pattern scales, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Fish with pattern scales, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

St. George and the Dragon; from a peasant carving workshop - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1980.129

St. George and the Dragon; from a peasant carving workshop - Vanderbil...

St. George and the Dragon; from a peasant carving workshop, sculpture by Artist Unknown  St. George and the Dragon; from a peasant carving workshop, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Christ from a Crucifix - red background - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1969.003red

Christ from a Crucifix - red background - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery...

Christ from a Crucifix - red background, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1969.003  Christ from a Crucifix - red background, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1969.003 

Head of a boy - recto - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012P

Head of a boy - recto - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012P

Head of a boy - recto, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Head of a boy - recto, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Standing female figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.417

Standing female figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.417

Standing female figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.417  Standing female figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.417 

Dish with floral design with celadon crackle glaze - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.180

Dish with floral design with celadon crackle glaze - Vanderbilt Fine A...

Dish with floral design with celadon crackle glaze, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Dish with floral design with celadon crackle glaze, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hands, Saint John the Evangelist, and two angels - verso - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1975.004 verso

Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hands, Sain...

Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hands, Saint John the Evangelist, and two angels - verso, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hand... Еще

Head of a boy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012Pc

Head of a boy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012Pc

Head of a boy - side, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Head of a boy - side, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Standing female saint or Madonna - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1039P

Standing female saint or Madonna - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979...

Standing female saint or Madonna, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Standing female saint or Madonna, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Carved funerary figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.362

Carved funerary figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.362

Carved funerary figure, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1994.362  Carved funerary figure, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1994.362 

Rockingham Pottery Brown Cookie Jar - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1005P

Rockingham Pottery Brown Cookie Jar - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1...

Rockingham Pottery Brown Cookie Jar, work of art by Artist Unknown  Rockingham Pottery Brown Cookie Jar, work of art by Artist Unknown 

Seated Luohan (Arhat) - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1980.031

Seated Luohan (Arhat) - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1980.031

Seated Luohan (Arhat), sculpture by Artist Unknown  Seated Luohan (Arhat), sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Stamp with a bird - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.396

Stamp with a bird - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.396

Stamp with a bird, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Stamp with a bird, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Standing female figure with painting on the back - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.482

Standing female figure with painting on the back - Vanderbilt Fine Art...

Standing female figure with painting on the back, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Standing female figure with painting on the back, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Transitional Side Chair - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1992.334

Transitional Side Chair - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1992.334

Transitional Side Chair, furniture by Artist Unknown  Transitional Side Chair, furniture by Artist Unknown 

Industrial Division- Help Uncle Sam's Boys, Give your days' pay, November 11 to 18 - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1230 LARGE
1979.0416P 4

1979.0416P 4

Pot with bear effigy - side, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Pot with bear effigy - side, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Head of John the Baptist - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1977.009

Head of John the Baptist - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1977.009

Head of John the Baptist, sculpture by Juan Alonso Villabrille y Ron  Head of John the Baptist, sculpture by Juan Alonso Villabrille y Ron 

Over The Top For You; Buy Gov't Bonds, Third Liberty Loan - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1211P LARGE
Head of a warrior funerary figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.415

Head of a warrior funerary figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 199...

Head of a warrior funerary figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Head of a warrior funerary figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Seven Samurai relaxing, with inscriptions - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1993.220
Standing male figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.528

Standing male figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.528

Standing male figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.528  Standing male figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.528 

Seated Warrior - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1969.062

Seated Warrior - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1969.062

Seated Warrior, Anonymous painted clay sculpture  Seated Warrior, Anonymous painted clay sculpture 

Christ from a Crucifix - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1976.009

Christ from a Crucifix - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1976.009

Christ from a Crucifix, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1976.009  Christ from a Crucifix, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1976.009 

Seated mother with child - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.385

Seated mother with child - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.385

Seated mother with child, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Seated mother with child, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Carved figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.365

Carved figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.365

Carved figure, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Carved figure, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Pax (baiser de paix) depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0676P

Pax (baiser de paix) depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin and Sai...

Pax (baiser de paix) depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Pax (baiser de paix) depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin and Saint John the Evan... Еще

Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hands, Saint John the Evangelist, and two angels - recto and verso - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1975.004 f b

Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hands, Sain...

Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hands, Saint John the Evangelist, and two angels - recto and verso, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raisin... Еще

Pot with bear effigy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0416P 2

Pot with bear effigy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0416...

Pot with bear effigy - side, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Pot with bear effigy - side, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Hun or Home Buy More Liberty Bonds - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0799P
Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hands, Saint John the Evangelist, and two angels - recto - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1975.004 recto

Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hands, Sain...

Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hands, Saint John the Evangelist, and two angels - recto, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Pax, depicting the Crucifixion with the Virgin raising her hand... Еще

Standing female figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.459

Standing female figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.459

Standing female figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.459  Standing female figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1994.459 

Palm Wine Cup with incised design of Royal Insignia - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1973.023

Palm Wine Cup with incised design of Royal Insignia - Vanderbilt Fine ...

Palm Wine Cup with incised design of Royal Insignia, work of art by Artist Unknown  Palm Wine Cup with incised design of Royal Insignia, work of art by Artist Unknown 

The Blacksmith Worker - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1976.036

The Blacksmith Worker - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1976.036

The Blacksmith Worker, sculpture by Hans Schmidt-Felling 

Ceremonial hatchet with a copper handle - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0601P

Ceremonial hatchet with a copper handle - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery...

Ceremonial hatchet with a copper handle, weapon by Artist Unknown  Ceremonial hatchet with a copper handle, weapon by Artist Unknown 

Pot with bear effigy - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0416P

Pot with bear effigy - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0416P

Pot with bear effigy, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Pot with bear effigy, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Pot with bear effigy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0416P 3

Pot with bear effigy - side - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0416...

Pot with bear effigy - side, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Pot with bear effigy - side, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.457

Figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.457

Figure, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1994.457  Figure, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1994.457 

Jar with incised spiral designs - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0411P

Jar with incised spiral designs - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979....

Jar with incised spiral designs, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Jar with incised spiral designs, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Seated Hunchback - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1969.042

Seated Hunchback - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1969.042

Seated Hunchback, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Seated Hunchback, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

St. Sebastian - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0655PFXD

St. Sebastian - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0655PFXD

St. Sebastian, Painting by Pseudo Granacci

Mercury - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0448P

Mercury - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0448P

Mercury, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1979.0448P  Mercury, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1979.0448P 

Medicine steamer - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2000.117

Medicine steamer - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2000.117

Medicine steamer, work of art by Artist Unknown  Medicine steamer, work of art by Artist Unknown 

Sepik Ancestral Mask - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2004.031

Sepik Ancestral Mask - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2004.031

Sepik Ancestral Mask, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Sepik Ancestral Mask, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Standing corn goddess with elaborate headdress and ear of corn - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.496

Standing corn goddess with elaborate headdress and ear of corn - Vande...

Standing corn goddess with elaborate headdress and ear of corn, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Standing corn goddess with elaborate headdress and ear of corn, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Inro in four compartments with netsuke in the shape of a dog, including an ivory ojime on a silk cord - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1978.004

Inro in four compartments with netsuke in the shape of a dog, includin...

Inro in four compartments with netsuke in the shape of a dog, including an ivory ojime on a silk cord, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Inro in four compartments with netsuke in the shape of a dog, including an iv... Еще

Mephistopheles in the Air - black and white - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1983.004
Lend the way they Fight- Buy Bonds to your Utmost - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0800P LARGE
Ivory seal with a design of a reclining elephant - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1978.010

Ivory seal with a design of a reclining elephant - Vanderbilt Fine Art...

Ivory seal with a design of a reclining elephant, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Ivory seal with a design of a reclining elephant, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Ceremonial drum in the shape of a male figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.531

Ceremonial drum in the shape of a male figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts G...

Ceremonial drum in the shape of a male figure, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Ceremonial drum in the shape of a male figure, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Rhenish Pietà - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1982.105

Rhenish Pietà - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1982.105

Rhenish Pietà, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Rhenish Pietà, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Seven Samurai relaxing, with inscriptions - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1993.220 2
Head of a boy - verso - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012Pb

Head of a boy - verso - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1012Pb

Head of a boy - verso, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Head of a boy - verso, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Small eagle pendant - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2006.010

Small eagle pendant - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2006.010

Small eagle pendant, work of art by Artist Unknown  Small eagle pendant, work of art by Artist Unknown 

Stone handle - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1023P

Stone handle - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.1023P

Stone handle, stone by Artist Unknown  Stone handle, stone by Artist Unknown 

Flaring bowl with human face - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.512

Flaring bowl with human face - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.512

Flaring bowl with human face, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Flaring bowl with human face, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Head of Buddha - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1985.064

Head of Buddha - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1985.064

Head of Buddha, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1985.064  Head of Buddha, sculpture by Artist Unknown 1985.064 

Pair of bi discs with a grain pattern design - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2001.164

Pair of bi discs with a grain pattern design - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Ga...

Pair of bi discs with a grain pattern design, sculpture by Artist Unknown  Pair of bi discs with a grain pattern design, sculpture by Artist Unknown 

Standing figure with tapered head and elaborate ear ornaments - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1994.465

Standing figure with tapered head and elaborate ear ornaments - Vander...

Standing figure with tapered head and elaborate ear ornaments, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Standing figure with tapered head and elaborate ear ornaments, ceramics by Artist Unknown 

Relief Portrait of a Boy - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1971-017

Relief Portrait of a Boy - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1971-017

Relief Portrait of a Boy, sculpture by Pietro Lombardo  Relief Portrait of a Boy, sculpture by Pietro Lombardo 

Divination instrument in the shape of an animal with long protruding head and tail with small rubbing staff attached - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1995.019

Divination instrument in the shape of an animal with long protruding h...

Divination instrument in the shape of an animal with long protruding head and tail with small rubbing staff attached, work of art by Artist Unknown  Divination instrument in the shape of an animal with long pr... Еще

Figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0410P

Figure - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 1979.0410P

Figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1979.0410P  Figure, ceramics by Artist Unknown 1979.0410P 

Jar with straight neck and two loop handles with eight sets of five vertical ribs - Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery - 2000.112

Jar with straight neck and two loop handles with eight sets of five ve...

Jar with straight neck and two loop handles with eight sets of five vertical ribs, ceramics by Artist Unknown  Jar with straight neck and two loop handles with eight sets of five vertical ribs, ceramics by Art... Еще

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