Самый большой мировой архив общественного достояния

charcoal portraits

225 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 3
Nagy Portrait of a Man - Drawing. Public domain image.
Petite étude aux deux crayon vers 1860

Petite étude aux deux crayon vers 1860

Dessin reproduit en lithographie. Petite étude aux deux crayons, vers 1860 (environ 30 x 15 cm) auteur inconnu. Un écolier en uniforme portant une croix d'honneur. Musée de l'éducation (Rouen).

Durer, massimiliano I, disegno - Public domain portrait painting

Durer, massimiliano I, disegno - Public domain portrait painting

Portrait of Maximilian I of Habsburg (22 March 1459 – 12 January 1519) Deutsch: Portrait von Maximilian I. von Habsburg (22. März 1459 – 12. Januar 1519)

Repin selfscenic 1899 - Public domain scenic drawing

Repin selfscenic 1899 - Public domain scenic drawing

Self-portrait. Charcoal on canvas. 75.75 × 62 cm. Private collection. Español: Autorretrato. Carboncillo sobre lienzo. 75,75 × 62 cm. Colección particular. Русский: Автопортрет. Холст, уголь. 75,75 × 62 см. ... Еще

Leo Gestel, Self Portrait, 1913, charcoal and white

Leo Gestel, Self Portrait, 1913, charcoal and white

Self portrait. Signed and dated lower right Leo Gestel 13. Charcoal heightened with white on paper, 44 x 35 cm

Oskar Luts by Nikolai Triik - Public domain portrait drawing

Oskar Luts by Nikolai Triik - Public domain portrait drawing

Portrait of Oskar Luts by Nikolai Triik. charcoal on papermedium QS:P186,Q1424515;P186,Q11472,P518,Q861259

Self portrait by Gustave Courbet 1852

Self portrait by Gustave Courbet 1852

"Self portrait," black chalk and charcoal drawing, by the French artist Gustave Courbet. 570 mm x 450 mm. Courtesy of the British Museum, London.

Albrecht Dürer - "Lucas van Leyden" - WGA07103

Albrecht Dürer - "Lucas van Leyden" - WGA07103

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Székely Önarckép 1858 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Орпен, Уильям (сэр) (ЮАР) - Манхэттен, Аррас. "Только что из траншей под Аррасом. Прошли через битвы Ипра и... - Google Art Project

Орпен, Уильям (сэр) (ЮАР) - Манхэттен, Аррас. "Только что из траншей п...

Public domain photograph related to Great Britain in World War One, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Delaroche Portrait - Drawing. Public domain image.

Delaroche Portrait - Drawing. Public domain image.

Self-portrait by Paul Delaroche (1797-1856)

Schickedanz Young Woman - Drawing. Public domain image.
Ștefan Dimitrescu - Garabet Ibrăileanu

Ștefan Dimitrescu - Garabet Ibrăileanu

Charcoal portrait of critic and literary theorist Garabet Ibrăileanu.

Nikolay Tarkhov (selfportrait 1921)

Nikolay Tarkhov (selfportrait 1921)

Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrait of Arkhipov by Repin - Public domain portrait drawing

Portrait of Arkhipov by Repin - Public domain portrait drawing

Portrait of Abram Efimovich Arkhipov. Pastel and charcoal on Paper. 73.7 × 54.6 cm. Montana Museum of Art and Culture, Missoula. Español: Retrato de Abram Yefímovich Arjipov. Pastel y carboncillo sobre papel.... Еще

Carl Larsson Strindberg - Public domain portrait painting

Carl Larsson Strindberg - Public domain portrait painting

Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Johannessen - Selbstbildnis -1922.  Norway

Johannessen - Selbstbildnis -1922. Norway

Public domain photo of drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Бруклинский музей - Старик - Истмен Джонсон

Бруклинский музей - Старик - Истмен Джонсон

Public domain photo of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Норман Роквелл - Автопортрет - Google Art Project

Норман Роквелл - Автопортрет - Google Art Project

Public domain scan of 17th-century artwork, drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Rihard Jakopič - Avtoportret, Slovenia

Rihard Jakopič - Avtoportret, Slovenia

4 T Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Willy Spatz - Frauenporträt - Public domain portrait drawing

Willy Spatz - Frauenporträt - Public domain portrait drawing

Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Christian Ludwig Hautt, Leclerc ca. 1782

Christian Ludwig Hautt, Leclerc ca. 1782

Deutsch: Porträt des pfalz-zweibrückischen Hofarchitekten Christian Ludwig Hautt Public domain scan of engraving, male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrait of P. Semenov-Tien-Shansky

Portrait of P. Semenov-Tien-Shansky

Portrait of P. Semenov-Tien-Shansky. 1905. Charcoal, color pencils, chalk on paper. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Selbstporträtstudie1 - Public domain portrait painting

Selbstporträtstudie1 - Public domain portrait painting

Deutsch: Paul Schad-Rossa (1862-1916), Selbstporträt (?), Kohle/Kreide, 38 x 33 cm, Privatsammlung

36 x 28 cm
signed b.R.

Автопортрет уголь 36 x 28 cm signed b.R.

: C. Dupaty датируется б.н.э. Шарль Дюпати, Шарль Дюпати : 1808

Иль Орлик - Портрет раввина
61 на 47 см
подписанный Джоном С. Сарджентом и вписанный возмутительно справа
древесный уголь на борту

61 на 47 см подписанный Джоном С. Сарджентом и вписанный возмутительно...

"Евгения Эррарис" Джона Сингера Сарджента Эухения Эррариз, жена чилийского пейзажиста Томаса Эррариса. 1905 год

Эдвард Абнель Келияхонуи (PP-98-3-001)

Эдвард Абнель Келияхонуи (PP-98-3-001)

Эдвард Абнель Келиахонуи (1869-1887) был принцем Гавайского королевства. Угольная работа Дж. Юинга, на фотографии, воспроизведенной Дж. Уильямсом.

Рамон Касас - Портрет Сантьяго Русиньоля - Google Art Project
Tihanyi Self-portrait c. 1932 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Géza Vastagh Mädchenportrait Kohlezeichnung

Géza Vastagh Mädchenportrait Kohlezeichnung

Deutsch: Mädchenportrait. Kohlezeichnung 80 x 50 cm

Albrecht Dürer - Portrait of a Girl - WGA7076

Albrecht Dürer - Portrait of a Girl - WGA7076

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Hamilton Men I Have Painted 108f Lord Leighton

Hamilton Men I Have Painted 108f Lord Leighton

Scan of plate (cropped version) facing p. 108 from Men I Have Painted by John McLure Hamilton. A portrait of Lord [Frederic] Leighton by Mr. Hamilton. Reproduced from a drawing in charcoal. A photograph of the ... Еще

Aba-Novák Self-Portrait with Hat 1920
Irving Berlin (1944 portrait by Samuel Johnson Woolf)

Irving Berlin (1944 portrait by Samuel Johnson Woolf)

Public domain photograph - bust portrait drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Алиса, леди Лоутер - Блеск Джона Сингера Сарджента

Алиса, леди Лоутер - Блеск Джона Сингера Сарджента

Alice, Lady Lowther (Neé Blight) 62 на 47,5 см подписал Джон С. Сарджент, нижний справа уголь на бумаге

Brooklyn Museum - Study for La Musique - Berthe Morisot
Amalia Lindegren - Public domain portrait drawing

Amalia Lindegren - Public domain portrait drawing

Svenska: Kol och svartkrita på papperEnglish: Charcoal and paper

Female Portrait Head bySethCheney Harvard

Female Portrait Head bySethCheney Harvard

Female portrait head, by Seth W. Cheney. Charcoal drawing.

Father of the Church, by Jan Toorop

Father of the Church, by Jan Toorop

Portrait of an old farmer in front of a cathedral

Self Portrait by Lajos Vajda - Public domain portrait print

Self Portrait by Lajos Vajda - Public domain portrait print

Public domain scan of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

John Singer Sargent, Olimpio Fusco, c. 1900-1910, NGA 184267

John Singer Sargent, Olimpio Fusco, c. 1900-1910, NGA 184267

Public domain scan of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Бруклинский музей - Портрет мадам графини Адель де Тулуз-Лотрек - Анри де Тулуз-Лотрек

Бруклинский музей - Портрет мадам графини Адель де Тулуз-Лотрек - Анри...

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - French painter, printmaker, and illustrator of the Post-Impressionist period. He is best known for his depictions of Parisian nightlife, including the world of cabarets, cafes, and b... Еще

John Singer Sargent - Portrait of Charles Martin Loeffler, 1917 - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Van Brée - Pierre Georges Meulnaere, député du département de l'Escaut

Van Brée - Pierre Georges Meulnaere, député du département de l'Escaut

Picryl description: Public domain image of a portrait, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Eastman Johnson - Kenne waw be mint - ejb - fig 100 - pg 225

Eastman Johnson - Kenne waw be mint - ejb - fig 100 - pg 225

Eastman Johnson - Kenne waw be mint - Scanned from Eastman Johnson: Painting America - Charcoal and Crayon on Paper - 8 x 7.5 in - 1857 - fig 100 - pg 225

Joseph Wright of Derby. Self-Portrait in a Black Feathered Hat. c.1767-70

Joseph Wright of Derby. Self-Portrait in a Black Feathered Hat. c.1767...

Joseph Wright of Derby. Self-Portrait in a Black Feathered Hat. c.1767-70. Charcoal heightened with white chalk on paper. 53.3 x 36.8 cm. Derby Art Gallery, Derby, UK.

John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) - Ernest Thesiger (c. 1911)
MAGI, mustlastüdruku portree - Public domain portrait drawing

MAGI, mustlastüdruku portree - Public domain portrait drawing

Portrait of a gypsy girl, etude. Charcoal on paper. Diameter 31 x 24 cm Eesti: "Mustlastüdruku portree-etüüd". Süsi rohekashallil paberil. Läbimõõt 31 x 24 cm

Ethel Grenfell, Lady Desborough, by John Singer Sargent

Ethel Grenfell, Lady Desborough, by John Singer Sargent

A charcoal portrait of Ethel Grenfell by artist John Singer Sargent

Jheronimus Bosch - Public domain portrait painting

Jheronimus Bosch - Public domain portrait painting

Du Recueil d'Arras (Аррас, Bibliothèque Municipale, ms. 266, fol. 275), см. Категория: Recueil d'Arras

Портрет Фредерика де Бернара

Портрет Фредерика де Бернара

Public domain photo of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Сантьяго Русиньоль - Портрет Альфредо Саинати - Google Art Project

Сантьяго Русиньоль - Портрет Альфредо Саинати - Google Art Project

Public domain photograph - portrait of athlete, champion, sport, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Borstbeeld St Servaas, houtskooltekening grotten v Caestert, eind 15e eeuw

Borstbeeld St Servaas, houtskooltekening grotten v Caestert, eind 15e ...

Charcoal drawing in the Caestert quarries near Maastricht, the Netherlands, depicting the head reliquary in the shape of a portrait bust of Saint Servatius. The original early 15th century bust depicted here w... Еще

Emerson by Johnson 1846-crop - Public domain portrait photograph

Emerson by Johnson 1846-crop - Public domain portrait photograph

Charcoal portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson by artist Eastman Johnson, 1846. Part of the personal collection of friend Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Aba-Novák Self-portrait 1920 D - Public domain portrait drawing
Rihard Jakopič - Oblečena moška figura
Charcoal Cat Drawing - Public domain portrait print

Charcoal Cat Drawing - Public domain portrait print

(Removed after reusableart request.)

Albrecht Dürer - Portrait of a Young Man - WGA07098

Albrecht Dürer - Portrait of a Young Man - WGA07098

Public domain photo of portrait art painting, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Van Gogh 1883-03, The Hague - Girl Kneeling by a Cradle F 1024 JH 336

Van Gogh 1883-03, The Hague - Girl Kneeling by a Cradle F 1024 JH 336

Public domain image of infant, child, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Axel Munthe00 - Public domain portrait drawing

Axel Munthe00 - Public domain portrait drawing

Charcoal/pastel portrait of Axel Munthe (1857-1949)

Бруклинский музей - Старуха - Истмен Джонсон

Бруклинский музей - Старуха - Истмен Джонсон

Public domain photo of portrait art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Ив Курбе - молодой человек, сидящий, изучающий. Self-Portrait, известный как At the Easel - Google Art Project
Vajda Abstract Self-portrait 1937
Hoca ali rıza otoportre 1909 - Public domain portrait drawing

Hoca ali rıza otoportre 1909 - Public domain portrait drawing

Selfportrait of Hoca Ali Rıza, charcoal on paper Türkçe: Otoportre, Hoca Ali Rıza, kağıt üzerine karakalem العربية: صورة ذاتية بالقلم الرصاص

Nicolae Tonitza - Portretul profesorului dr. C. Ionescu-Mihăieşti

Nicolae Tonitza - Portretul profesorului dr. C. Ionescu-Mihăieşti

Portretul profesorului dr. C. Ionescu-Mihăieşti ("Portrait of Physician Prof. C[onstantin] Ionescu-Mihăieşti"). Charcoal on paper, 0.540 x 0.420 m.

Nicolae Vermont - Caragiale, 1902

Nicolae Vermont - Caragiale, 1902

Portrait of the Romanian dramatist Ion Luca Caragiale, in charcoal.

Ștefan Dimitrescu - Lili Teodoreanu

Ștefan Dimitrescu - Lili Teodoreanu

Portrait of Ștefana "Lily" Teodoreanu (Velisar), novelist and poet, wife of Ionel Teodoreanu.

Rodolfo Amoedo - Retrato de Artista

Rodolfo Amoedo - Retrato de Artista

Public domain photograph of 19th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Claude Vignon dessin de James Pradier

Claude Vignon dessin de James Pradier

Portrait de Claude Vignon (Marie-Noémi Cadiot), dessin au fusain par James Pradier. Vers 1850, 47 x 39 cm. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Besançon.

Nagy Self-portrait 1908 - Public domain portrait drawing
Historian of Art student portrait on charcoal drawing by anonimous artist (3.XII.2012)

Historian of Art student portrait on charcoal drawing by anonimous art...

Español: Portrait of an ecuadorian historian student of Art Javier García Alcívar on side face position inspired in the portraits of philosophical positions looking "reason" as the light of knowledge. Made in ... Еще

Felix Bracquemond - Félix Bracquemond - Edmond de Goncourt

Felix Bracquemond - Félix Bracquemond - Edmond de Goncourt

Portrait of French writer Edmond de Goncourt (1822-1896) by Félix Bracquemond. 46.4 x 35.6 cm. Etching and drypoint.

Male Portrait Head bySethCheney Harvard

Male Portrait Head bySethCheney Harvard

Male portrait head, by Seth W. Cheney. Charcoal drawing.

Serov̠ Ida Rubinstein 1910 - Public domain  drawing

Serov̠ Ida Rubinstein 1910 - Public domain drawing

Ida Rubenstein by Valentin Serov - colored drawing by charcoal (1910). Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Duse by Repin - Public domain print

Duse by Repin - Public domain print

Portrait of actress Eleonora Duse. Charcoal on canvas. 108 × 139 cm. The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Español: Retrato de la actriz Eleonora Duse. Carboncillo sobre lienzo. 108 × 139 cm. Galería estatal T... Еще

Pascal Coste - Public domain scenic engraving

Pascal Coste - Public domain scenic engraving

Public domain photograph of portrait print, engraving, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrait of Marie Reisik - Public domain portrait drawing

Portrait of Marie Reisik - Public domain portrait drawing

Public domain photo of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Władysław Podkowiński - Portret mężczyzny. Portrait painting.

Władysław Podkowiński - Portret mężczyzny. Portrait painting.

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Albrecht Dürer - Head of a Negro - WGA7069

Albrecht Dürer - Head of a Negro - WGA7069

Where Dürer met this man is not known: he may have encountered this subject in a major port city such as Venice or even in the imperial city of Nuremberg, where this African may have been a member of a visiting... Еще

Henry VIII and Henry VII, by Hans Holbein the Younger

Henry VIII and Henry VII, by Hans Holbein the Younger

Henry VIII and Henry VII, cartoon for wall painting in Whitehall, 1537. Pen in black, with grey, brown, black, and red wash; paper mounted on canvas, 257.8 × 137.1 cm. National Portrait Gallery, London. This i... Еще

Archambaud Emilien (1887-1918) - Public domain portrait drawing

Archambaud Emilien (1887-1918) - Public domain portrait drawing

Français : Buste d’Emilien Archambaud portant sa vareuse avec des épaulettes à franges du 137e régiment d’infanterie dans lequel il avait effectué son service militaire en 1907-1908. Ce buste est un dessin réa... Еще

John Singer Sargent, Study of Field Marshal John French for "General Officers of World War I", 1920-1922, NGA 184272

John Singer Sargent, Study of Field Marshal John French for "General O...

Public domain photo of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Сантьяго Русиньоль - Портрет человека - Google Art Project (591566)

Портрет Модеста Гофмана,

Уголь на бумаге, 28 на 20 см.
Jean-Martial Frédou, Louis-Joseph-Xavier de France, duc de Bourgogne (1760)

Jean-Martial Frédou, Louis-Joseph-Xavier de France, duc de Bourgogne (...

Louis Joseph Xavier de France (1751–1761), Duke of Burgundy, eldest son of Dauphin Louis and Marie Josèphe of Saxony

Albrecht Dürer - Portrait of Ulrich Varnbühler - WGA07106

Albrecht Dürer - Portrait of Ulrich Varnbühler - WGA07106

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Portrait of Princess Polina Shcherbatova

Portrait of Princess Polina Shcherbatova

Portrait of Princess Polina Shcherbatova. 1911. Tempera, charcoal, pastel on canvas. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Vrubel Bryusov - Public domain portrait drawing

Vrubel Bryusov - Public domain portrait drawing

This is the last painting by Vrubel, he became blind when working on it

Сантьяго Русиньоль - Сидящий человек - Google Art Project

Сантьяго Русиньоль - Сидящий человек - Google Art Project

Picryl description: Public domain image of portrait painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Théo van Rysselberghe by Théo van Rysselberghe

Théo van Rysselberghe by Théo van Rysselberghe

Тео ван Риссельхоф, автопортрет черный крейон и древесный уголь на бумаге 56,7 x 42,5 см несет печать монограммы художника 1916 год

M.O.Lowenfeld by Repin - Public domain scenic drawing

M.O.Lowenfeld by Repin - Public domain scenic drawing

Portrait of Maria Osipovna Lowenfeld, daughter of art collector O. D. Lowenfeld. Charcoal and sanguine on paper. 63.5 × 49 cm. Chelyabinsk Region Picture Gallery. Español: Retrato de María Ósipovna Lowenfeld,... Еще

'Silhouette of a Young Girl' by John White Alexander, charcoal
Klimt 1900, 1901, Study of Rose von Rosthorn
André Gide 1908 Théo Van Rysselberghe

André Gide 1908 Théo Van Rysselberghe

Portrait d'André Gide (1908), dessin par Théo Van Rysselberghe. Collection particulière

Portrait of a Gentleman - Public domain portrait drawing
Jean Aicard - Public domain portrait print

Jean Aicard - Public domain portrait print

Portrait of French poet Jean Aicard — Etching (charcoal) by Félix Régamey, 1878. Français : Portrait du poète français Jean Aicard. Eau Forte (fusain) par Félix Régamey, 1878.

Napoleon Saint Cloud 1812 Girodet

Napoleon Saint Cloud 1812 Girodet

Français : Anne-Louis Girodet, Napoléon au théâtre à Saint-Cloud le 13 avril 1812 dessin au fusain 1812. Musée Bertrand Chateauroux (ancienne collection du comte A. d'Hunolstein)

Portrait of Princess Polina Shcherbatova - detail01

Portrait of Princess Polina Shcherbatova - detail01

Portrait of Princess Polina Shcherbatova. 1911. Tempera, charcoal, pastel on canvas. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Edward Austin Abbey by John Singer Sargent

Edward Austin Abbey by John Singer Sargent

"Edwin Austin Abbey," black chalk & charcoal, by the American artist John Singer Sargent. 14 in. x 10 1/16 in. Yale University Art Gallery, Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Collection. Courtesy of Yale University, ... Еще


of 3

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