Academie des sciences et des arts, contenant les vies 1682 (8231407)
Polski: Adres wydawniczy: A Amsterdam : se vendent chez les heritiers de Daniel Elzevier, 1682Współtwórcy: Bullart, Jacques-Ignace Wyd,Elzevier, Daniel (1626-1680 ; dziedzice) DrukOpis fizyczny: [13] k., 421 [... Еще
Portret van kardinaal Baronius, onbekend, schilderij, Museum Plantin-M...
schilderij (aat/300177435), Museum Plantin-Moretus Public domain photograph of 16th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portret van kardinaal Baronius, onbekend, schilderij, Museum Plantin-M...
schilderij (, Museum Plantin-Moretus
Cesare Baronius - Public domain portrait engraving
Cardinal Cesare Baronius (1538-1607) Deutsch: Kardinal Cesare baronius
Caesar Baronius01 - Public domain dedication image
Cesare Baronius
Italiano: BARONIO CESARE Public domain photograph related to the history of Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most emi...
Cesare Baronius Identifier: generalbiographyv2pt1aiki (find matches) Title: General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and profession... Еще