29 - Bostangi
'The literal meaning of the word Bostangis, is gardeners, is not sufficiently indicative of the employments of those who bear it, which are of a very diversified nature. The Bostangis are a very numerous body... Еще
Vinkhuijzen 416332 Bostanji - Public domain portrait drawing
Bostanji. Turkey, 1820. Drawing from Vinkhuijzen Collection of Military Costume Illustration.
Bostancı-başı - Egypt - A drawing of a man in a red turban
The bostancı-başı, the head of the bostancı or personal guard of the Ottoman Sultan
Bostanji bachi leu - Public domain portrait drawing
Français : Hasseky-agassy, ou lieutenant du bostanji bachi. English: Haseki agasi, Lieutenant of the imperial guards. Drawing from Album of Turkish Costume Paintings. Русский: Хасеки-агаси, лейтенант стражи ... Еще
Bostanji bachi - Public domain portrait drawing
Français : Bostandji-bachy, ou chef de la garde impériale. English: Bostandji-bashy, chef of the imperial guards. Drawing from Album of Turkish Costume Paintings. Русский: Бостанджи-баши, начальник стражи су... Еще
Bostancı guard - A drawing of a man in a red outfit
A bostancı ("gardener"), one of the Ottoman Sultan's personal guard
30 - Officer of Police
'Under the Bostangi Bachi, there is a sort of lieutenant of the police at Constantinople, called Stambol Effendissi, who fixes the price of provisions, and takes care, either by himself, or his sub-delegate, c... Еще
Giovanni-Paolo-Marana-Espion-turc MG 9427
Français : Tome 3. A Bostangi Bachi, ou Surintendant des jardins et fontaines du grand seigneur.English: Tome 3. To Bostangi Bachi, or Superintendent of the gardens and fountains of the grand vizier. Ottoman co... Еще
Chevalier Auguste de Henikstein - Bostandgi. Rameurs du G. Seigneur. B...
Bostandgi. Rameurs du G. Seigneur. Bateliers grecs à Constantinople. Batelier turc.jpg
Le Bostangi Bachi ou surintendant des Jardins, et fontaines du Grand S...
Le Bostangi Bachi ou surintendant des Jardins, et fontaines du Grand Seigneur - Rycaut Paul - 1670
Un Chatir du corps des Bostandjis - Choiseul-gouffier Gabriel Florent ...
Marie-Gabriel-Florent-Auguste Comte de Choiseul-Gouffier. Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce. Paris, J.-J. Blaise M.DCCC.IX, (1782 1st volume, 1809 2nd volume, 1822 3rd volume, 1842 2nd edition)
Musée des anciens costumes turcs d'Istanbul (Jean Brindisi, 1855) - 14...
Picryl description: Public domain image of ethnic group, people gathering, anthropology, colonies, exotic, indigenous people, free to use, no copyright restrictions.