[Каталог видов, сфотографированных и опубликованных Lawrence & Housewo...
Printed cover from 3rd edition of the Lawrence & Houseworth catalog of views of California scenery; showing a woman looking at stereo views through a stereoscope. Forms part of: Photographs of Northern Califor... Еще
Pansies: ".. for thoughts" [Front cover]
Фиолетовая ткань, золотистые штамповки и пансионы, черная штампованная окантовка. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
[Bookcloth (?) stamped with the words] Maison Monduit et Bechet, Gaget...
Picryl description: Public domain photo of French sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Poems of nature [Front cover], Sarah Wyman Whitman book binding
Коричневая ткань, золотистый штамп, коричневая и зеленая штампованная ветвь соснового конуса. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
Марджори Дау и другие истории [Позвоночник и обложка]
Темно-синяя ткань, позолоченный шпилька и логотип Aldine. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
The despot of Broomsedge Cove [Front cover]
Елово-зеленая ткань, темно-зеленый лук и плющ. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
Трагедия сестер, с другими стихами лирическими и драматическими [облож...
Зеленое полотнище, золотая штамповка и лавровый мотив. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
Уроженец Уинби и других талей [обложка]
Сосново-зеленая ткань, золотистые штампованные лепестки и стебли цветов. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
Автократ стола для завтрака [Задняя крышка, позвоночник и передняя кры...
Коричневая ткань, золотистые штампованные лепестки и намеки [?] Шаблон. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
Оккультная Япония: или Путь богов [обложка]
Сосново-зеленая ткань, серебряные штампованные лепестки и дизайн лотоса (передняя крышка), серебряные штампованные лепестки (позвоночник). Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
An island garden [Front cover] - Public domain dedication image
Светло-зеленая ткань, позолоченные лепестки и цветы. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
Дочери революции и их время, 1769-1776 [обложка]
Грубоватая ткань в коричневом цвете с повязкой и портретом. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
Last poems [Front cover], Sarah Wyman Whitman book binding
Сосново-зеленая ткань, позолоченная лепнина, окантовка линии, дизайн цветов и листьев. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
Кейп-треска [позвоночник и передняя крышка]
Зеленая ткань, позолоченная повязка и дизайн листьев (передняя крышка и позвоночник). Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона
Cabaret Voltaire, [Front cover]
Public domain scan of manuscript, NYPL collection, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
[Скетбук, том 3]
In album: World War II sketchbooks from the Victor A. Lundy Archive, v. 3, cover. Victor A. Lundy Archive (Library of Congress).
[Скетбук, том 7]
In album: World War II sketchbooks from the Victor A. Lundy Archive, v. 7, cover. Victor A. Lundy Archive (Library of Congress).
Album cover in silver. Spanish design.
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Back wrapper. - Early photography, Public domain image
Public domain scan of artwork from NYPL collection, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Back cover and spine - Public domain dedication image
Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Eerste en laatste by El Pintor, 1943
Collection of book illustrations from various sources selected by BibliOdyssey. Public domain photograph - car advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Goede vriendschap by Oscar Pletsch, 1870
Подборка книжных иллюстраций из различных источников, отобранных "БиблиОдиссеей".
Landelijke tafere<unk> s published by J Haber, 1860-е годы
Подборка книжных иллюстраций из различных источников, отобранных "БиблиОдиссеей".
Image taken from page 869 of 'Grande illustrazione del Lombardo-Veneto...
Image taken from:..Title: "Grande illustrazione del Lombardo-Veneto, ossia Storia delle città, dei borghi, communi, castelli, ecc. fino ai tempi moderni, per cura di C. Cantù e d'altri letterati. Seconda ediz... Еще
Image taken from page 525 of 'Deutsche National-Bibliothek. Volksthüm...
Image taken from:..Title: "Deutsche National-Bibliothek. Volksthümliche Bilder und Erzählungen aus Deutschlands Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Herausgegeben von F. Schmidt. Bd. 1-12".Author: SCHMIDT, Ferdinand ... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 11 "Гимна Кебле [из" Христианского года ...
Image taken from:..Title: "Keble's Evening Hymn [from the “Christian Year”], illustrated by E. Waring", "The Christian Year".Author: Keble, John.Contributor: WARING, Eleanor..Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 1... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 277 книги "Земля и море Олдина".
Image taken from:..Title: "The Aldine “O'er Land and Sea.” Library".Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012601.f.".Volume: 06.Page: 277.Place of Publishing: London.Date of Publishing: 1890.Publisher: 408 no. Aldi... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 379 '[The Countries of the World: being ...
Image taken from:..Title: "[The Countries of the World: being a popular description of the various continents, islands, rivers, seas, and peoples of the globe. [With plates.]]".Author: BROWN, Robert - M.A., Ph.... Еще
Изображение взято с 7-й страницы "Канады, или Скандинавии с нашей роди...
Image taken from:..Title: "“Beautiful Canada,” or Scenes from our home land. pt. 1", "Appendix. Miscellaneous".Author: Canada.Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10470.i.23.".Page: 7.Place of Publishing: Toronto.... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 207 "Истории жизни для мамы"
Image taken from:..Title: "Thrilling Life Stories for the Masses".Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012634.n.".Volume: 10.Page: 207.Place of Publishing: Crewe, Manchester.Date of Publishing: 1892.Publisher: Thr... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 309 "Истории жизни для мамы"
Image taken from:..Title: "Thrilling Life Stories for the Masses".Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012634.n.".Volume: 15.Page: 309.Place of Publishing: Crewe, Manchester.Date of Publishing: 1892.Publisher: Thr... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 27 "Истории жизни для мамы"
Image taken from:..Title: "Thrilling Life Stories for the Masses".Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012634.n.".Volume: 14.Page: 27.Place of Publishing: Crewe, Manchester.Date of Publishing: 1892.Publisher: Thri... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 249 'Нед Келли, одетый в австралийскую о...
Image taken from:..Title: "Ned Kelly, the ironclad Australian Bushranger. By J. S. Borlase".Author: KELLY, Edward - Australian Outlaw.Contributor: BORLASE, James Skipp..Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 12623.k... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 197 книги "Испанское вино. [Сказка.] '
Image taken from:..Title: "The Spanish Wine. [A tale.]".Author: MATHEW, Frank James..Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012623.g.13.".Page: 197.Place of Publishing: London & New York; Cambridge, U.S.A. [printed]... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 5 "[A Narrow. Сэр Ф.Б.Х. Глава Supplemen...
Image taken from:..Title: "[A Narrative. By Sir F. B. H. Supplemental chapter. [A vindication of his government of Upper Canada.]]".Author: HEAD, Francis Bond - Sir, Bart.Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 9555.... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 7 "Milano e il suo territorio. [Различны...
Image taken from:..Title: "Milano e il suo territorio. [By various authors. Edited by Cesare Cantu. With plates and maps.]".Contributor: AMBROSOLI, Giacomo..Contributor: BALSAMO-CRIVELLI, Giuseppe Gabriele..Con... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 9 'Flowers of many Hues. Оригинальные ст...
Image taken from:..Title: "Flowers of many Hues. Original poems by various authors. Edited by F. K".Author: KEMPSTER, Frederick..Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 11647.g.3.".Page: 9.Place of Publishing: Manche... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 7 книги "Золотые регионы Калифорнии. Буд...
Image taken from:..Title: "The Gold Regions of California. Being a succinct description of the geography, history, topography, and general features of California ... Edited by G. G. Foster".Author: FOSTER, Geor... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 759 книги "Британские колонии: их истори...
Image taken from:..Title: "The British Colonies; their history, extent, condition, and resources".Author: MARTIN, Robert Montgomery..Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10002.f.20.", "British Library OC V 15239".... Еще
Изображение взято со страницы 129 книги "Британские колонии: их истори...
Image taken from:..Title: "The British Colonies; their history, extent, condition, and resources".Author: MARTIN, Robert Montgomery..Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10002.f.20.", "British Library OC V 15239".... Еще
Image taken from page 865 of 'Grande illustrazione del Lombardo-Veneto...
Image taken from:..Title: "Grande illustrazione del Lombardo-Veneto, ossia Storia delle città, dei borghi, communi, castelli, ecc. fino ai tempi moderni, per cura di C. Cantù e d'altri letterati. Seconda ediz... Еще
Qvarti tomi atque itidem qvartae monarchiae pars postrema 1598 (788617...
Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Magdeburgi : typis et sumptibus Ambrosii Kirchneri bibliopolae, 1598Współtwórcy: Kirchner, Ambrosius DrukOpis fizyczny: [6] k., 568 s. : herby ; 2°
Book cover BritishMuseum - A brown book with a crown on it
Public domain photograph of decorated book cover, binding, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bodleian Libraries, De claris mulieribus
Тонкая козья кожа. Английский, конец XVIII века. Красный прямоугольник в козьей шкуре, с границами в двойных правилах и цветочным инструментом в углах. Позвоночник с позолоченными отсеками между рулонами гречес... Еще
Библиотеки Бодлея, Futatio Fidica
Шотландская "колесная" привязка. Шотландский (Эдинбург), около 1771 года. Красная козья шкура, украшенная инструментами в классическом "колесном" дизайне, один из стандартных шотландских переплетов. Произведенн... Еще
Бодлеянские библиотеки, Священная Библейская Книга Причастия (Псалмы)
Переплетение в английском "католическом стиле". Английский (Лондон), 19 век. Джеймс Баркли. Черная морковь. И тома, и коробки украшены готическим окном и святым столом внизу, с надписью "IHS" на лобовом и боков... Еще
Parable of Arable Land1 (2)
The Parable of Arable Land
16-543 contreplat notes (27828172378)
16-543 contreplat notes
Tin woodman cover - A cartoon book with a picture of a man and a woman
The Tin Woodman of Oz cover
Книга, расписная кожа, конец XVI века, Книга - Google Art Project (обр...
Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sampul, Gerakan wanita di dunia
Bahasa Indonesia: Sampul tanpa teks judul, Gerakan wanita di dunia
Gino Starace - Rocambole (Ponson du Terrail) - Cadet fripouille
Français : Couverture illustrée par Gino Starace pour le roman de Ponson du Terrail, Cadet fripouille, aventures inédites de Rocambole, Paris, Librairie Arthème Fayard, collection « Le Livre populaire », n° 85... Еще
Montaigne - Essais, 1595 (page 2 crop)
Français : "Les essais de Michel seigneur de Montaigne : éd. nouv., trouvée après le deceds de l'autheur, rev. & augm. par luy d'un tiers plus qu'aux précédentes impressions", conservé à la Bibliothèque nation... Еще
Book Cover of Prahlad Sangeet - Drawing. Public domain image.
Book cover of the book Prahlad Sangeet by Lakshman Singh published from Delhi in 1866. हिन्दी: दिल्ली से 1866 में प्रकाशित लक्षमण सिंह की लिखी पुस्तक प्रहलाद संगीत का मुखपृष्ठ
Lhasa postmark detail, 3 August 1904, Tibet, book cover of "Lhasa and ...
Book cover "Lhasa and its mysteries" 1906 by Lawrence Austine Waddell
Hermione - book cover - A green book with gold writing on it
Digital image of the cover to - without the dust jacket - of Hermione and her Little Group of Serious Thinkers by Don Marquis, an early work of humour, produced in 1916. early edition, Hardcover.
Nien Cheng - A book cover with a picture of a woman
Français : Vie et mort à Shanghai
Holy land photographed. Daniel B. Shepp. 1894. Book cover
Holy land photographed. Daniel B. Shepp. 1894. Book cover.jpg
Bouyer - Claude Lorrain, Laurens (page 7 crop)
Français : Livre pour Wikisource Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The City That Was - book cover
Book cover of "The City That Was. A Requiem of Old San Francisco." (Internet Archive scan TheCityThatWas)
Image taken from page 157 of 'Danmarks, Norges og Sverigs Historie, po...
Image taken from: Title: "Danmarks, Norges og Sverigs Historie, populært fremstillet efter de bedste trykte Kilder [by N. Bache] ... Med 253 Illustrationer i Træsnit", "Appendix" Contributor: BACHE, Niels - His... Еще
Image taken from page 141 of 'The Aldine “O'er Land and Sea.” Library'...
Image taken from: Title: "The Aldine “O'er Land and Sea.” Library" Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012601.f." Volume: 08 Page: 141 Place of Publishing: London Date of Publishing: 1890 Publisher: 408 no. Aldin... Еще
Image taken from page 187 of 'Thrilling Life Stories for the Masses' (...
Image taken from: Title: "Thrilling Life Stories for the Masses" Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012634.n." Volume: 19 Page: 187 Place of Publishing: Crewe, Manchester Date of Publishing: 1892 Publisher: Thri... Еще
Image taken from page 209 of 'The Aldine “O'er Land and Sea.” Library'...
Image taken from: Title: "The Aldine “O'er Land and Sea.” Library" Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012601.f." Volume: 36 Page: 209 Place of Publishing: London Date of Publishing: 1890 Publisher: 408 no. Aldin... Еще
Image taken from page 221 of 'The Virginians; a tale of the last centu...
Image taken from: Title: "The Virginians; a tale of the last century ... With illustrations ... by the author", "The Virginians" Author: Thackeray, William Makepeace Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 12619.i.48... Еще
Image taken from page 245 of 'The British Colonies; their history, ext...
Image taken from: Title: "The British Colonies; their history, extent, condition, and resources" Author: MARTIN, Robert Montgomery. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10002.f.20.", "British Library OC V 15239" V... Еще
Image taken from page 25 of '(The highlands of Aethiopia.)' (110223412...
Image taken from: Title: "[The highlands of Aethiopia.]" Author: HARRIS, William Cornwallis - Sir Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 1425.h.4-6." Volume: 01 Page: 25 Place of Publishing: London Date of Publishin... Еще
Image taken from page 367 of '(Lives of Eminent and Illustrious Englis...
Image taken from: Title: "[Lives of Eminent and Illustrious Englishmen, from Alfred the Great to the latest times. On an original plan. Edited by G. G. Cunningham. Illustrated by a series of ... portraits, etc.... Еще
Image taken from page 367 of 'Histoire de la Commune révolutionnaire' ...
Image taken from: Title: "Histoire de la Commune révolutionnaire" Author: ROUQUETTE, Jules - Miscellaneous Writer Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 9231.m.5." Page: 367 Place of Publishing: Paris Date of Publis... Еще
Image taken from page 389 of 'The National Burns. Edited by Rev. Georg...
Image taken from: Title: "The National Burns. Edited by Rev. George Gilfillan, including the airs of all the songs, and an original life of Burns by the editor. [With plates, including portraits.]", "Works" Aut... Еще
Image taken from page 425 of 'Tommy Toddles's Comic Almenak, for all't...
Image taken from: Title: "Tommy Toddles's Comic Almenak, for all't foaks e Leeds (e t' Wurld) an raand abaght (for 1862, 1863-69, 1870-74) ... Be Tommy Toddles, Eesquear" Contributor: TODDLES, Tommy - pseud She... Еще
Image taken from page 443 of 'Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist. (Illu...
Image taken from: Title: "Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist. (Illustrated by Onwhyn.) [With a portrait of the author.]" Author: COCKTON, Henry. Contributor: ONWHYN, Thomas. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 126... Еще
Image taken from page 5 of 'Gold, Silver, Lead. A collection of origin...
Image taken from: Title: "Gold, Silver, Lead. A collection of original stories. ... Edited by Mrs. Valentine" Author: JEWRY, afterwards VALENTINE, Laura. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 12620.f.16." Page: 5 P... Еще
Image taken from page 7 of 'A Most Provoking Girl. A tale of the East ...
Image taken from: Title: "A Most Provoking Girl. A tale of the East Coast, etc" Author: BLACK, Margaret Moyes. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012627.f.44." Page: 7 Place of Publishing: Edinburgh & London Dat... Еще
Image taken from page 7 of 'The Rhine, it's banks and environs, etc' (...
Image taken from: Title: "The Rhine, it's banks and environs, etc" Author: ADDISON, Henry Robert. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10255.b.16." Page: 7 Place of Publishing: Brussels Date of Publishing: 1839 Pu... Еще
Image taken from page 77 of 'Thrilling Life Stories for the Masses' (1...
Image taken from: Title: "Thrilling Life Stories for the Masses" Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012634.n." Volume: 13 Page: 77 Place of Publishing: Crewe, Manchester Date of Publishing: 1892 Publisher: Thril... Еще
Image taken from page 873 of 'Grande illustrazione del Lombardo-Veneto...
Image taken from: Title: "Grande illustrazione del Lombardo-Veneto, ossia Storia delle città, dei borghi, communi, castelli, ecc. fino ai tempi moderni, per cura di C. Cantù e d'altri letterati. Seconda edizion... Еще
Image taken from page 89 of '(Lives of Eminent and Illustrious English...
Image taken from: Title: "[Lives of Eminent and Illustrious Englishmen, from Alfred the Great to the latest times. On an original plan. Edited by G. G. Cunningham. Illustrated by a series of ... portraits, etc.... Еще
Image taken from page 981 of 'Deutsche National-Bibliothek. Volksthüml...
Image taken from: Title: "Deutsche National-Bibliothek. Volksthümliche Bilder und Erzählungen aus Deutschlands Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Herausgegeben von F. Schmidt. Bd. 1-12" Author: SCHMIDT, Ferdinand - J... Еще
Reliure de Marius-Michel - btv1b106613371 (2 of 2)
Français : Relieur (exemplaire) : Michel, Henri-François (1846-1925). Relieur (exemplaire) Donateur : Sabatier d'Espeyran, Frédéric (1880-1965). Donateur Reliure signée sur le contre-plat supérieur en lettres ... Еще
Reliure aux armes de Godet des Marais, Paul (1647-1709) - btv1b1068007...
Français : Sujet : Super ex-libris Ancien possesseur : Godet Des Marais, Paul (1647-1709). Ancien possesseur OHR, pl. 1311, fer 1. — Marque : super ex-libris. - Transcription : De gueules à 3 coupes d'argent A... Еще
Reliure aux armes de Grolier, François (15..-1577) - btv1b10661692d
Français : Sujet : Super ex-libris Ancien possesseur : Grolier, François (15..-1577). Ancien possesseur OHR, pl. 1135. — Marque : super ex-libris. - Lettre : /NEC/ARBOR/NEC/HERBA/. - Devise : Nec arbor, nec he... Еще
Reliure aux armes de Lévis-Mirepoix, Anne-Marguerite-Gabrielle de Beau...
Français : Sujet : Super ex-libris Ancien possesseur : Lévis-Mirepoix, Anne-Marguerite-Gabrielle de Beauvau-Craon. Ancien possesseur OHR, pl. 417, fer 3. — Marque : super ex-libris Appartient à l’ensemble docu... Еще
Reliure du 19e siècle - btv1b106614916 (1 of 2)
Français : Sur : Alfieri, Vittorio. - Tragedie di Vittorio Alfieri da Asti. Volume primo. - Lucca : Domenico Marescandoli, 1802. Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : 3M000 Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : 3M020
Britannia on a hippocamp from Naval Biographical Dictionary
Britannia on a hippocamp from Naval Biographical Dictionary (crop of cover on archive.org)
American Pioneer Life back cover
Back cover from "Historical Stories of American Pioneer Life" As Told in the Famous Leatherstocking Tales
Cover--My lady of Orange
Cover page--My lady of Orange (1901), a historical fiction thriller of the siege of Netherlands by Alva. Illus by G P Jacomb-Hood, cover decorator unknown.
Cover--Jane, her winter in Quebec
Cover page for "Janet: Her Winter in Quebec" by Alice Barber Stephens. Text by Anna Chapin Ray. [Text:: Text: JANET HER WINTER IN QUEBEC ANNA CHAPIN RAY]
Ancient and Modern Imperialism - book cover
Book cover of "Ancient and Modern Imperialism" (Internet Archive scan ancient-and-modern-imperialism)
Stories and Pictures - book cover
Book cover of "Stories and Pictures" (Internet Archive scan stories-and-pictures)
Cover--Snagged and Sunk
Cover page--from scan of the book "Snagged by Sunk" (ca 1888) by Harry Castlemon.
Cover--Whispering Smith
Cover--from scan of book "Whispering Smith", author Frank H. Spearman; illustrator N. C. Wyeth
Cover--The Stickit Minister's Wooing
Cover page of "The Stickit Minister's Wooing," a collection of short stories of Scottish village life by S R Crockett; cover decorator unknown. Text: THE STICKIT MINISTER'S WOOING | S~R~CROCKETT
This Simian World - back book cover
Back book cover of "This Simian World" (Internet Archive scan this-simian-world)
Through the Brazilian Wilderness (1925) - cover
Photograph from page 1 of Through the Brazilian Wilderness. Image reference: "cover"
Our National Songs book cover
book cover of: Our National Songs With numerous original illustrations by George T. Tobin
Kybalion 1908
Cover of: Three Initiates 1908. The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Chicago: The Yogi Publication Society.
Madame de Maintenon - book cover
Book cover of "Madame de Maintenon; an étude" (Internet Archive scan MadameDeMaintenon)
Bulbs and Blossoms - book cover
Book cover of "Bulbs and Blossoms" (Internet Archive scan BulbsAndBlossoms)