Die Gartenlaube (1883) 681
Deutsch: Seite 681 aus "Die Gartenlaube".English: Page 681 from journal Die Gartenlaube for 1883.Extracted image (if any): File:Die Gartenlaube (1883) b 681.jpg - hi res, ~2.5 MB. Deutsch: keine Bildunt... Еще
Judge Magazine 24Aug1912
Judge Magazine Cover (24 Aug 1912)
Создатель: Бодмер, Карл, 1809-1893 (иллюстратор); Бужар (принтер); Биш...
Title: Herd of Bisons on the upper Missouri. Creator: Bodmer, Karl, 1809-1893 (illustrator); Bougeard (printer); Bishop and Himely, Sigismond, 1801-1866 (engravers) Date: May 1, 1841 Part Of: nam/searchterm/... Еще
Буффало в бою - Фредерик Вернер
Буффало в бою
Herd of Bisons on the upper Missouri. Tableau 40 after Karl Bodmer
Herd of Bisons on the upper Missouri. Tableau 40 by J. Bishop and Sigismond Himely (after Karl Bodmer). de: Bisonherde am oberen Missouri. Tableau 40.
Landscape with Herd of Buffalo on the Upper Missouri. Watercolor by Ka...
Landscape with buffalo on the upper Missouri. Watercolor by Karl Bodmer 1833. Deutsch: Bisonherde am oberen Missouri. Aquarell von Karl Bodmer 1833.
The Architect and engineer of California and the Pacific Coast (1910) ...
Identifier: architectenginee2210sanf (find matches) Title: The Architect & engineer of California and the Pacific Coast Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Architecture Architecture Architecture Building ... Еще
North American animals - A painting of a herd of animals in a field
Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
American bison herd defending calf from grizzly
Jorden runt på 80 dagar Edvard Forsström 181
Illustration from Jules Verne's "Around the World in Eighty Days" by Edvard Forsström.
Beckwourth buffalo02 - A black and white drawing of a mountain
Beckwourth Rescues General William Henry Ashley From an Enraged Buffalo
Nova acta physico-medica (1827) (14595181839)
Identifier: novaactaphysicom13218kais (find matches) Title: Nova acta physico-medica Year: 1757 (1750s) Authors: Kaiserlich Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Subjects: Science M... Еще
Iron Horse Poster - Public domain movie poster
Theatrical release poster for the film The Iron Horse (1924), directed by John Ford. Español: Cartel publicitario de la película El caballo de hierro, dirigida en 1924 por John Ford
Bison Brockhaus - A black and white drawing of a bison
Bildunterschrift im Originalwerk: Amerikanischer Bison (Bos s. Bison americanus). Körperlänge 2,50 - 2,80 m, Schwanzlänge 0,65 m, Höhe 1,50 m
Peter Rindisbacher - Buffalo and Prairie Wolves
Литограф из American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine, июль 1830 года, на котором изображен буйвол, атакованный волками. ".
Альфред Джейкоб Миллер - Охота на Буффало - Уолтерс 371940190
Это правда, что различные индейцы равнины время от времени гонялись за буйволами по небольшой скале, но Миллер, вероятно, никогда не видел эту сцену и поэтому немного преувеличил ее. Индийцы, когда находили под... Еще
Vom Nordpol zum Aequator (11874414973)
Deutsch: Wandernde amerikanische Wisente. Public domain scan of drawing, mammals, 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
"The approach of the spirits" - Public domain book illustration
The approach of the spirits
Альфред Якоб Миллер - Крик Мбаппе - Уолтерс 371940151
Шмели сбили буйвола, - отметил Миллер, - и один из них вцепился в спину животного, чтобы присоединиться к индийскому крику и песне; - отчасти как вид возмездия буйволу за качество игры, которое он продемонстрир... Еще
Название: Индийцы охотятся на зубров Создатель: Бодмер, Карл, 1809-18...
Title: Indians Hunting the Bison Creator: Bodmer, Karl, 1809-1893 (illustrator); Bougeard (printer); Vogel, Ch. (engraver) Date: October 1, 1839 Part Of: nam/searchterm/Folio-2 E165 .W65 Physical Descriptio... Еще
Baines buffalo - A painting of elephants in a field with trees
Picryl description: Public domain photo of landscape art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Indianer auf der Büffeljagd
Historisches Gemälde eines amerikanischen Ureinwohners auf einem Pferd reitend, der mit Pfeil und Bogen einen Büffel jagt. Hunting the Buffalo, 1838, lithograph by J. T. Bowen, 11 inches x 16 inches
Bulletin (1922) (19801301904) - Public domain book illustration
Title: Bulletin Identifier: bulletin771922smit (find matches) Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology Subjects: Ethnology Publisher: Washington : G. P. O. Contributin... Еще
Альфред Джейкоб Миллер - Взятие горбатого ребра - Walters 37194085
Альфред Джейкоб Миллер (американец, 1810-1874). "Взятие горбатого ребра", 1858-1858 гг. акварель на бумаге. Walters Art Museum (37.1940.85): Composed by William T. Walters, 1858-1958.
LA2-NSRW-1-0081 - A picture of a bear and other animals in a forest
Student's Reference Book, Chicago, F. E. Compton and Company 1914
Альбом Го Сюй от 1503 года (8)
Public domain photograph of Chinese art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Альфред Якоб Миллер - Пьер и Буффало - Вальтеры 37194058
Перед тем как быть убитым раненым буйволом, у Пьера на трамвайных путях было несколько тупых лошадей, почти утонувших, а его лошадь была зажата буйволом. Изображенный инцидент не стоил Пьеру жизни, но он мог бы... Еще
The red animal story book - inset illustration at page 367
illustration from an anthology of stories
PSM V04 D155 American buffalo - Public domain portrait drawing
American buffalo Public domain scan of 19th century American drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Canadian forest industries January-June 1921 (1921) (19906547583)
Title: Canadian forest industries January-June 1921 Identifier: canadianforjanjun1921donm (find matches) Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Subjects: Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp indu... Еще
Nova acta physico-medica (1827) (14781495432)
Identifier: novaactaphysicom13218kais (find matches) Title: Nova acta physico-medica Year: 1757 (1750s) Authors: Kaiserlich Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Subjects: Science M... Еще
Джордж Кэтлин - "Буффало Бык", 1832-1833
Buffalo Bull, Grazing on the Prairie Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Альфред Джейкоб Миллер - Войцех Баффало - Уолтерс 37194056
Альфред Джейкоб Миллер (американец, 1810-1874). "Буффало", акварель 183г. Художественный музей Уолтерса (37.1940.56).
La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité (page 046)
Deutsch: Aus L. Fougerat: La pelleterie et le vêtement de fourrure dans l'antiquité. Béranger, Paris 1914 Nombreuses illustrations d'apres les documents authentiques par P. Savigny.
The big game of North America. Its habits, habitats, haunts, and chara...
Identifier: biggameofnortham00shie (find matches) Title: The big game of North America. Its habits, habitats, haunts, and characteristics; how, when, and where to hunt it .. Year: 1890 (1890s) Authors: Shiel... Еще
Альберт Бирштадт - Дикий Запад
Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Tableau 31 Indians hunting the bison by Karl Bodmer
Deutsch: Karl Bodmer: Indianische Bisonjagd. Tableau 31. In: Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied: Reise in das innere Nord-America in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834, 2 Textbände und 1 Bildatlas mit Illustrationen von Karl Bo... Еще
Tableau 31 Indians hunting the bison by Karl Bodmer (cropped)
Deutsch: Karl Bodmer: Indianische Bisonjagd. Tableau 31. In: Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied: Reise in das innere Nord-America in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834, 2 Textbände und 1 Bildatlas mit Illustrationen von Karl Bo... Еще
Vom Nordpol zum Aequator BHL36881622
Vom Nordpol zum Aequator : populare Vorträge /
Louis Maurer - The Great Royal Buffalo Hunt - 1895
The Great Royal Buffalo Hunt Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The border and the buffalo, an untold story of the southwest plains; t...
Identifier: borderbuffalount00cook (find matches) Title: The border and the buffalo, an untold story of the southwest plains; the bloody border of Missouri and Kansas. The story of the slaughter of the buffal... Еще
Wild scenes of a hunter's life; (1855) (14586446820)
Grand Indian Bison Hunt Identifier: wildscenesofhunt00fros (find matches) Title: Wild scenes of a hunter's life; Year: 1855 (1850s) Authors: Frost, John, 1800-1859. (from old catalog) Subjects: Hunting Publi... Еще
Kiito Shohyo Ijo Frame 17-2
Canadian forest industries January-June 1921 (1921) (20502203606)
Title: Canadian forest industries January-June 1921 Identifier: canadianforjanjun1921donm (find matches) Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Subjects: Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp indu... Еще
Bison hunt (Gokliz sketch) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Large black bison with tongue wagging steps in puddle of blood. Man with yellow moccasins and red ribbon around neck stabs bison with lance.
US Dept Of The Interior Seal 1937
Печать Министерства внутренних дел США, из публикации 1937 года.
Bison Head art detail, from - Shield - Google Art Project (cropped)
Google Cultural Institute Public domain photograph of 19th-century American painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bison trampling man (Gokliz sketch)
Drawing of a bison trampling an Apache man as another Apache tries to fight it off.
Blackfoot Indians chasing buffalo
Public domain photograph related to Native Americans, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
CEX D273 The buffalo of Thevet, 1558
The buffalo of Thevet, 1558
Эскиз зубра [альбом Брэя] Нет.
37 из 74 (PAJ1976 - PAJ2049) Хотя этот рисунок похож на американского зубра, неясно, как Брэй мог его увидеть, и он, скорее всего, африканский, и был нарисован на одном из его западноафриканских воеводств в 177... Еще
Canadian forest industries July-December 1920 (1920) (20343020860)
Title: Canadian forest industries July-December 1920 Identifier: canadianforjuldec1920donm (find matches) Year: 1920 (1920s) Authors: Subjects: Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp ind... Еще
Альфред Джейкоб Миллер - Паоло Раннинг Буффало - Уолтерс 371940121
NaN Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Douglas Hamilton, Head of bull bison
Head of bull bison
Die Gartenlaube (1853) b 529
Deutsch: keine Bildunterschrift English: no caption
Bison head photograph - 17 MSS P 24 B1 F1 (cropped)
A buffalo head. Phograph taken by Charles A. Zimmerman, 3rd St. St. Paul, Minnesota.
Dodge,buffalo - A man riding a horse next to a buffalo
Kiito Shohyo Ijo Frame 18-5
Royal Ontario Museum-9467
Buffolo Herd Grazing Public domain photograph of 19th-century American painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Thomas Baines - Dead Buffalo, King Vulture and Common Vultures
Picryl description: Public domain photo of landscape art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Don't Pet the Fluffy Cows
A poster from the National Park Service advising people to not pet bison
Альфред Джейкоб Миллер - Буффало поворачивается к своим преследователя...
NaN Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
With Sully into the Sioux land (1910) (14729796666)
Identifier: withsullyintosio00hans (find matches) Title: With Sully into the Sioux land Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Hanson, Joseph Mills, b. 1876 A.C. McClurg & Co. pbl Vail Company. prt Norton, John W Subje... Еще
Shield - Google Art Project - Public domain photograph
Google Cultural Institute Public domain photograph of 19th-century American painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Зубры. (BM 1927,14,330)
Зубр, стоящий в профиле справа. Литограф
Генри Келси видит буйвола на западных берегах
Генри Келси видит буйвола на западных берегах
Sat Eve Post 1901 04 13 H C Edwards
Français : Harry C. Edwards (1868 - 1922), couverture du Saturday Evening Post du 13 avril 1901
PSM V10 D709 The bison or buffalo
The bison or buffalo Public domain photograph - lion, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
S.D. Butcher's pioneer history of Custer County - and short sketches o...
Identifier: sdbutcherspionee00butc (find matches) Title: S.D. Butcher's pioneer history of Custer County : and short sketches of early days in Nebraska Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Butcher, Solomon D. (Solomo... Еще
Buffalo stamp 20c 1923 issue (cropped)
US Postage stamp, Buffalo, 1923 issue, 30c, brown
Fromage Lescure Ytrac droit
Français : Étiquette de fromage, bleu d'Auvergne. Ancienne marque locale disparue "Le Petit Bison". Vers 1920?
Mammals - Säugetiere, Emil Hochdanz (2)
Deutsch: Verschiedene Säugetiere. 1. Camelus dromedarius 2. Lama glama (llama) 3. Moschus (musk deer) 4. Giraffa camelopardalis 5. Cervidae 6. Rupicapra rupicapra 7. Bison
Outing (1885) (14782978755) - Public domain book illustration
Identifier: outing15newy (find matches) Title: Outing Year: 1885 (1880s) Authors: Subjects: Leisure Sports Travel Publisher: (New York : Outing Pub. Co.) Contributing Library: Tisch Library Digitizing Spo... Еще
BoysLifeOcean 1920
Журнал "Жизнь мальчиков" (октябрь 1920 года)
Kane Bull, Ontario, Canada
Public domain image of cattle, livestock, farm animals, agriculture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Charles Wimar Buffaloes
Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Canadian forest industries January-June 1921 (1921) (20501945666)
Title: Canadian forest industries January-June 1921 Identifier: canadianforjanjun1921donm (find matches) Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Subjects: Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp indu... Еще
Canadian forest industries July-December 1920 (1920) (20524163162)
Title: Canadian forest industries July-December 1920 Identifier: canadianforjuldec1920donm (find matches) Year: 1920 (1920s) Authors: Subjects: Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp ind... Еще
The animal kingdom; based upon the writings of the eminent naturalists...
Title: The animal kingdom; based upon the writings of the eminent naturalists, Audubon, Wallace, Brehm, Wood and others Identifier: animalkingdombas02cra (find matches) Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Craig, Hugh... Еще
CEX D267 The buffalo of Gomara, 1554
The buffalo of Gomara, 1554
Indians of the Plains, Blackfoot, Milwaukee Public Museum (NBY 22258)
Indians of the Plains, Blackfoot, Milwaukee Public Museum
Hunting the Buffalo, 1872 - Public domain scenic engraving
A buffalo hunt: a colored engraving from 1872, derived from a much earlier picture. A German lithograph of the same scene, attributed to Peter Rindisbacher (1806-1834)
Die Gartenlaube (1883) b 681
Bild aus Seite 681 in "Die Gartenlaube". Image from page 681 of journal Die Gartenlaube, 1883. Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Des Tigers Beute.Originalzeichnung von F. Specht.“ English: caption: "Des Tigers Beu... Еще
The outcasts (1901) (14729725576)
Identifier: outcasts00fras (find matches) Title: The outcasts Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Fraser, William Alexander, 1859-1933 Subjects: Animals Publisher: New York, Charles Scribner's sons Text Appeari... Еще