Самый большой мировой архив общественного достояния

banknotes with a face value of 5

718 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 8
Kriegsgeld, Lübben, 5 Pfennig - Public domain banknote scan

Kriegsgeld, Lübben, 5 Pfennig - Public domain banknote scan

Kriegsgeld. Fünf Pfennig Gültig bis zum 1. Okt. 1918. Lübben, den 25. April 1917. Der Magistrat: [Unterschrift:] Kirsch [Unterschrift:] Schulz [Siegel:] Magistrat der Kreisstadt Lübben [Druckvermerk:] Julius F... Еще

BOH & MOR-4-Protectorate of Femia and Moravia-5 Korun (1940)

BOH & MOR-4-Protectorate of Femia and Moravia-5 Korun (1940)

Во время немецкой оккупации Чехословакии были выпущены банкноты номиналом 5 евро (1940).

ДАН-7-Датский городской совет-5 Марк (1918)

ДАН-7-Датский городской совет-5 Марк (1918)

Danzig City Council-5 Mark (1918) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kreminets 5UAK 1919

Kreminets 5UAK 1919

Українська: Кремінецький розмінний білет вартістю 5 карбованців. 1919 р.

Banknote (obverse) of 5 Lithuanian cents with Vytis (Waykimas), 16 November 1922 edition

Banknote (obverse) of 5 Lithuanian cents with Vytis (Waykimas), 16 Nov...

Banknote (obverse) of 5 Lithuanian cents with Vytis (Waykimas), 16 November 1922 edition. Lietuvių: Lietuviško banknoto, 5 centų nominalo, ant kurio pavaizduotas Vytis (Waykimas), aversas, 1922 m. lapkričio 1... Еще

Russian Empire-1909-Banknote-5-ГФ Series-Konshin-F. Shmidt-Reverse

Russian Empire-1909-Banknote-5-ГФ Series-Konshin-F. Shmidt-Reverse

Russian Empire banknote, 1909, 5 rubles, ГФ series, executive: Konshin, cashier: F. Shmidt, reverse. Русский: Банкнота Российской империи, 1909 год, 5 рублей, серия ГФ, управляющий: Коншин, кассир: Ф. Шмидт, ... Еще

Russian Empire-1909-Banknote-5-УА Series-Shipov-Gr. Ivanov-Reverse

Russian Empire-1909-Banknote-5-УА Series-Shipov-Gr. Ivanov-Reverse

Russian Empire banknote, 1909, 5 rubles, УА series, executive: Shipov, cashier: Gr. Ivanov, reverse. Русский: Банкнота Российской империи, 1909 год, 5 рублей, серия УА, управляющий: Шипов, кассир: Гр. Иванов,... Еще

Soviet Union-1934-Banknote-5-Reverse

Soviet Union-1934-Banknote-5-Reverse

Soviet Union banknote, 1934, 5 rubles, reverse. Русский: Государственный казначейский билет СССР, 1934 год, 5 рублей, обратная сторона.

SUR 5 1934 f - Public domain banknote scan

SUR 5 1934 f - Public domain banknote scan

Казначейский билет достоинством в 5 рублей. СССР. 1934 год. Аверс. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Moldova P 6 5 Lei 1992 Donatedoy b

Moldova P 6 5 Lei 1992 Donatedoy b

Русский: 5 молдавских леев 1992English: 5 lei (1992)

Банкнота Тайваня 1955 года - 5 новых тайваньских долларов (оборотная сторона)

Банкнота Тайваня 1955 года - 5 новых тайваньских долларов (оборотная с...

Taiwan 1955 bank note - 5 new Taiwan dollars (back) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Banco de españa - 5 pesetas - 1948

Banco de españa - 5 pesetas - 1948

Euskara: Juan Sebastian Elkano, 1948ko 5 pezetako billetean Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

5dalersmt - Public domain banknote scan

5dalersmt - Public domain banknote scan

sedel 5 daler smt från 1717. Public domain photograph of banknote, World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Five dollar note issued by the Japanese Government during the occupation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei (1942, obverse) - 01

Five dollar note issued by the Japanese Government during the occupati...

The obverse of a five dollar note issued by the Government of Imperial Japan during the Japanese occupation of Singapore, Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, and Brunei in 1942. The currency was informally known as... Еще

Taiwan PR 108 5 Yuan 1955 1956 b - Public domain banknote scan

Taiwan PR 108 5 Yuan 1955 1956 b - Public domain banknote scan

Taiwan 1954 bank note - 5 new Taiwan dollar (back) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ettal - 5Pf. ND - Public domain banknote scan

Ettal - 5Pf. ND - Public domain banknote scan

Deutsch: Ein undatierter deutscher Notgeldschein (Vorder- und Rückseite) des Klosters Ettal, im Wert von 5 Pfennig, gültig bis zum 31.12.1917.

AUS-5c-Commonwealth of Australia-5 Poems (1918)

AUS-5c-Commonwealth of Australia-5 Poems (1918)

Commonwealth of Australia five-pound specimen note (1918) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Uang Bersejarah Edisi Tahun 1961

Uang Bersejarah Edisi Tahun 1961

Bahasa Indonesia: Uang Soekarno Pecahan Rp. 2.5 Edisi Tahun 1961 Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

RMB1-5-4B - coin, public domain photograph

RMB1-5-4B - coin, public domain photograph

First series of the renminbi 5yuan(sample) 中文: 中国人民银行第一套人民币5元票样

Рупии KGVI 5 note cd side reverse

Рупии KGVI 5 note cd side reverse

Реверс банкноты Британской Индии номиналом 5 рупий с портретом короля Георга VI, подписанным К. Д. Дешмухом

5-рупийная банкнота РБИ, перепечатанная правительством Пакистана

5-рупийная банкнота РБИ, перепечатанная правительством Пакистана

Индийские рупии стали законным платежным средством в новом пакистанском штате Оклахома.

E-5-II 5 TL arka - Public domain banknote scan

E-5-II 5 TL arka - Public domain banknote scan

5 TL reverse Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

US-BEP-República de Cuba (certified proof) five silver pesos, 1936 (CUB-70b)

US-BEP-República de Cuba (certified proof) five silver pesos, 1936 (CU...

Certified proof for five silver pesos (1936) prepared by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) for the República de Cuba depicting Máximo Gómez. Engraved signatures of Ricardo Ponce (Secretario de Haciend... Еще

Russian Empire-1909-Banknote-5-УА Series-Shipov-A. Feduleev-Reverse

Russian Empire-1909-Banknote-5-УА Series-Shipov-A. Feduleev-Reverse

Russian Empire banknote, 1909, 5 rubles, УА series, executive: Shipov, cashier: A. Feduleev, reverse. Русский: Банкнота Российской империи, 1909 год, 5 рублей, серия УА, управляющий: Шипов, кассир: А. Федулее... Еще

GRE-10-Greenland-5 Kroner (1911)

GRE-10-Greenland-5 Kroner (1911)

Greenland, 5 Kroner (1911) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

South Vietnam 5 Dong 1955 Averse

South Vietnam 5 Dong 1955 Averse

South Vietnam Dongs. Note that South Vietnam ceased to exist in 1976 and was succeeded by Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Vietnam 5 Hao 1958 Reverse - Public domain banknote scan

Vietnam 5 Hao 1958 Reverse - Public domain banknote scan

Vietnam 5 Hao 1958 Reverse Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Neustadt O.S., Notgeld 1, 2, 5 Pfennig

Neustadt O.S., Notgeld 1, 2, 5 Pfennig

Deutsch: Neustadt O.S., Notgeld 1, 2, 5 Pfennig Polski: Prudnickie notgeldy o nominałach, 1, 2 oraz 5 pfennigów.

5 kupon lari. 1. 1993. A - Public domain banknote scan

5 kupon lari. 1. 1993. A - Public domain banknote scan


Bernard Kock 5 Haitian dollar note

Bernard Kock 5 Haitian dollar note

Banknote of 5 Haitian dollars, created by entrepreneur Bernard Kock after he got a rent contract for the Haitian island Île a Vache to grow cotton, using freed slaves from the United States.

WSB 5 Gulden 1806 reverse - Public domain banknote scan

WSB 5 Gulden 1806 reverse - Public domain banknote scan

banknote for 5 Gulden Conventions-Münze issued by the Wiener Stadt-Banco (reverse)Magyar: a Wiener Stadt-Banco 5 forint konvenció szerinti érmére szóló bankjegye (hátoldal)

ONZB 5 Gulden 1816 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

ONZB 5 Gulden 1816 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

banknote for 5 Gulden Conventions-Münze issued by the Oesterreichische National Zettel Bank (obverse)Magyar: az Oesterreichische National Zettel Bank 5 forint konvenció szerinti érmére szóló bankjegye (előoldal)

5 Шиллинг банкнота, впервые выпущена 8.6.1925
Мбаппе: 5 шиллингов

5 Шиллинг банкнота, впервые выпущена 8.6.1925 Мбаппе: 5 шиллингов

5 Schilling banknote, first issued 8.6.1925 Deutsch: 5 Schilling Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

CAN-S1861-The Mechanics Bank, Montreal-5 Dollars (1837)

CAN-S1861-The Mechanics Bank, Montreal-5 Dollars (1837)

CAN-S1861-The Mechanics Bank, Montreal-5 Dollars (1837) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Индийская банкнота достоинством 5 рупий

Индийская банкнота достоинством 5 рупий

Индийская банкнота номиналом 5 рупий, подписанная К.Д. Дешмукхом, который был управляющим Резервного банка Индии с 1943 по 1950 год. Эта банкнота уникальна в том смысле, что на ней стоит подпись первого неангли... Еще



5 Mark, 1948

E1 5 TL ön yüz - Public domain banknote scan

E1 5 TL ön yüz - Public domain banknote scan

Türkçe: E1 serisi 5 TL'nin ön yüzü Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



Українська: Аверс 2 гривні Директорії УНР



Polski: Rewers banknotu 5 złotych Generalnego GubernatorstwaEnglish: 5 złotych, currency unit from 1940 in Polish territory

CUB-29c-El Banco Espanol de la Habana-5 Centavos (1876)

CUB-29c-El Banco Espanol de la Habana-5 Centavos (1876)

El Banco Espanol de la Isla de Cuba, 5 Centavos (1896)Engraved and printed by the American Bank Note Company, New York

HUK 5 1919 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

HUK 5 1919 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

5 Hungarian korona (1919) Postal Savings Bank note - obverse Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

HUP 5 1928 reverse - Public domain banknote scan

HUP 5 1928 reverse - Public domain banknote scan

5 Hungarian pengő (1928) - reverse Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

5 litai (1993) - Public domain banknote scan

5 litai (1993) - Public domain banknote scan

Picryl description: Public domain image of banknote, money, numismatic catalog page, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Southern Rhodesia £5 1955 Obverse

Southern Rhodesia £5 1955 Obverse

This is an image of the front of the paper Southern Rhodesian £5 note, printed in 1955.

Laos-5kip-1962-a - Public domain banknote scan

Laos-5kip-1962-a - Public domain banknote scan

Русский: 5 лаосских кипов 1962English: 5 kips of Laos (1962) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kyrgyzstan P 13 5 Som 1997 b - Public domain banknote scan

Kyrgyzstan P 13 5 Som 1997 b - Public domain banknote scan

Русский: 5 сом Кыргызстана 1997English: 5 som of Kyrgyzstan (1997) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Japanese Issued Philippine 5 Centavo Note Reverse

Japanese Issued Philippine 5 Centavo Note Reverse

Reverse side of the 1942 series Japanese-issued Philippine 5 Centavo note, used during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II.

5 DM Serie2 Vorderseite - Public domain banknote scan

5 DM Serie2 Vorderseite - Public domain banknote scan

Deutsch: 5 DM Schein (Serie 2), Vorderseite - Serie II BdL ) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

5 Mark Reichskassenschein 1904 - coin, public domain photograph

5 Mark Reichskassenschein 1904 - coin, public domain photograph

Deutsch: 5 Mark, Reichskassenschein, Deutschland, 1904 Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Notgeld 1921 Merseburg Enrico I l'Uccellatore

Notgeld 1921 Merseburg Enrico I l'Uccellatore

Italiano: Notgeld del 1921 emesso a Merseburgo, presentante il fondatore della città Enrico I l'Uccellatore.

FRA-115s-Allied Military Currency-5 Francs (1944)

FRA-115s-Allied Military Currency-5 Francs (1944)

Allied Military Currency-5 Francs (1944)From the first of two issues of Allied Military Currency, the First Issue Supplemental French Franc was printed in eight denominations. The 2, 5 and 10 Franc notes are s... Еще

Afghanistan P 2 A 5 Rupees SH 1298 1919 Donatedfvt f

Afghanistan P 2 A 5 Rupees SH 1298 1919 Donatedfvt f

5 rupees Español: 5 rupias Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

France-5Livres-1791-uni - Public domain banknote scan

France-5Livres-1791-uni - Public domain banknote scan

5 Livres 1791 averse = uni Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

5 Kronen CZ-stamp - Public domain banknote scan

5 Kronen CZ-stamp - Public domain banknote scan

Deutsch: Czech. 5 Korun-Note mit Überstempelung „Böhmen und Mähren“ März 1939.

Emden - 5Mark ND (1919) - Public domain banknote scan

Emden - 5Mark ND (1919) - Public domain banknote scan

Deutsch: Ein undatierter deutscher Notgeldschein (Vorder- und Rückseite) aus Emden, im Wert von 5 Mark, gültig bis 01.02.1919.

Zimbabwe $5 2006 Obverse - Public domain banknote scan

Zimbabwe $5 2006 Obverse - Public domain banknote scan

Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Algeria P 91 5 Francs 1942 b - coin, public domain photograph

Algeria P 91 5 Francs 1942 b - coin, public domain photograph

Español: 5 francos Public domain photograph of banknote, World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

5 zl 1944 r - Public domain banknote scan

5 zl 1944 r - Public domain banknote scan

Paper money: Poland: 5 zl 1944 year Polski: Polski banknot 5-cio złotowy z 1944 roku rewers English: 5 Zloty Poland Liberation Banknote

Funf Pfennig Note - Public domain banknote scan

Funf Pfennig Note - Public domain banknote scan

"Эспаньол": Бильет де 5 Фабрегас. Английский: немецкий банкнот 5 пенсов (1 / 100 марки).

RMB1-5-4A - coin, public domain photograph

RMB1-5-4A - coin, public domain photograph

First series of the renminbi 5yuan(sample) 中文: 中国人民银行第一套人民币5元票样

5 złotych 1930 r. REWERS

5 złotych 1930 r. REWERS

Polish 5 złoty banknote 1930

5 palestinian pouns - Public domain banknote scan

5 palestinian pouns - Public domain banknote scan

palestinian pouns .gif Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bank of England £5 note 1952 - Public domain banknote scan

Bank of England £5 note 1952 - Public domain banknote scan

Great Britain, Bank of England, uniface White £5, 27 February 1952, London, serial no.X14. Signed Percival Beale

Portugal currency 5 Escudos banknote of 1920, Alexandre Herculano

Portugal currency 5 Escudos banknote of 1920, Alexandre Herculano

Banknotes of Portugal 5 Escudos banknote of 1920, Alexandre Herculano. Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

5 Spanish pesetas, 1945 - coin, public domain photograph

5 Spanish pesetas, 1945 - coin, public domain photograph

Five Spanish pesetas, obverse and reverse. Obverse: Isabella I of Castile and Christopher Columbus at left. Reverse: Spaniards fighting Moors. Size: 109x60 mm.

Bank of Louisiana Five Dollar Note Circa 1860

Bank of Louisiana Five Dollar Note Circa 1860

A five-dollar note issued in or around 1860 by the Bank of Louisiana, based in New Orleans, Louisiana.

5leva 1922 - Public domain banknote scan

5leva 1922 - Public domain banknote scan

Русский: банкнота Болгарии Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

France PM 6 5 Francs 1947 F - Public domain banknote scan

France PM 6 5 Francs 1947 F - Public domain banknote scan

5 Saar Franc 1947 averse Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tajikistan P New 5 Dirams 1999 b - Public domain banknote scan

Tajikistan P New 5 Dirams 1999 b - Public domain banknote scan

Русский: 5 дирам 1999 English: 5 dirams of Tajikistan (1999) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kyrgyzstan P 13 5 Som 1997 a - Public domain banknote scan

Kyrgyzstan P 13 5 Som 1997 a - Public domain banknote scan

Русский: 5 сом Кыргызстана 1997English: 5 som of Kyrgyzstan (1997) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Five cent note issued by the Japanese Government during the occupation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei (1942, reverse)

Five cent note issued by the Japanese Government during the occupation...

The reverse of a five cent note issued by the Government of Imperial Japan during the Japanese occupation of Singapore, Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, and Brunei in 1942. The currency was informally known as "... Еще

5 Ghana Cedis - Public domain banknote scan

5 Ghana Cedis - Public domain banknote scan

5 Ghana Cedis banknote Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

WSB 5 Gulden 1806 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

WSB 5 Gulden 1806 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

banknote for 5 Gulden Conventions-Münze issued by the Wiener Stadt-Banco (obverse)Magyar: a Wiener Stadt-Banco 5 forint konvenció szerinti érmére szóló bankjegye (előoldal)

Billet de 5 5701 - Public domain banknote scan

Billet de 5 5701 - Public domain banknote scan

Français : Lors de l'exposition Indochine des territoires et des hommes 1856 1956.

PONB 5 Gulden 1841 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

PONB 5 Gulden 1841 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

banknote for 5 Gulden Conventions-Münze issued by the privilegirte oesterreichische National-Bank (obverse)Magyar: a privilegirte oesterreichische National-Bank 5 forint konvenció szerinti érmére szóló bankje... Еще

IND-78b-De Javasche Bank-5 Gulden (1937)

IND-78b-De Javasche Bank-5 Gulden (1937)

De Javasche Bank-5 Gulden (1937). Javanese dancer on obverse; legal text on reverse in Dutch, Javanese, Chinese, and Jawi Malay. Bahasa Indonesia: De Javasche Bank-5 Gulden (1937). Penari Jawa pada bagian dep... Еще

MAL-M2a-Malaya-Japanese Occupation-Five Cents ND (1942)

MAL-M2a-Malaya-Japanese Occupation-Five Cents ND (1942)

Malaya-Japanese Occupation-Five Cents ND (1942)The Japanese government-issued dollar in Malaya and Borneo, part of the Japanese invasion money of World War II, was issued between 1942 and 1945 by the occupying... Еще

Grinko's signature - Public domain banknote scan

Grinko's signature - Public domain banknote scan

Grinko's signature on 5-rubles banknote (1934) Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

HUP 5 1944 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

HUP 5 1944 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

5 Hungarian pengő (1944) issued by the Red Army - obverse Public domain photograph of banknote, World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Five-rupee note from Hyderabad - Public domain banknote scan

Five-rupee note from Hyderabad - Public domain banknote scan

Five-rupee note from Hyderabad, labeled multilingually and dated Feb. 1, 1347 A.H. (1928/9) Source: http://www.fortunecity.com//victorian/coldwater/9/hyd1.html (downloaded Nov. 1999) "Hyderabad was the only st... Еще

UKR 1920 5 UAH obv - Public domain banknote scan

UKR 1920 5 UAH obv - Public domain banknote scan

5 гривень 1920 Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ukraine P 83 5 Karbovantsiv 1991 f-donated

Ukraine P 83 5 Karbovantsiv 1991 f-donated

Русский: 5 карбованцев Украины 1991English: 5 karbovanets (1991) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

FIVE JD 1949-back - Public domain banknote scan

FIVE JD 1949-back - Public domain banknote scan

FIVE JD 1949-back Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

5 lei BGR 1917 reverse - Public domain banknote scan

5 lei BGR 1917 reverse - Public domain banknote scan

5 lei BGR 1917 Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Billete de 2 pesos del Ejército Constitucionalista de México (anverso)

Billete de 2 pesos del Ejército Constitucionalista de México (anverso)

Español: Billete de 5 pesos del Ejército Constitucionalista de México emitido en 1914.

Bundeskassenschein 5 DM - Public domain banknote scan

Bundeskassenschein 5 DM - Public domain banknote scan

Deutsch: 5-DM-Schein der Ersatzserie „BBk2“ (nicht ausgegeben und vernichtet)

Neustadt O.S., Notgeld 5 Pfennig

Neustadt O.S., Notgeld 5 Pfennig

Deutsch: Neustadt O.S., Notgeld 1, 2, 5 Pfennig Polski: Prudnickie notgeldy o nominałach, 1, 2 oraz 5 pfennigów.

Georgiap35-5Laris-(1993)-donated b

Georgiap35-5Laris-(1993)-donated b

Español: 5 kupon lari Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

BKS 5 Pf rs - Public domain banknote scan

BKS 5 Pf rs - Public domain banknote scan

Deutsch: Bundeskassenschein 5 Pfennig rückseite Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bolivia P 113 5 Bolivianos 1929 Donated f

Bolivia P 113 5 Bolivianos 1929 Donated f

Русский: 5 боливиано 1929 года из боливиано 1911 года. Боливия. Аверс. Надпечатка "Центральный банк Боливии"

Mohammad reza 5 R 1944 - Public domain banknote scan

Mohammad reza 5 R 1944 - Public domain banknote scan

فارسی: اسکناس 5 ریالی 1323 خورشیدیEnglish: 5 Rials banknote Mohammad Reza shah 1944

Javasche bank - Public domain banknote scan

Javasche bank - Public domain banknote scan

Banknote of the National Bank of the Dutch East Indies Nederlands: Bankbiljet van Nederlandsch-Indië, Javasche Bank

SK 5 korun slovenskych 1940

SK 5 korun slovenskych 1940

Slovenčina: 5 korún slovenských z obdobia vojnovej Slovenskej republiky (1939-1945). Averz: v strede v hnedom kruhu hlava dievčaťa zľava, vľavo slovenský štátny znak s kolopisom REPUBLIKA SLOVENSKÁ; vpravo ozn... Еще

5 DM BdL1berlin - Public domain banknote scan

5 DM BdL1berlin - Public domain banknote scan

Deutsch: 5 DM Geldschein (Serie 1) mit Berlin-Stempel, - (Serie I BdL )

5 Franga 1939 obv

5 Franga 1939 obv

5 Frangs 1939



Deutsch: 5 Zloty Wertschein English: 5 Zloty Bilet

5 Reichsmark 1942 Braunschweiger Löwe

5 Reichsmark 1942 Braunschweiger Löwe

Deutsch: Banknote der Deutschen Reichsbank vom 1. August 1942 mit dem Braunschweiger Dom und Löwendenkmal English: Banknote of Deutsche Reichsbank (German Imperial Bank) from August 1, 1942, displaying the Br... Еще

5 Lire Austriache - Regno Lombardo-Veneto, Commissario Imperiale Plenipotenziario (1849) 01

5 Lire Austriache - Regno Lombardo-Veneto, Commissario Imperiale Pleni...

Банкнота, выпущенная для циркуляции в австрийском королевстве Ломбардия-Фетисия.

5 Lire Correnti - Comune di Venezia (1849) 02

5 Lire Correnti - Comune di Venezia (1849) 02

Банкнота, выпущенная Республикой Венице 19-го (девятнадцатого) века.

BUR-15b-Burma-Japanese Occupation-Five Rupees ND (1942-44)

BUR-15b-Burma-Japanese Occupation-Five Rupees ND (1942-44)

Japanese Government (Burma), Five Rupees (1942-44) The Japanese government-issued rupee in Burma, part of the Japanese invasion money of World War II, was issued between 1942 and 1945 by the occupying Japanese... Еще


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Самый большой мировой архив общественного достояния

PICRYL - это крупнейшая поисковая система и медиа-источник для изображений, документов, музыки и видео (контента), являющихся общественным достоянием. PICRYL упрощает поиск и удобство использования мировых СМИ, являющихся общественным достоянием. Get Archive LLC, создатель PICRYL, стремится предоставить информацию, которой он располагает, о статусе авторских прав на контент и определить любые другие положения и условия, которые могут применяться к использованию контента, однако Get Archive LLC не предлагает никаких гарантий или заверений. что предоставлена вся необходимая информация или что информация верна в каждом случае. Разрешение на использование, повторное использование или дополнительное использование контента не требуется. GetArchive считает, что на контент нет никаких ограничений на использование или ограничение. Get Archive LLC не взимает плату за разрешение и лицензионные сборы за использование любого контента на PICRYL, однако по запросу GetArchive может предоставить разрешение на использование контента: за определенную плату. Get Archive LLC является владельцем компиляции контента, который размещается на веб-сайте PICRYL и в приложениях, который состоит из текста, изображений, аудио, видео, баз данных, тегов, дизайна, кодов и программного обеспечения («Контент»). Однако Get Archive LLC не владеет каждым компонентом компиляции, отображаемой и доступной на веб-сайте PICRYL и в приложениях. Если у вас есть конкретные вопросы или информация о контенте, веб-сайте и приложениях, свяжитесь с нами.

Разработано GetArchive, 2015-2025