Самый большой мировой архив общественного достояния

bancker plans

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Nicholas Depeyster - Public domain vintage map
Tract of land - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Tract of land - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

De Peyster's pasture - Public domain vintage map
Lot numbers 3 and 7 - Public domain vintage map
Susquehanna - Surveyor's journal - Public domain old map
Участки вдоль улиц Принса, Боуи и Элизабет
Foxcraft at Greenwich - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Foxcraft at Greenwich - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

N. Bayard - Public domain vintage map
1793 August 14 - Public domain vintage map
Sloat - Public domain dedication image
Broadway, Greenwich, Oyster Pasty, and Lumber Street

Broadway, Greenwich, Oyster Pasty, and Lumber Street

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Governeur's drain - Public domain vintage map
Pearl Street - Public domain dedication image
Тиволи для Питера Ливингстона
Ферма Джона Девура согласилась с его поступками
Frankfort and Kip Streets - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Frankfort and Kip Streets - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain photograph of architecture design, diagram, drawing, building plan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Pearl Street to Water Street - Public domain old map
Benjamin Peck's at Peck Slip - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Benjamin Peck's at Peck Slip - Public domain architectural plan drawin...

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Abbington and Fitzroy Roads - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Abbington and Fitzroy Roads - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

1801 December 21 - Public domain architectural plan drawing

1801 December 21 - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Список названий ферм на острове Нью-Йорк

Список названий ферм на острове Нью-Йорк

Public domain scan of a manuscript, American revolution history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Bloomingdale - four mile stone - Public domain old map
The late John Hopper's farm at Little Bloomingdale

The late John Hopper's farm at Little Bloomingdale

Public domain scan of a vintage map, plan, atlas, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Parcel of land in the Bowery - Public domain old map
The Calk or Fresh Water Pond - Public domain old map
Ground near Fresh Water - Public domain vintage map
Три лота Питера Хеммерхорна на канатной дороге
Церковная земля перешла к Джону Питерсу
Part of the college ground - Public domain old map
Plan of Jacob Morton's lease near State Prison

Plan of Jacob Morton's lease near State Prison

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

1810 January 8 - Public domain architectural plan drawing

1810 January 8 - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a plan, map, architecture drawing, or diagram, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Джон Джей на углу Броуд-стрит и Стоун-стрит
Брум, Де Фей, Вторая и Третья улицы
Burling Slip - Public domain vintage map
Оценивание лотов на негров, похоронивших Гроунда
Negroes Burying Ground - Public domain architectural drawing

Negroes Burying Ground - Public domain architectural drawing

Public domain scan of a plan, map, architecture drawing, or diagram, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Water works - Public domain vintage map
East side of Broadway - Public domain vintage map
Lots on the west side of Broadway - Public domain map

Lots on the west side of Broadway - Public domain map

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Lots bordering George and Water Streets

Lots bordering George and Water Streets

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Broadway and Lumber Street - Public domain old map
Улица Corner Bridge и Бродвей возле форта
Broadway and Fair Street - Public domain vintage map

Broadway and Fair Street - Public domain vintage map

Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The pasture - Public domain vintage map
Заметка о двух земельных участках, переданных семье Питера Джея

Заметка о двух земельных участках, переданных семье Питера Джея

Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mr. Dugan's land near the stone bridge, Great George Street, and Howard Street

Mr. Dugan's land near the stone bridge, Great George Street, and Howar...

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Chestnut Street - Public domain vintage map
Cherry to Water Street - Public domain vintage map
Черри-стрит от Джорджа до Ратгерса
Cherry Street and Water Street - Public domain old map
Lot on Cliff Street - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Lot on Cliff Street - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Западная сторона Фокс-стрит возле Деланси-стрит, между ней и Ривингтон-стрит
Fly Market - Public domain vintage map
Corner of George and William Street - Public domain map
Piece of paper with calculations - Public domain old map
Дом и земля на северной стороне Ганноверской площади
Hudson Street lots - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Hudson Street lots - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Abraham Duryee at Horn's Hook - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Abraham Duryee at Horn's Hook - Public domain architectural plan drawi...

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Покупка г-на Кортрайта у Вандеуотера в Гарлеме
Harlem Line - Public domain vintage map
Джон-стрит рядом с Куин-стрит, Голден-Хилл
Экстраординарность завещания Якоба Кипа как возмездие его дочерям
Копия полицейского рапорта, касающегося залива Кип
John Street - Public domain vintage map
Maiden Lane and Crown Street - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Maiden Lane and Crown Street - Public domain architectural plan drawin...

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Maiden Lane, Broadway, [Fly] Market - Public domain map

Maiden Lane, Broadway, [Fly] Market - Public domain map

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Maiden Lane - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Maiden Lane - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Kip Street - Public domain vintage map
Перл-стрит рядом с Ратгерсом и Чатем-Уолком
Pearl Street - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Pearl Street - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Pine Street - Public domain vintage map
Насос, Орел, Вторая, Третья, Фокс, Орчард и Шестая улицы
Queen Street - Public domain vintage map
Dr. Stuart's purchase - Public domain vintage map
Trinity Church - Richmond Hill - Public domain old map
Corner of Reade and Chapel Streets - Public domain map
Лот на южной стороне Стоун-стрит
Жребий миссис Нокс на улицах Оле и Свободы
Vandewater and Frankfort Streets - Public domain old map

Vandewater and Frankfort Streets - Public domain old map

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Wall Street Treasurer's estate - Public domain old map
Ферма Джона Девура согласилась с его поступками
Счет Калеба Томкина с Лео Лиярдом
Brandt and Schuyler's lots - Public domain old map
John Herpel - Public domain vintage map
Survey of Kelly and Webber - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Survey of Kelly and Webber - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Состояние ипотеки Литтл и Гарднер
Вес Корнелла от Мартина Ван Бурга до Х. Ладлоу

Вес Корнелла от Мартина Ван Бурга до Х. Ладлоу

Public domain scan of a document of a period preceding the American revolution, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Harlem Line description - Public domain vintage map
William Miller's whole real estate - Public domain map
Гроунд на Золотом холме, принадлежащий наследникам г-на Брасса
Andrew Magown and Stratten - Public domain old map
Земля у каменной стены у Коммона
Лот рядом с Исааком Де Пейстером и земельным участком
Land computations and notes - Public domain old map
C. and town of Westchester - Public domain architectural plan drawing

C. and town of Westchester - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Public domain scan of a architecture diagram, settlement map, plan, or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Fortifications at the narrows - Public domain document scan
1803 April, June 1803 - Public domain vintage map
Brookland Ferry on Long Island - Public domain old map
Мбаппе и предлагаемое разделение между господином Геле и двумя вейманами, а также между двумя вейманами
Wall, William, Dutch, John, Duke, Queen, Beekman, Wall, Great Dock, Water Street, Maiden Lane, and Hanover Square

of 24

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