Самый большой мировой архив общественного достояния

australian museum

69 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 1
Osborne Collection 39

Osborne Collection 39

Osborne Collection

Australian Museum - images - 2

Australian Museum - images - 2

Australian Museum - images - 2

Australian Museum - 46

Australian Museum - 46

Australian Museum - 46

Australian Museum - 5

Australian Museum - 5

Australian Museum - 5

Австралийский музей, Колледж-стрит, Сидней, 1870-1875 - фотограф American and Australian Photographic Co. (8384689019)

Австралийский музей, Колледж-стрит, Сидней, 1870-1875 - фотограф Ameri...

Happy 254th birthday to the British Museum (which opened to the public 15 January 1759), from the State Library of New South Wales (1826) and Australia's oldest museum, the Australian Museum (1827) Format: Ne... Еще

Krefft Obituary-(SMH 24 Feb 1881b)

Krefft Obituary-(SMH 24 Feb 1881b)

The Sydney Morning Herald’s obituary of Johann Ludwig (Louis) Gerard Krefft (1830–1881)

Australian Museum - 32

Australian Museum - 32

Australian Museum - 32

Фото: Albanphotoprint

Фото: ac.sl.gov / item / itemDetailPageaspx? itemID = 413684

Фото: ac.sl.gov / search / SimpleSearch.aspx

Из собрания Государственной библиотеки Нового Южного Уэльса www.sl.gov

Фото: Albanphotoprint Фото: ac.sl.gov / item / itemDetailPageaspx? i...

Format: Albumen photoprint Notes: Find more detailed information about this photograph: 413684 Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: From the collection of the State Library o... Еще

Krefft v. Hill-(1874e)

Krefft v. Hill-(1874e)

Detail taken from the published press report of the first day (13 November 1874) of the action, heard over four days, to recover £2000 damages for trespass and assault: plaintiff, Mr.Gerard Krefft, curator of ... Еще

Title page-(Krefft's GUIDE to FOSSIL REMAINS, etc) - 1870)

Title page-(Krefft's GUIDE to FOSSIL REMAINS, etc) - 1870)

Title page of Krefft's 1870 work, Guide to the Australian Fossil Remains, etc..

Krefft's Dismissal-(Sydney Punch, 1874)

Krefft's Dismissal-(Sydney Punch, 1874)

Summary of issues, participants, and activities connected with the controversial (1874) dismissal of Gerard Krefft (1830–1881) from his position as Curator of the Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia.

Australian Museum - 23

Australian Museum - 23

Australian Museum - 23

Australian Museum - 12

Australian Museum - 12

Australian Museum - 12

Australian Museum - 13

Australian Museum - 13

Australian Museum - 13

3. Australian Museum, Royal Australian Historical Society collection

3. Australian Museum, Royal Australian Historical Society collection

Это вид через Парк-стрит на пересечении улиц Колледж и Парк-стрит в Сиднее.

'Australian Museum' RAHS/Osborne Collection, Sydney, NSW, Australia

'Australian Museum' RAHS/Osborne Collection, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Королевское австралийское историческое общество (RHS), старейшая историческая организация Австралии, основанная в Сиднее в 1901 году, содействует изучению истории Австралии.

SLNSW 479514 11 Австралийский музей SH 564

SLNSW 479514 11 Австралийский музей SH 564

11. Австралийский музей SH 564

Фото: Tyrrell, Powerhouse Museum www.powerhouseum.com / collection / database / collection = The _ Tyrrell _ graphic
Часть: Музей власти
Общая информация о музее Powerhouse доступна на сайте www.powerhouseum.com / collection / database

Постоянный адрес статьи: http: / / www.perm.aif.ru / gorod / news / 29834

Фото: Tyrrell, Powerhouse Museum www.powerhouseum.com / collection / d...

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, Powerhouse Museum /collection=The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Muse... Еще

Australian Museum - 7

Australian Museum - 7

Australian Museum - 7

Krefft-(Museum Trustees 1874 Report w.r.t. Item 12)

Krefft-(Museum Trustees 1874 Report w.r.t. Item 12)

The Trustees of the Australian Museum’s (collective) subsequent justification, nine months later, of their actions to close the Museum on 4 July 1874 and to barricade the Curator, Gerard Krefft: this is a deta... Еще

Introduction to Krefft's "Remarks on New Hypotheses" (12 July 1873)

Introduction to Krefft's "Remarks on New Hypotheses" (12 July 1873)

The introductory section of the "Remarks on New Hypotheses" article by Gerard Krefft in The Sydney Mail of Saturday, 12 July 1873 Template:Em-dash an article in which Krefft, given his belief that "it is highl... Еще

Australian Museum - 33

Australian Museum - 33

Australian Museum - 33

'Australian Museum 2' RAHS/Osborne Collection

'Australian Museum 2' RAHS/Osborne Collection

Королевское австралийское историческое общество (RHS), старейшая историческая организация Австралии, основанная в Сиднее в 1901 году, содействует изучению истории Австралии.

Australian Museum - 36

Australian Museum - 36

Australian Museum - 36

Press Report of Krefft's Eviction (September 1874)

Press Report of Krefft's Eviction (September 1874)

A contemporaneous press report of the 21 September 1874 eviction, by the Museum's Trustees, of the Museum’s curator, Gerard Krefft, from the Australian Museum.

Australian Museum - 19

Australian Museum - 19

Australian Museum - 19

Отправленное письмо: Робинсон, г-н, Страница 493
The Bandstand, Hyde Park (2780553442)

The Bandstand, Hyde Park (2780553442)

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Museum Collection 30236 Acquisi... Еще

Krefft v. Hill-(1874a)

Krefft v. Hill-(1874a)

Detail taken from the published press report of the final day (19 November 1874) of the action, heard over four days, to recover £2000 damages for trespass and assault: plaintiff, Mr.Gerard Krefft, curator of ... Еще

Krefft's 8 June 1870 Letter to the Editor of the SMH

Krefft's 8 June 1870 Letter to the Editor of the SMH

A second letter to the Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald, from Krefft Template:Em-dash following his 18 January 1870 letter announcing the discovery, identification, and the naming of "Ceratodus forsteri" (t... Еще

Krefft v. Hill-(1874c)

Krefft v. Hill-(1874c)

Detail taken from the published press report of the final day (19 November 1874) of the action, heard over four days, to recover £2000 damages for trespass and assault: plaintiff, Mr.Gerard Krefft, curator of ... Еще

Australian Museum - 4

Australian Museum - 4

Australian Museum - 4

Australian Museum - 45

Australian Museum - 45

Australian Museum - 45

(Australian) Museum, from Hyde Park, Sydney (4903830744)

(Australian) Museum, from Hyde Park, Sydney (4903830744)

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, Powerhouse Museum /collection=The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Muse... Еще

Australian Museum - 42

Australian Museum - 42

Australian Museum - 42

Krefft-(19 January 1881)

Krefft-(19 January 1881)

News item drawing attention to the distressed medical and economic circumstances of Gerard Krefft (published four weeks before his death).

Powerhouse Museum - (Australian) Museum, Сидней

Powerhouse Museum - (Australian) Museum, Сидней

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, Powerhouse Museum /collection=The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Muse... Еще

Krefft v. Hill-(1874d)

Krefft v. Hill-(1874d)

Detail taken from the published press report of the final day (19 November 1874) of the action, heard over four days, to recover £2000 damages for trespass and assault: plaintiff, Mr.Gerard Krefft, curator of ... Еще

Introduction to Krefft's "Remarks on New Creations" (5 July 1873)

Introduction to Krefft's "Remarks on New Creations" (5 July 1873)

The introductory section of the "Remarks on New Creations" article by Gerard Krefft in The Sydney Mail of Saturday, 5 July 1873 Template:Em-dash an article in which he addresses the fact that "Many persons", i... Еще

Gerard Krefft Obituary-(Australian Town and Country Journal, 26 February 1881b)

Gerard Krefft Obituary-(Australian Town and Country Journal, 26 Februa...

Second half of the Obituary of Johann Ludwig (Louis) Gerard Krefft (1830 – 1881) published in Australian Town and Country Journal, 26 February 1881.

Australian Museum - 9

Australian Museum - 9

Australian Museum - 9

Krefft Obituary-(SMH 24 Feb 1881a)

Krefft Obituary-(SMH 24 Feb 1881a)

The Sydney Morning Herald’s obituary of Johann Ludwig (Louis) Gerard Krefft (1830–1881)

News Item-(Report of Krefft's death)-(Evening News)

News Item-(Report of Krefft's death)-(Evening News)

News item announcing the death of Gerard Krefft on the preceding day (viz., 18 February 1881).

Australian Museum - 17

Australian Museum - 17

Australian Museum - 17

Australian Museum - 16

Australian Museum - 16

Australian Museum - 16

Australian Museum - 11

Australian Museum - 11

Australian Museum - 11

Australian Museum - 39

Australian Museum - 39

Australian Museum - 39

Krefft's Introduction-(Sydney Mail 4 March 1871)-(1)

Krefft's Introduction-(Sydney Mail 4 March 1871)-(1)

First part of the introduction to Krefft’s extended series of "Natural History" articles in the The Sydney Mail, in which he outlines his views on the importance of Natural History to Australia and to the Colo... Еще

Detail of Title Page-(Krefft's CATALOGUE of MAMMALIA, etc) - 1864)

Detail of Title Page-(Krefft's CATALOGUE of MAMMALIA, etc) - 1864)

Detail of Title Page of Krefft's 1864 work, Catalogue of Mammalia in the Collection of the Australian Museum .

Gerard Krefft Obituary-(Australian Town and Country Journal, 26 February 1881a)

Gerard Krefft Obituary-(Australian Town and Country Journal, 26 Februa...

First half of the Obituary of Johann Ludwig (Louis) Gerard Krefft (1830 – 1881) published in Australian Town and Country Journal, 26 February 1881.

Krefft-(James Samuel Bray)-20 January 1881

Krefft-(James Samuel Bray)-20 January 1881

distressed medical and economic circumstances of Gerard Krefft (published four weeks before his death) Template:Em-dash announcing that antiquarian James Samuel Bray (1849-1918) had agreed to receive subscript... Еще

"Сидней Сити" Фото из музея Powerhouse

Этот файл был размещен на сайте The Powerhouse Museum (более подробную информацию см. в архиве их сайта).

"Сидней Сити" Фото из музея Powerhouse Этот файл был размещен на...

(Австралийский) музей, Колледж-стрит, Сидней из Музея Пауэрхаус Большое спасибо музею Powerhouse за помощь в выпуске этого замечательного материала. Этот тег не указывает на статус авторских прав на прилагаемое... Еще

The (Australian) Museum from Hyde Park (2633063338)

The (Australian) Museum from Hyde Park (2633063338)

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Museum Collection 28449 Acquisi... Еще

Australian Museum - images - 3

Australian Museum - images - 3

Australian Museum - images - 3

Озил: Фотография

Подробная информация об этой фотоколлекции: http: / / ac.sl.gov / item / itemDetailPageaspx? itemID = 111061

Из собрания Государственной библиотеки Нового Южного Уэльса www.sl.gov

Озил: Фотография Подробная информация об этой фотоколлекции: http: / ...

Format: Photograph Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: <http://111061 From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales

Австралийский музей и статуя капитана Кука, Сидней, прим. 1900-1910 - Hall and Co. (8385775020)

Австралийский музей и статуя капитана Кука, Сидней, прим. 1900-1910 - ...

Happy 254th birthday to the British Museum (which opened to the public 15 January 1759), from the State Library of New South Wales (1826) and Australia's oldest museum, the Australian Museum (1827) Format: Neg... Еще

Osborne Collection 38

Osborne Collection 38

Osborne Collection

Krefft, the Magician restoring allegedly destroyed fossil -(1874)

Krefft, the Magician restoring allegedly destroyed fossil -(1874)

The cartoon refers to the unfounded charge, levelled against Gerard Krefft in 1874, Curator of the Australian Museum, as part of the movement to dismiss him from office — that of "maliciously breaking up a fos... Еще

Post-Eviction Letter in support of Krefft-(September 1874)

Post-Eviction Letter in support of Krefft-(September 1874)

Letter addressing the legality of the 21 September 1874 eviction by the Museum's Trustees of the curator, Gerard Krefft, from the Australian Museum.

Krefft's Introduction-(Sydney Mail 4 March 1871)-(3)

Krefft's Introduction-(Sydney Mail 4 March 1871)-(3)

Third part of the introduction to Krefft’s extended series of "Natural History" articles in the The Sydney Mail, in which he outlines his views on the importance of Natural History to Australia and to the Colo... Еще

Australian Museum - 20

Australian Museum - 20

Australian Museum - 20

Australian Museum - 15

Australian Museum - 15

Australian Museum - 15

Krefft's 6 July 1870 Letter to Sydney Evening News-(2)

Krefft's 6 July 1870 Letter to Sydney Evening News-(2)

Second half of the letter written to the Editor of the Sydney Evening News, in which Gerard Krefft presents an account of the events of Saturday, 4 July 1874, within which several internal aspects of the Museu... Еще

Australian Museum Staff and Trustees (1874)

Australian Museum Staff and Trustees (1874)

List of the (elected and appointed ex officio) trustees and administrative staff of the Australian Museum in 1874.

Charges against Krefft-(1874)

Charges against Krefft-(1874)

The 12 charges levelled against Gerard Krefft (1830–1881) in 1874, directly quoting from the Report of the Trustees of the Museum of Australia for the year 1874, tabled in the New South Wales Legislative Assem... Еще

Krefft v. Hill-(1874b)

Krefft v. Hill-(1874b)

Detail taken from the published press report of the final day (19 November 1874) of the action, heard over four days, to recover £2000 damages for trespass and assault: plaintiff, Mr.Gerard Krefft, curator of ... Еще

Australian Museum - 18

Australian Museum - 18

Australian Museum - 18

Australian Museum - 29

Australian Museum - 29

Australian Museum - 29

Australian Museum - 30

Australian Museum - 30

Australian Museum - 30

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Самый большой мировой архив общественного достояния

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