C952 map of ash-Sham by Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Istakhri
"THE LAND OF ISRAEL IN IBRAHIM IBN MUHAMMAD ISTAKHRI'S MAP OF SYRIA (ca. 952). The 10th and 11th centuries were the era of the 'Atlas of Islam' - collections of maps which usually included representa... Еще
Mapa do Magreb, al-Istakhrī (c. 934)
Galego: Mapa do Magreb segundo al-Istakhrī. No bordo superior externo indícase: Rexión de Galicia - Zona dos cristiáns.
Map of Khorasan in tenth-century
The Samanid Empire in tenth-century
Al Istakhri map - Public domain geographic map
Al-Istakhri map of Tigris and Euphrates valley from Bagdad to Persian Gulf's coast.
Bahr-e Fars - Public domain medieval manuscript
Карта Персидского залива 8-9 века н.э. (14-15 века н.э.) Персидского залива, составленная аль-Истахри в Центральной библиотеке Тегеранского университета. فارسي: صورت بحر فارس
Bahre Fars (cropped) - Public domain vintage map
Карта Персидского залива 8-9 века н.э. (14-15 века н.э.) Персидского залива, составленная аль-Истахри в Центральной библиотеке Тегеранского университета. فارسي: صورت بحر فارس
Palestine in the 952 CE map of ash-Sham by Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Istakh...
The map is shown south-to-north. Jerusalem is represented by the double circle and is named Bayt al-Maqdas."
C952 map of ash-Sham by Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Istakhri (rotated 180°)
Map of ash-Sham (Syria), by Istakhri. The 10th and 11th centuries were the era of the 'Atlas of Islam' - collections of maps which usually included representations of 17 Islamic countries. The sea to the left ... Еще
Stylized Persian Gulf - Public domain map
Map of the Persian Gulf from a 8-9th century AH (14-15th century AD) Persian translation by al-Istakhri at the Central Library, Tehran University.
Worldmap of al-Istachri - Public domain vintage map
Deutsch: Weltkarte von al-Istachri aus dem 10. Jahrhundert