Central-Celebes, Celebes. Kartor utvisande Dr - SMVK - 2034D
Svenska: Central-Celebes, Celebes., Kartor utvisande Dr. Kauderns resor från Donggala vid Paloe-viken till Kolonodale vid Tomori-bukten. Sulawesi; Indonesien. Walter Kauderns expedition till Celebes (1917–1921)... Еще
1925 Air Routes of the Dutch East Indies
1925 Map of Air Routes of the Dutch East Indies
Ijen-Umgebung - Public domain geographic map
Deutsch: Ijen und Umgebung
Ambon 1943 - Public domain copyright free geographic map
"Sketch Map of Tan Toey Prisoners of War Camp, Amboina Island, Former camp of the Australian troops, built by the Netherlanders, now used by the Japanese as a prisoner-of-war camp..." from Allied Geographical S... Еще
Banten java - Public domain copyright free geographic map
Banten Residency during Dutch East Indies, with neighbouring Batavia (now Jakarta) and Buitenzorg (now Bogor).
Island life - or, the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and flora...
Identifier: islandlifeorphen001wall (find matches) Title: Island life : or, the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological clim... Еще
Карта действий индонезийских военно-морских сил против PRRI и Permesta...
Карта действий индонезийских военно-морских сил против PRRI (правительства Республики Индонезия) и Permesta
Zendingskaart van Ned OostIndi en Suriname - Universiteitsbibliotheek ...
Zendingskaart van Ned. Oost-Indië en Suriname / door A.M. Brouwer Scale 1:4.000.000 Publisher: Groningen : Noordhoff 67 x 124 cm Bijkaarten: Java. - 1:1.750.000; Suriname. - 1:2.500.000; Nederland. - 1:4.000.00... Еще
Aceh and its Dependencies - Public domain map
Map of Aceh and its Dependencies, scale 1 : 900.000
Great Aceh (Aceh Proper) and Neighboring Littoral States
Map of Great Acheh (Acheh Proper) and Neighboring Littoral States, scale 1 : 300.000
KAARTEN SGD - Overeenkomst tussen Nederland en Portugal betreffende de...
Behoort bij de Memorie van Toelichting van het wetsontwerp tot goedkeuring van het tractaat met Portugal van 1 october 1904, betreffende de grensregeling op het eiland Timor
Txu-pclmaps-oclc-6596455-ponorogo - Public domain map
An old map, which shows the railway line Ponorogo-Badegan.
Through Central Borneo; an account of two years' travel in the land of...
Identifier: throughcentralbo01lumh (find matches) Title: Through Central Borneo; an account of two years' travel in the land of the head-hunters between the years 1913 and 1917 Year: 1920 (1920s) Authors: Lu... Еще