Джиллрэй - сэр Ричард Хуже, чем Сли, выкапывает дно своей жены; - о-о-...
1782 карикатура Джеймса Гиллрэя, изображающая сэра Ричарда Уорсли, помогающего Джорджу Биссету увидеть свою жену Сеймур Флеминг обнаженной в бане. Подпись гласит: "Сэр Ричард Хуже, чем Слай / Обнажая свое дно; О, фай!"
Le maréchal de Biron en paon (1701-1788)
Public domain image of portrait painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Picryl description: Public domain image of erotic art, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Thomas Rowlandson - English caricaturist of the 18th and early 19th centuries Britain, known for his humor, carica... Еще
Caricature, MackSanGennaro, public domain cartoon image
Caricature of Karl Freiherr Mack von Leiberich (1752-1828), Austrian general as “swift-footed Achilles” and “General San Gennaro”. Русский: Данный рисунок был также использован для иллюстрирования статьи «Мак... Еще
Caricature, FourTimesEvening, public domain cartoon image
Four Times of the Day: Evening Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Societas Iesvitarvm Electa Regnis Portvgalliae Lege Regia III Sept MDC...
"Societas Iesvitarvm Electa Regnis Portvgalliae Lege Regia III Sept MDCCLIX" ("The Society of Jesus expelled from the Kingdom of Portugal by the Royal Decree of 3 September 1759"), allegorical watercolour abou... Еще
Оставляя порошок, - или бережливая семья, спасающая партизан Джеймса Г...
Оставляя порошок, - или бережливая семья, спасающая партизан, - Джеймс Гиллрей (умер в 1815 году), опубликованный в 1795 году. Дополнительную информацию см. на сайте источника. "Оставляя в покое, или Фругальная... Еще
Les plaisir du mènage by James Gillray
Для карикатуры того же периода, выражающей противоположную точку зрения, см. File: Married-state-ca1780.jpg Дополнительную информацию см. на сайте источника. Les Fessir du mènage [sic, правильный французский бу... Еще
Caricature, Specimen monachologiae, public domain cartoon image
Tafel aus: (Ignaz von Born): Joannis Physiophili (pseud.) specimen monachologiae methodo Linnaeana. Tabulis tribus aeneis illustratum, cum adnexis thesibus. Augsburg, Merz 1783. (Satire in Form einer zoologisch... Еще
Rowlands 2 - Public domain scan / drawing
Members of London's Great Synagogue prepare to enjoy the forbidden food 18th century caricature of Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827). Thomas Rowlandson - English caricaturist of the 18th and early 19th centurie... Еще
Caricature, La Negri, public domain cartoon image
Italiano: Caricatura di cantante, indicata dall'autore come "La Negri", in abiti di guerriero. Identificata inizialmente con il soprano Antonia Negri Tomii in occasione della mostra "Caricature di Anton Maria ... Еще
Sofia Magdalena, Gustav III och Adolf Fredrik Munck
Карикатура на аттракцион "Отвращение к хаосу". Первый половой акт с Софией Магдаленой (Карл Август Генсвайд, прим. 1770-е годы) Svenska: Carl Augusta Fensvfends nidfendav hur "Munfender" assisterar <unk> v III ... Еще
Caricature, EO Wheel-caricature, public domain cartoon image
18th century caricature of men gambling on an "E.O." wheel (or even-odd wheel), a precursor of roulette. There is a ring of smaller "E" and "O" letters running around the outside of the ball area (inside the o... Еще
Believed to be a satire of Swiss painter Angelika Kauffmann (1741–1807...
Believed to be a satire of Swiss painter Angelika Kauffmann (1741–1807), London: Printed for Carington Bowles, April 13, 1772. BMCat 4582.
Caricature, Senesino, Cuzzoni, Berenstadt, public domain cartoon image
Public domain photograph of music festival, musicians, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
George Moutard Woodward - Isaac Cruikshank - Toomuch-1556 Toolittle-17...
A satirical 1796 contrast between old Elizabethan and cutting-edge Directoire clothing styles: "TOO MUCH and TOO LITTLE, or Summer Cloathing of 1556 & 1796", a caricature engraved by Isaac Cruikshank after a d... Еще
Caricature, Patchgarrick, public domain cartoon image
David Garrick in Italy by Thomas Patch Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Caricature, En skribent får ris 1772, public domain cartoon image
"En skribent får ris" ("an author gets a critique"). Satirical etching from 1772 against the newly instituted censorship.
Johann Jacob Fechter von Franz Feyerabend
Deutsch: Karikatur «Hauptmann und Ingenieur Fechter» (Johann Jacob Fechter, 1717–1797) aus den «Imagines basilienses»
Margherita Durastanti - Public domain portrait engraving
A caricature of Margherita Durastanti by Antonio Maria Zanetti, drawn between 1709 and 1712 while she was prima donna at the Teatro San Giovanni Grisostomo. Italiano: Antonio Maria Zanetti, caricatura della c... Еще
Джеймс Гиллрэй - Взгляд на Christies; или Талли-хо, и его Нименей-Пэйс...
Public domain image of painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Johann Martin Will - Arolsen Klebeband 18 004
Grafik aus dem Klebeband Nr. 18 der Fürstlich Waldeckschen Hofbibliothek Arolsen Motiv: Karikatur "S. M. der Kayser u: der König von Franckreich zusammen in einem Conferenz Zimmer theillen einen Leib Holländer... Еще
Ehrensvärd and Sergel - Drawing. Public domain image.
Svenska: Ehrensvärd och Sergel; biskrift: "Jag skrattar åt min gäst som griner vid min chymiska mat"
John Tylney, 2nd Earl Tylney c. 1765
British Gentlemen at Sir Horace Mann’s Home in Florence – Thomas Patch ~ 1765. John Tylney, 2nd Earl Tylney is the stout man at left according to Christies
Public Domain Images - Balbi caricature
Анн де Комон Ла Форс, графиня Бальби (род. 1753 - ум. 1842), любовница графа Прованса (позже Людовик XVIII). Французский: Анн де Комон Ла Форс, графиня де Бальби (1753-1842), хозяйка граф Прованса, будущий Людо... Еще
Samuel William Fores - Isaac Cruikshank - Friends of the People 1792 C...
"Друзья народа", Исаак Крузенштерн (1764-1811), шотландский художник и карикатурист, Лондон, 15 ноября 1792 года, гравюра ручной работы, изданная С. 3 Piccadilly. В свое время научные труды Пристли были омрачен... Еще
Caricature, Chodowiecki Raubdruck 1781, public domain cartoon image
Public domain image of 17th century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Rowlandson Refusing PrizeMoney - Public domain drawing
Navy agent refusing to pay prize money (caricature); pen & ink, coloured Русский: Отказ моряку в призовых деньгах (карикатура), Томас Роуландсон, тушь, перо, 1827 Thomas Rowlandson - English caricaturist of ... Еще
Caricature, Men of war caricature 1791, public domain cartoon image
caricature of sailors and prostitutes with the "Chatham to Gravesend tide coach" in the background. Published 1791 by Carington Bowles, No 69 St Paul's Church Yard, London. Chatham was the location of the Bri... Еще
Caricature Assemblee des Notables 1787
Deutsch: Karikatur eines anonymen Künstlers zur französischen Notabelenversammlung von 1787 English: Caricature by an anonymous artist on the French meeting of notables in 1787 Français : Caricature d'un art... Еще
Современная красавица, идущая в комнаты в Бате, Джеймс Гиллрей
A modern belle going to the rooms at Bath, 1796 caricature by James Gillray satirizing the newest fashion of women wearing one or two vertical feathers in their headdresses. (See File:Tippies-of-1796-caricatur... Еще
Mlle Des Victoire coiffure à la Grenade 1779. Unidentified engraver, 1...
"Мисс Победа. Hair Style à la Grenada ". - Французская пропаганда печатает сатирические статьи о "больших волосах" и прическах женской высокой моды конца 1770-х годов, а также провозглашает победу Гренады (1779... Еще
Caricature, Patchcognoscenti, public domain cartoon image
The Cognoscenti: including Captain Walcot, Mr Apthorpe and Thomas Patch by Thomas Patch
Patchorned - Public domain scenic engraving
Thomas Patch as a Bull, by Thomas Patch Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A Jew Broker by Thomas Rowlandson, 1789
A Jew Broker by Thomas Rowlandson, 1789 Thomas Rowlandson - English caricaturist of the 18th and early 19th centuries Britain, known for his humor, caricatures, satirical drawings, and watercolors, a popular ... Еще
Caricature, Joseph Goupy, 1754 - GFHandel, public domain cartoon image
Public domain photograph of musical performance, musicians, music, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nicola Grimaldi detto Nicolino e Lucia Facchinelli detta La Becheretta...
Nicola Grimaldi “Nicolino” and Lucia Facchinelli “La Beccheretta”.Polski: Nicola Grimaldi zwany Nicolino i Lucia Facchinelli zwana La Beccheretta.
Caricature, FourTimesMorning, public domain cartoon image
Français : Scène hivernale. Place de marché entourée de hauts immeubles aux contours géométriques. À gauche un tas de légumes, à droite un café (d'après son enseigne) où les gens semblent se battre à coups de ... Еще
Poland Caricature of Catherine II of Russia
Public domain scan of 18th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1793-1778-contrast-left - Public domain portrait drawing
Public domain scan of 18th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Karikatur zur Notablenversammlung von 1787
Deutsch: Karikatur eines anonymen Künstlers zur französischen Notabelenversammlung von 1787
Isaac Cruikshank - IsaacCruikshank-DebatingSoc
Isaac Cruikshank, Debating Society (Substitute for Hair Powder). London: Published by Laurie & Whittle, May 5, 1795. Etching and engraving.
William Hogarth 013 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Painting
Picryl description: Public domain photo of American art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Caricature, Patchpunch, public domain cartoon image
A Punch Party in Florence by Thomas Patch. "An evening at Mr Hadfield's Inn in Florence, called Carlo's. This Inn near S. Spirito was much frequented by the English."
Koch Karlsschule irdische Prügelszene
Karikatur auf die Kunstpraxis an der Hohen Karlsschule, Ausschnitt Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Duke de Crillon Giving Orders for the Siege of Gibraltar crop cari...
The Duke de Crillon Giving Orders for the Siege of Gibraltar cropped caricature
Samuel William Fores - Isaac Cruikshank - 1799-Belvoir-Castle-housepar...
"The Humours of Belvoir Castle -- or the Morning After", a March 1st 1799 English caricature engraving showing the aftermath of a night of upper-class debauchery at a large country mansion, marking the celebra... Еще
A Midnight Modern Conversation
Hogarth, William (1697-1764): A Midnight Modern Conversation, c. 1730. In fine condition, possibly a posthumous impression. Artist .mw-parser-output .commons-creator-table{background-color:#f0f0ff;box-sizing... Еще
Энтони Уокер - Политическая карикатура - "Спиритуалисты" - Google Art ...
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
William Hogarth - Hogarth-Harlot-6
Молл умер в 23 года. Клоун неистово пристает к девушке рядом с ним, "мохнатые" пьют из крышки гроба, сын Молла играет с верхом, баба плачет пьяно, а проститутка грустит, пока она грабит подставщика.
A 1793 contrast between French fashions of 1793 and ca. 1778, showing the large style changes which had occurred in just 15 years. The couple on the left, dressed in bleeding-edge up-to-the moment styles of 17... Еще
Caricature, Jesuitenorden 1773, public domain cartoon image
Die Auflösung des Jesuitenordens 1773: Allegorische Darstellung als Gigantomachie, gewidmet dem portugisischen Ministerpräsidenten Pombal, der zuerst gegen den Orden vorgegeangen war
Caricature, Patchasses, public domain cartoon image
The Golden Asses by Thomas Patch Public domain photograph of the board of directors, managers, group of men, portrait, office, committee, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Litho - Hölle - Bierpantscherabteilung - von Baumgarten
Deutsch: Litho - Hölle - Bierpantscherabteilung - von Baumgarten
Valentino Urbani - caricature by Anton Maria Zanetti
Valentino Urbani - caricature by Anton Maria ZanettiDeutsch: Valentino Urbani - Karikatur von Anton Maria Zanetti Valentino Urbani - caricature by Anton Maria Zanetti Valentino Urbani - Karikatur von Anton ... Еще
Four Times of the Day - Morning - Hogarth
Public domain scan of 18th-century print, William Hogarth, English, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tasse und Unterschale Karikatur KGM 1969-19
Tasse und Unterschale mit satirischer Darstellung modischer Übertriebenheiten; um 1770 Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, Inv. Nr. 1969,19
Charles Germain de Saint Aubin - A caricature of Louis-Bertrand Castel...
A caricature of Louis-Bertrand Castel's "ocular organ" by Charles Germain de Saint Aubin
Chacun son tour - Heüte mir, morgen dir
Français : "Le caricaturiste présente le patriote (partisan de la Révolution) et l'aristocrate (adversaire de la République helvétique) en trois tableaux: aujourd'hui (28 octobre 1801) après le coup d'Etat des... Еще
"A section of The Petticoat, or The Venus of 1742 and 1794", an English caricature engraving (presumably from 1794), comparing cutaway views of the fashion silhouettes of the two years (contrasting the hoop-sk... Еще
GER — BY — Schwaben — Gersthofen — Bahnhofstraße 12 („Die Fahrt der Ge...
location of photographer Germany >> Bayern >> Regierungsbezirk Schwaben >> Gersthofen >> Bahnhofstraße 12 Deutsch: „Die Fahrt der Gehörnten“, englische Karikatur, 19. Jhd., nach einer kolorierten Radierun... Еще
Frau mit Schweinekopf. Unidentified engraver, 18th century
Deutsch: Adlige Frau mit Schweinskopf, Bericht über vergebliche Heiratsversuche Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The importance of knowing perspective - Satire on False Perspective, b...
Satire on "False Perspective": Whoever makes a Design without the knowledge of Perspective will be liable to such absurdities as are shewn in this Frontispiece.
Luke Sullivan - William Hogarth - Absurd perspectives
William Hogarth - "The importance of knowing perspective" (Absurd perspectives), Engraving on paper
GER — BY — Schwaben — Gersthofen — Bahnhofstraße 12 („Die Fahrt der Ge...
location of photographer Germany >> Bayern >> Regierungsbezirk Schwaben >> Gersthofen >> Bahnhofstraße 12 Deutsch: „Die Fahrt der Gehörnten“, englische Karikatur, 19. Jhd., nach einer kolorierten Radierun... Еще
Rowlands - Public domain drawing
Antisemitic picture by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827). It states: Solomon enjoys himself with two pretty Christian girls. Thomas Rowlandson - English caricaturist of the 18th and early 19th centuries Britain, ... Еще
Caricature, The State Caterpillar, public domain cartoon image
Caricature of William Pitt as a devouring caterpillar. Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1793-1778-contrast-right - Public domain portrait engraving
A 1793 depiction of a couple dressed in French formal court styles of ca. 1778. (For a contemporary 1778 color depiction of an outfit similar to what the woman is wearing, see Image:1778-jeune-dame-de-qualite-e... Еще
George Moutard Woodward - Isaac Cruikshank - Toomuch-1556 Toolittle-17...
A satirical 1796 contrast between old 16th-century and cutting-edge Directoire clothing styles: "TOO MUCH and TOO LITTLE, or Summer Cloathing for 1556 & 1796", a caricature engraved by Isaac Cruikshank after a... Еще
The Columbian magazine - or, monthly miscellany (1786) (14579535548)
Identifier: columbianmagazin17861787phil (find matches) Title: The Columbian magazine : or, monthly miscellany Year: 1787 (1780s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: Philadelphia : T. Seddon, W. Spotswood, C. Ci... Еще
Caricature, Matrimonial comforts. Sketch 7, public domain cartoon imag...
Caricatures and cartoons --England, Satires (Visual works) --England Public domain scan of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Patchmann - Public domain portrait painting
British Gentlemen at Sir Horace Mann’s Home in Florence Public domain photograph of 18th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gillray - John Bull taking a Luncheon
John Bull taking a Luncheon: – or – British Cooks, cramming Old Grumble-Gizzard, with Bonne-Chere, hand-coloured etching.This print was published just after Nelson's victory at the Battle of the Nile. He is sho... Еще
John Taylor caricature 1770 - Public domain portrait engraving
Caricature of the oculist John Taylor (1703-1770 or 1772). Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Erotic Art: Rowlandson - Goodbye
Caricature by Thomas Rowlandson Thomas Rowlandson - English caricaturist of the 18th and early 19th centuries Britain, known for his humor, caricatures, satirical drawings, and watercolors, a popular artist in... Еще
Rowlandson - The Rapid Shaver - Public domain portrait drawing
Watercolor by Thomas Rowlandson Thomas Rowlandson - English caricaturist of the 18th and early 19th centuries Britain, known for his humor, caricatures, satirical drawings, and watercolors, a popular artist in... Еще
Pier Leone Ghezzi - Caricatura de Van Wittel
Español: Caricatura veneciana del pintor Gaspar van Wittel (Gasapare degli Occhiali)
Rowlandson - Transplanting of Teeth
Thomas Rowlandson: Transplanting of Teeth Thomas Rowlandson - English caricaturist of the 18th and early 19th centuries Britain, known for his humor, caricatures, satirical drawings, and watercolors, a popular... Еще
Jaures-Histoire Socialiste-I-p681
Estampe dans l'Histoire socialiste de la France contemporaine (tome I).
Doublures of character james gillray
DOUBLÛRES of Characters; ? or ? striking Resemblances in Phisiognomy. ? ?If you would know Men's Hearts, look in their Faces?. Published by John Wright for the Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine: November 1, 179... Еще